Gardner Museum Shares Its Chair As part of our Share the Chair initiative and campaign, Gardner Magazine visited one of our local treasures, the Gardner Museum. We focused on chairs and our complete article has more information including a photo of Gardner’s very first chair made over 200 years agoContinue Reading

Getting the Vax – Setting the Record Straight Why is there vaccine hesitancy?  It’s understandable as so many figures are thrown around like hotcakes and consistency and transparency are lacking.   But let’s be very clear.  The overall risk in the United States of dying from covid (after getting it) fromContinue Reading

Share the Chair It’s time to “Share the Chair”. Downtown Gardner of the Chair City has much to offer you, your family, and your friends. Downtown Gardner has endeavored to extend a warm welcome mat to all who choose to visit. Gardner Magazine encourages you to check out Downtown GardnerContinue Reading

Artificial Intelligence – Should You Be Concerned? The concerns about A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) go back decades. And we are exposed to it every day. Whether it’s when we hear prompts when refilling prescriptions or experience an interactive voicemail system staffed with an A.I., we are exposed to it. Some ofContinue Reading

Public Service Organizations Gardner Magazine has completed a guide to Public Service Organizations in the Greater Gardner MA area. We ask our readers to let us know about any needed additions. Greater Gardner MA Area non-profit organizations concern animals, religion and churches, land conservation, preservation of history, recreation, sports, ministry,Continue Reading

Gardner was established in 1785, incorporated as a City in 1923. Visit our Moving to the Area page. The City of Gardner has extensive community information on its official portal including Schools, Youth Programs, Community Help, Voting Information, Arts – Culture – and Events, the Senior Center, Gardner Educational TV,Continue Reading