Time for a Glass because it’s National Milk Day – January 11, 2022 Milk is very popular in the Greater Gardner MA area. The date coincides with the very first time nationally in 1878 when milk was delivered inside sterilized glass bottles. Milk has nine essential nutrients and many inContinue Reading

Our Comedy Graphics page has 64 different choices to print. CLICK HERE. Alone with Gardner MA Laundry Have you ever been alone with the laundry?  I mean, really alone, just you, dirty socks, shirts, slacks, and towels?   Have you thought of the Laundromat?   Michelle says of Horrigan Premium Laundromat atContinue Reading

COVID Testing Change for Monday January 10, 2022 According to the Gardner Health Department, effective Monday, January 10, 2022, COVID testing will only be performed at Main Street Urgent Care, Gardner and Tully Walk In Care, Athol for “patients who need to see a provider.” In order to accommodate theContinue Reading

UPDATE January 7, 2022 from City of Gardner: ” Dog Licenses Are Not Currently Available Due To Production Delay. Please be advised that 2022 dog licenses are not available at this time due to a production delay with our tag manufacturer. If you have mailed in your license request, yourContinue Reading

Video of Inauguration is inspiring with words of encouragement, hope, praise, and faith. Watch it. CLICK HERE Inaugurations Gardner MA The legal swearing-in ceremony was held in Gardner MA January 3, 2022 and the ceremonial inauguration took place January 6, 2022. Distinguishing this year’s ceremony was the presence of severalContinue Reading

Mayor Nicholson announced that the little chairs Gardner often gives out will now be made by a woodworking class at Gardner High School, thanking teachers spearheading the effort, “teaching students to measure twice and cut once.” First Gardner MA School Committee Meeting of New Year Superintendent Mark Pellegrino praised theContinue Reading

Ice on Greater Gardner MA Roads At around 9am on Wednesday January 5, 2022, Gardner DPW issued the following, “Please stay off the roads this morning. The DPW is asking residents to limit travel to necessary travel. The conditions are extremely dangerous. Pedestrians should be aware that sidewalks are alsoContinue Reading

The inauguration of the Mayor, City Council, and School Committee took place on January 3, 2022 at City Hall. Program is below. CLICK IMAGE for larger view. Watch meeting on YouTube or our Gardner MA City Council Meeting page. CLICK HERE Faith-Based Gardner City Council Meeting is held January 3,Continue Reading

Gardner MA has begun Reassessment From Gardner MA City Hall, ““ATTENTION: Rob Tolland works for Vision and has been contracted by the City to assist with data collection as part of our 5-year reassessment program, as required by the Division of Local Services. He has a Vision ID badge andContinue Reading

New Gardner MA Terms Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson started his first full term on January 3, 2022 after being administered the oath of office at Gardner City Hall, along with the Gardner City Council, and Gardner School Committee. Public Ceremony is January 6, 2022 6pm at Perry Auditorium, City Hall.Continue Reading