Busy Work Week of Commissions, Boards, and Committees in Gardner MA – 7 Meetings
August 12th: Conservation Commission meets regarding Wetlands issues regarding various properties. AGENDA
August 13th: Gardner Planning Board meets regarding the Definitive Site Plan for the new Salt Shed at DPW. AGENDA
August 14th: Airport Commission meets regarding a runway and master plan update and hears the Airport Manager Report. AGENDA
August 14th: Capital Improvement Plan Meeting of the Capital Improvement CommitTee with the purpose of discussing and comments on revisions to the Fiscal Year 2025 Capital Project/Item List. AGENDA
August 15th: Public Welfare Committee meets regarding the addition of an “Agricultural Commission” . This item was first on the calendar back in March. AGENDA
August 15th: Historical Commission meets regarding the Old Burying Ground and tombstone replacement and resetting stones. AGENDA
August 20th: Zoning Board of Appeals meets regarding various properties. Agenda, CLICK HERE.