Templeton MA
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- Hotline 3-22-25
Projects – Events – Veterans – Budgets – Pets Focus of WGAW Hotline Radio Show
The WGAW Hotline Radio Show of March 22, 2025 was filled with great interviews. Listen to the entire show on any device, CLICK PLAY.
WGAW Hotline Radio 3-22-25 1st Hour: Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson on projects in Gardner including the Rome Building at Willow and Main, Gardner Spray Park, the Mayor speaks about a large number of events in Gardner. — Jim Benton, Vietnam Veterans of America about various programs and events such as annual Memorial Ride — Abbott and Costello with famous baseball routine “Who’s on First”
2nd Hour: Big budget problems Winchendon and Templeton. —- Templeton: interview with Matthew Rivard who is resigning from the Templeton Board of Selectmen. Rivard speaks on his reasons for resigning and concerns about the Templeton budget. Rivard criticizes the mentality of the people of Templeton with respect to funding the town and “their inability to be forward looking”. Winchendon: Deep Dive with Jack and Jill: Winchendon School Budget —- Werner Poegel Commentary on People and Pets in the Chair City.
- Templeton 3-15-25
Templeton Holds Budget Hearings – a Select Board member steps down.
The Town of Templeton held its budget hearings on March 15, 2025. While the entire budget hearing is available on You Tube, Part 1 view here, – Part 2 view here, Gardner Magazine has chosen to highlight AUDIO of Templeton Police Chief Bennett who explains various budget issues. Many area cities and towns are experiencing the same challenges and the Chief explains matters very clearly and very frankly. Listen to the Chief’s testimony and interaction with the Selectmen before the Budget Hearing on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Templeton Police Chief Michael Bennett explained some of the budget issues of making arrests and why summons are often issued instead of arrests requiring suspects to be placed in custody. The Chief also stated that Templeton should have 1.5 officers per thousand but barely has 1. Chief Bennett explains the challenges of the budget stating several times “We will make it work.”
After the Budget hearing it was reported that the acting Chair, Mathew Rivard submitted his resignation as a member of the Board of Selectmen. Town Administrator Lamontagne’s resignation was effective 3-18-25 as his last day as 3-17-25. Holly Young is serving as Interim Town Administrator. The Board of Selectmen will reorganize at its meeting of 3-26-25
- Templeton Select 3-12-25
A number of topics and some resolutions at nearly 4 hour Templeton Select Board Meeting.
Summary: During the lengthy (nearly 4 hour) Select Board Meeting, the following occurred: Citizen comment was heard, Selectman Tim Toth criticized the media including Mass Live and Gardner Magazine for our inquires into the Adam Lamontagne – Chris Casavant – Select Board situation, —- Selectman Jeff Bennett explained his proposed action to remove Mike Currie as Chair of the Select Board for cause including the alleged mishandling of meeting agendas and his demeanor with others — the consideration of the Town Administrator Letter of Resignation resulted in the acceptance of the resignation on a 3-2 vote with members Bennett and Griffis voting against, —- the appointment of Holly Young as an interim Town Administrator for a six month period after a lengthy discussion with both positive and negative comments,—– funding issues with Templeton Community TV, —– discussion of concerns regarding the environmental impact of the Gardner Landfill to the Town of Templeton including a lengthy statement by Gardner abutter Alan Rousseau, —– and other matters detailed on the agenda, CLICK HERE. Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Templeton BOS 3-12-25 Moving forward: Vice Chair Mathew Rivard will serve as Chair until a reorganization of the board at the next meeting March 26th. Holly Young will serve as interim Town Administrator for a period of 6 months from March 18th through 9-17-25. A written agreement will be entered into as well.
Publisher’s Editorial Note: Gardner Magazine obtained the Casavant complaint and Lamontagne response through appropriate channels. Selectman Toth’s criticism of both Mass Live and WebTech Online – Gardner Magazine is unfortunate as America is built on the foundation of a FREE PRESS. In my opinion, asking questions so the actual facts can be presented to the public is always a good thing, especially as in our email, we stated we would publish any of the Select Board members comments. That is why Gardner Magazine publishes complete Press Releases, complete AUDIO of meetings, and various other documents including agendas, packets, and reports, so you the public, can see and hear the raw facts rather than get just our take on it.
For future reference: Templeton Community Television has a Facebook Group, CLICK HERE. Many Templeton meetings are available through TCTV.
- Templeton 3-12-25
Update: 3-12-25 8:56pm: During the Templeton Select Board Meeting. a motion to remove Board Chair Michael Currie was discussed and Currie resigned as Chair prior to a vote. Vice Chair Mathew Rivard will serve as Chair until a reorganization of the board at the next meeting March 26th. The resignation of Adam Lamontagne was accepted on a 3-2 vote with members Bennet and Griffis voting against. After a discussion with both positive and negative comments, Holly Young was appointed unanimously as interim Town Administrator for a period of 6 months through 9-17-25. A written agreement will be entered into as well. As of this update, the meeting which started at 6:30pm was still ongoing after more than 2 hours. Gardner Magazine will publish the complete AUDIO when available. Meeting Agenda, CLICK HERE.
In this article: Interview with Adam Lamontagne on 3-12-25. and original complaint which led to Lamontagne’s resignation, and interview with Chris Casavant on 3-12-25.
Templeton Town Administrator and School Superintendent on Issue which led to Lamontagne Resignation.
Gardner Magazine spoke with Adam Lamontagne on March 12, 2025. Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Lamontagne 3-12-25 According to Lamontagne, the Templeton Board of Selectmen have scheduled a hearing March 18 regarding a complaint by Superintendent of Schools Christopher Casavant. However, as Lamontagne resigned effective March 17th, the status of the hearing is unknown.
According to the formal complaint by Superintendent Casavant, Lamontagne’s creation of a “working group” to examine “efficiencies – restructuring up to and including withdrawal or partial withdrawal from the Narragansett School District” and posting of a related document on Facebook has created “unnecessary angst within the school community.” Casavant’s letter accuses Lamontagne of “inconsistent and unprofessional behavior”.
In response to the complaint, Templeton Town Administrator Lamontagne wrote, “My efforts to advocate for increased involvement and transparency should not be mischaracterized as erratic but instead recognized as a necessary step to ensure that the town’s interests are adequately represented… I strongly reject the assertion that my actions constitute erratic behavior.”
Read both complete complaint and response, CLICK HERE.
This is what School Superintendent Chris Casavant said about this issue. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Casavant 3-12-25 Templeton Town Administrator Adam Lamontagne Responds to Casavant Interview
Templeton Town Administrator Adam Lamontagne responded to the Chris Casavant Interview stating, “I listened to your interview with Chris Casavant. He stated he was not aware that the working group was going to be started. See email from February 8th below showing that he was told. The working group was formed on February 10th.” See Image of that email in which Casavant and members of the Select Board were included, CLICK HERE.Gardner Magazine Publisher Reaches out to Select Board for further answers:
The following email was sent to the entire Templeton Select Board just before 2pm on 3-12-25: “Dear Select Board, I did an interview today with Town Administrator Adam Lamontagne and with School Superintendent Chris Casavant. In the Casavant interview, Chris stated he didn’t get a heads up about the working group. However, I have published an email in which not only he, but members of the Select Board were informed. Can somebody tell me why this thing has so evolved? It appears you are losing a very good Town Administrator who is simply watching out for the taxpayers. Anyone have a comment? Am I missing something? Apparently Lamontagne was concerned about his family after interacting with Casavant. Please help me understand what is going on. I will publish any of your statements on my platform. I also plan to publish the AUDIO of the meeting this evening.”
- Templeton Resignation
Templeton Town Administrator Adam Lamontagne Resigns
In his weekly memorandum to the Select Board, Lamontagne wrote: “I appreciate the kind words and support I received from town employees, residents, and the community as a whole since I submitted my resignation. My last day will be March 17th. Thank you Templeton for giving me this opportunity and I only wish the best moving forward.” The resignation was submitted a few days ago on March 4th. Gardner Magazine has reached out to Adam Lamontagne with an interview opportunity for him to tell our readers whatever he would like about his decision.
Complete Weekly Report, CLICK HERE. The next Select Board Meeting will be March 12, 2025 at 6:30pm. Various Templeton meetings can be viewed here.
Reasons Given for Resignation
In his letter of resignation dated March 4, 2024 (he made a mistake on the year) Lamontagne complained about incurring $2616.20 in legal bills “due to my employment with the Town of Templeton. I consider this unfair and not right for any employer to do this” He also referenced what he termed “an unfair evaluation process” and said he is “working in a hostile environment” Image of letter, CLICK HERE.
- Templeton 12-5-24
Templeton Citizens Act on 3 articles – Waste Plastics – Senior Center Project – Solid Waste
The Town of Templeton held a Special Town Meeting on December 5, 2024 that was attended by hundreds of residents. Concerns over possible Waste Plastics Incineration were discussed during the first part of the meeting. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Town Meeting 12-5-24 View the Special Town Meeting Warrant, CLICK HERE.
Meeting Results: Article 1: Enact a 1 year Moratorium on Waste Plastics Incineration within Templeton – YES, passed unanimously. Article 2: Transfer $175,000 from Capital Stabilization Account for Senior Center Project – YES, APPROVED. Article 3: Bylaw Amendment to Solid Waste Management – YES, and will take effect after approval from Massachusetts Attorney General’s office.
- Greater Gardner 11-25-24
News Around the Greater Gardner MA areaWinchendon: 3 finalists for Winchendon Superintendent position include: current interim Superintendent Dr. Marc Gosselin, Dr. Greg Rosenthal of Douglas Public Schools, and Mark McLaughlin of South Hadley Public Schools. Next step: School Committee will make its selection.
Westminster: Recent Town Meeting Results – Articles 1,2,3,4,,5, and 6 YES Articles 9 and 10 regarding TIF: NO. Article 11: NO and Voters passed over article 12. Previous article with details, CLICK HERE.
Ashburnham: Equipment options for the new Winchester Park Playground will be previewed at a presentation by consultants M.E. O’Brien and Sons, Inc. on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 6:30pm at Overlook Middle School, 2nd Floor Team Room, 10 Oakmont Drive, Ashburnham. A question and answer session will follow the presentation. —– Toys for Tots donations will be accepted through December 6th at the DPW and Town Hall. —- The Select Board will hold a tax classification hearing on Monday, December 2, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the Training Room at the Public Safety Building. The purpose of the hearing is to inform taxpayers and interested persons of the choices open to the Select Board in setting a single tax rate for all real estate and personal property, or two tax rates, one for residential and open space and one for commercial, industrial and personal property. Members of the Board of Assessors will be present to explain the options available in choosing the classification. The public is welcome to attend.
Templeton: A special town meeting is scheduled for December 6, 2024 at 6pm at the Narragansett Middle School Auditorium. Here is the complete town meeting warrant, CLICK HERE. The Town of Templeton has a construction schedule update, CLICK for DETAILS. The Digital Equity Plan comment period ends on December 6th. View a pdf of the plan, CLICK HERE.
Phillipston: The Phillipston Lions have started a soup kitchen. Next Soup Kitchen is Wednesday, December 11th at the Phillipston Church on the common. For details, CLICK HERE. —- The Ladies Benevolent Society is sponsoring a Holly Berry Fair on December 10, 2024 from 9 AM to 2 PM at the Phillipston Congregational Church. Highlights are: Christmas Vendors, Ladies Benevolent Society Raffle Table, Lion’s Lunch – Soup & Sandwiches Dessert, Cookie Walk Table, Come take a picture with Santa, Pets Welcome! Bring your camera!
- Zlotnik Interview 9-20-24
2nd Worcester District – Consisting of the town of Ashburnham, the city of Gardner, and the towns of Templeton and Precincts 2, and 3, of the town of Winchendon, all in the county of Worcester.
“I’d say the top-driving thing that got me into public office all those years ago was that I felt this community and the communities in this district, the ones I grew up in, needed help. They needed additional investment opportunities. They needed things to be built, quite frankly. And the state is the best entity positioned to do that” – Jon ZlotnikWe have reached out to his opponent and offered a similar opportunity to do an interview.
Exploring the 12 Year Record of Zlotnik’s Greatest Hits
Gardner Magazine had the honor of speaking with State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik about his record. Voters are being asked to rehire Zlotnik in this Fall’s election. We spoke with Zlotnik about education, training, business, housing, veterans, local projects, infrastructure, recreation, civics and literacy, food insecurity, the homeless, and help for the disadvantaged. Representative Zlotnik had a few interesting stories to tell along the way including how the need for a stool helped get a new school.
Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Jon Zlotnik 9-20-24 The job pays less than private industry, but Zlotnik does it to help the communities he represents. The State Representative interned at the State House both in high school and college.
Interestingly, one of the first bills Zlotnik filed was to re-institute a Civics curriculum as well as a financial literacy curriculum at the high school level. Eventually, the legislature did take up the civics portion, providing incentives for schools.
Zlotnik spoke about his involvement in the expansion of Mount Wachusett Community College. He spoke of fighting to get state funding for the On-Site Academy which provides for post-traumatic stress treatment for first responders and told a heartwarming story about it. Zlotnik explained his efforts on behalf of veterans in the area. The State Representative detailed and discussed the Wachusett Business Incubator program.
With respect to area development, Jonathan Zlotnik provided some background on the Rear Main Street Project and the Underutilized Properties grants which affects Downtown Gardner. We spoke at length about the Gardner Elementary School and Zlotnik related a story about the hearing on the school when the State Treasurer heard enough to say the project was clearly needed.
Zlotnik spoke of initiatives with respect to recreation including the bike path and the upcoming bridge across Route 140. He also spoke of the importance of actually getting out and talking with people. And, he detailed various projects which have brought in jobs.
Representative Zlotnik spoke of big projects like the one affecting the water main of Winchendon and Ashburnham. He spoke of pulling communities together to better utilize Opioid settlement funds.
Reach State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik via the following email: Jon.Zlotnik@mahouse.gov
- Temple Stuart Hazard
EPA Removal Action to Take Care of Dangerous PCBs at Temple Stuart
The factory has been inactive for years, but the chemicals known as PCBs at the site remained. The site located at 24 Holman Street in Baldwinville was targeted in the Spring of 2023 for cleanup and the short-term cleanup began in July 2024 under the supervision of the Massachusetts Department of Environment Protection. Goal of EPA is to help communities safely and sustainably redevelop once used commercial property.
About PCBs from the EPA: “PCBs belong to a broad family of man-made organic chemicals known as chlorinated hydrocarbons. PCBs were domestically manufactured from 1929 until manufacturing was banned in 1979. …Exposure to high levels of PCBs or exposure for long amounts of time may cause health effects. Health effects that hav been associated with exposure to PCBs includew acne-like skin conditions in adults and neurobehavioral and immunological changes in children. PCBs are known to cause cancer in animals.”
- Beach Status
Most MA Beaches Open – A few Greater Gardner Beaches are Closed
According to the State of MA, bacterial contamination has closed the following beaches: Beaman’s Pond Campground, Templeton —- Dunn Pond, Gardner —- Damon Pond Beach, Ashby —-mentioned on state site in a list, but not shown on map: Lake Dennison Winchendon
The Massachusetts Interactive Beach Water Quality Dashboard is updated 7 days a week at 9:30am and 12:30pm. CLICK HERE.
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Around the Templeton MA Community
Community Facts
Templeton is a town in Worcester County Massachusetts with a population of around 8200 people. Templeton is unique with four main villages of Templeton Center, East Templeton, Baldwinville, and Otter River. The Town of Templeton records most meetings and uploads them to YouTube. To watch, CLICK HERE.
Narragansett Regional School District: (978) 939-5661
Narragansett Regional High School: (978) 939-5388
Narragansett Middle School: (978) 939-5928
Templeton Elementary School: (978) 939-8892
Town Administrator: (978) 894-2755
Town Clerk: (978) 894-2758
Fire Department: (978) 939-2222
Police Department:(978) 939-5638
Select Board: (978) 894-2755
Community Services: (978) 894-2783
Boynton Public Library: (978) 939-5582
Templeton Food Pantry: (508) 826-4258
Templeton Senior Community Center: (978) 894-2780
Interactive Map of Templeton MA
Town of Templeton MA Photos
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