Weather Greater Gardner MA Local News


Weather Around Greater Gardner MA

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  • Freezing 2-13-25 (2/13/2025)
    Freezing Rain 1380

  • Storm 2-8-25 (2/8/2025)
    Winter Storm Warning
    Mayor Nicholson 2-8-25

  • Weather 2-2-25 (2/2/2025)
    Winter Weather Advisory 1380

  • Storm Begins (1/19/2025)
    Snow landscape colorful

  • Drought 11-21-24 (11/21/2024)
    Drough and Stream Flow 11 21 24

  • Storm 7-16-24 (7/17/2024)
    Storm 7 16 24 1 1380
    Storm 7 16 24 2 1380

  • Heat Advisory – Watch (7/13/2024)

  • Weather 6-23-24 (6/23/2024)
    Severe Weather Map June 23 2024

  • Cooling Center (6/17/2024)
    Cooling Center Collage

  • Severe Storms (5/27/2024)
    Flooding Severe Storms September 2023

  • Update 4-5-24 (4/5/2024)
    Mayors Update 4 5 24

    Mayor’s Update 4-5-24

  • Power 4-4-24 (4/4/2024)
    power outage map 4 4 24 1128am 1200

  • Closings 4-4-24 (4/3/2024)
    school closings orange sign with snow

  • Power 2-29-24 (2/29/2024)
    Power Outage map 2 29 24
    westminster wires down 2 29 24
    danger thin ice 1200

  • Storm 2-13-24 (2/12/2024)
    Winter Storm Warning with forecast

  • Storm Warning (1/28/2024)
    Winter Storm Warning Greater Gardner MA
    weather map 1 28 24

  • Ice Safety (1/21/2024)
    ice Be Careful

  • Squalls 1-14-24 (1/14/2024)
    snow squall map 1 14 24

  • Messy Week (1/8/2024)
    Messy Weather Week Greater Gardner MA revised

  • Delays 1-8-24 (1/7/2024)
    Kids sliding

  • Update 1-7-24 (1/7/2024)
    Snow landscape colorful

  • Power 1-7-24 (1/7/2024)
    power outages 930am 1 7 24

  • Parking 1-6-24 (1/5/2024)
    Winter Parking Ban 3 13 23
    weather forecast 1 6 to 1 9

  • Snow Kidding (1/4/2024)
    Snow May Be Coming 2024
    Forecast 1 4 to 1 8

  • Snow Elusive (12/31/2023)
    Weather Varied

  • DPW Tree (12/18/2023)
    Dpw and truee 12 18 23

  • Safety 2023 (12/14/2023)
    Ways to Keep Safe Winter 23 24

  • Winter 23-24 (11/9/2023)
    Winter Weather 2023 to 2024
    seasonal outlook winter 23 24 1380
    Seasonal Precipitation Outlook 23 24 1380
    seasonal drought outlook 1380

  • Tornado Warning (7/21/2023)

    The National Weather Service issued a tornado warning in effect until 5pm on July 21, 2023 for the Petersham, Templeton, Gardner area. A severe thunderstorm was occurring around 4:30pm. A severe thunderstorm watch is in effect until 8pm on July 21, 2023. A flash Food Warning is in effect until 6pm for Northern Worcester County and Northeastern Franklin County.

  • Air Quality 7-18 (7/18/2023)
    regional air quality 7 18 23
    Regional Air Quality July 18, 2023
    national air quality map 7 18 23
    National Air Quality Map July 18, 2023

    Check Air Quality at any time through this official page.

    Greater Gardner MA Air Quality Continues to be Affected by Canadian Wildfires

    Air quality on July 18, 2023 is 60, which is in the moderate category. EPA advises that if you are unusually sensitive to particle pollution, consider reducing your activity level or shorten the amount of time you are active outdoors.

    For reference, Good, GREEN color is 0–50, Yellow, MODERATE IS 51-100, Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups, ORANGE, is 101-150, Unhealthy, RED, is 151-200, Very Unhealthy, PURPLE,is 201-300, and Hazardous, RED BROWN, is 301-500.

    air quality legend

    Current conditions are much improved over what they were at the beginning of July. And on June 7, 2023, Gardner Magazine published an article in which there were Unhealthy (151-200) and Very Unhealthy(201-300) conditions in the area and Northeast. It has depended on the nature of the fires in Canada and the direction of winds.

  • Red Flag Warning (4/11/2023)
    Red Flag Warning National Weather Service

    National Weather Service Issues Red Flag Warning for Greater Gardner MA

    The National Weather Service issued a Red Flag Warning good until 7pm on Tuesday, April 11, 2023. The affected area includes all of Massachusetts except for Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. Winds are expected to gust up to 30mph and relative humidity is expected to be between 15 and 25 percent, resulting in very dry winds which has the potential of potentially critical fire weather conditions. Any fires that start may spread rapidly and become difficult to extinguish.

    The Gardner MA Fire Department posted “no outside burning is allowed today in the City of Gardner due to the Red Flag conditions.”

    UPDATE: April 12, 2023 – Another Red Flag Warning was issued for Wednesday April 12, 2023. However, at this time, due to decreased winds on Thursday, April 13, 2023, a Red Flag Warning may not be issued. Please be sure to call your local Fire Department prior to initiating any burning on any day during the Open Burning Season. This is a requirement of the permit.

    UPDATE: April 13, 2023 – The Gardner Fire Department posted that there is “NO Outside burning in the City of Gardner today.”

  • Power Outages (3/15/2023)
    Restoring Power
    Lines Down

    Power Being Restored – Some Still Hard Hit in Greater Gardner MA

    Area communities are still recovering from the Storm of 2023. Statewide, 29,215 are without power. Hardest hit as of 8:00am on March 15, 2023 are the following communities with the number of residents and percentage without power: Winchendon residents on Social Media have reported receiving texts from National Grid informing them that power will be back on by 11pm on March 16, 2023 (tomorrow)

    UPDATE: 6:05PM 3/15/23: Considerable Improvement. We added a column which now shows the progress since the morning of March 15, 2023. Statewide: 9.979 still without power.

    CommunityNumber without
    Number Without 6pm%
    New Salem3000%

  • Wind Chill (2/3/2023)
    Wind Chill Warning

    Weather Forecast Predicts Dangerous Wind Chill as low as 45 degrees below zero through Saturday 2/4/23.

  • Dodging Bullet (1/26/2023)
    Region Dodges Bullet
    Shown are Before and After Rain pictures of Gardner Police Headquarters and trees at MWCC.

    Previous Half dozen stories about this storm and earlier in the week are on our Public Safety page, CLICK HERE.

    Region “Dodges Bullet” as Angelic Pouring Rain Washes Away Ice & Snow from Trees

    Saying he’d issue a more formal statement later, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson stated, “We seem to have dodged the bullet with this storm and are de-mobilizing our shelter units. Most places in the City have power restored…” The Gardner Mayor had a detailed plan in place should the conditions have required it and now has a definitive blueprint should another storm of this type occur in the future. This was yesterday’s Press Release, Click Here.

    At 3:45pm on 1/26/23 the following numbers of customers are without power: Gardner: 1, Westminster: 7, Winchendon: 32, Hubbardston: 1, Phillipston: 3, Royalston: 65, Athol: 8.

    Update 8:45pm on 1/26/23: MEMA is showing no power outages in the above communities. MAP

  • Storm Plan (1/24/2023)

    Listen to Mayor Nicholson on any device. Click Play.

    Mayor Nicholson 1-24-23 6pm
    Proactive Storm Planning
    Storm Plan

    Improving news 6:50pm 1-24-23: Counts at this hour of customers without power: Gardner – 70, Winchendon -476, Royalston – 340, Phillipston – 145, Hubbardston – 199, Westminster – 1023, Ashby -309.

    Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Directs Proactive Plan to Deal with Current and Future Storm

    Complete Press Release in pdf format, Click Here.

    Current Storm

    Just under 300 properties in Gardner are still without power, so the Mayor has activated an Emergency Overnight Shelter at the Gardner Senior Center for 1/24 to 1/25, with the City providing 25 cots for the purpose. Shelter will be staffed with Community Response Team volunteers and a police officer.

    Planning for Wednesday, January 25th

    Remaining cots from the 500 provided by FEMA and the National Guard during the 2008 Ice Storm will remain in their storage trailer but be staged in case of need at the Gardner Middle School. The reason is the concern regarding the Wednesday through Thursday storm which could produce 4 to 7 inches of heavy snow and cause additional power outages from tree damage and wire issues. A second shelter will open if needed at the Gardner Middle School – the City has proactively already purchased supplies. Shelters would remain open until power is restored to most areas of the City.

    Additional Measures

    The City’s Emergency Operations center is ready for activation at the Gardner Police Department and additional information will be provided to the public by numerous communication outlets when needed. An on-street parking ban will be in effect from Wednesday, January 25th at 8pm to Thursday, January 26th at 7:30am.

  • Storm Update 1-24-23 (1/24/2023)

    Much of the power restored in Gardner MA by 2pm, Winchendon still 18% without power, other communities still struggling. Current MEMA Power Outage map, CLICK HERE.

    Winter Storm Update
    Gardner Storm Update
    Power Outage Map 1 24 23 2pm
    Power Outage Map 2pm 1-24-23

    AUDIO From Mayor Nicholson on the storm situation:

    Nicholson 1-24-23
    Nicholson at 5pm 1-23-23

    Press Release 9:35am 1/24/23 Click Here.

    Affected Customers Dropping

    The number of customers without power in Gardner dropped to 281. Warming Centers are open in various communities. In Gardner, the Senior Center, the Community Room at the Police Station are open and are also offering hot soup. The Levi-Heywood Memorial Library also welcomes people needing to stay warm.

    Supermarkets Affected

    Walmart appears still closed as the phone still rings and rings. That situation may change rapidly. Hannaford employees were seen replacing meat on the shelves that was in a refrigerated truck since last night. However, produce was not on the shelves and customers were not allowed to purchase frozen foods – an employee stated they are presumed lost. Replacement items not expected until Friday. Price Chopper did not answer the line, but a corporate spokesman called the store and reported they are open and at full capacity. An Athol Market Basket spokesman confirmed that they are open and everything is available. Market Basket also has a generator system so a power outage would not affect them. FYI: Stores in Fitchburg and Leominster could be an option as that area was less affected.

    South Gardner Affected Longer

    Gardner Mayor Nicholson on the morning of January 24, 2023 stated that the majority of power outages were in South Gardner which is fed from the Westminster Substation and that warming centers would be open until at least 7pm.

    Upcoming Wednesday Storm Preparation

    The Mayor expressed concern for the storm tomorrow indicating a meeting later today with several department heads.”We will be evaluating the process for opening up temporary emergency shelters, the threshold for which a state of emergency would need to be called, our salt supply quantity, emergency food operations, and other topics. I will provide additional information to you all after that time.” Last evening around 8pm , 2,274 customers were without power in Gardner and another storm is predicted for Wednesday evening into Thursday.

    Earlier version of this story including incremental updates, CLICK HERE.

  • Power Outages (1/23/2023)
    MEMA Power outage map
    Power Outages
    State Power Outage Map
    Power Outages

    Power Outages in Greater Gardner MA Area on January 23, 2023

    Various communities are without power according to MEMA as of 9pm 1/23: Communities affected include: Winchendon with a 36% power outage and 1611 customers , Gardner with a 23% power outage and 2275 customers , Westminster with a 54% power outage and 2013 customers , Hubbardston with an 84% power outage and 1665 customers, Petersham with a 12% power outage and 78 customers, Royalston with a 63% power outage and 440 customers , and Ashby with a 33% power outage and 468 customers affected. MEMA did not report any customers without power in Templeton and Ashburnham.

    Gardner and some surrounding communities are among the hardest hit in the state as of 9:30pm on 1/23/23.

    Here’s the Massachusetts Emergency Management Latest Power Outage Map, CLICK HERE.

  • Winter Wonderland (1/21/2023)
    Gardner MA Winter Wonderland 1 21 23

    Gardner MA Winter Wonderland

    On Saturday afternoon, January 21, 2023, previous snow made the City look beautiful. We show Gardner High School, the Big Chair, the big Tree on Parker Street, Gardner City Hall, the fields at GHS, Gardner Elementary, and the Gardner PD.

    And the National Weather Service issued a Winter Weather Advisory from 7pm Sunday to 4pm Monday.

    Looks like more of the white stuff is coming! Drive Safely..

  • Repeating Weather (1/4/2023)

    Freezing Rain Repeats One Year Later in Greater Gardner MA

    One year ago: On January 5, 2022 Gardner Magazine reported, “Wednesday, January 5, 2022 was a busy morning for Gardner MA first responders as freezing rain caused extremely icy conditions leading to numerous accidents. As Gardner MA Fire Department reported, “As they came upon the first accident scene, they could look further down Rt 2 into Templeton and see multiple accidents and cars off the road.”

    Weather for January 5, 2023 calls for a possibility of freezing drizzle in the morning, during the day, or evening (depending on when cold air arrives) and various schools have called for a 2 hour delay including Gardner MA.

  • Drought (7/17/2022)

    Greater Gardner MA in a Significant Drought

    The Greater Gardner Area is experiencing a LEVEL 2 – Significant Drought.  According to the State of MA, this means that rain has been well below normal for over 2 months, streams are low, nearing extreme low flows in some areas, the Fire Danger is steadily increasing, and the Strain on some water supplies is greater. 

    In this instance, Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Bethany Card made an announcement after lower than normal rainfall for the past 4 months. According to the State, “Stream flow is severely impacted with dry stream beds and ponding visible in many locations.  Fire Danger especially in the northern half of the state is steadily on the rise, with noticeable drought stress in shrubs and grasses.  Also drought conditions are starting to impact our farms, with losses in soil moisture, more heavy irrigation needed in some areas due to lack of precipitations, and some initial signs of crop loss.”

    Massachusetts Drought Status
    U.S. Drought Map

    Massachusetts Drought Status Map and U.S. Drought Map – locally Level 2 – Significant

    Maps Show  the level of drought in Massachusetts and the National Map shows other sections of the United States are in worse shape.   More from the state of MA, Drought Plan CLICK HERE.  MA Drought Status History, CLICK HERE Printable U.S. Drought Map (with legend) pdf, CLICK HERE.    U.S. Drought Monitor website link, CLICK HERE.

    How you can help:  Minimize overall water use.  Limit outdoor watering from 5pm to 9am, and temporarily stop installing new landscapes and plants.  To minimize fire hazard, exercise caution when using charcoal grills, backyard fire pits, and other open frame outdoor activities.


  • Snow Removal – CLICK on any image for larger view (1/31/2022)
    Snow well-cleared on Parker Street
    Theme in Window “Shop Local”

    Gardner MA Accessibility 2 Days After Snow

    Most areas accessible, However Bullnose Park not cleared – Entrance to Dog Park not open

    Gardner Fire Department
    Gardner Fire Department
    Happy 2022 at Velvet Goose
    Gardner Post Office and City Hall on the side
    Post Office and City Hall
    Priscilla Candy Shop Gardner MA
    Priscilla Candy Shop
    Gardner MA Bullnose Park
    Bullnose Park
    Gardner MA Dog Park
    Gardner Dog Park – Wright St. side
  • Winter Weather (1/14/2022)

    Each individual community under “AROUND THE TOWNS” has an individual forecast and there’s in-depth coverage at the Greater Gardner Weather Center.

    Winter Weather Forecasts Greater Gardner MA

    Gardner Magazine’s Greater Gardner Weather Center has forecasts from 4 different services which include not only the 7 day forecast, but also wind, humidity, barometric pressure, sunrise/sunset times, and precipitation. There’s also conditions at a number of area airports. For the best weather, CLICK HERE

  • Cold Weather (1/11/2022)
    Department of fire services

    Avoid Fire and Carbon Monoxide Hazards during Greater Gardner MA Cold Snap

    Smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarms are effective defense strategies. Space Heaters, Fireplaces, and woodstoves need to be used safely. We have the complete article. CLICK HERE

  • Freezing Rain (1/6/2022)

    Freezing Rain Morning

    Wednesday, January 5, 2022 was a busy morning for Gardner MA first responders as freezing rain caused extremely icy conditions leading to numerous accidents. As Gardner MA Fire Department reported, “As they came upon the first accident scene, they could look further down Rt 2 into Templeton and see multiple accidents and cars off the road.”

    “Gardner Fire Shift Commander Lt. Meagher advised they would be tied up with Multiple accidents on Rt. 2 and requested a group recall for station coverage. At this point, Gardner 911 dispatch began receiving multiple 911 calls for numerous motor vehicle accidents and pedestrians slipping and falling on the icy streets across the City….During an hour long period, Gardner 911 Dispatchers received and professionally handled over 100, 911 storm related calls while guiding Fire and EMS units to the scenes”


  • Road Ice (1/5/2022)
    Ice on the Road 1-5-22

    Ice on Greater Gardner MA Roads

    At around 9am on Wednesday January 5, 2022, Gardner DPW issued the following, “Please stay off the roads this morning. The DPW is asking residents to limit travel to necessary travel. The conditions are extremely dangerous. Pedestrians should be aware that sidewalks are also extremely dangerous.”

    Numerous reports of accidents were posted on Facebook including one report of a multi-vehicle accident on Route 101 in East Templeton. Other posts refer to several accidents in Gardner and bad conditions on Route 140. More details as they become available.

  • Winter Weather (12/4/2021)

    Gardner Magazine has a Complete Weather Center for the Greater Gardner area.

    Greater Gardner MA Winter Weather Outlook

    Will Greater Gardner MA be colder or warmer this winter? Will we get more snow or less? And how do we know. We have the answers including NOAA maps and an informational video in our complete article. CLICK HERE