Non-Profits Greater Gardner MA Local News

Non-Profits Around Greater Gardner MA

  • Aging 3-3-25 (3/5/2025)
    Council on Aging 3 3 25 Collage
    Council on Aging 3-3-25

  • Museum 2025 (3/4/2025)
    Gardner Museum Open for Season 2025

  • This Week 2-7-25 (2/7/2025)
    This Week in the Chair City 2 7 25
    This Week in the Chair City 2-7-25

  • This Week 1-24-25 (1/24/2025)
    This Week in the Chair City Jan 24 2025
    Update 1-24-25

  • 4 Library Programs (1/13/2025)
    Library News 2025 Collage

  • Homeless Commentary (12/19/2024)
    Homeless Resources 1380 green
    Homeless Resources 12-19-24

  • Growing Places 12-18-24 (12/18/2024)
    Growing Places Lease Signing 12 18 24
    Growing Places 12-18-24

  • GAAMHA Trees (11/29/2024)
    GAAMHA Christmas Trees
    JAZZ – DO Wop Version
    POP Version

  • Fill-A-Cruiser (11/16/2024)
    Fill a Cruiser Food Drive Collage

  • Waterford Lease Signed (11/9/2024)
    Waterford Lease Signing November 8 2024 Collage
    Waterford CAC Lease Signing

  • Help Animals (11/4/2024)
    Dog and Cat Thank you

  • One Stop 2024 (10/24/2024)
    Community One Stop Jonathan Zlotnik 2024

  • Coat Drive (10/13/2024)
    Sheriffs 2024 Winter Coat Drive Schedule

  • Zlotnik 10-11-24 (10/11/2024)
    Running on His Record State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik Collage
    Jonathan Zlotnik 10-11-24

  • GAAMHA Funding (10/10/2024)
    GAAMHA Funding

  • Fellowship Meal (10/10/2024)
    Gardner CAC Fellowship Meal

  • Patriotism Alive (10/10/2024)
    Flag Care Central VNA and Hospice

  • Chapter 11 Exit (9/30/2024)
    Heywood Exit 11

  • CAC Lease (9/29/2024)
    Gardner CAC Programs Collage image

  • GAAMHA 9-27-24 (9/27/2024)
    gaamha college 9 27 24
    Gaamha Commentary 9-27-24

  • GAAMHA 9-26-24 (9/26/2024)
    Board of Health 9 23 24 and Conservation Commission
    Board of Health 9-23-24

    Conservation Commission 9-23-24

  • Hotline 8-24-24 (8/24/2024)
    WGAW Hotline Radio 8 24 24
    WGAW Hotline Radio 8-24-24

  • GAAMHA 8-23-24 (8/23/2024)
    GAAMHA Shawn Hayden 8 23 24
    Shawn Hayden 8-23-24
  • Night Out 2024 (8/5/2024)
    National Night Out 2024 1380

  • AMLP Rates (8/3/2024)
    Ashburnham Municipal Light 8 3 24

  • CDBG Grants 7-29-24 (7/29/2024)
    CDBG Grants July 29 2024 Collage
    CDBG Grants July 29 2024

  • Summer Reading 2024 (6/21/2024)
    Summer Reading 2024 at Library 1200
    Stephanie Young 6-21-24

  • Shawn Hayden – President (6/4/2024)
    Shawn Hayden 1200
    Shawn Hayden – President of GAAMHA

  • First Responder Day Held (5/19/2024)
    First Responder Day May 18 2024

  • Food Pantries (5/16/2024)
    Food pantry at residence 1200

  • Library Fine Free (5/15/2024)
    Library Fine Free
    Library Fine Free 5-15-24

  • Handle with Care (5/3/2024)
    Handle with Care Conference

  • First Responders (5/1/2024)
    First Responder Day 1200
    Levi Heywood memorial Library narrow
    Levi Heywood Memorial Library – Gardner MA
    Stephanie Young – John Czasnowski – Sean Kelley on First Responder Day at Levi Heywood Memorial Library

  • Relay Interview (4/30/2024)
    Relay for Life Interview 4 30 24
    Sandra Long Interview 4-30-24

  • Gardens 2024 (4/28/2024)
    St. Pauls Community Garden 2024

    Community Garden at St. Paul’s in Gardner MA Now has 27 Beds

    Originally established 2 years ago with a $3000 grant from the Diocese, the Community Garden located at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church on Cross Street in Gardner almost doubled its capacity in 2023 and now has more than 2 dozen beds. Mayor Michael Nicholson posted on April 28th,”Big shout out to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Gardner MA for starting up their community gardens again this year to support the Gardner CAC! They are adding even more raised beds to bring the total to 27! Thanks for all you do for the City and it’s residents! “. Fresh produce grown on the property is distributed to area families by the CAC.

    The sign states “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat” – Matthew 25:35. Distribution of food grown will occur through the Food Pantry of the Community Action Committee. The CAC serves disadvantaged individuals in Gardner, Ashburnham, Baldwinville, Hubbardston, Otter River, Templeton, and Westminster. Gardner CAC website, CLICK HERE. To donate to the CAC securely click here. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church website, CLICK HERE.

    According to the Church, “”Many faces, one faith. We are a diverse group of believers – bankers, musicians, social workers, teachers, public servants, business owners, parents  – united by our shared faith in a loving God.” Sunday services are at 10am

  • Monument Park 24 (4/24/2024)
    Summer Concert Series Monument Park with green 1200
    bandstand committee 1200
    Gardner Bandstand Committee 4-25-24

  • Inside Books (4/17/2024)
    Book Sale 1
    Book Sale 4
    Book Sale 2
    Book Sale 5
    Book Sale 6

  • Book Therapist (4/14/2024)
    book sale vision

  • Bernice Richard (4/4/2024)

    Interview with Bernice Richard

  • City Council 4-1-24 (4/2/2024)
    Gardner City Council 4 1 24
    Waterford Street School Gardner MA 8
    Waterford Street School – Fall 2022
    City Council 4-1-24
    Finance Committee 4-1-24

  • GEHM 4-16-24 (4/1/2024)
    GEHM Fundraiser Williams Restaurant 4 16 24

  • Update 3-15-24 (3/15/2024)
    Nicholson Update 3 15 24 1
    Flyer Links: AED Foundation Purple PawsHealth & Wellness
    Mayor’s Update March 15, 2024

  • Library Catalog (3/4/2024)
    Levi Heywood New Catalog 3 4 24

  • Tiny Art 24 (2/29/2024)
    Tiny Art Kits for upcoming Tiny Art Show
    Levi Heywood Memorial Library 9 15 22 1

  • Housing Crisis (2/28/2024)
    Housing Crisis 2024

  • GEHM Fundraiser (2/23/2024)
    GEHM Fundraiser March 19 2024

  • Breanne Pennington Vigil (2/21/2024)
    gardner domestic violence task force

  • Chamber $10,000 (1/26/2024)
    Chamber Super Raffle 2024

  • Stephanie Young (1/25/2024)
    Stephanie Young Levi Heywood Memorial Library
    Stephanie Young Interview 1-25-24

  • January Library (1/21/2024)
    Levi Heywood Memorial Library Collage 1 21 24
    Library PSA 1-21-24

  • Museum 2024 (1/14/2024)
    Gardner Museum 2024 Collage

  • First Lap (1/1/2024)
    Relay for Life First Lap 2024

  • Lights – Toys (12/11/2023)
    Light Show and Toy Drive
    gardner cac toys from student council 1200

  • Toy Bingo (12/8/2023)
    central mass flag football bingo at pacc 1200 1
    Toy Bingo
    Toy Bingo – Dana Heath 12-8-23

  • Wreaths 2023 (12/4/2023)
    Wreaths Across America 2023

    Wreaths Across America Planning for Laying of Wreaths in Winchendon MA

  • Kids Room (12/3/2023)
    Levi Heywood Memorial Library Kids Room
    Levi Heywood memorial Library narrow

  • Trees 2023 (12/2/2023)
    Gardner Museum Festival of Trees 2023
    Gardner Museum Festival of Trees 2023 Long Graphic
    The Gardner Museum Festival of Trees – Showing the Beautiful Donations and Volunteers Working on December 2, 2023
    Gardner Museum coat drive and chairs
    Trees 2023

  • C.A.C. Toys (11/15/2023)
    Gardner C.A.C. Toy Drive 2023

  • MVOC Rescue (11/6/2023)
    Episode of NBC show “George to the Rescue”

    Just click Play button in middle to start video. Watch full screen by clicking icon in lower right corner once it starts.

    George to the Rescue Upgrades Pantry at MVOC

    Watch the episode right here on Gardner Magazine. The Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center located on Central Street in Gardner got an upgrade to the food and clothing pantry located in the basement. From painting the walls to providing flooring to sprucing up the lighting, the show covered the material costs. Labor was volunteer. “George to the Rescue” airs on NBC. Filming began in July 2023. The space was finished and revealed to staff and veterans in October. MVOC serves veterans, visit their website, click here.

  • Parker Generosity (11/4/2023)
    Generosity Parker House of Pizza

    Chair City Generosity on Full Display at Parker House of Pizza

    The Gardner Elementary School PTO had a fundraiser with the Parker House of Pizza on Wednesday, October 29th.

    The restaurant went above and beyond as stated by the PTO: “Thank you again to Parker House of Pizza for their AMAZING support this past Wednesday! Not only did they share a percentage of their sales for people who specified that they were calling in for the GES fundraiser, they donated a percentage of ALL of their sales on Wednesday. Then to top it off, Parker House donated an additional $411 to the GES PTO in order to round up the check to $1,000!!! We are in awe of their support and so thankful for Parker House! Thank you Chris and the rest of Parker House for your generosity! This will definitely help pay for a field trip for our students this year!

    During the holiday season, Christmas Carolers participating in “Caroling with the Mayor” have stopped in and received free pizza after that event. Have a great story to tell about a Gardner business? Email

  • Project in Faith (10/31/2023)
    Project in Faith

    Gardner Magazine Launches Project in Faith

    The project is simple: Increase awareness of God and His importance to our daily lives. Through this, promote the values espoused by the Holy Bible. Here’s what we want to do: Enhance our coverage of Churches and Faith-based organizations. Improve our coverage of Faith-based events. Too often, God is missing in the media and the words “Jesus Christ” are not even mentioned. Let’s change that. We would be glad to add an AUDIO interview about your church to our pages.

    Email information about your church or faith-based organization to And we will also take any advice we can get from any experts on this subject. Our current Churches page is found here.

  • Hotline 10-21-23 (10/21/2023)
    Hotline Radio Gardners Hit Interview Show 10 21 23

    Hotline Radio is an interview program aired by Gardner Radio Station WGAW on AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and streaming to anywhere in the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. LISTEN LIVE NOW. – Hotline Radio airs Saturdays from 12:10 to 2:00pm

    Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson is usually the first guest on the program and answers questions posed by host Steve Wendell.

    Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson speaks about Community Center on WGAW Hotline Radio

    Big News as Growing Places will be utilizing the kitchen at the Waterford Community Center under a licensing agreement with the City of Gardner. The Mayor explained that Growing Places gets excess produce from different sites in the area and “they process it to make things like zucchini noodles or different types of carrot chips or things like that…” The Mayor also once again explained that the monies approved for Waterford are being used for structural issues, energy efficiency issues,and “there were some roof leaks and things like that. We have to fix those items that keep the building going.”

    Mayor Nicholson also noted that this work will avoid Waterford becoming the next Greenwood Pool building which must be torn down or the next School Street School.. “This is our preemptive work which is being done.” The Mayor also addressed some of the nonsense allegations being made regarding use of the money allocated to the school – none are true. Monies will be used as intended period and no monies can even legally be used to reimburse any non-profits for improvements. The Mayor explained, “There’s actually an amendment to the Massachusetts Constitution known as the anti-aid amendment that says cities and towns are actually legally prohibited from giving any of our public funding that’s not received as a grant from the federal government or the state government to any non profit ,to make sure that there’s no nepotism going on between nonprofits on the local level.”

    Regarding the Police Department and Calling Rather than Posting

    Mayor Nicholson also spoke of the meeting held at the Gardner Police Department to give residents a chance to discuss various issues. One important item: Migrants are not causing any increase in police calls in the area. The Mayor did mention a problem regarding people posting about police activity on Social Media. By mentioning that many officers are at one particular location, “actually you’re severely hindering the investigation on the other side, if you’re saying, oh, all of these police cruisers are over here.” The Mayor also stated, “Deputy Chief Maroni said at that meeting that I feel like is worth echoing…If you see something going on in the City, call the Police Department. Don’t post about it on Facebook and hope someone else called.” Apparently there was an item posted on Facebook last year and the Gardner PD found out about it 3 days later. People actually posted, “How come the City didn’t fix this? This has been like this for 3 days…because no one bothered to actually call the police and no one called the city….So make sure you making those calls directly to the Police Department.”

  • Coats 2023 (10/21/2023)
    Coat Drive 2023 1

    Shown in top photo is Gardner Museum Coordinator Marion Knoll, Sheriff Lew Evangelidis, and Gardner Museum President Scott Huntoon – the Museum has served as a drop-off location for the coat drive. Bottom photo shows the Sheriff and his staff.

    For our previous article on the “Sheriff of Light” including an interview, CLICK HERE

    “Sheriff Of Light” and the Winter Coat Drive 2023

    Worcester County Sheriff Lew Evangelidis runs a Winter Coat Drive every year and has announced a Distribution Schedule. CLICK FOR COMPLETE SCHEDULE in pdf format.

    Starting Tuesday, October 24th, and continuing through the 27th, Sheriff Lew Evangelidis and his team will distribute thousands of coats directly to community members and organizations. These coats will provide warmth and comfort during the colder months and serve as a symbol of support and care from local law enforcement.

    “As recipients tell us, these coats represent so much more than a winter jacket, they represent a community that cares,” commented Sheriff Evangelidis. “The department has received countless displays of appreciation from the recipients, which shows just how much of an impact this gesture has. This is a special time of the year for the Sheriff’s Department and we’re looking forward to connecting with the community members we serve.”

    Local Distribution times are as follows:

    Gardner CAC, 294 Pleasant Street, Gardner – Friday October 27th at 10:00 am

    Alyssa’s Place, 297 Central Street, Gardner – Friday October 27th at 10:30am

  • Update 10-20-23 (10/20/2023)
    Mayors update Collage 10 20 23

    From Opening a Kitchen, to Open Dialog, to the Budget, Varied Topics in Mayor’s Update

    Listen to the Update on any device. CLICK PLAY

    Mayor’s Update October 20, 2023

    Growing Places was approved by the Zoning Board and entered into a licensing agreement with the City of Gardner to utilize the kitchen at Waterford Street School for their new distribution center. They take produce from different farmers in the area and prepare for people in need. According to Mayor Nicholson, “they are now fully moved in to that section of Waterford Street School…So it’s great to see the first leg of our Community Center up and running over in that location….The construction on the rest of the building is happening and we’re excited to be able to open the first part there.”

    Gardner PD met with some citizens to go over various issues of concern after a few incidents occurred in a short period of time. “Deputy Chief Moroni pulled up some statistics that showed that we really are on par with the last five years of calls that we’re receiving in the city. Regarding the vetted refugees staying at two lodging locations in Gardner: “They are not undocumented…these are individuals who are not illegal.” Since these new arrivals, Gardner PD calls to the Super 8 have actually gone down.

    Mayor Nicholson indicated the supplemental fiscal year 2024 budget and the tax rate classification hearing will be before the City Council on November 20th. The mayor spoke about various matters relating to the subject.

    The Mayor described going on a 4 hour mission as a guest of the Air Force and Army National Guard to refuel f15’s – it was part of their Employer appreciation program. Nicholson attended along with the Mayor of Westfield and the Town Administrator of Rutland and others.

    City of Gardner Events mentioned in Update
    St. Paul’s Harvest Festival taking place Saturday October 21, from 11am to 2pm
    Chamber of Commerce Candidate Meet and Greet, Thursday October 26th from 6pm to 8pm at Perry Auditorium at Gardner City Hall.
    Falloween October 27th from 10am to noon – for Preschool Children in Downtown Gardner
    Heywood Healthcare Healthy Harvest 5k Saturday October 28th. More details, CLICK HERE.
    Halloween October 31st from 5 to 7pm – City of Gardner Trick or Treat Time

  • Coat Drive 2023 (10/19/2023)
    Coat Drive 2023
    Pictured is Museum coordinator Marion Knoll, Worcester County Sheriff Lew Evangelidis, museum president Scott Huntoon at the coat drive kickoff event

    Coat Drive Has Begun in Gardner MA

    Gardner Museum posted on October 18, 2023, “ The Annual Winter Coat Drive through the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office has been officially kicked-off! And this season once again, we will serve as one of the main drop-off centers in our area. Please donate your gently (!) worn or new winter coats of all sizes, boots, other winter items, and toiletries during normal business hours. Let’s fill the box! (Located in the Lower Lobby right inside the entrance from the parking lot) All items collected at the museum will be donated directly to the Gardner CAC.”

  • Festival – Trees 2023 (10/16/2023)
    Festival of Trees at Gardner Museum 2023

    Gardner Museum Festival of Trees Begins November 8th

    The Gardner Museum 18th Annual Festival of Trees is being held from November 8th until December 2nd. Hours are Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1 to 4pm, Fridays from 1 to 7pm, and Saturday & Sundays from 10am to 4pm. There were 87 winners in 2021 and 102 winners in 2022. People win by buying raffle tickets and depositing them at the tree of their choice. Trees are donated by individuals and businesses. Winners are selected in the afternoon on the last day of the festival. Last year’s photos.

    Funds are used for the operation of the Gardner Museum, which relies on donations and memberships for operations. The Gardner MA Museum is a showcase of the wonderful story and history which is Gardner Massachusetts.

    The Gardner Museum is located on Pearl Street in Gardner MA. For more information about the Gardner Museum, visit their website, CLICK HERE.

  • Lego Club (10/2/2023)
    Lego Vehicles Levi Heywood

    Like Legos? Every Monday 4-5pm is Lego Club in Gardner MA

    The Levi -Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner is noted for its child-friendly programs including Lego Club every Monday from 4 to 5pm for ages 6-12. On the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 4-5pm it’s Gamers Club with board,card, and word games for ages 6-12. On various dates in October, there’s Wicked Fun Wednesdays from 4-5pm.

    This is just a sampling; For more information about Youth Programs at the Levi-Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA, CLICK HERE.

  • Update 9-29-23 (9/29/2023)
    The Mayors Update September 29 2023 Topics and Events

    Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City on Various Topics and Events

    Mayor Nicholson went over many items in his weekly update. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY


    Waterford Street School is an active construction site. The Mayor explained what type of work is going on. —- Electrical Rate contract begins November 1st and offers a 14 cent rate for 3 years. —- Gardner Police Department has a new drone which has new features: a searchlight, infrared camera, and two-way AUDIO to communicate with someone. —- Free Cash has been certified at just over $2.5 million, the Mayor will be asking the City Council to spend 10% of it on more paving. —- Voters will be asked to vote YES or NO on a non-binding question regarding changes to the City Charter.


    Senior Center Health Fair at the Waterford Street Community Center October 4th from 10am to 4pm. with over 100 vendors. —- Monday October 2nd at 6:30pm the Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Vigil on the front steps of Gardner City Hall. —- Levi Heywood Memorial Library Book Sale Friday 9/29 9am to 4;30pm and Saturday 9am to 4pm. — Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest is Saturday September 30th. —- Falloween for youngers is Friday, October 27th from 10am to noon. Halloween in the City is October 31st from 5 to 7pm. City Primary Election and Preliminary Election is October 10th – The Mayor went over the poll locations in the update. General Election is Tuesday, November 7th. – Sunday, October 1st is the Walk to End Alzheimers. – Gardner is the community with the highest rates of dementia in Worcester County.

  • The Conductor (9/28/2023)
    The Conductor The Serious Business of Government

    Gardner Mayor Nicholson has been called one of America’s most effective Small City Mayors, even being invited to the White House to speak about Gardner’s success. We asked him about everything in detail.

    We came away from the interview realizing that it was hard to document all that has been accomplished in Gardner in 3 years and that Mayor Nicholson still has the energy and desire to do even more in the next couple of years.

    Complete Interview page with text of all questions and answers, CLICK HERE.

    The Conductor – The Serious Business of Government in Gardner Massachusetts – An Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson

    We had the honor of speaking with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson with an in-depth interview concerning his time in office so far. It showcases the serious business of government and it reveals exactly what has been achieved and what it takes to lead a small City like Gardner. And, it reveals Mayor Nicholson’s vision of Gardner’s positive future trajectory. Listen to the interview on any device, CLICK PLAY.

    The Conductor – Mayor Michael Nicholson 9-26-23

    We asked the Mayor about: 3 perfect Federal Audits — New Businesses —- Going after Junky Buildings — Public Safety Improvements —- Impactful People Policies — Enviro Champ — Respecting Taxpayers — Improving Education — Being tested as a leader — Delegating while remaining in the know — Getting Gardner noticed — Blight to Promise — Increase in Amenities — Company Success — Housing Needs — Setting transparency standard — Parks and Recreation — As the Conductor — Projects in the Works —- 2 dozen areas where there’s MORE of a good thing — A dozen areas where’s there LESS of a bad thing — Live Music — Continuing Momentum — Future Business — Continuing Efforts on behalf of Gardner Citizens. Complete Interview page with text of all questions and answers, CLICK HERE.

  • Books – Fall (9/27/2023)
    Friends of Library Book Sale Fall 2023

    Book Sale at Levi Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA

    The Friends of the Levi Heywood Memorial Library Book sale is being held on Friday September 29th 9-4:30 and Saturday September 30th from 9-4. Members can attend early at the preview sale on Thursday, September 28th from 4-7pm. (Memberships can be obtained at the preview event and are only $7 per year for an individual, $5 for Senior (60+) or student. Members get entrance to the book sale preview and museum passes. The Friends of the Library support the library including programs for adults and children. More information, CLICK HERE.

    Pricing ranges from 25 cents for a Children’s/Tween soft cover, 50 cents for a Children’s/Tween Hardcover, to $1 for a non-fiction hardcover, and $2 for a fiction hardcover. Also for sale: Music cds and movie dvds for $1 each, Music, CD, or DVD collections at $3 each. Vintage Records and miscellaneous items such as games, puzzles, and Super Heroes are as priced.

  • Mayor’s Update 9-15-23 (9/15/2023)

    A Proud Moment for Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson in advance of Centennial Parade

    Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY.

    Mayor’s Update September 15, 2023

    Gardner as Good Regional Citizen: Mayor Nicholson detailed efforts to support the city of Leominster which experienced unprecedented challenges due to flood this week. Gardner was in contact contact with that City’s Mayor. Nicholson detailed some of the Gardner damage and thanked Gardner Dispatchers and the Gardner Fire Department “For all the work that they did during that storm to help those that did have issues and called with flooding in their basements and roofs leaking and things of that nature” .

    Gardner Support of Non-Profits: The Mayor congratulated Care Central VNA on their fundraiser ‘I wanna thank them for their commitment to our residents here….they’ve really continuously stepped up to the plate.” “The Gardner ARC is a nonprofit based in the city that host social events for those who have developmental disabilities.”

    Gardner Support of Open Space and Parks: “There will be an official ribbon cutting for the Baiey Brook Park pickleball courts….as well as Park Street Park this coming Tuesday at 1pm. Within the next month, DPW will start to begin work on new Disc Golf Course and Frisbee golf course at Bailey Brook Park.

    Gardner Support of Yard Sales: Permit requirement waved for City-wide Yard Sale on Saturday September 23rd.

    Gardner Support of Gold Star Famiies. Mayor Nicholson stated, “The city is working together to put an event on to thank our Gold Star families for their sacrifice of their loved ones here in Gardner. And we are working on some, announcements that will come later related to that.

    Hispanic Heritage Night moved to next Thursday, September 21st (there had been a scheduling conflict) Real Mariachi Band will be there

    Support of Voting Process – City Clerk reminds deadlines are approaching to register for preliminary election and primary on October 10th.

    DETAILS ON THE PARADE – Mayor Nicholson gave details of the Sunday September 17, 2023 parade at 1pm including 70 acts, the parade route, Best places to view is Central Street and Parker Street. The Mayor thanked all local media for helping to promote the parade. Here’s the official program, CLICK HERE.

  • Cultural Deadline (9/13/2023)
    Gardner Cultural Council 9 13 23

    Gardner MA Cultural Council is Seeking Funding Proposals

    This year, the Gardner Cultural Council will distribute about $28,000 in grants. It is accepting proposals for community-oriented arts, humanities, and science programs until the deadline of October 17, 2023. Organizations, schools, and individuals are eligible to apply for grants that support cultural activities in the community.

    Jessica DeRoy wrote, “These grants can support a variety of artistic projects and activities in Gardner — including exhibits, festivals, field trips, short-term artist residencies, or performances in schools, workshops, and lectures.”

    The Gardner Cultural Council is part of a network of 329 Local Cultural Councils serving all cities and towns in the State of MA. The State legislature provides an annual appropriation to the Mass Cultural Council which in turn allocates funding to each local council.. For local guidelines and complete information, contact Jessica DeRoy via phone at (978) 630-4074 or via email at

  • 3 Tons Food (9/8/2023)
    3 Tons of Food for the Gardner CAC

    Once again Gardner CAC is equipped to make a difference in Greater Gardner MA

    Volunteers loaded up the truck at the Worcester County Food Bank and volunteers unloaded it at the Gardner CAC on September 8, 2023. Food will be distributed through the food pantry at the Gardner CAC. Theresa Thompson posted, “I wanted to take this time to thank the two amazing human beings who helped me today to pull and load over 6,000 lbs. of food at the Worcester County Food Bank! Christopher Wheeler and John Burns were my true hero’s! Thank you also to the small group of wonderful people that showed up at the Gardner CAC to help us unload it all.”

    Thompson also included this quote, “Never Doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”

    For more about the Gardner CAC, visit their website, CLICK HERE. Note that every $1 donated gets the CAC $5 in food from the food bank, Here’s the secure donate link, CLICK HERE.

  • Wardrobe September (9/7/2023)
    Wildcat Wardrobe

    Wildcat Wardrobe Free Thrift Store Back Again in Gardner MA

    The Wildcat Wardrobe Free Thrift Store is Friday, September 22, 2023 from 2:30 to 4:30pm. It will be held in the Gardner Middle School Cafeteria. UPDATE 9-14-23: Event has been moved to the upstairs library of Gardner Middle School.

    FREE clothes for all ages, sizes, and styles. FREE hygiene kits and FREE school supplies.

    The event is sponsored in part by Heywood Healthcare school based services in conjunction with Gardner Public Schools.

    There was a similar event back in April which drew over 200 attendees.

    All items are absolutely FREE!

  • Levi – September (9/6/2023)
    Levi Heywood Memorial Library September and october story hour

    Levi Heywood Memorial Library says, “Storytime is Back and better than ever!”

    The library located on West Lynde Street in Gardner is once again telling residents what it has to offer.

    Storytime back starting September 12th and all sorts of activities scheduled during the Fall.

    There’s so much going on for people of every age. Best thing to do is visit their website and take it all in. CLICK HERE.

    Did you know there’s even a new app for IOS and Android?

    The website was freshly updated on September 5, 2023. Check it out!

  • Big Picture (9/1/2023)
    Work the Big Picture on Labor Day

    Happy Labor Day to all who work on behalf of their communities or their families. Many work very hard under the radar, while we benefit from their labors. On Labor Day, we hope you take a few minutes to relax a bit and crack a smile.

    Editorial: Understanding the Big Picture on Occasion of Labor Day

    To the Mayor of Gardner, Michael Nicholson who is constantly pushing ahead for the benefit of Gardner and has the courage to proceed knowing some ideas may fail. To the businesses who put in the work to become successful in the Chair City. To the masters of local industry who have put Gardner on the map. To members of the Gardner Team such as the DPW workers who worked overtime this summer to keep the grass mowed. To the Moms and Dads who provide for their families. To the volunteers out there who receive no compensation for their efforts. To Police and Fire for keeping us safe. To healthcare workers for keeping us well. To those with the courage to try, as positive impact to the community comes from those who care enough to make the effort in spite of criticism and who realize that the price of great success is a few failures along the way. Happy Labor Day, Monday, September 4, 2023.

    Gardner is succeeding because of hard work in being transparent with citizens such as availability of documents, meetings, and weekly updates. Gardner is succeeding because of hard work to get noticed by those who can benefit the City whether at the State or Federal level. Gardner is succeeding because even its leaders are willing to help others via work with non-profits. This is the Big Picture of hard work in Gardner. A day off for Labor Day is well deserved. Thank you all. You are appreciated!

  • Membership Mystery (8/29/2023)

    UPDATE August 29, 2023: Mary Kate Feeney of Bay State Racing LLC states that their membership in the Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce has been reinstated and the problem was technical. Rebecca Marois, CEO of the Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce responded to our inquiry: “Following standard Chamber of Commerce protocol, when a provisional member does not pay their dues, their membership is terminated.” Publisher note: We feel Chamber CEO Rebecca Marois was not transparent in this matter with us, obviously did not notify the member that their membership was no longer active, and created a PR problem by not being straight with us up front. Marois sent us a rather childish email which we will not print here.

    Membership Mystery re Bay State Racing LLC

    Attached is a pdf of the membership listing which was active until recently. The graphic shows a google search documenting the listing was in google’s search database until sometime on August 28, 2023.

    What’s Going On?

    Gardner Chamber CEO says they are not a member. Bay State Racing LLC says they are a member, paid their membership fee, were approved by the Board of Directors in July, and have not been notified to the contrary.

    Bay State Racing LLC Chamber Membership Terminated

    Bay State Racing LLC has been a member of the Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce. We asked, “As I always do my research prior to putting something in an article, I captured a pdf of their membership listing which I have attached. (That was on 8-15-23)  Were they a provisional member or did they decide they no longer wanted the membership or were they rejected, just want to get the facts correct.” According to President and CEO Rebecca Marois, the membership was provisional. She stated, “Yes, they were a provisional member…”

    It is unclear whether the decision to end the membership was made by the Chamber of Commerce or Bay State Racing LLC. We have asked the following question of the Chamber through an email to Rebecca Marois, “Before I report on this, I want to get it exactly right. For my readers, can you explain how a provisional membership works and how it is terminated. Was this at the request of Bay State Racing LLC or a decision of the Chamber of Commerce?” We have emailed the Chamber CEO for clarification with no further response. On the morning of August 29, 2023, we spoke with Mackenzie Fitzsimmons, Member Relations Coordinator and asked whether the Board of Directors had rejected the application or whether Bay State Racing had terminated it. She said, “Let me check on that and put us on hold.” She then told us that she was not authorized to provide that information, only Rebecca could. According to her, the CEO is at a conference today. We will update this article if we receive a response. However, in the application for a Chamber membership it states, “Your investment in the Chamber becomes effective with the completion of this application, payment of your investment as defined by our Membership Investment Schedule, and approval by the Board of Directors. See attached.

    Bay State Racing LLC Blindsighted

    According to Mary Kate Feeney of Bay State Racing LLC, they are still members of the Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce and I was the first to tell them of this. They were apparently approved by the Chamber Board of Directors at a July meeting. When Mary Kate went to log in to their membership this morning, she was unable. Mary Kate says that nothing on their end has changed, they are still interested in Gardner. According to Bay State Racing LLC, they assume they are still a Chamber member as they have not been notified otherwise.

  • CDBG Audio (8/28/2023)
    CDBG Awards Square Collage

    AUDIO of CDBG Grant Awards

    Various newsmakers are heard in the AUDIO of the grant awards. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY

    CDBG Grant Awards 2023

    The YouTube video is the most compelling presentation in that it identifies the speakers clearly. CLICK HERE.

    Complete Article on the Awards, CLICK HERE.

  • CDBG Social (8/26/2023)
    Social Service Programs Impacted 2023 3 entities

    Editorial – Social Service Programs impacted by CDBG

    Gardner Magazine noticed. Even in the CDBG application and eventual award, there was a consideration of people, not just buildings.

    Gardner Mayor Nicholson, the entire Team at Gardner City Hall, and various agencies in the Chair City are putting people first. It is this strength of character, resolve, and community spirit which is often referenced by others interested in Gardner. Thank you and keep it up!

    Impact: Homelessness in Gardner, Boys and Girls Club, and Athletic User Fees. COMPLETE ARTICLE

  • CDBG 2023 (8/26/2023)
    Community Development Block Grants 2023

    Mayor Nicholson said, “The funds received from this grant program are going to make a big difference in moving Gardner forward,”

    City of Gardner MA Formally Awarded Community Block Grants Totaling $1,650,000

    On Friday, August 25, 2023, the funding was ” awarded for demolition of Greenwood Pool and Rome Building, Construction of new Greenwood Pavilion, Downtown Infrastructure Improvements, and social service programming in Gardner.” See Social Services Impact below.

    Gardner City Hall stated in a Press Release, “On Friday, Mayor Nicholson, State Representative Jon Zlotnik, and City Council President Lizzy Kazinskas welcomed Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll, Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities Ed Augustus, and officials from around the Commonwealth to Gardner City Hall for the announcement of the latest round of Community Development Block Grant Awards from the Commonwealth and Federal Government. Gardner was awarded $1.65 million in funds for various projects to take place throughout the City in the coming year.”

    Application for the grant funds was endorsed and approved by the Gardner City Council in November 2022.

    Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.

    The Massachusetts Community Development Block Grant Program is a federally funded, competitive grant program designed to help small cities and towns meet a broad range of community development needs. This program helps eligible cities and towns with a population under 50,000 who do not receive direct funding from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development to meet a broad range of community development needs in housing, infrastructure, revitalization, economic development and public social services.

    Additional Impact on Social Services Including to Help the Homeless

    Besides the ‘Big Ticket’ items, the funding will eliminate all athletic user fees at Gardner High School and Gardner Middle School, assist the Boys and Girls Club of Gardner with its “STEAM” program – after school and summer programs in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics, and assist the Gardner Emergency Housing Mission to help combat issues of homelessness in the Gardner area. “Gardner Emergency Housing Mission (GEHM) wishes to thank Mayor Michael Nicholson and all who were involved in distributing the Block Grant monies,” said Mary Tourigny, Secretary of GEHM’s Board of Directors. “GEHM relies on the support of the community. GEHM’s mission is to support and strengthen the community by providing temporary, transitional housing and support services to families that are homeless. Thanks to the City of Gardner’s Block Grant money, GEHM is able to continue our mission.”

  • Mayor Who Helps (8/19/2023)
    The Mayor Who Helps

    Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Personally Helps Food Pantries and the Homeless

    On August 15, 2023, Mayor Nicholson hosted MA Cabinet Secretary regarding housing in the community. 3 days earlier, he personally handed out food at the Gardner CAC. On July 23, 2023, the Mayor announced Cooling Centers for people including the homeless. On November 26, 2021, the Mayor spoke of helping homeless veterans in his Weekly Update, CLICK HERE. The Gardner Emergency Housing Mission lists Mayor Nicholson as a supporter on its website, CLICK HERE. The issue was also covered in our Accomplished interview on Life Issues Headway, CLICK HERE.

    Kimberly Blake, an opponent of the Mayor in the upcoming election made some false statements on this issue. This should set the record straight.

  • Mayor’s Update 8-4-23 (8/4/2023)
    Mayors Update for August 4 2023

    A Gardner MA Update from the Site of National Night Out

    Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson updated the Chair City. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.

    Mayor’s Update August 4, 2023

    The Mayor spoke about National Night Out, the sidewalk paving occurring on Lawrence and Pearl Street, Progress in Downtown Gardner, launch of Wood’s Plus “Swift Ride”, the Craft Fair at The Gardner Museum on Saturday, August 12th, and congratulated Sarah Chesley for 5 years service as a dispatcher.

  • National Night Out (7/31/2023)
    National Night out 2023 Collage

    National Night Out – August 3, 2023 from 5:30 to 8:00pm at Gardner High School

    We spoke with Veronica Patty, who gave us more details about this event. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY,.

    Veronica Patty – National Night Out 7-31-23

    10th Annual Greater Gardner MA National Night Out is Thursday August 3, 2023

    The National Night Out event is August 3, 2023 from 5:30 to 8pm at Gardner High School, 200 Catherine Street, Gardner. Rain date is August 10th.

    “The Ultimate Community Experience” featuring a Pizza Contest —- Live Band – The Big Random featuring “Girls Night of Rock” with Danielle and Amanda with songs by Janis Joplin, Tina Turner, Linda Ronstadt, Joan Jett, Pat Benatar, and more. —- Free Raffles —-Giveaways —- Scavenger Hunt —- Story Walk —- Resources and Vendors —- Helicopter Landing —- Touch a Truck —- Free Ice Cream —- Bounce Houses and Games —- Obstacle Course —- Charity Dunk Tank —-Gardner Cheerleaders Performance

    While Gardner is celebrating a decade doing this event, National Night Out was actually started 40 years ago and is generally celebrated throughout the country on various dates in the early part of August each year as a community-building campaign promoting partnerships to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. It provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.

  • Small vs. Bigger (7/28/2023)
    Heywood 5 stars

    Smaller Athol Hospital Wins Rating Contest Within Heywood Healthcare Family

    With 159 hospitals in the state of Massachusetts, most get a 3 star rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, just like Heywood Hospital. However, Athol Hospital got 5 stars in 2023, an honor only 11 other hospitals in Massachusetts and only 482 other hospitals in the entire country received.

    The CMS star rating system is the gold standard for measuring quality and safety. The ratings, from one to five stars, summarize a variety of quality measures across five areas: mortality, safety of care, readmission, patient experience, and timely and effective care. “This is a testament to the dedication of our physicians, nurses, clinical staff, patient facing staff and all those who work behind the scenes to provide exceptional care to our community. “ – said Tina Griffin, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Athol Hospital

    Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.

  • WCOG (7/25/2023)
    womens circle of giving 1200

    200 Gardner MA Women’s Circle of Giving members Give Back to the Community

    The organization reports it donated $34,500 in Fiscal year 2022-2023 to various local non-profit needs and kicks off its next year of giving on September 27, 2023. Women can join with a commitment of $50 per quarter Here’s a link to their Facebook page.

    For more information email

  • Sheriff of Light (7/25/2023)
    Sheriff of Light Lew Evangelidis 7 25 23

    The Work of “The Sheriff of Light” – Worcester County MA County Sheriff Lew Evangelidis

    Called the “Sheriff of Light” by some because his initiatives have brought good to the community, Sheriff Lew Evangelidis spoke with us about the work of the Worcester County Sheriff’s office. There’s so much more than what you might expect. So much more it took a full hour to talk about it. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.

    Lew Evangelidis July 25, 2023

    Background: Prior to becoming Sheriff, Evangelidis was a State Representative in the 1st Worcester District for 4 terms. Decades ago, he got a degree in economics and the law and practiced law. He has prosecuted offenders as an Assistant DA. He has taught Constitutional Law. Recently reelected to his 3rd term, the Sheriff has served for more than a dozen years as Worcester County Sheriff. The corrections facility is in West Boylston and houses people awaiting trial and those with sentences of 2 1/2 years or less.

    At the beginning: The Sheriff explained how he had to turn around a department so the focus was not on politics and patronage, but on the mission of inmate rehabilitation and reducing recidivism. Our interview describes the various programs put in place to turn around the lives of offenders.

    The Mission: As the sheriff stated, “I just figured we got to try something different here…and that was based on professionalism and public safety….We’ve made monumental changes, we’ve turned the ship around. We’ve got an incredible team…whether it be corrections, substance treatment, mental health, medical, education, reentry.”

    Turning Lives Around: “We try to find those people who want to help themselves and give them a chance to do that.” Inmates get job skills, education, drug counseling and have support after leaving jail at Justice Support Centers in Fitchburg, Worcester, and Webster. Incarcerating an inmate costs $60,000 per year while the Sheriff’s diversion programs cost only $5,000 per year.

    Unique Programs: Not having the funding to do it otherwise, Sheriff Evangelidis bought an entire kitchen from a school which was shutting down and was able to launch a Culinary program. He has brought unwanted dogs from shelters in to the K9 program. He distributes thousands of coats every year to the needy and describes all of that in great detail. And he averages 1000 people at the FREE Senior picnic every year.

    Sheriff Lew Evangelidis is called the “Sheriff of Light” because he has a bright, loving heart. He wants to help inmates get skills and get clean so he doesn’t see them again. He reaches out in the community to help the needy. One of his programs actually produces hundreds of pounds of produce every day from about a 15 acre parcel. The Sheriff speaks to youth at High Schools knowing that if people stay away from drugs and alcohol, their chance of landing in prison drops more than 90 percent – he’s spoken now to many, many thousands of students.

    On a lighter note: When we asked who could play him in a movie, the Sheriff said that Liam Neeson could play him and also told us the sheriff he likes from TV is Matt Dillion from Gunsmoke.

    Then and Now: The Sheriff has been an elected position for over two hundred years. What the sheriff needs is more funding and the current correctional facility has needed replacement for years. The oldest building was built 50 years ago. The sheriff stated, “I love this job and I love this community, and I look forward to being up in Gardner and seeing everybody.

  • Tracy Hutchinson (7/23/2023)
    GAAMHA Tracy Hutchinson 7 22 23

    GAAMHA CEO Celebrating A Decade in Role in September 2023

    Gardner Magazine had the honor of speaking with Tracy Hutchinson, the Chief Executive Officer of GAAMHA Incorporated. Come this September she will have been in the role 10 years. Some may not know that Hutchinson served a dozen years as Business Manager of GAAMHA starting in 1993. When the Community Center proceeds at Waterford Street School, GAAMHA plans to expand services and hire more people Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.

    Tracy Hutchinson – 7-22-23

    From the GAAMHA website, “GAAMHA is an organization dedicated to providing a wide range of services to individuals throughout Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Our local service area includes Northern Worcester County, the North Quabbin Region and Eastern Franklin County.” Services of the organization include developmental day services, school to community for students with developmental – intellectual disabilities, employment services, substance use and mental health disorder treatment, supportive housing, and transportation. For more complete information, visit their website, CLICK HERE.

  • First Bible Baptist (7/23/2023)
    Summer Centennial 8

    First Bible Baptist Church of Gardner MA Gives Out Free Bibles at Event

    We interviewed parishioner Mark of the First Bible Baptist Church located on 7 Church Street in Gardner Massachusetts. Mark said, “We’re giving away Bibles, the word of God.” Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.

    Mark of First Bible Baptist Church

    The building has been around since before Gardner became a City and it’s been the First Baptist Church for decades. There are Sunday services on Sunday at 10:45am. Bible Study is Sunday 9:45am and Wednesday at 6:30pm. And all are welcome Website, CLICK HERE.

    Gardner Magazine welcomes more stories about churches in the area. God should not be missing from the Media.

  • Gardner CAC (7/23/2023)
    Summer Centennial 10

    In addition to the City of Gardner, The CAC service area includes the towns of Ashburnham, Baldwinville, Hubbardston, Otter River, Templeton, and Westminster. 

    Gardner MA CAC – Here to Help in time of Need

    Julie Meehan, the Director of Gardner’s CAC, was kind enough to speak with us at the Summer Centennial Celebration about the Gardner CAC. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.

    Julie Meehan 7-22-23

    Director Meehan spoke of the 10 different CAC programs “to help people who are experiencing financial difficulties.” For information on the Gardner CAC visit, click here.

    Something very important which Meehan mentioned: For every 1 dollar donation, the CAC can obtain 5 dollars worth of food at the Worcester Food Bank, making a $20 donation worth $100 towards feeding the less fortunate in the community. There is a secure donation link if you wish to help in their mission. You can contribute one time or monthly. CLICK HERE.

  • Brandon Hughey (7/23/2023)
    Summer Centennial 34

    For more information on the Boys and Girls Club, please visit their website, CLICK HERE.

    Director of Gardner MA Boys and Girls Club Explains Program

    We spoke with Director Brandon Hughey at the Gardner Summer Centennial on July 22, 2023. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.

    Brandon Hughey July 22, 2023

    The Boys and Girls Club operates out of the Elm Street School on weekdays from 2 to 6pm. The program centers around S.T.E.A.M. and serves youth from age 8 to age 18 in Gardner. Steam is Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. Program gives kids something to do after school. Cost is $30 per month. (You can also apply for a waiver of this cost.) To register, visit the website. — For questions, you can contact Brandon at

    Brandon Hughey just recently became Director of the Gardner Clubhouse. Previously, he had been an Elementary School teacher. Boys and Girls Club says of him, “With an exceptional track record in youth development and a steadfast commitment to the community, Hughey brings a wealth of experience and innovative ideas to lead the organization into a brighter future. … Hughey was identified as a dynamic individual who embodies the values and mission of the organization and exemplifies an unwavering dedication to improving the lives of young people. … He has a proven ability to cultivate partnerships, engage the community, and drive impactful programming that meets the diverse needs of children and teenagers.”

  • Farmers Market (7/18/2023)
    Farmers Market

    Future of Waterford as Community Center has Begun – Hosting Gardner Farmers Market on Thursdays

    The Gardner Farmers Market will be located at 62 Waterford Street, Gardner every Thursday from now until October – Hours are 8:30am to 12:30pm. Gardner Magazine had the distinct honor of speaking with Market Manager Nadine Smith about all the details. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.

    Vendors are urged to contact Nadine Smith at (978) 413-1859. This year, not only fruit and vegetable vendors, but also crafters are welcome, so look for the Gardner Farmers Market to grow into a local goods marketplace.

  • Summer Eats 2023 (7/2/2023)
    Summer eats 2023

    Summer Eats Program Underway in Greater Gardner MA

    Project Bread offers free breakfast at 8:45am – 9:15am weekdays and free lunch from noon to 1pm weekdays at Gardner High School and Gardner Elementary School. Also lunch at Old English Village from 1pm to 1:45pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Free meals to all kids and teens, no identification or registration is required. Brought to you by the Massachusetts Department of Education and local school and community meal providers.

    Other sites are available in the area: Link for Map, CLICK HERE

  • CAC Gets Van (6/28/2023)
    Gardner CAC Getting Van

    Gardner MA Community Action Committee Rolls Out New Van

    The local non-profit posted, “This past Saturday, we picked up our NEW vehicle for our Medical Transportation Program! This was made possible through a grant from a local foundation. Pictured are Bruce Kelley and Gerry DeGrace, our Medical van drivers. They are ready to help transport ambulatory senior citizens to and from their medical appointments both in-town and out of town in a shiny, brand new vehicle! Call early to book a ride at 978-632-8700.”

    In addition to the City of Gardner, the CAC service area includes the towns of Ashburnham, Baldwinville, Hubbardston, Otter River, Templeton and Westminster. It is focused on serving the needs of economically disadvantaged individuals throughout the Greater Gardner community. For more information, visit their website, CLICK HERE.

    The Gardner CAC accepts donations through a secure portal, CLICK HERE.

  • Surgical Pause (6/27/2023)
    Heywood Hospital Surgical Pavilion on Pause

    Editorial Note: During the pandemic, community hospitals across the United States were affected adversely by the revenue shortfalls it caused.   While Heywood Hospital has been a responsibly managed institution, it is not impervious to financial challenges.  In the days ahead, Heywood Hospital is taking the proactive approach to make sure it can meet what’s most important:  the delivery of excellent patient care. That necessarily entails prioritizing their expenditures and being open to new partnerships for the good of Heywood Hospital and the community.   As we find out more, we will share with our readers. Note that Heywood is still hiring. Here’s a link to the Careers page.

    Gardner MA Heywood Hospital Surgical Pavilion on Pause – Heywood Discussing Financial and Legal Options

    Heywood Hospital has announced that it paused construction on its new Surgical Pavilion. According to a Press Release dated 6-26-23, “Heywood Hospital is in discussions to adjust the project’s legal and financial structure to better position itself for the future and for negotiation with potential strategic partners.” View entire Press Release in pdf format, CLICK HERE.

    According to co-CEO Tom Sullivan of Heywood Healthcare, “Construction of the the state-of-the-art surgical platform is critically important to our community and to our health system. However, we must proceed responsibly and cautiously in light of the challenging healthcare environment in order to protect the investments made by all partners and members of our community. The stability of our healthcare system and financial viability of this project is in the best interest of our community.”

    Site work began last summer and expected completion was sometime in the Spring or Summer of next year. Essentially, the need arose because Heywood’s current operating rooms dated from the 1960s when they didn’t need to be as large to handle some modern equipment. When complete, the Surgical Pavilion would substitute 6 much larger operating rooms for the current 4 along with other improvements.

    Heywood Healthcare includes 9 satellite facilities in Massachusetts including Ashburnham Family Medicine, Heywood Rehabilitation Center, Summit Family Medicine, Heywood Primary Care and Urgent Care, Winchendon Health Center, Murdock School-based Health Center, Tully Family Medicine and ACES. Visit

  • Heywood 6-19-23 (6/19/2023)
    Heywood Press Conference 6 19 23 revised

    Proactive Heywood Hospital of Gardner MA Holds Press Conference Focused on Staff and Patient Safety

    In the aftermath of an Emergency Room incident in which one of their ER nurses sustained a serious injury while caring for a patient, Heywood Hospital held a Press Conference on Monday, June 19, 2023 featuring CEO Rozanna Penney and ER Head Dr. Ellen Ray. Listen to the entire Press Conference on any device. CLICK PLAY.

    Heywood Press Conference June 19, 2023

    A Spike in Violence

    Heywood CEO Rozanna Penney stated that “This is a systemic problem, the problem that community hospitals cannot solve on our own. For years, the behavioral health system in Massachusetts and nationally has struggled with serious challenges relating to patient access and adequate reimbursement, and workforce vacancies. The long-term effects of COVID 19 pandemic and increased need for behavioral services continue to exacerbate these issues.” The CEO also stated that “reopening the mental health unit is a priority for our organization.” Citing statistics regarding violence she also said, “Every 38 minutes in a Massachusetts healthcare facility, a clinician or an employee is either threatened or assaulted, physically or verbally. A poll conducted by the American College of Emergency Physicians noted a 45 percent spike in violent incidents in the past 5 years.”

    Working in the Trenches

    Chief of Emergency Medicine Dr. Ellen Ray has seen it all, working at Heywood Hospital for over 3 decades as an ER physician, in the role of ER Director for 6 years. She spoke about the problem of violence, “And over the past few years, our emergency department has seen a significant increase in violence. Verbal abuse, threats, physical attacks, an increasing amount of weapons within our safe workplace. We see it each and every day. We work kind of in the trenches, as we call it. And basically on a daily basis we are exposed to physical threats and violence.” Dr. Ray related how the recent incident had an effect on the entire ER staff stating, “Our main concern is the safety of our staff, the safety of our patients, and the safety of our community.”

    Zero Tolerance Policy Now in Effect

    Dr. Ray stated, “We have instituted a new code of conduct policy to ensure our hospitals and locations are as safe as possible. To this end, violence, verbal, physical assault, physical threats will not be tolerated. Weapons of any kind will not be tolerated on our property. ….Offensive comments about race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or personal traits are not acceptable, and neither is the refusal to see a clinician. Based on these traits, all patients and visitors are expected to use respectful, appropriate language and behavior. Physical or verbal threats or assaults, suggestive or explicit words, phrases, gestures or actions will not be tolerated. “

  • Birthday 2023 (6/16/2023)


    June 24, 2023

    UPDATE: June 15, 2023 – Fireworks Parking Restrictions – Jump to Info.

    UPDATE: June 16, 2023 – Complete Downtown Gardner Schedule including 21 piece Brass Band – Jump to Info Art at the Fireworks – Jump to Info

    Gardner MA Big Birthday Celebration on Saturday June 24, 2023 – COMPLETE DETAILS

    The City of Gardner is celebrating its 238th birthday and its CENTENNIAL as a City. Events include: Small Business Saturday throughout the City and Downtown, Fireworks at Dusk, Concert in Monument Park at 6pm with Viva Las Elvis (Complete Monument Park Schedule), and a concert at the site of the Fireworks sponsored by the Lithuanian Club featuring Whiskey Johnson (Complete Schedule).

    In addition, there’s entertainment the night before at the PACC, with a Cruise Night and their Friday Night Band – Perfect Alibi (Complete Schedule)

    Downtown Gardner Complete Information

    Downtown Celebrates June 24 2023

    Gardner Square Two kindly provided us with the details of all of the goings on and we are sharing this entire schedule with you. CLICK HERE.

    Downtown Gardner Celebrates

    Where: Downtown Gardner on Parker, Pleasant, and Main Streets plus merchants on Central, West Lynde, and Connors Streets.

    Event is FREE, Family Friendly, and Open to the Public. Everyone is welcome! And you can see how great Downtown Gardner looks…

    Celebration at a Glance
    Downtown Shops have inside and outside specials and promotions including Hoola Hoop Party by Witches Wardrobe. The Velvet Goose and John’s Sport Shop will offer top quality merchandise.
    Fun for Kids: Kids Center includes games, inflatables, costume characters, selfie station, and face painting.
    Local Non-profits provide information – includes Gardner CAC collecting jars of peanut butter.
    Restaurants please hungry customers including Free Cupcakes from the Parker House of Pizza
    Food Trucks satisfy comfort food desires – TBD
    Art in full Force: Crafters Display their wares – also GES student art displayed in Downtown business windows – Pottery Throwing Demonstration – Paint a Ceramic Tile for Free
    Vendors offer merchandise – Check out the selection.
    Performances are Scheduled by the Wolfshager Hexenbrut Witch Dance Group, The Super Natural All Stars Cheerleaders, and a masterful performance by a 21 piece brass band – the Bridgewater Antiphonal Brass Band doing American Marches, Patriotic favorites, Armed Forces songs performing from 2-4pm at the center of Downtown Viva Las Elvis performs at Monument Park at 6pm
    Demonstrations Take Place- meet the WooSox Mascots and Win Prizes! – Gardner PD offering hands-on impaired driving demonstration (a big hit last year!) Meet K-9 Rocky – Reptiles Shows of New England brings live animals.
    Bridgewater Antiphonal Brass Society 1200
    Bridgewater Antiphonal Brass Band Performance – an iconic 21 piece brass band performs from 2 to 4pm
    Fireworks June 24 2023 2

    Celebrating the 4th of July, the 238th year since Gardner was incorporated as a town, the City’s Centennial as a City.

    Fireworks at Dusk

    Event is FREE, Family Friendly, and Open to the Public. Everyone is welcome! Shuttle buses will be bringing people to and from parking at the Gardner Airport. (no parking on Route 2A)

    The Gardner Fireworks Display begins at DUSK on Saturday June 24, 2023 at the Polish American Citizens Club (Rain Date is June 25th at dusk)

    Fireworks at a Glance
    Fabulous Fireworks Display at Dusk
    Featuring Food Trucks at the PACC
    Featuring Raffles including on great artwork from GALA
    Featuring various vendors
    Music Entertainment featuring Whiskey Johnson

    The Kendall Pond Betterment Association and the Gardner League of Artists hosted outdoor painting sessions around Kendall Pond until June 2023. Artists created works based on views around the pond and a mini art show with all works for sale and awards will be held on June 24, 2023

    Fireworks Event is sponsored and supported by the City of Gardner, the Kendall Pond Betterment Association, The Lithuanian Outing Association, The Polish American Citizens Club, and various local business donations. Donations are still accepted and corporate sponsorships for the 2024 Fireworks are available. Visit this secure site, CLICK HERE.

    Art at the Fireworks

    Kendall Pond Art 2
    Kendall Pond Art 4

    20 GALA Artists Participated in Year-Long Gardner MA Painting Contest

    Artwork to be sold at Fireworks this year…

    In a partnership with the Kendall Pond Betterment Association begun last year, the GALA artists were asked to paint, photograph, and otherwise portray Kendall Pond by visiting the pond during the 4 seasons. This culminates in a display of the artwork during the Saturday June 24, 2023 festivities at the PACC. Prizes will go to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places and two honorable mentions.

    The 1st place winner will be auctioned off to the public with the winning bid split between the artist and KPBA. All of the other artwork will be on sale with the proceeds split between the artists and KPBA. Art from a second contest will also be sold with the same split – in this case the artists were given a mystery box of organic materials with some paint and asked to create a picture.

    To participate in the auction, place bids at the GALA booth during the fireworks festivities. To buy the art, come to the event. Photographs are just a small sampling of the art at the event. Click on any image for larger view.

    Kendall Pond Art 1
    Kendall Pond Art 3
    Kendall Pond Art 5
    Kendall Pond Art 6
    Kendall Pond Art 7
    Kendall Pond Art 8

    Fireworks Parking Restrictions: Posted by Gardner Police Department “There will be parking restrictions in place for the upcoming Fireworks at the PACC on Saturday June 24, 2023. Areas that will be posted as no parking are: Both Sides of 2A (West Broadway) near Airport Rd. This is a highway and marked with no parking. There are new sidewalks between the PACC and Airport Rd on the east bound side of 2A, there is no parking on sidewalks at any time. North Side of Mohawk Dr – South Side of Snake Pond Rd -Entire Length of the West Side of Airport Rd – These areas will be clearly marked as no parking with no parking signage. If vehicles are parked in no parking areas, they will be towed. These restrictions are for public safety to allow safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians. The Gardner PD appreciates everyone’s anticipated compliance with these restrictions to make it a safe and fun event.”

  • E.D. Protocols (6/15/2023)

    Gardner MA Heywood Hospital Institutes Safety Protocols in Emergency Room

    Vice President of External Affairs Dawn Casavant issued a Press Release regarding what patients need to know about New Emergency Safety Screening Protocols for the Emergency Department. Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.

    This change comes in the wake of a nurse getting stabbed by a patient in the Emergency Room last week. CLICK FOR STORY. Patients will be screened with a security wand and provided with a gown when entering the ED treatment area. Visitation is suspended in the ER with limited exceptions. “Restricted Visitation will continue until more permanent safety infrastructure is in place.”

  • En Pleine Aire (6/12/2023)
    Kendall Pond Art 2
    Kendall Pond Art 4

    20 GALA Artists Participated in Year-Long Gardner MA Painting Contest

    Artwork to be sold at Fireworks this year…

    In a partnership with the Kendall Pond Betterment Association begun last year, the GALA artists were asked to paint, photograph, and otherwise portray Kendall Pond by visiting the pond during the 4 seasons. This culminates in a display of the artwork during the Saturday June 24, 2023 festivities at the PACC. Prizes will go to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places and two honorable mentions.

    The 1st place winner will be auctioned off to the public with the winning bid split between the artist and KPBA. All of the other artwork will be on sale with the proceeds split between the artists and KPBA. Art from a second contest will also be sold with the same split – in this case the artists were given a mystery box of organic materials with some paint and asked to create a picture.

    To participate in the auction, place bids at the GALA booth during the fireworks festivities. To buy the art, come to the event. Photographs are just a small sampling of the art at the event. Click on any image for larger view.

    Kendall Pond Art 1
    Kendall Pond Art 3
    Kendall Pond Art 5
    Kendall Pond Art 6
    Kendall Pond Art 7
    Kendall Pond Art 8

  • Heywood CEO (6/7/2023)
    Heywood Hospital 9 16 22 2
    Female doctor using medical scissors over surgery

    Heywood Hospital is expanding services such as the upcoming Surgical Pavilion, a state-of-the art facility opening in 2024.

    CEO at Heywood Hospital – Gardner MA – The Facts

    Gardner Magazine has confirmed that Win Brown is no longer the CEO of Heywood Hospital, the organization he has led for 12 years. According to a Press Release, Heywood Hospital has appointed Rozanna Penney and Tom Sullivan as co-CEOs.

    Heywood Healthcare Board Chair Robert Chauvin stated, “This is an untraditional model, but one that capitalizes on the internal strength of the leadership team and the work before us, focused on community healthcare accompanied by financial and operational excellence. The Board is highly confident that this leadership structure, along with the help of our dedicated employees, will carry forward the Heywood Healthcare mission, to provide exceptional patient-centered care.”

    Gardner Magazine has a policy of publishing Press Releases in their entirety. Heywood Press Release CLICK HERE.

    Publisher’s Comment: When any organization loses a key employee it’s a source of stress for the staff. But one person leaving does not take away from the tremendous good and the accomplishments that Heywood Hospital continues to make in the community. In my opinion, the real story here is that Heywood is responsibly staffed so that in a situation like this, business continues as usual and patient care is unaffected, and for that they should be praised, not criticized.

  • Community Health (5/29/2023)
    Community Health Connections Gardner

    Community Health Connections Opening New Location in Gardner MA

    They are calling it the South Gardner Community Health & Urgent Care Center. It’s located at 529 Timpany Boulevard in Gardner next to Walmart. And it’s opening on Tuesday, June 20, 2023.

    According to a company post they “will be offering medical, dental, behavioral health and Urgent Care Services – including X-ray. Two hiring events and three open houses/new patient registration events are planned for June. See our FB page for event dates, times and details! We can’t wait to see you.Website CLICK HERE. Facebook page, CLICK HERE.

    Community Health Connections has other locations in Fitchburg and Leominster. It plans to keep open the current facility on 175 Connors Street in Gardner which they call the Greater Gardner Community Health Center.

    The facility has been under construction for well over a year and Gardner residents have been passing by the progress every day as the location is right on Route 68.

  • Accomplished (5/26/2023)

    The Interview you’ll want to explore: Accomplished in Gardner MA

    Accomplished in Gardner MA Header

    Much has been accomplished in Gardner Massachusetts. We cover 2 dozen categories of success concerning the Chair City of Gardner MA. Mayor Michael Nicholson became Mayor in 2020 after a Special Election. He was reelected in 2021 and will be on the ballot this Fall seeking another term. Page with text of all questions and answers, plus AUDIO for each category, CLICK HERE.

    Listen to the entire interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.

    Accomplished in Gardner MA – May 2023

    We have the entire text of the interview available on this page, CLICK HERE. For your convenience, we also have jump links below so you can go directly to read any section of greatest interest and/or listen just to that section.

    Jump to: Aesthetic Improvements — Alert Service — Amenities Betterment — Benefitting Arts — Blight to Promise —- Boosting Athletics — Business Growth —- City Transparency — Community Events — Easy Voting — Elder Concerns — Educational Achievements — Fiscal Responsibility — Future Planning — Improving Recreation —Infrastructure Upgrades — Interactive Services — Life Issues Headway — Medical Advancements — Planet Awareness — Public Safety — Supporting Music — Veterans Services — Wayfinding Focus — Recognition by Others — Running for Mayor

    THANK YOU Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson for putting in the effort to complete this project.

  • Chamber 5-25 (5/25/2023)
    Chamber of Commerce Rebecca Marois

    For more information about what the Chamber does and about becoming a member, please visit the Chamber website, CLICK HERE

    President of the Greater Gardner MA Chamber on a continued tradition of service

    We spoke with Rebecca Marois, the President of the Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce who assumed the role last December. Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.

    Chamber of Commerce 5-25-23 Rebecca Marois

    It began as a business organization in 1898, became the Gardner Chamber of Commerce in 1923, the same year Gardner became a City, and eventually expanded to include 7 communities. We spoke with Rebecca about how the Chamber serves the community and she stated, “We serve by promoting economic growth, development, advocacy, networking, business support, and community engagement.” Membership info can be accessed right on the website.

    Marois spoke about the Chamber’s slogan “Together We’re Stronger” and that it “highlights the power of collaboration and unity, and it suggests that when we come together and work towards common goals, we are stronger and more effective than we would be alone.” The Chamber President answered our questions about various roles of the Chamber in the community. The Chamber as an organization is becoming more active again through a variety of efforts.

  • Beautiful 5-20 (5/21/2023)
    Keep Gardner Beautiful May 20 2023

    Diane “Neon” Leblanc Thanks All for Successful Gardner MA “Keep Gardner Beautiful” Event

    Once again, the Spring Event got trash off the street and into the dumpster. Organizer “Neon” Leblanc posted, “A heartfelt “thank you” to every May 20th VOLUNTEER and SPONSOR for another successful litter clean up and “Nip Hunt” Fundraiser Event.”

    See previous article with more details about the event, CLICK HERE.

  • Beautiful Gardner (5/17/2023)
    Keep Gardner Beautiful 2023 Event

    Keep Gardner MA Beautiful Event More Extensive in Spring 2023

    Highlights of Event
    Date: Saturday May 20, 2023 beginning at 8:30am
    Movie for Volunteers: Pre-registered Volunteers receive matinee movie tickets
    Litter Cleanup: Goal is to pick up trash in the community
    Nip Hunt: Goal is to collect as many nips as possible to clean up the community
    Electronics Dropoff; Staples is accepting electronics FREE (old box TVs are excluded)
    Cleanup Equipment: Available at Gardner Plaza

    “Keep Gardner Beautiful” posted, “Join Gardner residents, businesses, and government as we take action to make our city a cleaner, greener place to live, work, and play.” More info on Facebook page, click here.

  • Year – Progress (5/11/2023)
    Heywood Hospital May 11 2023

    A Year of Progress on Surgical Pavilion at Heywood Hospital in Gardner MA

    Construction of the new Surgical Pavilion has progressed from nothing to the last metal beam in just a year. Heywood Hospital features a page on this project where you can see daily progress, CLICK HERE.

    Current operating room facilities were constructed in the 1960s, so the project is expected to significantly increase Heywood Hospital’s ability to serve the community and retain providers. Completion is anticipated sometime next year.

    According to the website, “Our premier Surgical Pavilion will be approximately 22,000 square feet and will include six Operating Rooms…..”

  • Teachers FREE (5/7/2023)
    Educator Appreciaton Gardner Museum

    Gardner MA Museum to Open its Doors to All Educators

    On Saturday May 13th from 1-4pm and Sunday May 14th from 1-4pm, the Gardner Museum on Pearl Street in Gardner is offering FREE ADMISSION to all Educators stating, “Every year, the first full week of May is set aside as Teacher Appreciation Week. It is a time to recognize the teachers who have made a difference in our lives and to thank them for all that they do. Teachers work tirelessly to provide their students with the best possible education, and we owe it to them to take a moment to show our gratitude. We celebrate the wonderful work of our educators who help shape the future of the world by granting them free admission on May 13 and 14, and a chance to win a door prize.”

    The Gardner Museum wrote, “The Museum is a treasure trove of Gardner history. Drop by and see all we have to offer.” Website: For more resources on Teacher Appreciation Week, CLICK HERE.

  • Garden 2023 (5/5/2023)
    Community Garden Collage 2023

    Community Garden at St. Paul’s in Gardner MA Expands for 2023

    The Community Garden located at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church on Cross Street in Gardner has almost doubled its capacity in 2023. Grown on the property: Fresh produce distributed to area families by the CAC and perennial plants. The Community Garden was established last year funded by a $3,000 grant from the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts.

    The sign states “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat” – Matthew 25:35. Distribution of food grown will occur through the Food Pantry of the Community Action Committee. The CAC serves disadvantaged individuals in Gardner, Ashburnham, Baldwinville, Hubbardston, Otter River, Templeton, and Westminster. Gardner CAC website, CLICK HERE. To donate to the CAC securely click here. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church website, CLICK HERE.

    According to the Church, “”Many faces, one faith. We are a diverse group of believers – bankers, musicians, social workers, teachers, public servants, business owners, parents  – united by our shared faith in a loving God.” Sunday services are at 10am

  • P.A.C.C. – 2023 (5/3/2023)
    PACC Friday Night Bands 2023 1

    P.A.C.C. Featuring 20 FREE Concerts May to September 2023 in the City of Gardner MA

    The Polish American Citizens Club (P.A.C.C.) offers FREE ADMISSION for their Friday Night concerts taking place from 7pm to 11pm on the Outside Stage. The events are open to the public and are preceded by the Friday Night Cruise Nights. Food and beverages are available for purchase.

    PACC Cruise Nights 2023

  • Relay 2023 (5/2/2023)
    Relay for Life 2023 Every Step Brings Hope

    Gardner MA Relay for Life 2023 has more than 5 dozen teams

    The Gardner Relay for Life is coming up June 9 to June 10, 2023, taking place once again at Mount Wachusett Community College on Green Street in Gardner. The 2023 theme is “Every Step brings hope.” In a milestone, this is Gardner’s 30th Relay for Life.

    As of May 2, 2023 there were already 67 teams. Each team has from 2 to dozens of members. To join a team or donate to a team, CLICK HERE.

    For learning about various resources and how to set up a team, Click here.

    This year, once again, Gardner Radio station WGAW will cover various aspects of the Relay for Life locally on the air at AM 1340 and 98.1FM, and worldwide via the internet. The Mohawk Amateur Radio Club also plans a worldwide broadcast using Ham Radio.

    The Gardner Relay for Life is one of 2500 similar events held yearly in the United States. Last year’s goal of raising $100,000 was exceeded by the time the event began. This year, local cancer survivors will once again be celebrated and Cancer Survivors will take a victory lap to kick off the event. The Relay for Life event also features various music groups and food vendors.

  • Kayak Race (4/30/2023)
    Kayak Rat Race

    West End Beagle Club Kayak Rat Race

    On a man-made pond of over 200,000 square feet built over 50 years ago, the West End Beagle Club is scheduled to hold the first annual Kayak Rat Race on Saturday June 10, 2023 beginning at 1pm

    Cash prizes will be awarded to winners. Food and beer will be available. Live Music is planned.

    Pre-registration of racers is required. Volunteers for various duties are also needed. Call (978) 632-9792. We spoke with Wendy McCullough of the West End Beagle Club about the upcoming event and how to become a “Kayak Rat Racer”. Listen on any device.

    West End Beagle Club 5-4-23

  • NEADS Dogs (4/27/2023)
    Neads Service Dogs

    Gardner MA Mayor Recognizes Value of Service Dogs

    While hob-nobbing at the State House in Boston promoting the interests of the Chair City, Mayor Nicholson had the opportunity to spend a moment with these two service dogs. He posted, “Great to be with NEADS World Class Service Dogs Verna and Loring at the State House. This great central Mass non-profit organization was established in 1976 and has trained over 1,900 Service Dog teams since its founding. Today, NEADS offers the widest array of Service Dog programs in the industry, while still holding true to their core mission of producing Service Dogs for individuals with disabilities. “

    And apparently Diane “Neon” Leblanc had a volunteer life well before the focus on keeping Gardner Beautiful as she posted, “I was a volunteer at NEADS in the 80’s, and witnessed the incredible training the dogs experience. Then each dog gets matched with a recipient. Then they go through training as a team. I’ve had the honor of attending many memorable NEADS graduations. Absolutely astounding what those dogs can do. The bonds that are formed always bring happy tears. “

    NEADS is headquartered in nearby Princeton, MA and has a website, CLICK HERE.

  • Library News (4/17/2023)
    Artful Mechanisms

    Levi-Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA offers Huge Amount of Content and Programs

    For Example: On Tuesday, April 18, 2023, the Library features “Artful Mechanisms with Playful Engineers”, a program for ages 6-13 happening from 3-5pm with drop-ins welcome. The library supplies the materials and is supported in part by a grant from the Gardner Cultural Council. Kids learn about mechanical linkages and automate prototypes.

    For the younger set, more than 3 dozen new children’s books have arrived just in time for April vacation.

    You can sign up for a weekly email letting you know about the newest books, movies, and music at the library. CLICK HERE —- Library Facebook page —- Library Website, CLICK HERE.

  • Wildcat Wardrobe (4/14/2023)
    Wildcat Wardrobe

    First Ever “Wildcat Wardrobe” Event tops 200 attendees!Demand forces early opening.

    The event was so popular that it had to open early. By 2:45pm, 15 minutes after the scheduled opening, well over 120 people had already come through and received FREE clothing. It was held at the Gardner Middle School Cafeteria on Friday, April 14, 2023.

    Organizer Macy Ghilardi posted, “The first ever Wildcat Wardrobe Free Thrifting Event for the Gardner community was a BLAST today!!!! We are excited to say that over 200 people attended and went home with clothes today. The event was organized by School Based Community Health Worker (SBCHW) Macy Ghilardi, who was assisted by SBCHW Joslyn Houle, GMS guidance counselor Jinnee Strus, Heywood Healthcare School Based Services Program Director Christie Cutting, Peter Cutting, Peter Ghilardi, and Richard Budd.THANK YOU ALL!!!!” Macy previously stated that another similar event may be scheduled for Fall.

    UPDATE: For the article on the September 2023 event, CLICK HERE

  • Wildcat Wardrobe (4/6/2023)
    Wildcat Wardrobe 1200

    Wildcat Wardrobe Free Thrift Store Event at Gardner MA Middle School

    Heywood Healthcare School Based Services is sponsoring this event on Friday April 14, 2023 from 2:30 to 4:30pm in the Gardner Middle School Cafeteria. The event is open to Gardner students, families, and community members. Coordinator Macy Ghilardi can be reached via email at

    Heywood Healthcare School Based Services offers according to their page, “youth support with mental health and medical needs, substance use treatment, youth mentors, and assistance with community resources.” Facebook page, CLICK HERE.

    We spoke with Macy Ghilardi regarding the event. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY

    Macy Ghilardi Interview 4-7-23

  • GALA Gardner (4/3/2023)
    GALA Art

    Gardner Area League of Artists Puts Art in Full Swing for Spring in Greater Gardner MA

    The organization promotes Art and Music and this season they appear to be going big. While considering a move back to the Chair City, the group has “Art Critiques” scheduled for Saturday April 15, 2023 at the Stevens Memorial Library in Ashburnham. Artists are encouraged to bring 3 pieces of finished or unfinished artwork to share with the group.

    GALA is seeking Artist/Artisan Vendors for the Arts & Music Festival taking place May 19-21, 2023 at the Red Apple Farm, 455 Highland Avenue in Phillipson. Vendor Application, CLICK HERE.

    Live Music will be heard all day during the Festival.For complete details, visit our GALA Gardner page for all the information.

  • Clothing Drive (3/26/2023)
    clothing drive Jeanny Sainvil

    Gardner MA High School Student Fights Clothing Insecurity

    Gardner High School student Jeanny Sainvil is leading a service project as a Project 351 Ambassador. Jeanny is joining hundreds of others throughout the Commonwealth in collecting clothing for children age birth to 12. New or gently used clothing can be dropped off the week of March 27 to March 31, 2023 at Gardner High School, Gardner Middle School, Gardner Elementary, and City Hall. The clothing drive benefits Cradles to Crayons, a non profit seeking to eliminate clothing insecurity so children, “can go to school feeling confident and cared for….I am inspired to lead Spring Service because I want to give back to the community that raised me. Growing up my parents taught and showed me to always help out as much as I can….I am grateful for your consideration and for the opportunity to spread awareness about clothing insecurity in our community!”

  • Centennial Collection (3/14/2023)
    The Centennial Collection 2023
    Centennial Collection

    From the Gardner MA Centennial Committee

    Celebrate Gardner’s centennial with some commemorative merchandise! In stock now are t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, hoodies, magnets and pins with the 100th anniversary logo designed by Mount Wachusett Community College student, Anya Ezechukwu. Shirts and hoodies are available in small, medium, large, extra large, 2X, and 3X and were made by John’s Sport Shop. Magnets and pins are made by Gardner’s own Lines and Signs department. Model is wearing a size small.

    Prices are: T-Shirts – $20, Long Sleeve – $25, Hoodie – $30, Magnets – $5, Pins – $2 or 3 for $5. Cash or check only. Checks made out to “City of Gardner.” Merchandise is currently for sale at Gardner City Hall and will be available at all the centennial events. Check back for additional locations. Printable PDF

  • Not Dairy Queen (3/12/2023)
    Chestnut Street United Methodist Church 1

    Chestnut Street United Methodist Church in Gardner MA is not Dairy Queen

    While Chestnut Street United Methodist Church may not be an ice cream parlor, they reportedly have “Great Sundays.” Visit their website, CLICK HERE.

    From their website, “It is our privilege to welcome and greet all who seek the kindness and love of Jesus Christ – to welcome to our church home and to our hearts you and the children who grace our lives….No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at the Gardner Chestnut Street United Methodist Church.

    The church also promotes that each one of us can make a difference, “We encourage you to take a minute to look around. Where do you see the brokenness and injustices in your community? How can God use you to bring healing? 

    Is there something about a local church we can highlight? We’d love to. Send an email to

  • GAAMHA (2/17/2023)
    Shawn Hayden GAAMHA

    Listen to the interview on any device. Click Play.

    Shawn Hayden – GAAMHA – 2-17-23

    Shawn Hayden of GAAMHA in Gardner MA explains their 3 Important Services

    Shawn Hayden detailed Developmental Services including S.T.R.E.A.M. and GAAMHA Employment Services. He spoke on their Substance Use Disorder Services including Residential Treatment programs and Community Recovery Services. Hayden explained GAAMHA Transportation services and went over how people can support GAAMHA. The website is, CLICK HERE.

    The interview is comprehensive in that Shawn details exactly how GAAMHA could help someone you know, whether it’s Developmental Services which help individuals lead more fulfilling lives, to Substance Abuse Services including a unique program where women can have their children stay with them, to extensive transportation services.

  • Non Profits Help (2/16/2023)
    Non Profits in Gardner MA
    Have a Heart Colin Smith
    Colin Smith on Non-Profits

    How Non-Profits in Gardner MA Affect Your Daily Life – with Colin Smith

    Listen on any device. Click Play.

    Colin Smith – Non-Profits in Gardner MA

    Gardner’s Executive Aide to the Mayor, Colin Smith, tells us about the impact of Gardner’s Non-Profits in your daily life. Some highlights:

    The CAC – “their charitable involvement is, it’s really inspirational to see.”
    How to give back, “…volunteering their time, getting in touch with some of these organizations.”
    GALA – “plans to get them a bigger space in the community going forward.”
    MVOC – “That organization obviously fills a tremendous need in the City.”
    Local Sports Groups. “… it’s something that a lot of people have a lot of affection for here in the City.”
    PACC. “They’re incredibly generous with their time and resources.”
    Upcoming Community Center. “I think it’s gonna go really well.”
    The Homeless. “There’s a lot of dedicated people working within the City and outside of it to address the problem.”
    Gardner Golf Course, “We’re really blessed to have it.”
    Mental Health: “our Veterans Department here in City Hall….their skill in dealing with people who may be having a tough time is great to see.”
    Gardner Museum: “Marion Knoll is such a passionate person…tremendously knowledgeable…”
    Gardner Square Two: “…skill in bringing people together who have common interest to see Gardner become more vibrant place to start a business.”
    Gardner Chamber: “they way they continue to reinvent themselves and remain vital to the city is a tremendous resource.”
    Heywood Hospital: “ …something unique for the City of Gardner’s size to have that kind of resource and that kind of amenity.”
    Levi-Heywood Memorial Library – “probably one of my favorite buildings in Gardner…people truly love it.’
    Food Truck Festival; “Saturday July 8, 2023, Be There.”