Greater Gardner MA News December 2023
- Update 12-29-23 (12/29/2023)
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Ends Year with Update from City Council Chamber
Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY
Mayor’s Update 12-29-23 School Committee and City Council organizational meetings will take place on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. A School Committee Vice-Chair & financial officers and City Council President will be elected.
Fire Department will be fully staffed in January. Police Department is also progressing in hiring goals. Contractor rate for plowing has been increased to $95 per hour and slots are available. MART is doing fare -FREE rides for the next 6 months.
Update next week will be the Inauguration Ceremony in which Mayor Nicholson will give his update in his Inaugural Address, Thursday January 4, 2024 at 6:30pm (official swearing in takes place earlier on New Year’s Day at 10am- at City Hall per charter) At the Thursday event, the Gardner Middle School Chorus and the Greater Gardner Community Choir will be performing.
Christmas Tree pickup will be on regular trash day between January 2nd and January 5th.
- Free College (12/28/2023)
Greater Gardner MA Residents 25+ Can Get Free College Degree
MassReconnect is a Massachusetts program which funds FREE community college for adults 25 and older who don’t already have a college degree. You need to enroll in at least 6 credits per semester, be a Massachusetts resident, and complete the FAFSA form. For more details visit the Mount Wachusett Community College website page, CLICK HERE.
According to the State of Massachusetts, “Almost two million Massachusetts residents are over the age of 25 and do not have a college degree. There is now a path forward. MassReconnect is a new program that can help you earn a degree or certificate for free and put you one step closer to your dream career. MassReconnect, led by the Department of Higher Education in partnership with Massachusetts’ public community colleges, will make higher education more affordable and accessible to students across the Commonwealth. If you are 25 or older, MassReconnect will pay for all your tuition and fees and will provide you with an allowance to cover your books and supplies.” For more information from the State of MA, CLICK HERE.
FREE Early College Gets Support of $1.3 million in State Grants
The Fiscal Year 2024 Early College Support Grant of $400k was announced by State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik. It supports collaboration between Mount Wachusett Community College and Fitchburg State University with the following schools: Athol High School, Fitchburg High School, Gardner Academy for Learning & Technology, Gardner High School, Leominster High School, Narragansett Regional High School and the Sizer School. In a related grant, additionally, Mount Wachusett College also received $791,694 that will help to fund projects that advance decarbonization efforts, address deferred maintenance, and increase the overall climate resilience of the campus. In a Press Release from Zlotnik, various local officials expressed gratitude and a statement from Gardner Superintendent of Schools Mark Pellegrino provides some details on the number of, and how students are impacted. PRESS RELEASE, CLICK HERE. We have reached out to Representative Zlotnik’s office with additional questions.
- First Day (12/28/2023)
First Day Hikes Include Dunn State Park in Gardner MA
First Day Hikes will take place in State Parks across the State of Massachusetts on New Year’s Day, January 1, 2024. The 1.5 mile hike at Dunn State Park at 289 Pearl Street in Gardner will start with registration at the Pond House at 9am, hike at 10am, and hot chocolate served after the hike. Complete flyer of all locations, CLICK HERE.
- Sludge Resolution (12/27/2023)
Gardner Mayor Nicholson covers the Sludge Landfill issue – What’s Going Interview. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Interview with Mayor NIcholson As City of Gardner Works with Consultants, Opponent to Sludge Landfill Expansion Speaks Up
Gardner Magazine received a Press Release from Ivan Ussach of the Millers River Watershed Council in which he criticizes the calculations of the City of Gardner, stating that the “miscalculations favor the sludge landfill expansion at the expense of more environmentally friendly opportunities.” Ussach states that the City’s faulty financial analyses are contained in a May 23, 2023 letter from DPW Director Dane Arnold to Mayor Michael Nicholson. View complete MRWC Press Release, CLICK HERE.
The City of Gardner estimates its disposal costs with Fitchburg to be over $1million annually if it were to go that route with Fitchburg or another facility – Ussach says calculations show a max of $435,000. Publisher’s Note: In truth, both are potentially wrong and here’s why: A true estimate can’t yet be made because Fitchburg doesn’t even know what to charge because negotiations with the company have yet to be finalized. Therefore an estimate on the higher side was simply being fiscally cautious and fiscal responsibility is something for which Gardner has received praise..
Ussach has stated that one solution is for the City of Gardner to become a customer of the City of Fitchburg which may construct a facility to treat sludge. A Fitchburg City Council meeting of December 19, 2023 (complete video link here) included a presentation and discussion on the subject in great detail. We have included the AUDIO of the meeting so you hear the facts for yourself. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Fitchburg City Council December 2023 Fitchburg began looking at the issue over a decade ago and the presentation within the meeting details those timelines. It is at the stage now where a company has been selected and approval of the Fitchburg Mayor and City Council is needed for the project to move forward. Facility cost is projected at $200 million. Construction would be projected to begin in late 2024 with completion in 2026. Even if in favor of contracting with Fitchburg, Gardner would need to determine if it may need an earlier solution. Whether or not to enter in to an agreement with Fitchburg would depend on the cost which currently is unknown, as Fitchburg itself is negotiating with the company regarding costs and revenue share of municipal agreements with other potential communities such as Gardner. In other words, Gardner can’t say yes or no yet to the idea because it doesn’t have all the facts yet.
Gardner Magazine asked Gardner Mayor Nicholson about the issue in a recent What’s Going on interview. CLICK HERE. In a nutshell, the Mayor indicated that all possibilities are being explored with the consultants hired by the City and that additional public input would be received as part of the ongoing review.
- 102nd Year (12/27/2023)
2024 – Moving On from a Year of Celebration in Gardner MA
Gardner was first settled in 1764, incorporated as a town in 1785, and became a City in 1923. January 1, 2023 marked Gardner’s 100th anniversary as a City and it was celebrated all year. During Gardner’s 101st year as a City in 2023, Gardner drew even more attention for its successes, the lesson to others you could call “Gardner 101”. Year 102 as a City begins January 1, 2024. Gardner’s 250 will be in 2035.
Here’s our page of Gardner MA Top 40 Hit Projects.
- Affordable Homes (12/26/2023)
Affordable Homes Act Before MA Legislature will Pack a Punch Upon Enactment
Two months ago, MA Governor Healey put the $4 billion Affordable Homes Act in front of the Massachusetts Legislature. Upon passage, the funding will impact housing across the state. Complete fact sheet on pdf, CLICK HERE.
Impactful policies included in the bill for example are those permitting accessory dwelling units as-of-right which are less than 900 square feet to be built in single-family zoning districts in all communities including the prohibition of owner occupancy requirements as well as parking mandates. Also creates an Extremely Low-Income Housing Commission to expand supply of affordable housing for those households earning less than 30 percent of the area median income. This would permit the so-called “Tiny Houses” to help the homeless.
Biggest ticket items in the bill include $1.6 Billion for the repair, rehab, and modernization of over 43,000 public housing units and $800 million for affordable housing for households not more than 110% of area median income.
Other funding includes: $425 million for Housing Stabilization —- $275 million for innovative housing solutions —- $175 million for municipal infrastructure projects to encourage denser housing development — $100 million for mixed-income housing fund —- $100 million to crate a permanent capital resource for an existing MassHousing program recently supported by the American Rescue Plan Act —- $70 million for community-based housing re Facilities Consolidation Fund —- $60 million for MA Rehabilitation Commission Home Modification Program —- $55 million to support appropriate housing for people with disabilities —- $50 million for momentum fund to accelerate development of mixed-income multifamily housing —- $50 million for distressed properties —- $50 million for early education facilities —- $35 million in payments to municipalities getting Housing Choice designation —- $30 million for State Surplus property distribution —- $25 million to make grants for planning and zoning initiatives — $20 million for municipalities who adopt smart growth housing districts
- Four Season (12/26/2023)
Four Season Chinese Cuisine Opens in Gardner MA
Another shuttered building has new life as Four Season Chinese Cuisine Opens in Gardner MA. The restaurant is located at 19 Union Square in Gardner. The restaurant is open every day of the week except for Tuesday. Menu and website
- Rear Before (12/26/2023)
Before the Project Starts – the view of Rear Main Street
Rear Main Street in Gardner will look very differently some months from now after the project begins. We’ll keep you informed every step of the way. For now, here’s the before pictures.
Planned is a multi-story residential apartment building, dozens of parking spaces, a food truck lot, and a music venue.
- Heywood Busy (12/26/2023)
Heywood Hospital in Gardner MA with a Busy Lot
On the day after Christmas, Heywood Hospital showed signs of a brisk business. Gardner Magazine observed parking lots throughout the City of Gardner. At the time of the photographs on December 26, 2023, the parking lots at Heywood Hospital were about the busiest of all. Services were being accessed. Patients were being assisted with their needs. No one would know that Heywood Healthcare was in the midst of any financial uncertainty. In fact, the evidence shows clearly that the business of Heywood is itself – healthy.
While challenges remain and certain things are up in the air, 2024 is poised to be a positive year for Heywood Healthcare and Gardner’s Heywood Hospital which has served the Chair City since 1907.
- Sharing Pot (12/26/2023)
Two Stores will Soon Share the Pot in Gardner MA
The sign is up at the Joint Operations location in the plaza at Timpany Crossroads. At some point soon, the business will open and cannabis sales will begin.
Currently, Gardner has one operating cannabis establishment at Pearson Boulevard known as Sanctuary.
A proposed zoning change before the Gardner City Council would change the quota on Marijuana establishments, allowing for up to 4 in the City. It has been on the radar for the better part of a year, originally proposed by Gardner Mayor Nicholson, then by 5 City Councilors, and then by Councilor Heath who proposed, withdrew, and re-proposed the change. A joint public hearing with the Planning Board will be held soon where public input will be solicited.
- El Coqui (12/26/2023)
Downtown Gardner Gets More Delicious with El Coqui Market
El Coqui Latin Food Store has opened at 2 Parker Street in Downtown Gardner. The store opens at 8am daily, most nights til 8pm. Friday nights the store stays open all night.
El Coqui is located in the iconic corner location of the historic Garbose Building which has been undergoing renovations. Apartments will be located in the upper floors of the building.
Gardner Magazine will advise you about the details of El Coqui offerings as they become available. In the meantime, check them out and enjoy!
- December News (12/26/2023)
Recap of December News
Here’s a recap of important stories, meetings, and interviews from December 2023 in case you missed them: Covid Tests are available FREE to area households. Article, CLICK HERE. Winter Safety Tips Article, CLICK HERE MART to offer FREE rides to all in 2024 – Article, CLICK HERE Tiny Houses Article, CLICK HERE Unclaimed Property, Article, CLICK HERE. Heywood Healthcare Hiring article, CLICK HERE. AUDIO of Meetings, Updates, and Interviews all in one place below, CLICK PLAY
Zoning Board of Appeals 12-19-23 Golf Commission December Meeting Public Service 12-15-23 Gardner City Council 12-18-23 School Committee December meeting Planning Board 12-12-23 Council on Aging December meeting Conservation Commission December meeting Airport Commission December meeting
- Happened 2023 (12/25/2023)
For the other 6 items on the list, visit the What Happened in 2023 page, CLICK HERE.
Jump to the following in article: Rules Changes — Building Repurposing — Downtown Gardner — Parks and Recreation — Private Projects — City and Government Projects —- People Topics — Technology Improvements
What Happened – What Didn’t – the City of Gardner MA
Rules Changes
What Happened – Regan Street was made 1 way. —- After approval from City Council and voters, City Charter changes are off to the legislature
What Didn’t – A proposal to change zoning regarding Route 140 parcels was abandoned when the land was found to have been protected decades ago. 2 other zoning proposals got bumped around throughout the year and are back for public hearing in 2024: adding sports betting to zoning table and increasing marijuana establishment quota.
Building Repurposing
What Happened – School Department offices moved to Elm Street School, joining Gardner Academy and the Boys and Girls Club at the location. —- Opening of new Community Center – This is partially underway as Growing Places has licensed the kitchen at the former Waterford Street School. A sign outside indicates the coming change. GAAMHA, CAC, and Senior Citizens Center planned to be added in 2024.
What Didn’t – Due to constraints on property usage, plans to utilize Helen Mae Sauter School as an Arts and Music Center await MA legislative action. Also needing state action is sale of condemned School Street School property due to issues with deed. Greenwood: The demolition of the Greenwood Pool House and construction of a new Pavilion did not take place in 2023. The demo and construction are expected in 2024.
- Covid Tests (12/24/2023)
Covid Tests Available FREE to Greater Gardner MA households
We hope you don’t need it, but there’s no need to pay for Covid-19 tests as is making as many as 8 tests available per household. The program began again on November 20, 2023.
Anyone can order 4 tests, and if you did not order tests this fall, you may place two orders for a total of 8 tests. Your order of COVID tests is completely free, you won’t even pay for shipping.
Here is the website to get your FREE tests, CLICK HERE.
- Homeless Help (12/24/2023)
A Christmas Editorial – Show Love for Those Without a Home
While not of the magnitude as some other places and not as visible, homelessness is a very real local issue. I sent a message to City officials suggesting some Tiny Houses be located in the field at Waterford and that former district offices be used as a common building with bathrooms, kitchen etc. This type of effort has been successful in the very small number of places it has been tried. The Tiny homes generally have a bed, some limited electricity for lighting, and heat or cooling. If my proposal doesn’t make sense, there is one that does and I urge everyone to take the issue seriously until we come up with a viable solution whether funded by grants or by the City. History teaches us that taking on a problem head-on saves money in the long run.
At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus. It is also a time in my opinion to act upon His desire that we show love for our fellow humans. Helping homeless people is one way we can do just that.
John 13:34 – “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Merry Christmas to all of you.
- Golf 12-18-23 (12/23/2023)
Gardner Golf Commission Meets Before Christmas
With winter now underway with no snow, the Golf Commission is already preparing for Golf in the Spring, going over information about various systems at the Gardner Municipal Golf Course and speaking about finances. SNOW was discussed, “Eventually it should snow. I don’t know. I’m still praying for snow. I want a lot of snow. I just want to cover the corner. We need snow. “ The budget is still being worked on and the next meeting is January 22, 2024. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Golf Commission 12-18-23 2024 Memberships for the Golf Course are: Individual – $1100, Family – $1765. Reduced Rates for Young Adult, Junior, Veterans, and Senior Citizens Complete membership rates, CLICK HERE. — To reach members of the Golf Commission, click here. —- Address: 152 Eaton Street, Gardner MA 01440
- Update 12-22-23 (12/22/2023)
STOCKING STUFFER OPPORTUNITY – Centennial Ball Tickets still available at City Hall Mayor’s Office and at the Velvet Goose. $30 each. Ball is Saturday, December 30, 2023
Gardner Mayor Nicholson with a Christmas Wish and an Update for the Chair City
Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY
Mayor’s Update December 22, 2023 The Mayor explained that a mechanical issue has prevented the flag from being raised completely in front of City Hall – pulleys inside the pole snapped.
The Mayor spoke about his White House visit, “There was about 20 or 30 different state and local officials and tribal leaders from around the United States who met as a part of this to talk about different things from grant funding to the infrastructure programs, what’s working, what’s not. And then it concluded with a private reception in which President Biden himself was in attendance.” 5 of the group was from Massachusetts.
Events: Winter Centennial Ball Saturday December 30, 2023 at Perry Auditorium at City Hall. 120 out of 300 tickets have been sold. They are $30 each and still available. Great Stocking Stuffer! Available at Mayor’s office, Velvet Goose Downtown. City’s Inauguration Thursday, January 4, 2024 in Perry Auditorium —- Interfaith Prayer service January 11, 2024 at Higher Ground Ministries for City and newly sworn in elected officials. And a Catholic Mass for City at Holy Spirit Chapel, 50 Metcalf Street Gardner, January 28, 2024 at 4pm.
We want to remind people that City Hall is going to open at noon Tuesday, December 26th.
- Going On (12/22/2023)
In “What’s Going On?” Interview, Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Sheds Light on Local Issues
He is Gardner’s most prominent Cheerleader whether seen locally or even at the White House. When asked about meeting the President of the United States, Mayor Nicholson spoke of the positive aspects of being known by the Federal Government when the City applies for grants. He explained the challenges of increasing pay to City workers. The Mayor went over some aspects of the process in moving forward or not with the Sludge Landfill expansion including public involvement. Mayor Nicholson once again explained the work being done at the Waterford Street School and the process from having the work done to contractors being paid. The Mayor responded to our Top 40 Hit Projects page, turns out some of our crazy ideas aren’t that crazy and a few are currently being considered – bottom line, all depends on available grants because some of the ideas are expensive propositions. Mayor Nicholson will be unveiling some more ideas in his Inaugural Address to the City on January 4, 2024. And that’s “What’s Going On” Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY
What’s Going On Interview 12-22-23
- Top Projects (12/21/2023)
Chair City of Gardner MA Top 40 HIT PROJECTS
At any given time in Gardner, there are dozens of projects in various stages. Completed Projects, Ongoing Projects, Planned 2024 Projects, Future Projects, Future Needs, and the Crazy Wish List. The Top 40 profiles the most notable at any given point in time. This is our Top 40 Hit Projects page, expanded for 2024.
- Share City (12/19/2023)
Editorial: Chair City – Gardner MA will always be the Share City
While changed in some respects, Gardner has been called the “Chair City” for many years. The number of chairs made in Gardner has declined, but Gardner will always be the Chair City, or in the modern vernacular, the “Share City”. A City to be proud of, where great ideas are born and shared, and resources are shared. Whether it’s the Mayor’s office, a City Council meeting, a School Committee meeting, or any number of gatherings where people talk and ‘share’. There are always chairs in the room and that simple device will always be a needed component of future success.
The Chair City is Gardner’s legacy and the “Share City” is Gardner’s Future. Great people moving forward together by sharing common goals and a love for one another. The “Share City”.
Whether you spell it “Chair” or “Share”, the Chair City of Gardner will always be the “Share City” of proud distinction. To those who say “formerly the Chair City” I say bah humbug… Some things which change sound exactly the same. The Chair City is the Share City.
Werner Poegel, Publisher
- Statesman Walsh (12/19/2023)
The Speech of a Statesman – Councilor James Walsh of Gardner MA
For more than 40 years, James Walsh has served the City of Gardner in various capacities. December 18, 2023 was his last meeting as a Gardner City Councilor and he made quite the speech. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
James Walsh 12-18-23 Councilor Walsh said, “I want to stand for this because back in February of 1981, it was the practice of councilors to stand when they addressed the Council because there were no microphones and there was no video. There was the radio and we all thought that everybody in the City was listening.”
Councilor Walsh’s speech was filled with great advice. “The voters of the city entrust us with the responsibility of looking carefully aftertheir tax dollars. It’s an important responsibility, one that we should take and do take seriously.”
“Things that I’ve learned, that I pass on for whatever value it might be, listen carefully, but remember that sometimes what isn’t said is more important than what is. I’ve tried to follow the rule of five Ps.Prior preparation prevents poor performance. It’s served me well.” —- “Don’t believe everything everybody tells you. Be skeptical.” — “Ask questions.Talk to people. Follow up on things. Do that before the council meeting arrives because as I learned as a young lawyer, you never ask a question to which you don’t already know the answer.” —- “Not all new ideas are good ideas.” — “Frugality is not a dirty word…. Sometimes it’s better to not spend money and to leave it in the hands of the people who provide it to us.” And Walsh finished with, “So I leave you with this and remember, a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.” For article on entire City Council meeting, CLICK HERE.
- Service 12-15-23 (12/18/2023)
The Public Service Committee is sending correspondence to the Mayor with a copy to the Human Resource Director asking they “do all they can do to supplement the workforce of the Highway Department in response to the employment challenges that the City is currently facing for the winter of 2023-24.”
Dane Arnold speaks of Staffing Issues at Public Service Committee
DPW Director Dane Arnold, City Engineer Rob Oliva, and Development and Planning Director Trevor Beauregard spoke to the Public Service Committee on December 15, 2023. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY
Public Service Committee – 12-15-23 Committee Chair and Outgoing Councilor James Walsh received a “Walsh’s Walk, It’s not his Fault, It’s Asphalt” sign from Dane Arnold of DPW as a parting gift.
Dane Arnold spoke about the letter he wrote to the Mayor and City Council in November stating, “just trying to give the Mayor and City Council a heads up as well as trying to get it out there for the residents that this winter we might not be as, the streets might not be plowed as quick as they have in the past. We are currently short on the highway side, 7 employees out of 25 positions.” And there’s also 2 retirees” In answering a question from Councilor Walsh, Arnold explained that “part of the issue is if they open up to the DPW contract to negotiate it, there’s a reopening clause in every contract throughout the City. So you know, if someone’s getting a piece of the pie, it’s going to have to go around through all the other departments as well.” He did say that the contractor rate had been bumped up to $95 per hour, “but we still haven’t gotten any responses from contractors.” Arnold explained that the City at one time had 14 contractors, then 4, and now, none. He stated that the Police Department has offered to plow their lots themselves if the City parks a vehicle there. Director Arnold offered other updates as well.
Engineer Rob Oliva spoke of the Disc Golf Course going up at the park on Leo Drive – two individuals are volunteering to come up with a layout for the course. There’s some action on the Wayside Dam Project, consultant is filing some environmental forms this week. “And then the other thing, which is kind of big news, is we had applied for a Safe Streets for All Grant…I just got the email saying it was awarded…That’s a $230,000 grant to develop the citywide plan.” Grant has a 20 percent match required by the City. As far as the Sludge Landfill, “we’ll be setting up some public outreach meetings as part of what the MEPA is requiring.” And as far as the Uptown Rotary Project, it’s buttoned up for the winter, will resume in the spring, and Fall 2024 completion “is still in the works.”
Director Trevor Beauregard spoke of the salary study saying, “We all anxiously await its distribution and implementation so that we can catch up in various parts of the City, I think.” He spoke of various projects including Maki Park which will have 3 tiers and will bring in electricity so that there can be EV charging at the adjacent parking lot. He spoke of Phase 4 of the Downtown Improvements. The Pedestrian-Bike bridge over 140 is “in the 25% to 30% design phase range.”
- Council 12-18-23 (12/18/2023)
‘Twas the Gardner City Council Meeting Before Christmas
Gardner City Council met Monday December 18, 2023 at 7:30pm in the City Council Chamber. The Gardner City Council allowed more time for two zoning items so that a joint public hearing with the Planning Board could be scheduled: adding “Sports Betting” to the table of uses and increasing the marijuana establishment quota. More time was given regarding parking on certain streets to allow for a 60 day trial period to conclude. It approved scheduling a joint convention with the Gardner School Committee to appoint a Gardner Rep to Monty Tech School Committee. Over a dozen applications for motor vehicle dealers licenses were on the agenda and approved except for the one NOT RECOMMENDED by the Public Safety Committee.
Complete packet and agenda, CLICK HERE.
Here is the AUDIO of the Public Safety Committee at which licenses were discussed on December 15, 2023, CLICK PLAY.
More than Half the City Council meeting was taken up by Councilor Comments and Remarks including a short statement by Outgoing Councilor Jim Boone and a Statesman-like speech by Outgoing Councilor James Walsh. (see separate article) Listen to the City Council meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY
Councilor Jim Boone 12-18-23 See separate article regarding the speech of Councilor James Walsh, CLICK HERE.
- DPW Tree (12/18/2023)
Gardner MA DPW Responds When it Counts – resident is grateful
On December 18, 2023, Gardner resident Kristel Estores posted, “A big Thankyou to Gardner DPW. I emailed this morning about a tree down on my street and the Director responded immediately and sent out a crew.“ The Greater Gardner area was experiencing high wind gusts and rain.
- Wreaths Video (12/17/2023)
Winchendon Resident and Army Veteran Kyle Bradley Honors Veterans With Video
Kyle posted a video on Facebook filmed December 16, 2023 at the Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Winchendon. Photos here are from the video:
According to his Facebook profile, Bradley spent 14 years on the Fire Department and is a graduate of the West Boylston Police Academy. He posted, “As a US Army veteran, I would like to thank all the local volunteers and Wreaths Across America for decorating the graves of every hero and family member buried at the Massachusetts Veteran Memorial Cemetery here in Winchendon. It looks beautiful. “
Thank you to all who honor those who have served. Thank you to all our first responders.
- Christmas Show (12/16/2023)
Gardner Magazine Releases – Christmas Show 2023
Featuring some songs you haven’t heard before, the 1/2 hour Gardner Magazine Christmas Show features 12 tunes, playable on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Gardner Magazine Christmas Show 2023 Enjoy Santa’s New Suit, It’s Christmastime Again, It’s the Holidays, Atmospheric Auld Lang Syne, Christmas Day, Santa Won’t You Listen to Me, Greatest Gift of All, Come on Mrs Claus (Let Me Be Your Man), Christmas is Coming, Jingle Bells, Fall in Love This Christmas, and We Wish You A Merry Christmas.
- Lights – City (12/15/2023)
Christmas Lights in the Chair City of Gardner MA
From the lights in Monument Park to the lights lining the streets of Gardner, Christmas Lights are spreading the spirit of the season in the Chair City. Even the walking and biking path near Crystal Lake has red and green lights. Private homes are adorned with festive displays. It’s Lights in the City, 2023. Complete Gallery, CLICK HERE.
Lights in the Chair City ‘Twas a Week Before Christmas and all through the City
Shone Christmas Lights everywhere and they are Pretty.
The Chair City is showing its marvels for all to view,
And welcoming shoppers like me and like you.Don’t miss Christmas in the City – The Main Event on Thursday, December 21, 2023 from 9am to 8pm. Your favorite shops will be open late and have in-store specials. Enjoy free Horse and Carriage Rides and see the beautiful lights for yourself.
- Update 12-15-23 (12/15/2023)
Airs Saturdays 12:10 to 2pm on WGAW – heard on AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and streamed 24/7, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Mayor Flies to D.C. for Private Meeting with the President
In a WGAW Hotline Radio segment serving also as the Mayor’s Weekly Update for December 15, 2023, Gardner Mayor Nicholson speaks of getting a last minute invitation to fly to Washington to meet privately with the President at the White House last week. Update: The private meeting also included 20-30 officials from around the U.S. to discuss local issues. We’ll provide details of this meeting as they become available. Nicholson did say “An invitation from the President himself, that’s very cool…I’m proud of what Gardner has accomplished and to get that attention.” The Mayor was asked a number of questions by Hotline Host Steve Wendell.
Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Nicholson spoke of the Horse Drawn Carriage Rides in Downtown coming up on December 21st with a 2 seater and a 12 seat carriage available. Rides are FREE.
The Mayor did speak about the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and how he wants to submit it with more detail, modeled after how Amesbury does it. The Mayor has also asked Department Heads to give him another figure which takes off 3% from non-salary items, goal being perhaps to find funds to increase salaries to make Gardner more marketable. A salary study is still underway.
- Safety 2023 (12/14/2023)
Shown is a cracked chimney which could lead to a chimney fire. Also shown are suggestions from MEMA for a Winter Emergency Car Kit.
Winter Safety Tips at Home or on the Road
Gardner Fire Dept.: At home it pays to keep heating equipment and even your home’s chimney in good operating condition. The Gardner Fire Department posted about a chimney fire which occurred on December 10th. “Gardner Tower 1 operating at a chimney fire on Keys road last evening. We can’t stress enough how important it is to have your chimney inspected and cleaned by a licensed professional. Cracks in your chimney can lead to a chimney fire spreading into your house.”
Common Sense Safety: Other common sense tips include never running generators indoors, never using gasoline to start a fireplace, and never burning charcoal indoors. And of course, never use extension cords for a space heater – plug directly in to the outlet instead and keep 3 feet away from any sources of ignition. We published an article in February 2023 about Gardner Fire Department proactive efforts to save lives. More tips from, click here.
Winter Driving Tips from MEMA: The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) has suggestions for what to carry in your car to help in case of emergency. From MEMA: “Is your vehicle ready for safe winter driving? Have a winter emergency car kit in the trunk and make sure all parts of your vehicle are ready for winter (wipers, tires, etc.)” Facebook page, CLICK HERE. Website, CLICK HERE.
From Gardner PD: We did an interview and article last December with Gardner Police Chief Eric McAvene about Winter Safety. If you missed it, here it is:
- Planning 12-12-23 (12/14/2023)
Sports Betting and Marijuana Quota Items Unanimously Recommended by Gardner MA Planning Board
With recommendations by the Planning Board, the measures will move on to the City Council where a joint public hearing will be held on: Whether Sports Betting should be added to zoning table of uses with provision that it require special permit and whether quota of marijuana establishments in Gardner be increased to 35% of liquor licenses, effectively increasing quota to 4.
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
All Purpose Storage LLC presented its Definitive Plan for expansion of existing self-storage at 143 Colony Road. Approved with conditions.
Private Oversight LLC: Requested an extension to January meeting. Project is a 52 unit multi-family development. Request for extension approved.
- MART Free (12/13/2023)
Previous article on Mayor Nicholson being reelected as M.A.R.T. Board Chair, CLICK HERE.
State Grant Means 6 Months FREE M.A.R.T Rides
Passengers in the of the Montachusett Regional Transit Authority service area will enjoy 6 months of FREE fares from January 1 to June 30, 2024.
This is what M.A.R.T. posted: “Try MART Transit for FREE into the New Year and Beyond! We are excited to introduce this fare-free service for the first half of 2024. Stay tuned for more messages and updates for all of our services!” For M.A.R.T. schedules and maps, visit this webpage, CLICK HERE.
Here are the years member communities became members of M.A.R.T. — Ashburnham: 1980, Ashby: 1986, Athol: 2013, Barre: 2021, Gardner: 1978, Hardwick: 1988, Hubbardston: 1983, Phillipston: 2022, Royalston: 1984, Templeton: 1985, Westminster: 1986, and Winchendon: 1985. Headquarters are in Fitchburg and Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson was reelected to another year as Board Chair. Other member communities include Ayer, Bolton, Boxborough, Fitchburg, Harvard, Lancaster, Leominster, Littleton, Lunenburg, Shirley, Sterling, and Stow.
- Tiny Houses (12/13/2023)
Tiny Houses May be Solution for Homeless in Gardner MA
While most of us are comfortable in our homes, the homeless are often cold and lacking in basic needs. So Gardner Magazine is bringing this issue to the forefront with a focus on a successful project from out of state that perhaps can be duplicated here. The Tiny House Project is a registered non-profit based in California. Website, CLICK HERE. Facebook, CLICK HERE. Watch a full video on YouTube or listen to a short segment of AUDIO on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Tiny House Project What is a Tiny House? – From their website: “Our Tiny House Emergency Shelters are designed just as a shelter. One room with no running water and a small amount of electricity for lights and to charge phones. Steel reinforced front door with deadbolt locks. There are Customizable options as needed. Different climates require different insulation or maybe a different pitch of the roof to keep off snow from collecting. Heating or Cooling, solar or grid, whatever the situation may be, we can customize the shelter to fit your needs. Shelters can be built in any size. example – 6×8, 8×8, 10×10 etc.”
The Tiny House Project was founded by Elvis Summers. The Mission is to build tiny house communities with all necessary amenities for human and societal needs including bathrooms, showers, laundry, kitchen, community center, gardens, etc. The website states ”Tiny Houses are cheap and effective. They are also simple and easy to build which makes them a no brainer for creating an emergency shelter.” Elvis started out by building a tiny house for a 61 year old woman who was sleeping in the dirt near his apartment.
Is this idea or something like it a possible solution for the Homeless in Greater Gardner Massachusetts and beyond? We wrote this to stimulate some discussion.
- Aging 12-4-23 (12/13/2023)
Council on Aging Meeting Focuses on Ongoing Matters with Senior Center and Move to Waterford
Director Mike Ellis speaks of difficulties with the Otis Elevator contract, “this whole elevator thing has its ups and downs.” Due to problems with the contract, a monthly maintenance bill of about $250 monthly has not been paid since August. Ellis is working with the City’s Purchasing Department to straighten things out with Otis.
He also spoke of possibly upgrading an Emergency Generator when used at the Waterford Street School. Current generator barely services the current building, but due to it being slightly oversized, does allow for use of elevator during an outage.
Other discussions revolved around the finances of the Senior Center including the Revolving Fund and the receipt and use of various grants.
Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
- Corrections Class (12/13/2023)
President of Corrections Graduating Class from Gardner
Gardner President – Jahquan Jones of Gardner was the President of Basic Recruiting Training Academy #60 and was among 26 graduating students on December 1, 2023 with ceremonies held in Zecco Auditorium at Anna Maria College. According to the Press Release: “Among the twenty-six graduates were Officers Robert Peters of Westminster, Jordan Albert of Westminster, Todd Allen of Templeton, Melvin Pérez of Fitchburg, and Jahquan Jones of Gardner.” The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office provided a complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.
About the Academy – It’s a paid full-time 12 week program that teaches recruits how to handle and maintain the care, custody, and control of inmates at the Worcester County Jail and House of Correction. Recruits will now join the full-time staff.
The Team – “The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office has demonstrated a strong commitment to ensuring the public safety of the cities and towns in Worcester County. The department recognizes the importance of having a team that is representative of the community it serves.”
High Standards for Officers by Sheriff Evangelidis -According to the release, “Evangelidis has implemented several changes to enhance the professionalism and integrity of the department hiring process. The new standards for correctional officer applications include a minimum of an associate degree, two years of military service, or two years of relevant work experience. Additionally, applicants must pass a written exam, physical fitness test, background check, and psychological screening test. To ensure fairness and impartiality, Evangelidis has also implemented a policy that prohibits the submission of letters of recommendation from politicians and gives preference to hiring those who have served our country.”
New Class Starting Soon – The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office is accepting applications for its 61st Basic Recruit Training Academy, which will begin in March 2024. To learn more about what it takes to be a correctional officer, please visit their website, CLICK HERE.
Basic Recruiting Training Academy #60 Graduating Class - PD 12-12-23 (12/12/2023)
Gardner PD Tracks Suspect with assist of K-9 Rocky
Gardner PD stated in a Press Release: “On December 12, 2023, the Gardner Police Department conducted a search warrant and made arrests at 207 Park Street following an investigation from an overnight shooting that took place Monday evening.”
A local resident reported gunshots in area of Napoleon Club on Park Street. Another resident from Boulder Drive reported someone had shot at their house. “K-9 Rocky…was able to located 19 shell casings in the Crystal Lake Cemetery.” The search warrant was obtained after K-9 Rocky tracked to 207 Park Street. “It is believed one of the shots fired from the cemetery travelled just under a mile and broke through a window of an apartment on Boulder Drive. No injuries were reported.”
An adult male and a juvenile were arrested on a variety of charges. Photo shows weapons taken as evidence. SEE PRESS RELEASE
- Conservation 12-11-23 (12/12/2023)
Conservation Commission Packs a Number of Matters in last meeting of December
Listen to the December 11, 2023 meeting of the Gardner MA Conservation Commission on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Conservation Commission 12-11-23 143 Colony Road: Joint Public Hearing re extension of storage facility building by All Purpose Storage Gardner LLC —- 54 and 60 Topaz Terrace: regarding addition of two single family homes —- Exploratory geotechnical soil borings along the A1/B2 Transmission Right of Way —- Keyes Road: 12 inch culvert replacement in-kind road repaving DPW — Utility Pole replacements on various streets —- National Grid Green Street substation expansion — Discussion on Kelton Street Land Clearing —- Conservation Planning Agent update —-Timpany Boulevard Erosion Controls replacements —- Elementary School, 278 Pearl Street Wetland replication —- 170 Mill Street: continued discussion regarding construction of a contractor building
- School 12-11-23 (12/12/2023)
Gardner School Music Concerts
Gardner Middle School Winter Band Concert, Tuesday, December 12th at 6pm
Gardner High School Winter Concert, Wednesday December 20th at 7pm at Gardner High School Landry Auditorium Facebook page.
Achievement of Excellence Focus of Gardner MA School Committee
The Gardner MA School Committee met on December 11, 2023. We have the agenda, CLICK HERE, and the complete 71 page packet is available CLICK HERE. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
School Committee 12-11-23 Superintendent of the Winchendon Public Schools appeared in the public comment section at the beginning of the meeting to thank Gardner Public Schools for making Elm Street School available during their recent boiler issue.
Students receiving Abigal Adams scholarships were honored.
The Complete Packet includes the complete Gardner High School, Gardner Academy, Gardner Middle School, and Gardner Elementary 2021 – 2024 Improvement Plans. CLICK HERE.
Principal Bulger gave a presentation regarding the High School. She spoke of increasing MCAS scores, Tier 1, better attendance, and increasing early college and career readiness. Referencing the plan begun 3 years ago, she stated, “Wow, we’ve been doing a lot of work over the last few years…payoff with concrete results.” Superintendent Pellegrino commented, “Goals were lofty and you just achieved them.”
Principal McMorrow from the Gardner Academy went over similar achievements in a presentation.
School Committee members reminded people that there are concerts this week at the schools.
- Pickle Gift (12/11/2023)
Gardner MA Happy Trails Solves the Holiday Gift-giving Pickle – with pickles!
A local pickle producer from Westminster, Stretch’s Pickles has announced availability at Happy Trails Natural Foods at 43 Parker Street in Gardner. Happy Trails on Facebook, CLICK HERE.
Stretch’s Pickles stated, “Happy Trails Natural Foods is a family run health food store that has been serving the Greater Gardner Area since 1978! They have a holistic approach and believe in herbal healing, natural alternative medicine, and healthy living.” Stretch’s Pickles website, CLICK HERE
Stretch’s says they produce award-winning handmade craft pickles in Westminster, MA. Stretch’s Pickles are available at about 4 dozen locations from New Hampshire to Worcester.
SUPPORT A LOCAL BUSINESS this Holiday Season and you’ll be a Happy Pickle!
- Lights – Toys (12/11/2023)
Successful Schotanus Family Light Show at Brookside Drive brings in Toys for Gardner CAC
Gardner Police Department posted, “The Grinch didn’t steal Christmas this year!!Another successful Holiday Light Show and Toy drive by the Schotanus Family. Our truck was filled with all the generous donations from our community to make it an even Merrier Christmas.”
The Gardner PD and Fire Departments invited the public to the 2023 Holiday Show and Toy Drive which was held December 9th at 250 Brookside Drive in Gardner. New, unwrapped gifts are donated to the Gardner CAC. Gardner PD and Fire personnel were on hand to help collect toys. It was all in the spirit of making a child’s holiday as bright as the light show.
To add to the fun, the Grinch was on hand and was taken into custody. Of course, this was after a photo op. Then it was off in the paddy wagon to where grinches go. And the toys were off to the Gardner CAC.
More Toys for CAC!
On December 11, 2023, Gardner CAC posted, “Our future is looking bright! Today, Gardner Elementary School student council made a special delivery of toys for our Christmas Toy Program! Thank you, student leaders for helping our community “
- Snow Problem (12/11/2023)
Gardner MA Public Service Committee to Discuss Potential “Snow Problem” due to Staffing
The Committee will meet on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 8am at the DPW Office at 50 Manca Drive. Among the items on the agenda (Complete agenda click here) is a letter from DPW Dane Arnold to the Mayor and City Council regarding Winter 2023 – 2024. See complete letter, CLICK HERE. Dane Arnold writes, “ In July, I wrote a letter regarding the staffing levels and salaries of the Department of Public Works. I stressed the importance of increasing the DPW’s salaries to try and encourage new hires with commercial drivers and hydraulic licenses to come work for the City. We have not hired one applicant with such licenses in years. Out of the 25 existing positions in the DPW, 6 have been vacant for months, and in some cases, years. By the winter of this year, we will also be losing two (2) long-term employees with CDL’s and Hydraulic licenses to retirement. That will mean once again 1/3 of our positions are vacant. The low staffing level is directly related to the low salaries of the DPW Employees.” Publisher’s Note: A city-wide salary survey is currently in process, but results have not yet been released. Results were originally expected in August 2023 – See Finance Committee meeting of January 2023, CLICK HERE.
Director Arnold writes on the issue of Snow problems to come this winter: “For the winter of 2023 – 2024, there will be streets that WILL NOT have a plow truck covering the neighborhood. If the City receives a long-term snow event, snow may remain in the streets for many hours or even days depending on the duration of the storm before we will be able to remove it. With the shortage of staff, the drivers will do their best, but may not be able to complete plowing of the city. After working 30-40 hours straight, they will have to go home to sleep and recover. The snow will remain on the streets. This will also mean sidewalks will not be cleared for days after a storm depending on the amount and duration of the storm.”
Arnold concludes that outside contractors won’t fill the gap stating, “The City was also unable to hire contractors to plow our parking lots or streets because our rates are too low and not competitive with other communities and the State. As of now, parking lots will not be cleared during snow events until after the streets are cleared. This includes City Hall, Police parking lot, Senior Center, all public parking areas, and the library.”
Also at the upcoming meeting: Dane Arnold, DPW Director in person on Public Works – Sewer – Water, Rob Oliva, City Engineer on Survey and Engineering, and Trevor Beauregard regarding the Conservation Commission.
- The Rizz (12/10/2023)
Who’s got “Rizz” in Greater Gardner MA? – Word of the Year
The word “rizz” is the Oxford Word of the Year for 2023. The meaning: a colloquial noun defined as style, charm, or attractiveness; the ability to attract a romantic partner. 30,000 language lovers from around the world participated in the selection of this year’s word.
Oxford University Press wrote, “Etymologically, the term is believed to be a shortened form of the word ‘charisma’, taken from the middle part of the word, which is an unusual word formation pattern. Other examples of this word formation pattern include ‘fridge’ (from ‘refrigerator’) and ‘flu’ (from ‘influenza’). ‘rizz’ can also be used as a verb, in phrases such as ‘to rizz up’, which means ‘to attract, seduce, or chat up (a person)’. Expansions into other parts of speech like this can indicate that a word is becoming more prominent in the language.” Website, CLICK HERE.
Past years: The word for 2022 was “goblin mode” which means “the behavior of someone who wants to feel comfortable and do and eat whatever they want,” Other words of the year included: 2021: vax, 2020 – no word but a study instead, CLICK HERE. 2019: climate emergency, 2018: toxic, 2017: youthquake, 2016 – post-truth, 2015: the imogi showing a face with tears of joy, 2014: vape, 2013: selfie, 2012: GIF, 2011: squeezed noodle, 2010: refudiate, 2009: unfriend, 2008: hypermiling, 2007: locavore, 2006: carbon-neutral, 2005: podcast, and 2004: chav — People and Animals with Rizz below.
- Toy Bingo (12/8/2023)
Toy Bingo Central Mass Flag Football has a website, CLICK HERE.
Huge Toy Bingo Event Coming Up at Gardner PACC
We spoke with Dana Heath, President of the Central Mass Flag Football League about the Toy Bingo, Friday December 15, 2023 at the PACC. Doors open at 5pm, Bingo starts at 5:30pm. Listen to our conversation on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Toy Bingo – Dana Heath 12-8-23 The Hours-long event is open to families and promises lots of toys to those calling out “Bingo”. There’s room for a couple hundred people. Toys range from small to large items of all types and descriptions ranging in value from $10 to $500. There’s single bingo, double bingo, triple bingo, and even a cover-all. Dana Heath says the average family has spent about $30 in the last couple of years However, “it’s one ticket for $4, 3 tickets for $8,, and that gives you chances for single, double, and triple bingos.”.
Dana Heath says that this is their main event. and stated, “I just know, that for me, when I woke up on Christmas morning, I didn’t wake up to too many toys, and ever since that, you know, when I was able to reach these kids, I went ahead and started this right here. And they talk about it year-round to me about how they can’t wait for the next Toy Bingo.”
- Hotline 12-9-23 (12/8/2023)
Hotline Radio airs Saturday 12:10 to 2pm on WGAW AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and live from anywhere in the world on the live stream.
Hotline RADIO Update segment with Mayor Highlights Quality of Hit WGAW Program
Air Date of this segment on Hotline Radio: Saturday December 9, 2023 at 12:10pm – Advance copy of segment highlights quality of 2 hour program. Don’t miss the show! Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Hotline Update – Nicholson 12-9-23 The Mayor speaks of progress on Downtown Development including that 42-52 Parker Street is now renting out apartments, had one open house and is having another. A parking committee will meet beginning the first of next year to help plan how parking will work going forward in Downtown. Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke of the stores coming to Gardner. He explained the situation with Chapter 70 and 90 Funds. The Mayor gave a rundown of other projects in the City and talked about various events.
AUDIO of this interview was also used as the Mayor’s Update this week on Youtube and GETV.
- Assessors 12-5-23 (12/7/2023)
With Grinch Banner in background, Gardner MA Board of Assessors has Exciting Meeting.
Assessor Christine Kumar reported tax rate of $16.13 for 2023 is down for this year with a rate of $14.99 for 2024 certified by the State. City Council once again recently approved a single tax rate for residential, commercial, industrial, personal property, and land. Kumar stated, “So we are certified by the state, which is always a lovely thing”
No mention of the Grinch was made by any of the members but Kumar did state, “And then really, I’m just kind of in a holding pattern, waiting to provide vision, billing information to the treasurer-collector, probably this week or next week. Once that happens, I can speak to vision and have them flip to the next fiscal year. So then I can start adding and changing things that affect growth. Because right now, until they do that, I still can’t touch anything. So we’ll get moving on that probably next week.And then fiscal 25 starts in vision. It always gets me so far ahead.” Listen to the exciting meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
- School Air (12/6/2023)
Students have been temporarily utilizing facilities at Elm Street School in Gardner and the Cornerstone Church in Winchendon since a boiler issue contaminated the air and required the schools to be closed to students.
Murdock Middle and High School Reopen Thursday, December 7, 2023– Air Quality Passed
Winchendon Superintendent of Schools Goguen has announced that the buildings passed air quality tests. “…samples were sent to Hayes Microbial Consulting, and the results state the building is a PASS for safe occupancy on all samples.”
However, the gym will be closed for the month according to Goguen. “While the building air quality is safe and the building is clean, the gymnasium will remain closed through the month of December to allow for the proper cleaning of this large space. The gymnasium has its own HVAC system which has already been cleaned; however, the beams and walls in the space still need to be cleaned. The doors of the gymnasium are sealed, and the construction crew will be monitored by school facilities staff during this process.” Goguen also thanked all who aided the School District during this situation. Air quality Test results are attached, CLICK HERE.
- Tree Gallery (12/5/2023)
View the Complete Gallery of Trees, CLICK HERE.
Beautiful Christmas Tree Gallery Released by Gardner Magazine
Enjoy the Christmas Trees or send along one of the trees to a friend or family member to cheer them up. You’ll enjoy the themes in the Gardner Magazine Gallery of Trees.
View the Complete Gallery of Trees, CLICK HERE.
May you and yours have a blessed Holiday Season filled with the goodness and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Merry Christmas!
- Unclaimed Bucks (12/5/2023)
State of MA Holding more than $3 Billion in Unclaimed Property
It could be a cable deposit or an insurance refund, but it’s yours so why not claim it. Fill out the appropriate form on the State’s website and the Treasurer’s office will send you a check. Don’t think you have any unclaimed funds? It’s easy to check. Just go to
The State of Massachusetts has returned more than $787 million in unclaimed property in the last 5 years. You can also search for property held by other states at
Many people have no idea that there’s money waiting for them. Check for unclaimed property today.
- Council 12-4-23 (12/5/2023)
Sports Betting and Marijuana Establishments on City Council Agenda of December 4, 2023
The Gardner City Council took up (1) An Ordinance to Amend the Code of the City of Gardner, Chapter 675 thereof, entitled “Zoning” to Add “Sports Betting” to the Zoning Table of Uses. And (2) An Ordinance to Amend the Code of the City of Gardner, Chapter 675 thereof, entitled “Zoning” to Amend Section 1070 thereof, entitled, “Marijuana Establishments” to Change the Method to Increase the Quota Allowed by the City of Gardner. Just as when brought up before, items are referred to Planning Board and a joint Planning Board – City Council Public Hearing will be scheduled.
City Council 12-4-23 After some discussion, long-serving Human Resources Director Debra Pond was confirmed on a 9 -2 vote. Both No votes came from members of the Appointments Committee which had voted 2-1 against recommending appointment confirmation. However, other Councilors expressed praise for Pond.
Other matters included a dozen applications for motor vehicle dealers licenses, a review of communications from Mayor Michael Nicholson, various appointments, an ordinance relating to prohibiting parking on a certain street, and an ordinance related to wage theft protection.
Appointments Committee
The Appointments Committee asked Human Resources Director Debra Pond many questions before voting not to recommend reappointment. listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Appointments Committee 12-4-23
- Heywood Hiring (12/5/2023)
Heywood Hospital in Gardner Thriving and Hiring Despite Other Issues
Here’s a comment from Renee Eldredge, a community health worker and a liaison with the “Handle with Care” initiative. She speaks on the positive impacts of Heywood in the community. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Heywood Healthcare 12-5-23 Here’s a comment from Christine Cutting,Program Manager, CLICK PLAY
Christine Cutting – Heywood Healthcare Here’s a comment from Hailey Girard, a phlebotomist, CLICK PLAY
Hailey Girard – Heywood Healthcare According to Heywood Healthcare, “From patient care to operations, there’s a role for everyone in healthcare. Check out this one-stop shop to find the position in your area that’s right for you. Website with Job Openings, CLICK HERE. — 20 Opportunities were listed here, CLICK for page.
There were also provider opportunities listed including Emergency Medicine Advanced Practitioner, Family or Internal Medicine Physician Opportunity, OB/GYN, Orthopedic Surgery Advanced Practice Provider Opportunity, and Advanced Practice Provider Opportunities in Family Medicine, Gastroenterology, Psychiatry, and Urgent Care. CLICK FOR OPPORTUNITIES.
- Airport 12-6-23 (12/5/2023)
Airport Commission Meeting at Gardner Municipal Airport
Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 5pm – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Airport Commission 12-6-23 Gale Associates Inc. will provide an update on the Runway project and the Master Plan. The Airport Manager will give her report including Aircraft ownership on ramp and the Pilot Lounge Project.
Airport Renovations began in September 2023 (previous story) with millions in Federal and State funding. This is the first major makeover in 50 years. The Airport Master Plan will have public input and will help shape the future of the Gardner Airport for the decades to come.
The Airport recently got internet service via Starlink satellite internet. Eventually, an airport coffee shop or cafe may be in the offing.
The next meeting is planned for Wednesday, January 3, 2024.
- Wreaths 2023 (12/4/2023)
Wreaths Across America Planning for Laying of Wreaths in Winchendon MA
Veterans will be honored at the Massachusetts Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Winchendon on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 9am. REMEMBER THE Fallen. HONOR those who Serve, and TEACH our children the value of Freedom. According to their website “Wreaths Across America will be at Massachusetts Veterans’ Memorial Cemetery to Remember and Honor our veterans through the laying of Remembrance wreaths on the graves of our country’s fallen heroes and the act of saying the name of each and every veteran aloud.” The cemetery is home to the graves of thousands of veterans. Even is rain or shine.
For more information, please visit this page. Click Here.
- Winter Ball (12/4/2023)
Centennial Winter Ball to Cap Off Year of Celebration in Gardner MA
A year of celebration ends on Saturday, December 30, 2023 with the Centennial Winter Ball going on from 6 to 10pm – Perry Auditorium at Gardner City Hall. It is a strictly limited affair with only 300 tickets available at $30 each at the Mayor’s Office or at the Velvet Goose. (sold thru 12/15)
The spectacular affair will feature Live Music by Squires of Jazz Sextet, DJ Services by Perfect Mix Event, Light Cuisine by Finicky Fork Catering Co., and Cash Bar by Gardner Ale House. Citizens born in the 1920’s will be honored.
Gardner was founded in 1764, became a town in 1785, became a City in 1923, and is completing its 101st year as a City in 2023. Gardner is expected to have another big celebration in 2035 when it turns 250.
For more information, please email
- Kids Room (12/3/2023)
Children’s Room at Levi Heywood Memorial Library has Gardner MA Fun-Filled Week
Mon. 12/4: Lego Club 4-5pm, Tues. 12/5: Storytime 10am, Weds. 12/6: Storytime 10am and 2pm – Winter Social from 6pm to 8pm. Thurs. 12/7: Storytime 10am
For more information on all the Children’s Room activities, CLICK HERE.
For more information on all the library programs, visit the Levi Heywood Memorial Library website, CLICK HERE.
- GHS – Disney (12/3/2023)
GHS posted “The GHS band performing at Disney Springs. Such a wonderful experience for them and they sounded amazing!” The Field Trip request for the Gardner High School Band and Chorus to go to Florida from November 29th to December 4th was approved by the School Committee at a November meeting.
- Fire Trucks (12/2/2023)
- Trees 2023 (12/2/2023)
Gardner MA Museum – Festival of Trees Draws Winners of Donations
The 18th Annual Festival of Trees at the Gardner Museum ran from November until Saturday, December 2, 2023. There were beautiful donated trees, gift baskets, and other holiday items. Raffle tickets were $5 for 20 tickets. The Festival ended at 2pm and then the work shifted to gathering all of the containers containing raffle tickets so the drawings could be held.
View our complete gallery of trees right here
The Gardner Museum posted, “We are grateful for every single visitor who supported the museum! All the winning tickets have been drawn, WINNERS HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED. Congratulations to everyone who will be able to pick up one of the beautiful trees, baskets or other items! Pick up is tomorrow 10 am – 4 pm.” Website, CLICK HERE — Winners List on pdf, CLICK HERE
Annual Memberships Available Now – Cost for the entire Calendar year is $1 for student, $20 for individual, and $30 per family. Other membership amounts are optional and provide greater support to the Gardner Museum. As an official 501(c) 3, membership dues and donations are tax deductible. Give the Gift of History – perfect STOCKING STUFFER.
The Gardner Museum Festival of Trees – Showing the Beautiful Donations and Volunteers Working on December 2, 2023 Trees 2023 Gardner Museum Collecting Winter Clothing for CAC
from Gardner Museum on 12-10-23 “The Festival of Trees is over but the museum is still OPEN for another week, until December 17! Take advantage of that time to visit our displays, get a meaningful gift for a history lover (how about a Museum Membership?!), and drop off your donation of (like-) new adult and children winter coats, hats, gloves, boots, and personal hygiene items. Everything collected here at the Gardner Museum will be distributed directly to local families in need through the Gardner CAC. Winter clothes are in need this year more than ever! Please donate to help those in our community who may be in need!”
- Christmas Video (12/1/2023)
Christmas 2023 Video
Featuring Faith-Based Scenes of Christmas Trees and a Tribute to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas to you and Your Family. Video is HD.
Merry Christmas to you and your Family. A way of getting you in the spirit of the season.
produced by
- Police Officer (12/1/2023)
Window of Opportunity Open to become a Gardner MA Police Officer
Gardner has openings on its team. As the City of Gardner is still under Civil Service, the first step is to submit an application by January 16, 2024. The written examination period runs from March 16 to March 30, 2024. There is an examination processing fee of $75. Here is the website link with information on how to apply:
We had the honor of speaking with Gardner Police Chief Eric McAvene relating to the opportunity. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY
Chief Eric McAvene 12-1-23 Chief McAvene described the application process and what happens following that including Police Academy attendance. We also spoke about how Gardner succeeds in officer retention and the various tools which the Gardner PD has to help in doing its job for the community.
Gardner PD Praised for Handling Incidents well: When asked how he feels about the Gardner PD getting praised for how it has handled various incidents the Chief stated, “I’m proud to see the officers doing good work, I’m proud to know that they’re out there doing the work that needs to be done, and they’re doing it well. Again, it’s, you know, like Bill Belichick says, do your job right, but it’s also do your job well, and it’s just, it’s really, I’m very proud of our department.”
In its Mission Statement, the Gardner PD highlights “With Pride and Integrity” and “It is the mission of the Gardner Police Department to first and foremost, protect all citizens who live or visit this community.” Male and Female officers of the Gardner PD train year round, are well equipped, and are dedicated to serve and protect. More on this City of Gardner website page.
Why it’s a great career, the many aspects of the job: Police officers perform many duties in the course of the work including Responding to calls for police service, Maintaining public order, Enforcing the law and preventing criminal activities, Investigating crimes, Protecting victims, Conducting patrols, Directing traffic, Mediating disputes, Assisting at accidents, Collecting unused prescription medication, Ensuring child safety seats are correctly installed, Speaking to groups about crime prevention, Performing first aid, Helping citizens get to safety, Preventing the destruction of property, Directing evacuations, Assisting in emergency situations during adverse weather conditions, Conducting search and rescue operations, Collecting evidence at a crime scene, Testifying in court, Conducting home checks to make sure homes are safe while owners are on vacation, Partnering with volunteer Neighborhood Watch or block watch programs to keep neighborhoods safe, Providing self-defense training, Keeping schools safe by working as school resource officers, and Performing welfare checks upon request. And we’re sure there are items we have missed. Become a Gardner Police officer. Here is the website link with information on how to apply:
- Update 12-1-23 (12/1/2023)
In closing this week’s update, Executive Aide Colin Smith stated, “Hello, everyone, and thank you for that wonderful introduction, Mike. As most of you know, my name is Colin Smith, and for the last three years I’ve had the honor of serving as Mike’s executive aide. However, today will be my last appearance in these updates as I am taking a new position at Boston Children’s Hospital. I’d like to thank Mike, as well as all my colleagues here in City Hall, for making these past years memorable, educational, and often a lot of fun. In addition, I’d like to thank all of you for welcoming me here into the community in Gardner. While Gardner will no longer be the place I come to work, it will always be a second home to me. Thank you for making that possible.
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson with first update of December 2023
The update was unusual in that the Mayor opened it and did the update, and Colin Smith closed the update. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 12-1-23 Thanks: To Gardner Square 2 for continuing to put on the Memorial Lights campaign (still going on $10 donation), Triple T Family Farm for providing the horse-drawn carriage rides at the Tree Lighting, to everyone for patience while ambulance chase was underway, and the various departments involved
Events: On Thursday, December 21st from 6pm to 7:30pm, Triple T will be back with two horse-drawn carriages for a Christmas light tour of Downtown Gardner beginning at Gardner City Hall – both a two seater and a 12 seater are planned and rides are FREE —
Info: Deadline to submit videos of performances for this year’s annual caroling video is December 15th. Send to Remember that November’s electric bill still reflects higher rate from October, next bill reflects lower rate from November. .—- Levi Heywood Memorial Library Winter Social is December 6th from 5pm to 8pm in the Greenwood Meeting Room and is geared ages 10 to adult. — Uptown Rotary construction paused until snow leaves us. —- Centennial Winter Ball is December 30th with a limit of 300 tickets at $30 each. —- Small Business Main Event is December 14th in the evening.
Around the Towns – News

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