Hotline Radio airs Saturday 12:10 to 2pm on WGAW AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and live from anywhere in the world on the live stream.
Hotline RADIO Update segment with Mayor Highlights Quality of Hit WGAW Program
Air Date of this segment on Hotline Radio: Saturday December 9, 2023 at 12:10pm – Advance copy of segment highlights quality of 2 hour program. Don’t miss the show! Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
The Mayor speaks of progress on Downtown Development including that 42-52 Parker Street is now renting out apartments, had one open house and is having another. A parking committee will meet beginning the first of next year to help plan how parking will work going forward in Downtown. Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke of the stores coming to Gardner. He explained the situation with Chapter 70 and 90 Funds. The Mayor gave a rundown of other projects in the City and talked about various events.
AUDIO of this interview was also used as the Mayor’s Update this week on Youtube and GETV.