Gardner MA
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- Conservation 3-24-25
Conservation Commission Speaks About the Sludge
Discussion at the Conservation Commission meeting of March 24, 2025 revolved around the problems at the Gardner Sludge Landfill. Chairman Greg Dumas asked questions of DPW Director Dane Arnold and City Engineer Rob Oliva regarding options at the site. Dumas stated that he would like to see Viola (the vendor) at a meeting. Item was continued to the next meeting on the 14th Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Conservation Commission 3-24-25 Other matters on the agenda included 36 Nicole Terrace, 282 Brookside Drive,125 Snake Pond Road, Betty Spring Road, the New England Power A1/B2 Transmission Line, the Ebenezer Keyes Conservation Area, Old Duck Pond Dam and 170 Mill Street. Some items were continued due to non attendance of the relevant people.
Brian Hall was welcomed to the Conservation Commission under a 60 day temporary appointment.
Please note: AUDIO is missing from approximately minute 32 to minute 34 and around minute 40 and 42 as there was a technical issue in the YouTube video. Also note: The YouTube video froze and there was no video for all but the first minute or so of the meeting.
- Health 3-24-25
At the end of the meeting, 2 citizens spoke to the Board of the Health regarding the Sludge Landfill. At the beginning of the segment, Chair Avallone was seen looking at her phone rather than at the residents. Alan Rousseau and Paul DeMeo made extensive comments.
The Gardner Board of Health met on March 24, 2025
The Board of Health spent about 19 minutes at the beginning of the meeting discussing meeting minutes including updates, corrections, and errors. Member Geoffrey Tobia expressed concern at various inaccuracies.
Director Micah Blondeau spoke about new model regulations from the state regarding Private Wells. Blondeau also updated the Board regarding groundwater monitoring, erosion control, and leachate systems. The public bidding for the leachate system will be at a future date. Blondeau stated that $143,000 was encumbered before, but some funds had been expended for preparation. Additional funds would be needed to proceed. Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY
Entire Meeting BOH 3-24-25 During public comments at the end, Director Micah Blondeau, Chair Susan Avallon, member Michelle Parker and DeMeo got in to a back and forth discussion.
BOH Public Comments 3-24-25 Paul DeMeo also requested that the Board of Health adhere to the spirit of the Open Meeting Law by including various documents brought up during the meeting with the meeting agenda.
Publisher’s Note: The practice of including documents and draft minutes is followed by the Gardner City Council and the Gardner School Committee and has been very helpful to our readers with some City Council packets being up to 500 pages long.
- Bridge Hit
Quick Action by Gardner Fire Department Averts Contamination
The railroad bridge on Lower Parker Street in Gardner with a clearance of 12 feet 6 inches was hit on March 24, 2025 by a flat bed truck which was carrying a fork lift. Hydraulic oil spilled but was handled before it reached storm drains on the street.
Gardner Fire Department wrote, “Gardner Fire Group 4 responded to the lower Parker St. RR bridge for a flat bed truck that hit the bridge with its payload. Crews arrived to find that the payload ( a fork lift) had hit the bridge and was knocked off the truck into the road and leaking hydraulic oil. Crews were able to stop the hydraulic oil spill before it reached any of the nearby storm drains.”
Photo shows incident response and a stock photo of the bridge showing the sign about the “Low Bridge”.
- Deep – Biosolids
Deep Dive with the Chair Man and Chair Lady – Landfilling Biosolids
In this episode of our “Deep Dive” series, Gardner Magazine covers an EPA report on Landfilling Biosolids, featuring the Pros and Cons as laid out by the EPA. With all of the discussion and public comment on the possible expansion of the Gardner MA Sludge Landfill, we thought it was a great topic to explore. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Deep Dive – Landfilling Biosolids Gardner Magazine published the actual report this Deep Dive is based on , CLICK HERE.
Gardner Magazine had a previous article on Sludge Facts covering additional aspects of the Sludge issue, CLICK HERE.
- Hotline 3-22-25
Projects – Events – Veterans – Budgets – Pets Focus of WGAW Hotline Radio Show
The WGAW Hotline Radio Show of March 22, 2025 was filled with great interviews. Listen to the entire show on any device, CLICK PLAY.
WGAW Hotline Radio 3-22-25 1st Hour: Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson on projects in Gardner including the Rome Building at Willow and Main, Gardner Spray Park, the Mayor speaks about a large number of events in Gardner. — Jim Benton, Vietnam Veterans of America about various programs and events such as annual Memorial Ride — Abbott and Costello with famous baseball routine “Who’s on First”
2nd Hour: Big budget problems Winchendon and Templeton. —- Templeton: interview with Matthew Rivard who is resigning from the Templeton Board of Selectmen. Rivard speaks on his reasons for resigning and concerns about the Templeton budget. Rivard criticizes the mentality of the people of Templeton with respect to funding the town and “their inability to be forward looking”. Winchendon: Deep Dive with Jack and Jill: Winchendon School Budget —- Werner Poegel Commentary on People and Pets in the Chair City.
- Deep Charter
Deep Dive with the Chair Man and Chair Lady – Gardner City Charter
In this episode of our “Deep Dive” series, Gardner Magazine covers the Gardner City Charter as updated as of January 2, 2025. The discussion lays out the Chair City’s operating system and explains how things work under the hood. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Deep Dive – Gardner City Charter Review the actual Gardner City Charter profiled in this “Deep Dive – Gardner City Charter”. CLICK FOR PDF.
- CDBG 3-21-25
Members of the CDBG Committee include Chair Evan Cudmore who is the Assistant Director of Community Development, Council President George Tyros, Jason Stevens who is Director of Community Development, Micah Blondeau who is Director of Public Health, Thomas Zuppa who is Building Commissioner, Shawn Hayden who is CEO of GAAMHA, and Krishonna Murray, who is Director of the Gardner Housing Authority.
CDBG Updates City on Projects and More
The Gardner Community Block Grant Committee met on March 21, 2025 and went over various project details to update each other and the public. Gardner Magazine enhanced the AUDIO as original volume was low. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
CDBG 3-21-25 Item Update Greenwood Pool Demolition Next step is working with City Engineer Rob Oliva who currently has the storm water permit submission. Demolition of structure and construction of new Outdoor Pavilion will be 2 separate bids 213-215 Main Street Demolition An extra week of abatement is expected. Once abatement is done permit can be obtained to proceed with demo. PD will be involved to close streets as needed. 12 mattresses have to be removed from the building. Boys and Girls Club Award amount to be distributed after getting needed documentation
- Blake 2025
The City of Gardner has 6 Councilors at Large. To be elected, a person needs to be in the top 6 of vote getters for the position. Nomination papers are available starting April 1st.
Gardner Political Machine to Face Kimberly Blake Once Again
Gardner resident Kimberly Blake has announced that she will be running for Gardner City Council and explained in an answer to a question on Social Media that it will be for Councilor at Large.
The following is the statement from Kimberly Blake “We’ve had it all wrong…While there’s a lot of focus on who will run for mayor, it’s crucial to remember that the city council is what truly matters. Every action taken by the mayor must first pass through the city council. Sadly, our current council is filled with individuals who simply agree without question. But imagine if we revamped the city council and brought in members who can’t be swayed in their voting? What if we had a council that genuinely advocates for the residents and isn’t afraid to stand up for them, individuals who won’t be intimidated or coerced? What we really need are people who are willing to say no to the mayor! And people who are willing to hold the mayor and others accountable when their actions negatively impacts our city. You guys have always had my back, and i’ll continue to have your backs. I will be pulling papers to run for City Council. The fake accounts, misleading narratives, and attempts at retaliation have failed. I’m still here..” Blake ran for Mayor in the 2023 Gardner Municipal election, but was defeated by incumbent Mayor Michael Nicholson, who has been Mayor since July 2020.
GOOGLE analyzes Blake candidacy. A Google “Deep Dive” tool analyzed the candidacy of Kimberly Blake and rendered the AUDIO at right.
“Deep Dive” – Blake Candidacy
- This Week 3-21-25
This Week in the Chair City – March 21, 2025
The Gardner Magazine update can be heard on any device. CLICK PLAY.
This Week in the Chair City 3-21-25 This Week: Various Local issues including Sewage Sludge, Budget Process, Drought, Election Dates, Projects and Progress, Various Events, Various Meetings, and a list of Songs.
Email any events or news tips to
- ZBA 3-18-25
Zoning Board of Appeals Hears Options at Interactive Meeting
Attorney Christine Tree represented Jonathan Bombaci regarding 163-165 Pine Street and the effort to resolve parking issues. Several options were presented including a potential plan to designate dedicated parking spaces at another property down the street with an easement. The Board will take the matter up again in April with the applicant expected to submit a more detailed plan including an order of desired preferences among the various solutions being considered.
Other matters included an applicant seeking relief on a rear setback yard to add two egresses on a Two-Family residence and the proposal regarding a single family home on Acadia Road.
Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
ZBA 3-18-25
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Around the Community of Gardner MA
Community Facts Go to News section
Gardner is a city in Worcester County with a population of just over 21 thousand people. It is home to Mount Wachusett Community College, Heywood Hospital, and Dunn State Park. Gardner became a city in 1923.
School District Office: (978) 632-1000
Elm Street: (978) 632-1673
Waterford Street: (978) 632-1605
Gardner Middle: (978) 632-1603
Gardner High: (978) 632-1600
Gardner Academy (978) 632-1606
Mayor’s Office: (978) 632-1490
Police Department: (978) 632-5600
Fire Department: (978) 630-4051
City Clerk: (978) 630-4058
Gardner Animal Control (978) 630-4950
Council on Aging: (978) 630-4067
Gardner CAC (978) 632-8700
Golf Course: (978) 632-9703
Gardner Museum (978) 632-3277
P.A.C.C. (978) 632-8875
Gardner Chamber (978) 632-1780
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