Visit the Town of Winchendon Website, CLICK HERE More on the Winchendon Community Park and the Renaissance Fair spoken of in the interview, CLICK HERE. An Interview with Winchendon Town Manager Bill McKinney – Budget, Business, and the Basics about the Toytown. We had the honor of speaking with WinchendonContinue Reading

Consecutive Night Meetings The Winchendon Board of Selectmen met on March 25, 2024 for 1 ½ hours. . Meeting concerned appointments, permit-license applications, a presentation of Beal’s Memorial Library, Nicole Roberts update regarding Planning and Development, various new business, continued discussions on the landfill, and a 2nd review of theContinue Reading

Complete Agenda, CLICK HERE. (Note: We are working with Town of Winchendon to get quality of document improved.) Winchendon Select Board Meets 3-11-24 The Winchendon Board of Selectmen met on March 11, 2024. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.Continue Reading

The Winchendon Select Board met on February 26, 2024 in a more than 3 hour meeting. There was considerable discussion about the landfill and concerns about trucks and contamination to residents. Order is as follows: Selectmen’s comments and announcements —- public comments and announcements — public hearings — appointments andContinue Reading

Town of Winchendon Holds Meeting with Select Board, School Committee, and Finance Committee The lengthy meeting on February 12, 2024 concerned many budget matters and included a presentation by Interim Town Manager Bill McKinney on historic & projected expenses and revenues of the town. The amount of the increase inContinue Reading

from town of Winchendon at 4pm on 2-1-24: ATTENTION-EMERGENCY SITUATION-LARGE WATER BREAK-CONSERVE WATER Crews are actively looking for the large water break. Please be visual. Call dispatch with any information pertaining to the water break. 978-297-1212Continue Reading

Winchendon Town Meeting will be Monday, May 20, 2024 at 7pm, to be held at Murdock Middle High School. The Town Manager’s office will be accepting warrant articles through Monday, April 8, 2024 until 5pm. Any questions, call the Town Manager’s office at (978) 297-0085 extension 5.Continue Reading

More on crumbling foundations on the Town of Winchendon website, CLICK HERE. Winchendon Select Board Hears About Pyrrhotite in Concrete The unusual iron sulfide with variable iron content can really screw up concrete, and the problems in house foundations sometimes takes 10 to 30 years to show up. The WinchendonContinue Reading

Students have been temporarily utilizing facilities at Elm Street School in Gardner and the Cornerstone Church in Winchendon since a boiler issue contaminated the air and required the schools to be closed to students. Murdock Middle and High School Reopen Thursday, December 7, 2023– Air Quality Passed Winchendon Superintendent ofContinue Reading

Update December 1, 2023: Learning to take place at 2 locations, 1 in Gardner and 1 in Winchendon Watch the complete Emergency Winchendon School Committee Meeting, CLICK HERE. Winchendon School Committee met in an emergency meeting on Thursday, November 30th Facilities Manager Brian Croteau’s statement to the School Committee characterizedContinue Reading

Winchendon MA has unveiled new transparency tools for citizens including Winchendon TV The Town of Winchendon has a number of tools available. We have created a Winchendon Meetings page on Gardner Magazine incorporating the ability to easily play Winchendon Meetings, CLICK HERE. There is an online transparency center with currentContinue Reading

The most recent Winchendon School Committee Meeting available is that of July 13, 2023. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. We will publish the July 25th meeting should it become available. Winchendon MA School Superintendent Controversy New Winchendon MA School Committee Chair Karen Kast-McBride Alleges an Unauthorized Payout was illegallyContinue Reading

Town of Winchendon MA Introduces K-9 Blitz K9 Blitz is handled by Officer Jim Wironen and is 2 years old. The Belgian Malinois has been trained for all the usual K9 tasks including the detection of narcotics. The safety vest shown in the photo was donated by Manilow’s Canine Playground.Continue Reading

Winchendon MA Having Trouble with Government Including Town Manager and School Superintendent Town Manager: The Town of Winchendon is seeking 5 residents for the Town Manager Search Committee to replace Justin Sultzbach who resigned earlier this month with a final day of July 7, 2023. Sultzbach has accepted the positionContinue Reading

Results of the Annual Winchendon MA Town Election: Board of Selectmen 3 yr. – Elected was Melissa S. Blanchard with 246 votes. Edward W. Ford Jr. got 42 votes and LaRochelle got 92 votes School Committee 3 yr. David LaPointe was reelected, and Karen Kast-McBride defeated Michael Barbaro Tina SantosContinue Reading

Note: Some meetings have short delay before AUDIO starts. Winchendon MA Board of Selectmen and other Meetings Like to know what’s been going on. We’re making it easy. Listen to these meetings on any device right here. Just click PLAY. 2023 Board of Selectmen Link to Town of Winchendon MAContinue Reading

For complete details, red the town meeting warrant provided here in pdf format. Winchendon MA with Special Town Meeting March 13, 2023 Here is the town meeting warrant in pdf format, ClICK HERE. The Town Meeting will consider $40,000 in broadcasting equipment upgrades for Town Hall and about $1400 inContinue Reading

The Town of Winchendon is having a Special Town Meeting on Monday,March 13, 2023 at 7pm at Murdock Middle High School, 3 Memorial Drive. More information will be available at this link when available, CLICK HERE. On January 19, 2023, Design Services for a new Fire Station were approved atContinue Reading

Winchendon Election January 19, 2023 involves Fire Station Ballot Vote A single question – Shall the Town of Winchendon be allowed to exempt from the provisions of Proposition 2 ½, so called the amounts required to pay for the bond issued to pay for design services for a new FireContinue Reading

Dan Wolski Sworn In as Winchendon Chief of Police From the Town of Winchendon: “Congratulations to Chief Dan Wolski on his official appointment as the Chief of Police for the Town of Winchendon! Chief Wolski is seen here being sworn in by Town Clerk Wendy Stevens at last night’s jointlyContinue Reading

Update on Infrastructure Project – Beal’s Memorial Library Winchendon MA According to the library on January 19, 2023: “Infrastructure Project Update:Furniture is covered, walls and ceilings are open. A lot of progress has been happening in only a few short weeks.”Continue Reading