According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, the Paycheck Protection Program is an SBA-backed loan that helps businesses keep their workforce employed during the Covid-19 crisis.  U.S. Government page, CLICK  HERE.   Information from the U.S. Treasury Department – CLICK HERE. Paycheck Protection Program for Greater Gardner MA Gets Watchdog WhoContinue Reading

The Gardner MA School Committee meetings can be watched on YouTube or on our School Committee page. CLICK HERE. The meeting ended with positive comments by School Committee members: Shannon Ward-Leighton thanked the Central office staff for getting her up to speed. Impressed with school improvement plans. Anne Hurst –Continue Reading

(We credit the Boston Herald for a records request from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health which shed light on the issue.) The Real Risk of Dying From Covid in MA is Finally Out First, direct from the Covid Dashboard, there have been 22,188 deaths in MA as of FebruaryContinue Reading

Gardner MA Positive Covid Cases down 91 percent from the last report one month ago. View report from last month The State of Massachusetts also does Covid-19 Response Reporting. Information was just updated as of 5:30pm 2/14/22. Chart below. Here’s the link if you want to view more data. CLICKContinue Reading

More of the Diner Experience Other diners in the area with decent Google reviews include Blue Moon Diner, Gardner MA Facebook Directions – Kellies, Athol MA Website Directions – Ruschioni’s Cruisin 12 Diner, Winchendon MA Website Directions – Hometown Cafe, Winchendon MA Directions – Hubb Town Diner, Hubbardston MA WebsiteContinue Reading

For the Massachusetts Covid Dashboard, CLICK HERE. Covid Reports are a Mixed Bag for the Greater Gardner MA Area The Covid Incidence Rate per 100,000 is still high for the past two weeks in the Greater Gardner MA area. However, cases in Massachusetts as a whole are plummeting to theContinue Reading

Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson personally observes “Shovel Rage” and ADA violations In his Mayor’s Update of 2-4-22, Mayor Nicholson mentioned the challenges of recent weather. Desiring a first-person view, the Mayor did a ride along during snow clearing with a DPW plow driver. He observed a citizen throwing aContinue Reading

Ashburnham MA Library Damaged by Water On January 31, 2022, the Stevens Memorial Library in Ashburnham MA had to close due to a flood.   The Library announced: “We will be closed Wednesday 2/2 and Thursday 2/3 while we continue to address damage caused on Monday. The craft program scheduled forContinue Reading

UPDATE 1/31/22: Other towns benefitting from the Gardner Purchase of Antigen tests have just been notified today that they can pick up the tests. That is why these towns have not yet announced individual distribution times, because they may not yet even physically have the tests. We will update youContinue Reading

Winchendon MA Upcoming Special and Annual Town Meeting From the Town of Winchendon: “The Winchendon Board of Selectmen have scheduled a Special and Annual Town Meeting for Monday, May 16, 2022 at 7:00 PM to be held at Murdock Middle High School, 3 Memorial Drive. The Town Manager ‘s OfficeContinue Reading

Millers River Waterfront Project – Orange MA Field work is underway on the Millers River Waterfront Project. From the Orange MA website “The Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) is working with the Town of Orange on a plan for the Gulf Brook watershed and parts of the Millers RiverContinue Reading

Unique General Store in New Salem MA The Reynolds family operates a very unique general store located within this community of around 1000 people.  The New Salem General Store says, “Featuring a little bit of everything that you might need with a focus on local fresh products from the QuabbinContinue Reading

Athol MA Encouraging Recycling The Town of Athol is encouraging the recycling of clothing and textiles at its Transfer & Recycling Station.  For the list of items in pdf format, CLICK HERE. Continue Reading

People’s Place is located at 73 City Hall Avenue, Gardner. For directions, CLICK HERE For more information, here is their website. CLICK HERE or their  Facebook page.  CLICK HERE Non-Profit Holds Greater Gardner MA Vegetarian Cooking Class The People’s Place Community Center of Gardner MA is holding another vegetarian cookingContinue Reading

Watch the weekly update on YouTube or use our Mayor’s Weekly Update page, CLICK HERE. Congratulations in Order as Gardner MA Wins Municipal Innovation Award! Mayor went on to congratulate certain individuals in the city who have worked hard on a particular project.  Once a year the Massachusetts Municipal AssociationContinue Reading

Martin Luther King Jr. Day – Monday, January 17, 2022 Greater Gardner MA marks the birthday of Civil Rights Activist and Baptist minister Martin Luther King Jr who was gunned down in 1968, King was known for nonviolent activism in protesting racial discrimination. King won the Nobel Peace Prize inContinue Reading