Watch the weekly update on YouTube or use our Mayor’s Weekly Update page, CLICK HERE. Congratulations in Order as Gardner MA Wins Municipal Innovation Award! Mayor went on to congratulate certain individuals in the city who have worked hard on a particular project.  Once a year the Massachusetts Municipal AssociationContinue Reading

Supply Chain Issues Not Affecting Consumer to Consumer Used Junk in Greater Gardner MA We’ve all heard about the Supply Chain issues affecting New car and electronics prices.  But what about junk?  Is regularly priced junk now high priced junk?  A cursory look on Craigslist says no.  For example, on theContinue Reading

Telephone Pole Approved by Gardner MA City Council January 18, 2022 A public hearing was held relating to to the installation of one single pole on Church Street by National Grid.  Purpose: to provide more reliable power service for 116 Church Street.   A representative from National Grid appeared.  No oneContinue Reading

National Compliment Day in Greater Gardner MA National Compliment Day is January 24, 2022. It’s a day to compliment a friend, family member, co-worker, server, official, or even someone you don’t know. We have a page of compliment images you can pass on. CLICK HERE It’s a great opportunity toContinue Reading

UPDATE: Free Covid-19 Test Kits and Reimbursement for Greater Gardner MA The Federal Government has a website in effect NOW from which Americans can order free COVID-19 tests. This began on January 19th. For the site CLICK HERE. These kits are absolutely free (limited to 4 tests per address) andContinue Reading

Moving to the Greater Gardner MA area If you’re relocating to the Greater Gardner MA area, you’ll likely want to know about the availability of various needs in your community. Our Moving to the Area Guide covers utilities, housing and home, transportation and taxes, municipal services, financial services, education, vices,Continue Reading

Gardner MA has an Active Library Levi-Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA is an active member of the Gardner MA community with a beautiful facility at 55 West Lynde Street in Gardner MA.   January is Winter Craft Month in the Children’s Room.   There’s Grab & Go Storytime now through FebruaryContinue Reading

Stevens Memorial Library – Ashburnham MA at the top of the Library Endeavor Anyone making a trip to the Stevens Memorial Library website is immediately impressed by the wealth of opportunity and immersed in the online experience.  If  you have a valid library card, you can borrow so many itemsContinue Reading

MA COVID-19 Digital Vaccine Card Massachusetts now has a new option for residents to access their COVID-19 vaccination record from the state’s immunization registry and obtain a ‘SMART Health Card’ QR code to indicate proof of vaccination.  Massachusetts residents can visit a web portal that follows national standards for securityContinue Reading

Martin Luther King Jr. Day – Monday, January 17, 2022 Greater Gardner MA marks the birthday of Civil Rights Activist and Baptist minister Martin Luther King Jr who was gunned down in 1968, King was known for nonviolent activism in protesting racial discrimination. King won the Nobel Peace Prize inContinue Reading

Gardner MA started 2021 with 9% Unemployment and finished the year at 6%. Greater Gardner MA Unemployment Rate During 2020, unemployment in Gardner MA averaged out at 10.5%, Right now, the rate hovers around 6%. You can get the Unemployment rates by Workforce Development Area, By County, and by City/TownContinue Reading

In other matters: Gardner Fire Department: The Mayor reported that the Fire Department received an 11 thousand dollar State grant to replace portions of their breathing apparatus. Police Dog for Gardner PD: The Stanton Foundation is providing funds through a grant to purchase a new Police Dog for the GardnerContinue Reading

With Covid still challenging, Gardner MA School District releases Helpful updated COVID Protocol Flow Chart As of January 14, 2022 – Covid Cases reported by Gardner Public Schools are a total of 114 current Positive Cases consisting of 9 Staff and 105 students.  See chart.  This is up from 75Continue Reading

No Tree Pickup in Gardner MA – Transport D.I.Y. to Transfer Station The Gardner Board of Health issued this Christmas Tree update on 1-13-22: “Due to ongoing & increasing staff at EL Harvey being impacted by COVID illness, Christmas tree pickup has been delayed again.  There will be no treeContinue Reading

Each individual community under “AROUND THE TOWNS” has an individual forecast and there’s in-depth coverage at the Greater Gardner Weather Center. Winter Weather Forecasts Greater Gardner MA Gardner Magazine’s Greater Gardner Weather Center has forecasts from 4 different services which include not only the 7 day forecast, but also wind,Continue Reading

We used this old graphic so you could not guess at what location I had the problem. I also made sure they had posted an “out of order” sign before running this article. Some Compressed Air Stations Not Working in Greater Gardner MA This publisher had his own experience todayContinue Reading

Covid reaching every age group in Greater Gardner MA Gardner Magazine has charted the State data in graphic form (just click on either image at left for large view) to illustrate the wide-ranging impact of Covid 19 among all age groups. Here’s the problem: Covid continues to spread because ofContinue Reading

Fire must be supervised at all times and be at least 75 feet from any dwelling. Be aware of all other requirements prior to burning. Burning Season Greater Gardner MA – January 15, 2022 to April 30, 2022. Open Burning Season runs from January 15, 2022 to April 30, 2022. Continue Reading

Avoid Fire and Carbon Monoxide Hazards during Greater Gardner MA Cold Snap Smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarms are effective defense strategies. Space Heaters, Fireplaces, and woodstoves need to be used safely. We have the complete article. CLICK HEREContinue Reading