Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson personally observes “Shovel Rage” and ADA violations In his Mayor’s Update of 2-4-22, Mayor Nicholson mentioned the challenges of recent weather. Desiring a first-person view, the Mayor did a ride along during snow clearing with a DPW plow driver. He observed a citizen throwing aContinue Reading

Gardner MA Ocean State Job Lot offers FREE Hand sanitizer and wipes for Educators Now through February 16: Teachers, School Management, and school support personnel as well as homeschoolers can come in to the store and pick up hand sanitizer, hand wipes, and disinfectant wipes for FREE while supplies last.Continue Reading

Gardner MA Fire Department Responds to 5 Car Motor Vehicle Accident. From Gardner Fire 2-2-22 “Yesterday morning around 07:30, Gardner Fire Group 2 responded to Rt. 2 Eastbound for an MVA. On arrival they had a 5 car MVA, with one car rolled over on its roof in the middleContinue Reading

Ashburnham MA Library Damaged by Water On January 31, 2022, the Stevens Memorial Library in Ashburnham MA had to close due to a flood.   The Library announced: “We will be closed Wednesday 2/2 and Thursday 2/3 while we continue to address damage caused on Monday. The craft program scheduled forContinue Reading

UPDATE 1/31/22: Other towns benefitting from the Gardner Purchase of Antigen tests have just been notified today that they can pick up the tests. That is why these towns have not yet announced individual distribution times, because they may not yet even physically have the tests. We will update youContinue Reading

Gardner MA Fire Department Requests – Keep Hydrants Clear! From Gardner Fire Department “After this storm we need your help. Please help us by clearing out your local Hydrants. Most hydrants are buried in the deep snow and snow banks now and we won’t be able to find them quicklyContinue Reading

Is Greater Gardner MA in for a Saturday Blizzard? We’re ready at the Greater Gardner Weather Center. CLICK HERE We have several forecast services plus Interactive Maps which show you the various forecast models. PARKING BANS: Many communities will have parking bans in various areas. Times will vary, but theContinue Reading

Gardner MA Weather, Weather Maps, and Climate Change For Weather enthusiasts and for those who just want a good forecast, we have some Comprehensive Reports for you.  Our Weather Center has 5 services, Info from 4 airports, a new Meteo Blue Interactive Weather Map, and detailed National Weather Service MapContinue Reading

Greater Gardner MA Chocolate Cake What happened 20 years before Gardner began in 1785 which makes every year’s birthday even more special?   It’s a day celebrated on January 27th every year.  It’s National Chocolate Cake Day. The story goes like this:  In 1765, A doctor and a chocolate maker groundContinue Reading

It’s a seller’s REAL ESTATE market in the Greater Gardner area. Real Estate in Gardner MA On January 26, 2022, there are less than 20 real estate listings for Gardner MA. For the 01440 Zillow page, CLICK HERE. On the Worcester County Craigslist Real Estate page, there were less thanContinue Reading

Cold Temps Affect Greater Gardner MA Cars The Central Mass Safety Council reminds us. “Kinda cold out there, keep an eye on your car.”    “If the car gets too cold, the battery can freeze. Don’t forget to check your oil if it gets cold outside—it will get thicker, which canContinue Reading

Gardner MA Varsity Cheerleading Team Scores Huge 5th Place Showing Gardner Wildcat Athletics has announced that the Gardner MA Varsity Cheerleading Team has brought home a strong 5th place showing at the National Competition.  The top cheerleaders from across the entire United States converged on the Kay Bailey Hutchison ConventionContinue Reading

South Gardner MA Parking Ban City of Gardner initiated an Emergency Notification just after 7pm on 1/23/22 to inform citizens that the DPW will be clearing snow in South Gardner MA from 11pm 1/23/22 to 7am 1/24/22. Area affected: From West Broadway Pizza to the First Baptist Church. No vehiclesContinue Reading

People’s Place is located at 73 City Hall Avenue, Gardner. For directions, CLICK HERE For more information, here is their website. CLICK HERE or their  Facebook page.  CLICK HERE Non-Profit Holds Greater Gardner MA Vegetarian Cooking Class The People’s Place Community Center of Gardner MA is holding another vegetarian cookingContinue Reading

Gardner MA Heywood Hospital CEO Win Brown – Covid Update Mr. Brown spoke of the current Covid challenges including a 7 day positivity rate of 36 percent and a high hospitalization of 43 Covid inpatients (down from a peak of 48 in the last week) Brown emphasized Central Mass hasn’tContinue Reading