Watch Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson’s weekly updates on the City of Gardner’s YouTube page or on our Mayor’s Update page, CLICK HERE. Upbeat Summer Message Focuses on Food Truck Festival, Senior Center, Anniversaries, Promo Videos, Veterans, and a flyer about Taxes. In the Gardner MA Mayor’s weekly update before theContinue Reading

Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson – The Projects Interview – July 6, 2022 Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel interviews Mayor Nicholson. The Chair City Mayor speaks about the new Gardner Elementary School, taxes, projects, and paving. In the complete article, we now have in writing the complete section on theContinue Reading

Gardner MA PD Canine Rocky Helps Catch Some Crooks Thanks to Rocky the K9 Cop, his handler Officer Josh Willis, and other members of the Gardner Police Department, some crooks got caught and some property got recovered. From the Gardner PD, “K-9 Rocky made a grand entrance! Today (July 5,Continue Reading

Gardner MA PD Featured in Genuine Gardner The Gardner Police Department epitomizes the positivity of Gardner we want to showcase in Genuine Gardner. Full Article with lots of photos, CLICK HERE. Search for the Chief In an interview with Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson on July 6, 2022, the MayorContinue Reading

Americans Celebrate 4th of July in Greater Gardner MA Gardner City Hall, municipal offices of other communities will be closed, and Post Offices nationwide will be closed. The holiday is formally Independence Day, commemorating the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776. Gardner had its celebration early on Saturday JuneContinue Reading

Bear Spotted on Century Way in Gardner MA According to a social media post by a Gardner resident, “This big guy just came through the woods behind my fenced in backyard, walked across Century Way, past the brook and headed toward Brookside. Be careful.” Some other resources in printable pdfContinue Reading

Gardner MA Awarded $200,000 more Bike Trail Design Funds “I’m very excited to see this project moving forward thanks to the grant funding we have received,” said Mayor Michael Nicholson. “This project has been something we have talked about for quite some time in Gardner, and this funding allows us toContinue Reading

Gardner MA City Centennial marks halfway point in Urban Renewal Often Social Media posts reflect the impatience of Gardner residents. Whether it’s paving, rundown buildings, or desired improvements, the comments are numerous.   So Gardner Magazine thought it would be a great time to remind our readers that there is aContinue Reading

Mayor Nicholson on why it was canceled. “Due to a scheduling conflict with the main contractor, who still has site control of the location, the contractor asked that the public meeting/tour be postponed due to wanting to make sure they were 1) available to attend and 2) were able toContinue Reading

More Event Photos, CLICK HERE. Gardner MA Residents and Visitors Share FUN on Gardner’s Birthday Saturday June 25, 2022. It was a super day in Gardner MA with perfect weather. The food was abundant throughout the Chair City. Smiles were to be found on many a face as residents andContinue Reading

View the Weekly Mayor’s Update on the City of Gardner’s Youtube page or on our Mayor’s Update page. CLICK HERE. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson focuses on Budget and various items approved by Gardner City Council and Paving Projects. Mayor Nicholson went over Budget items and spoke of paving projects comingContinue Reading

A no confidence vote of 40 of 41 Police Department Employees earlier this year resulted in the immediate resignation of the Gardner Dispatch Director. The retirement of the Deputy Chief followed a couple months later. This latest announcement of the retirement of Chief Braks brings this chapter of the GardnerContinue Reading