Gardner MA Elementary School Students return Monday, September 12th Grades 1 to 4 are slated to start Monday September 12, 2022. Kindergarten starts September 15th and Preschool starts September 19th. School was originally slated to start in August, but was delayed due to construction delays. Site construction is still ongoing.Continue Reading

Two Worlds Operating Simultaneously at new Gardner Elementary School While construction continues at the Gardner Elementary School, staff development and classroom preparation is underway for the School Staff including teachers. . The City of Gardner spared no expense as you can see to direct staff to the appropriate parking lot,Continue Reading

Gardner MA Teachers Happy to Move in to NEW Gardner Elementary School on August 29, 2022 Gardner Public Schools released the Moving photos on Social Media, showing an enthusiastic group of educators Movin’ on in. Elementary School students return on September 12th with Kindergarteners starting on September 15th. CLICK onContinue Reading

Gardner MA School District Holds Convocation for Teachers 8-29-22 Teachers were welcomed back for the 2022/2023 School Year. According to the Gardner Superintendent’s Office, teachers working at the new Gardner Elementary School have seen their classrooms and are anticipating various professional development days to be held at the new school.Continue Reading

Gardner MA High School Still Among Most Beautiful With the focus on the new Gardner Elementary School, it’s easy to forget just how wonderful the Gardner High School complex is. The design of the building is stunning when viewed from high resolution satellite as shown in this article. However, beneathContinue Reading

“We turn the school over in 1-2 weeks” says Construction Super at New Gardner MA Elementary School -8-29-22 Update – and he was wrong! UPDATE: August 29, 2022: Construction Supervisor gave us bogus information as teachers were moving in on August 29, 2022. The following information in our original storyContinue Reading

Gardner MA Public Schools Releases Draft of Bus Routes The lists are based on the most current information and are subject to change. CLICK HERE. The graphic at illustrates the importance of watching out for students who are getting on or getting off School buses.Continue Reading

Gardner Magazine Updates City – Mayor Without Update Due to Staffing Note: Last week’s Mayor’s Update has received 73 views on YouTube and as of yesterday 2,354 listens on Gardner Magazine.   However, our offer to record an AUDIO update was not accepted.   So we’ll provide one instead. Click Play. ChairContinue Reading

New Gardner MA Elementary School Construction at Zippy Pace Meanwhile, Gardner Public Schools released some photos and this statement, “A few more photos from today, as the moving starts! These truly show how many different types of work are going on all at once.” School District Moving In as ConstructionContinue Reading

Gardner MA NEW Gardner Elementary School Construction Continues – Deadline Missed There’s no official word on whether the continued construction delay will further delay the opening of Gardner Public Schools, but Gardner Mayor Nicholson on Saturday August 13, 2022 was still quoting the previously stated timeline. In an email toContinue Reading

Construction Continues on New Gardner MA Elementary School School has been delayed for the 2022 School Year and all are hoping no more delays are required. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson made a number of photos of the interior of the new school available and we show them on this page.Continue Reading

Gardner MA Successfully Tackling Education Puzzle in Gardner Public Schools Employees of the Gardner School District have received praise from Administrators, Public Officials, and School Committee members for their work during the pandemic. However, much of the superior work done to improve the learning experience in Gardner Public Schools hasContinue Reading

Summer Vacation Extended as Supply Chain Issues Delay NEW Gardner MA Elementary School Opening Two weeks ago on July 15, 2022 Gardner Magazine published an article quoting the Project Supervisor at the NEW Gardner Elementary School. At the time he stated that “They hoped to be ready for the startContinue Reading

Links to our AUDIO pages: Mayor’s Updates, City Council, School Committee, Special Events. We also feature other AUDIO pages of historical value: Historical AUDIO, Vintage Radio. Thank you for your readership to for Greater Gardner MA As promised, we are releasing Statistics related to for July 2022.  UniqueContinue Reading

Gardner MA NEW Elementary School Update in Pictures July 12, 2022 The New Gardner Elementary School is slated to open in time for classes this Fall.   Seeing the school in photos is worth the look.  It’s beautiful….  Complete Photos, CLICK HERE.Continue Reading

Summer Eats with Project Bread in Gardner MA Feeds Kids The Summer Eats Program at Gardner High School provides FREE breakfast from 8:15 to 9:00am and FREE lunch from noon to 1pm Monday through Friday through August 12th   Anyone 18 years of age or younger can enjoy breakfast and lunchContinue Reading