We also maintain an archive of Mayor Nicholson’s Weekly Updates. Hear success unfold, week by week. CLICK HERE. Gardner MA Mayor Marks 3 Years of Success From the very beginning of his tenure, Mayor Michael Nicholson empowered his team to take Gardner Massachusetts to the next level. Gardner became aContinue Reading

Congresswoman Lori Trahan Held Town Hall in Gardner MA on July 10, 2023 Trahan posted, “Thank you to everyone who came out to my town hall in Gardner tonight and asked such thoughtful questions! If you weren’t able to make it, you can always reach out by calling 978-459-0101 orContinue Reading

A Chance to speak with Lori Trahan – Monday July 10, 2023 – 6pm at Gardner MA City Hall The Congresswoman posted, “I’m so excited to invite you to my next town hall taking place on Monday, July 10 in Gardner! I will have plenty of updates on my work,Continue Reading

There’s a reason why the City of Gardner has received 3 perfect Federal Audits in a row. Relating to revenue forecasts, Mayor Nicholson stated, “We want to make sure we’re still living within our means and we’re not in a spot that if we hit a recession, or an economicContinue Reading

Accomplished in Gardner MA – 24 Issues Which Directly Affect You We spoke with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson about 24 top issues which direct affect the lives of citizens of the Chair City. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. We also have the entire text of the interview with allContinue Reading

The Interview you’ll want to explore: Accomplished in Gardner MA Much has been accomplished in Gardner Massachusetts. We cover 2 dozen categories of success concerning the Chair City of Gardner MA. Mayor Michael Nicholson became Mayor in 2020 after a Special Election. He was reelected in 2021 and will beContinue Reading

Trouble in Winchendon Government – Coverage of Board of Selectmen – Town Manager, School Committee Meeting, and Annual Town Meeting. COMPLETE DETAILS on our Winchendon page. Complete AUDIO of all 3 meetings plus a Poll.Continue Reading

92% say Gardner looks better than 2 years ago. Gardner MA Social Media Poll Results These are the results from respondents on “Gardner Ma – #1 What’s going on Page!” from a poll conducted over 27 hours until May 14, 2023. The question asked, “Is Gardner Looking Better than 2Continue Reading

Gardner Magazine Releases Candidate Submission Policy With Municipal Elections happening this year in Gardner, we wanted to make our policy very clear: We will publish the Press Releases of any campaign in their entirety unless rejected for violations of our decency guidelines which are very simple: If the submission advocatesContinue Reading

Meaning of the name “Dana” – “Perfect, Beautiful, Pearl, and Wise”. Congratulations on this honor! Gardner MA Dana Heath Honored by Fellow Legislators Elected in the last Gardner Municipal Election to represent Ward 2, City Councilor Dana Heath was nominated by 2nd Worcester State Representative Jon Zlotnik. Zlotnik wrote, “DanaContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine has launched a website listing the Accomplishments of Gardner, many of them achieved during the past couple of years. While it would not be fair to give Mayor Nicholson credit for all of them, objectively, he has certainly led the effort and leads Team Gardner. Accomplished.us, CLICK HERE.Continue Reading

An Interview with Gardner MA Ward 3 Councilor Paul Tassone Listen on any device. Click Play. On Friday, March 24, 2023 we interviewed Gardner Ward 3 Councilor Paul Tassone. We asked him what changes he has noticed since last on the City Council and what his priorities are for WardContinue Reading

March to Success – Projects and Progress Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson With so much happening in the Chair City, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of it all. Fortunately, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson agreed to help us out. This interview with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson is March to SuccessContinue Reading

An Interview with Greater Gardner MA State Representative Jon Zlotnik He has served for over a decade and shows no sign of his passion for area communities slowing down. Zlotnik is now Vice Chair of the Joint Committee on Community Development and Small Business and was gracious enough to doContinue Reading

Listen to the meeting on any device. Click Play. Gardner MA Charter Review Committee Schedules Public Hearing for February 23, 2023 The City Charter Review Committee has scheduled a public hearing for Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 4:00pm in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. “to hear testimony withContinue Reading

Listen on any device. Click Play. Lessons About Gardner History – An Interview with Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson In a revealing interview, we interview Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson to learn more Lessons About Gardner History, how we can learn from the past to have more successes in the presentContinue Reading

Gardner MA Council President Kazinskas on the Budget Process Gardner Mayor Nicholson is beginning to meet with Department Heads to prepare for the Fiscal Year 2024 budget. Fiscal Year 2024 starts on July 1, 2024. According to Council President Kazinskas who appeared on WGAW’s Hotline Radio, “The City Council’s pieceContinue Reading