Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel launches Visit the website, CLICK HERE. Gardner Magazine Publisher Launches, Online AUDIO Commentary and Cool Art This is a website in which I’ll feature AUDIO commentary which cuts through partisanship, presents solutions with simple common sense, and preserves the dignity of all people.Continue Reading

Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey Delivers State of the Commonwealth Address On Wednesday, January 17, 2024, Governor Maura Healy delivered a 56 minute address on the State of the Commonwealth. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. The Governor thanked a number of people and stated, “the true strength of Massachusetts isContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine Official Cartoon of Calvin Brooks – entire City Council and School Committee coming soon. And they met thrice: 3 Meetings of City of Gardner MA City Council January 16, 2024 with School Committee: Agenda/Packet. Meeting was held to determine representative to the Monty Tech Regional School Committee. NominationsContinue Reading

Hotline Radio airs Saturdays from 12:10 to 2pm on WGAW AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and live streamed to anywhere. Carolyn Kamuda Explains Abrupt Resignation from Gardner MA City Council in Hotline Interview Carolyn Kamuda won election to the City Council in November, was sworn in on January 1st, but resignedContinue Reading

No politicians were harmed in transforming Representative Jonathan Zlotnik in to the lovable Disney character shown. The Man Who Cares About Housing – Interview with Jonathan Zlotnik Jonathan Zlotnik Cares About Housing: We spoke about housing issues. Your State representative was literally working in Westminster and Winchendon on January 5,Continue Reading

For complete results of all the races in the 2023 Gardner Municipal Election, CLICK HERE. Calvin Brooks to be Gardner Councilor at Large After All – after Kamuda resigns Following the sudden resignation of Carolyn Kamuda for “personal reasons”, Calvin Brooks will become a Councilor-at-Large because he had the nextContinue Reading

Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Ends Year with Update from City Council Chamber Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY School Committee and City Council organizational meetings will take place on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. A School Committee Vice-Chair & financial officers and City Council President will be elected.Continue Reading

WGAW Hotline Radio has Hit Veterans Day Program Gardner’s radio station featured an interview with the Mayor of Gardner, Michael Nicholson, various speakers at Veterans Day exercises, Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas, and Carolyn Kamuda, a new Councilor-at-Large who won a seat by a margin of 1 vote. To listen toContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine Updates the Chair City of Gardner MA Toby White and Evie Baker speak of the Municipal Election. Also, a discussion of the “Future Path, the next Term,” Coverage of the other various contests in the election and the ballot question. Other news covered, includes the weather forecast forContinue Reading

The Story of Pauly Potato – How a young Mashed Potato became a Hateful Facebook Admin In the City of Gardner, there are a number of responsible Facebook Groups. And then there’s one, and the Admin is Pauly Potato. No matter what the issue, the group is anti-Mayor, anti-business, anti-CityContinue Reading

For complete Election results, visit our Elections 2023 page, CLICK HERE. Gardner MA Super Mayor Michael Nicholson Re-elected by Leaps and Bounds The graphic is over the top and so are the election results. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson received 2253 votes to challenger Kimberly Blake’s 1078 votes. Total votes 3331.Continue Reading

City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas is a frequent guest on WGAW’s Hotline Radio, heard Saturdays from 12:10 to 2pm on WGAW AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and livestreamed to anywhere in the world Dubbed “Liz the Wiz”, the Council President is known for orderly, fast-paced meetings. Gardner MA City Council PresidentContinue Reading

Choose 6 out of 9. Make sure to vote on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 If you’d like to research past Gardner City Council meetings, Gardner Magazine has 10 pages of search results taking you to articles and AUDIO of the City Council meetings, CLICK HERE. Editorial: Picking Councilors at LargeContinue Reading

Candidate Self-Profile – Carolyn Kamuda for Councilor at Large – Gardner MA Carolyn Kamuda is a candidate for the upcoming Gardner election on November 7th. She is running for Councilor at Large. She wrote the following self-profile. We will run submissions from any candidate. Simply email to from CarolynContinue Reading

Candidate Self-Profile – Paul Tassone for Ward 3 Councilor – Gardner MA Paul Tassone is a candidate for the upcoming Gardner election on November 7th. He is running for Ward 3 Councilor. He wrote the following self-profile. We will run submissions from any candidate. Simply email to from PaulContinue Reading

Just Who has Endorsed Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson? – We Got Access to the Big List Mayor Nicholson posted, “I’m honored to receive the endorsement of so many of our local and state officials and partners in the work we are doing in Gardner. We have accomplished a lotContinue Reading

Candidate Self-Profile – Alek Dernalowicz for Ward 5 Councilor – Gardner MA Alek Dernalowicz is a candidate for the upcoming Gardner election on November 7th. He furnished us with the following self-profile. We will run submissions from any candidate. Simply email to Alek Dernalowicz Submission “My name is AlekContinue Reading

Candidates Night held in Gardner MA Candidates Night was 6-8pm on October 26, 2023 in Perry Auditorium at Gardner City Hall and was sponsored by the Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce. Mayoral Candidate Michael Nicholson was there on time. Candidate Kimberly Blake arrived at around 6:41pm. When we were thereContinue Reading

Documenting 3 Years of Success under Mayor Michael Nicholson of Gardner MA Chronicling the last 3 Years of Success under Nicholson with Evidence. A long list with links documenting transparency, focus on needed housing, bringing in business, and turning blight into promise. Articles, Interviews, and more… It’s overwhelming and soContinue Reading

Blake Forfeits Money to State After Holding Illegal Fundraiser Candidate for Gardner MA Mayor Kimberly Blake was asked by the state to forfeit $210 to the State of Massachusetts from her campaign account after the Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance ruled a Bingo fundraiser she held on SeptemberContinue Reading