No politicians were harmed in transforming Representative Jonathan Zlotnik in to the lovable Disney character shown.
The Man Who Cares About Housing – Interview with Jonathan Zlotnik
Jonathan Zlotnik Cares About Housing: We spoke about housing issues. Your State representative was literally working in Westminster and Winchendon on January 5, 2024 checking out the issue of crumbling foundations due to a mineral called pyrrhotite. Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY
We learned about this particular issue which is affecting homeowners, sometimes decades after a house was built. In our interview, we also discussed the housing bill pending before the State Legislature. Representative Zlotnik described various projects going on in the District right now. He also discussed ways in which those having housing crises can get help by contacting his office which is on the 2nd floor of Gardner City Hall. We discussed the unique housing issues faced by the homeless and various solutions implemented elsewhere and which might be a local option if all the logistics could be worked out. And this major point: If you’re having a housing issue, contact his office and they’ll point you toward some help.
Housing Resources
Massachusetts Residents Against Crumbling Foundations, Website CLICK HERE —- Jonathan Zlotnik: State web page and contact information, CLICK HERE —- Gardner Emergency Housing Mission, website, CLICK HERE —- Gardner Community Action Committee, Website, CLICK HERE —- Gardner Housing Authority, website, CLICK HERE. City of Gardner website, CLICK HERE