Gardner Airport to Receive about $7 million in Funding for Runway Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson announced on the Saturday, December 2, 2022 WGAW Hotline Radio Show that he found out Friday evening about great news for the Gardner MA Airport facility: about $7 million in grant funding. About $5Continue Reading

We have a dedicated page for the What’s Next Interview which shows all of the questions. CLICK HERE. Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson commits to running again and explains What’s Next in a fast-paced interview. On November 21, 2022 Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel interviewed the Chair City Mayor about What’sContinue Reading

Learn more at Gardner CAC website. CLICK HERE. Gardner CAC Needs You For decades, the Gardner Community Action Committee – Gardner CAC has served countless less fortunate individuals in the area. The CAC is focused on serving the needs of economically disadvantaged individuals throughout the Greater Gardner community. In addition to theContinue Reading

All MART Bus Rides are Fare-FREE in Greater Gardner MA this Holiday Season The Montachusett Regional Transit Authority has announced , “For this upcoming holiday season, all MART bus rides will be FARE-FREE! Running from November 21st to December 31st, 2022. Please visit our website for any information regardingContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine has a treat for you. Feel great about Gardner MA On October 14, 2022, we interviewed the Chair City Chief Executive about Gardner’s successful and transformative program of Accelerated Development, an unprecedented partnership of Government, Business, Community, and Private collaboration to achieve an expedited prosperity. Thank you, Gardner MayorContinue Reading

It Ain’t Cheap Being Poor – Everyone Feeling Inflation in Gardner MA The Mayor of the Chair City just bought a home and is paying hundreds of dollars more per month than he would have just a year ago. Rents have skyrocketed – a recent post on recently renovated propertiesContinue Reading

View the Mayor’s Update on our Mayor’s Update page or listen on any device. Click Play. Mayor Nicholson Shares Various News in Weekly Update of 9-30-22 Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke of this week’s Bomb Threat made against various schools and thanked Public Safety officials who responded. Nicholson congratulated EricContinue Reading

Watch the meeting on YouTube or listen to it right here on any device. CLICK PLAY. Gardner MA Finance Committee Goes Over a Wide Range of Topics Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson appeared before the Finance Committee regarding various funding requests. He also detailed that Tender Heart Veterinary Care is donatingContinue Reading

No Sales Tax in Greater Gardner MA on Saturday August 13 and Sunday August 14 The Massachusetts State Legislature approved the break from state sales tax on most retail items less than $2,500.     If  you can wait for that $200 air conditioner, you save $12.50.   If you can wait toContinue Reading

Monty Tech offering FREE 200 Hours of Training to Greater Gardner MA Residents The Vocational-Technical School got a $600,000 grant from Commonwealth Corporation to offer FREE TRAINING for six different careers. You must be a Massachusetts resident, earn less than $46,700, and want to go into the industry when yourContinue Reading

Unlimited Satellite Internet now available in Gardner MA and some area towns Elon Musk’s venture Starlink Satellite Internet is available to Gardner residents, and other area towns such as Winchendon, Phillipston, and Templeton.  Currently, the price is $110 per month for residential plus the cost of equipment.  Other satellite servicesContinue Reading