Happy Easter to each and every one of you in the Greater Gardner MA area and beyond as we celebrate the JOY of history’s Greatest Gift! Dear Lord to Whom We Give our ThanksIn the hope many more will join the ranksOf those who know the love and the hopeandContinue Reading

A Love Poem to Jesus on Occasion of His Resurrection Dear Lord to Whom We Give our ThanksIn the hope many more will join the ranksOf those who know the love and the hopeand the Certitude of the Big Gift’s scope. It is a club to whom the price ofContinue Reading

Easter Sunday is April 9, 2023 in Greater Gardner MA Gardner Magazine wishes you a Happy Easter. “For Christians, Easter represents Jesus Christ’s victory over death. His resurrection is proof He is the Son of God, and it is the reason we can find hope in an eternity spent with Him.Continue Reading

National Vietnam War Veterans Day celebrated at Gardner City Hall March 29, 2023 at 10am The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017 was signed into law by 45th U.S. President Donald J. Trump, designating every March 29 as National Vietnam War Veterans Day. More on this day, CLICK HEREContinue Reading

Happy St. Patrick’s Day 2023 in Greater Gardner MA and everywhere! On Saint Patrick’s Day, it is customary to wear shamrocks, green clothing or green accessories. While not a legal holiday, it is a celebration of Irish and Irish-American culture. It has been observed in what is now the UnitedContinue Reading

Presidents Day is Monday February 20, 2023 in Greater Gardner MA… School Vacation Week is February 20-24 Gardner City Hall and various Town Offices are closed on Monday, February 20th. Last year, we released Poem of the Presidents, CLICK HERE.Continue Reading

Chair City of Heart – By Werner Poegel – February 10, 2023 Happy Valentine’s Day! Chair City of Heart – Valentine’s Day Poem Welcome to the Chair City of Heart,Community Spirit right from the start.Formed from Land Parcels Coming TogetherHome to proud people is Gardner forever. The love of itsContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine Honors Martin Luther King Jr.: — Listen to “I Have a Dream” speech The famous speech was delivered on August 28, 1963, almost 60 years ago. Listen on any device. Click Play. Learn more about MLK, click here. Martin Luther King Day is a Federal Holiday celebrated onContinue Reading

Basic Greater Gardner MA Printable Calendar Here is the basic 2023 Calendar with Holidays, CLICK HERE. The Radio Advertising Bureau puts out a 12 month Promotional Calendar. It gives you every promotional week and day throughout the year. CLICK HERE.Continue Reading

UPDATE 12/29/22: from the Centennial Committee: “The Centennial Celebration Kick-off Event scheduled for 12/31/22 is going to be postponed until Saturday, January 14, 2023. Other event details remain the same…..Due to the high temperatures, the ice rink cannot be completed as the water cannot freeze.” New Gardner MA Skating RinkContinue Reading

Click the middle Play button to play the video right out of the page, or play the AUDIO only version provided here as well. We also have a page with photos from the video, CLICK HERE. Caroling with the Mayor Video 2022 Released just in Time for Gardner MA ChristmasContinue Reading

REMINDER: Horse Drawn Carriage Rides are ON – Downtown Gardner MA on Thursday, December 22, 2022 from 5 to 7pm – Start at Gardner City Hall and see the lights. TOTALLY FREE!!! “Meet at City Hall and ride through Downtown to see the beautiful lights and store windows and LafayetteContinue Reading

Christmas Concert at Annunciation Parish in Gardner MA Features Proud Alum Yes, that’s Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson (inset) playing the trumpet during the Holy Family Academy performance of Silent Night on December 19, 2022. Mayor Nicholson posted, “Congratulations to all of the students who performed in last evening’s Christmas Concert.”Continue Reading

There’s FREE PARKING in Downtown Gardner MA for the entire month of December. Public Enjoys Main Event in Downtown Gardner MA on December 15, 2022 Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson led Christmas Caroling. Gardner City Departments including Fire, PD, and DPW collaborated for extra lighting, managing traffic, providing safety cones, andContinue Reading

The Great Downtown Countdown is Happening Now in Gardner MA It is a “Great December” as Gardner celebrates its 100th Christmas as a City. Whether you Shop Downtown, Drive Around and enjoy the lights, Watch a Movie, or patronize any of the businesses in the Chair City, you’ll know theContinue Reading

Main Event Thursday December 15th 5-7pm part of a “Great December” 2022 in Gardner MA There’s literally Horse Drawn Carriage Rides (Sleighing), Singing with the Mayor, and Shopping at Downtown Stores Thursday December 15th. Update 12/15/22: Due to weather forecast, Carriage Rides are not possible this evening, but rest ofContinue Reading

Main Event to Take Place in Gardner MA on Thursday December 15, 2022 from 5pm to 7pm FREE Horse and Buggy Carriage rides will be offered to those wishing to view the Christmas Lights in the Chair City in a unique way. The Route will start at City Hall andContinue Reading

National Christmas Card Day is Friday, December 9, 2022 in Greater Gardner MA Christmas is a joyful Holiday, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. We have a page of Christmas cards which you can download and email to family and friends to spread around the Holiday Sentiment. May the blessingsContinue Reading

Incredible Festival of Trees underway at Gardner Museum in Gardner MA The 17th Annual Festival of Trees concludes Saturday December 3, 2022. Hours: Wednesday and Thursday 1-4pm, Friday 1pm-7pm, and Saturday 10am to 4pm. Drawing for trees is after closing on Saturday. Complete Photo Gallery, CLICK HERE. Admission is onlyContinue Reading