City Fees
Efficient City Government or what? Even with rising costs, the City of Gardner has endeavored to keep its fees the same. In fact, the Gardner MA City Clerk’s office confirms that the schedule of fees dated 12/1/13 (over 8 years ago) is still accurate. In these days of rising costsContinue Reading
Guardsmen Deployed
Guardsmen to Assist Gardner MA Heywood Hospital Gardner Mayor Nicholson and Council President Kazinskas were part of the welcoming team at Heywood Hospital on Monday December 27, 2021 as 9 members of the Massachusetts National Guard were deployed to the facility for the next 12 weeks. The guardsmen who areContinue Reading
Joint Convention
A “joint” convention in Gardner MA and it’s not marijuana! The Mayor-Elect, City Councilors- Elect, and School Committee Members-Elect will meet in Joint Convention for the purposes of taking the Oaths of Office for the term beginning on January 3, 2022 and ending on January 1, 2024. This takes placeContinue Reading
Christmas Eve Update
‘Twas the Night Before Christmas with Mayor Nicholson Gardner MA Michael Nicholson’s Christmas Eve update included various Holiday thanks, a reminder of the Caroling with the Mayor video, an enumeration of the Covid rapid antigen test allocations, and a reminder of the upcoming January 6 Chair City inaugurations. The mayorContinue Reading
Princeton Advisory Committee
Town of Princeton Seeks to Fill Vacancy Due to the recent resignation of Helga Lyons, the town is seeking applicants for the vacancy. Applications will be considered beginning December 28, 2021, and will be considered until the position has been filled. Although the position is for a term ending JuneContinue Reading
Planning Board
Gardner MA Planning Board Takes up Slocum Board met December 14, 2021 to receive presentation by Slocum Inc. and approved site plan for 6 commercial buildings off of Matthews Street. Watch the meeting, CLICK HERE.Continue Reading
Roundtable Discussion
Infrastructure Roundtable Congresswoman Lori Trahan was in the Chair City of Gardner MA Wednesday December 15, 2021 for a roundtable discussion regarding how the Federal Infrastructure bill will affect the city such as Internet connectivity etc. Underserved areas of Gardner MA which currently only can get internet from satellite willContinue Reading
Industrial Park
A Sign of the Times New signage recently erected at the Gardner Industrial Park is celebrated with officials and business leaders. The 132 acre site features such businesses at Rob’s Dyno Service and Energica of New England whose owner Rob Swartz is in the picture at left. Energica of NewContinue Reading
Ashby Administrator Search
An online meeting will be held December 14, 2021 at 5:15pm. For details, CLICK HEREContinue Reading
Ashburnham results
Earlier, Gardner Magazine featured a lengthy Safety Zones article. CLICK HERE Ashburnham MA Town Meeting Approves All Articles On Tuesday, Ashburnham voters approved the acceptance of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 90, Section 18B permitting the establishment of designated safety zones, in the interest of public safety….such safety zones shall haveContinue Reading
The City of Gardner MA’s YouTube channel is a great source of information about the Chair City. Residents find out about things almost as fast as they happen. CLICK HERE. Gardner MA Free TV Deal It’s time to tell you about the City of Gardner FREE TV deal! Yes, theContinue Reading
City Council
Watch the meeting. Click here. Free Parking through Dec. 31 The Gardner MA City Council met in virtual session on December 6, 2021, extending free parking through the end of the year. In other actions, the 2021 re- precincting plan was approved. Various new, used, and junk auto license renewalsContinue Reading
Free Parking
Save your Quarters for the Kettle! Mayor Nicholson signed an Executive Order suspending Parking Meters in the City of Gardner MA from Dec. 1st to Dec. 7th. The City Council will consider a further suspension at its regular meeting on Dec. 7, 2021. VIEW PDF of Mayor’s order.Continue Reading
More Money!
Watch the entire MassWorks Grant Awardees Ceremony. Includes many State and Local officials. For video, CLICK HERE. And then there was more! MA Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and other officials showed up in Gardner on Giving Tuesday to formally announce the $4.1 million MassWorks Grant, plus an award of overContinue Reading
Petersham Demos
Petersham voters to choose 1 of 3 demos At a town meeting scheduled for Monday, December 6, 2021 at 7pm, voters will receive reports on the demolition of the Nichewaug Inn and choose among 3 different demo plans. Town warrant, CLICK HERE.Continue Reading
Mask Mandate
New Salem issues Mask Mandate The New Salem Board of Health voted on a mask mandate at their monthly meeting on November 22, 2021. The mandate states that a mask or facial covering must be worn in all public indoor spaces in New Salem effectively Sat. Nov. 27th.Continue Reading
Ashby Special Town Meeting Saturday December 11, 2021 at 9:30am
Town Meeting Here’s a copy of the official warrant describing the various articles including a dump truck for the highway department, and the police and highway bargaining units. CLICK HERE .Continue Reading
Ashburnham Decision Day
Ashburnham MA Town Meeting December 7, 2021 at 7pm Upcoming town meeting has a safety theme. One article instructs the town to opt-in to establish safety zones with a 20 mile per hour speed limit. Another asks to use 150k of free cash towards maintaining town-owned dams. Other separate warrantContinue Reading
Trash Talk
Greater Gardner MA Trash Talk Solutions for trash and recycling after making all those Small Business and Holiday purchases. What do you do with the old TV, mattress, furniture, or tires? Complete information, CLICK HEREContinue Reading
Templeton Select Board
Watch the Templeton Select Board Meeting of 11/23/21 by clicking Play button below. View Templeton channel on youtubeContinue Reading
Downtown Paving Downtown Gardner MA paving begins Wednesday November 10, 2021 and is slated to conclude this week. The plan, according to Mayor Nicholson, is to put on a first coat now and a second layer in the Spring.Continue Reading
Gardner Election Results
Gardner MA Election Results Gardner Magazine projects Mayor Michael Joseph Nicholson is reelected with close to 80 percent of the vote. Here is a link to the unofficial election results from all of the Gardner MA races. CLICK HERE. –Continue Reading
Where Do I Go For… – Hubbardston
The Hubbardston Where Do I Go For page lists some interesting items such as Asian Longhorn Beetles, Business Certificates, the Earth Removal General Bylaw, a sample ballot from 2018, the plowing of private ways, scenic road and shade tree laws, septic do’s and don’ts,, and so much more. Here’s theContinue Reading
Athol Meetings List
Want to attend a meeting in Athol. Athol makes it easy with a straight-forward meeting list linked from the official Athol website. Here’s the meeting list. There’s also a superb list of Athol town committees on the same page.Continue Reading