Ashburnham MA
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- Zlotnik Interview 9-20-24
2nd Worcester District – Consisting of the town of Ashburnham, the city of Gardner, and the towns of Templeton and Precincts 2, and 3, of the town of Winchendon, all in the county of Worcester.
“I’d say the top-driving thing that got me into public office all those years ago was that I felt this community and the communities in this district, the ones I grew up in, needed help. They needed additional investment opportunities. They needed things to be built, quite frankly. And the state is the best entity positioned to do that” – Jon ZlotnikWe have reached out to his opponent and offered a similar opportunity to do an interview.
Exploring the 12 Year Record of Zlotnik’s Greatest Hits
Gardner Magazine had the honor of speaking with State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik about his record. Voters are being asked to rehire Zlotnik in this Fall’s election. We spoke with Zlotnik about education, training, business, housing, veterans, local projects, infrastructure, recreation, civics and literacy, food insecurity, the homeless, and help for the disadvantaged. Representative Zlotnik had a few interesting stories to tell along the way including how the need for a stool helped get a new school.
Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Jon Zlotnik 9-20-24 The job pays less than private industry, but Zlotnik does it to help the communities he represents. The State Representative interned at the State House both in high school and college.
Interestingly, one of the first bills Zlotnik filed was to re-institute a Civics curriculum as well as a financial literacy curriculum at the high school level. Eventually, the legislature did take up the civics portion, providing incentives for schools.
Zlotnik spoke about his involvement in the expansion of Mount Wachusett Community College. He spoke of fighting to get state funding for the On-Site Academy which provides for post-traumatic stress treatment for first responders and told a heartwarming story about it. Zlotnik explained his efforts on behalf of veterans in the area. The State Representative detailed and discussed the Wachusett Business Incubator program.
With respect to area development, Jonathan Zlotnik provided some background on the Rear Main Street Project and the Underutilized Properties grants which affects Downtown Gardner. We spoke at length about the Gardner Elementary School and Zlotnik related a story about the hearing on the school when the State Treasurer heard enough to say the project was clearly needed.
Zlotnik spoke of initiatives with respect to recreation including the bike path and the upcoming bridge across Route 140. He also spoke of the importance of actually getting out and talking with people. And, he detailed various projects which have brought in jobs.
Representative Zlotnik spoke of big projects like the one affecting the water main of Winchendon and Ashburnham. He spoke of pulling communities together to better utilize Opioid settlement funds.
Reach State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik via the following email:
- Ashburnham Rescue
Ashburnham Fire Department Trains with new Rescue Boat
On August 11, 2024, The Ashburnham Fire Department posted pictures and this statement online, “AFD’s new rescue boat (2B1) on its maiden training run. Crews practiced navigation and multiple water rescues utilizing new equipment including throw ropes, flotation devices and onboarding victims from the water. More training to come to be able to deliver appropriate resources to Ashburnham and surrounding towns. Shout out to FF/Medic Mark Vitale for managing the purchase and leading the training for this new resource.”
- AMLP Rates
Many Electric Customers in Ashburnham to see Lower Rates
Effective September 1, 2024, the Ashburnham Municipal Light Plant is separating the Customer Charge, Distribution Charge, and Purchased Power Charge. The result creates a small decrease in the monthly bill for many customers. For example the total bill for a residential customer using 750 kilowatt hours is currently $146.03 and would decrease to $135.22. Details are shown in the graphic. Details can be found at the AMLP website, CLICK HERE. A helpful rate calculator is also provided so any customer can input their information and make a custom comparison. Rate calculator, CLICK HERE.
AMLP states on their website: “As a local non-profit, we are dedicated to ensuring our customers receive reliable power, affordable rates, and excellent customer service.”
- Zlotnik 6-3-24
The State Budget covers funding from the state to cover school lunches for all students, $6.68 billion for Chapter 70, and other public school funding programs including Circuit Breaker Special Education reimbursement and Charter School reimbursement, as well as Regional School Transportation reimbursement.
State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik Provides Helpful Budget Information
Jonathan Zlotnik represents the communities of Ashburnham, Gardner, Templeton, and Winchendon. The State Representative provided us with an overview of what can be expected from the new Fiscal Year Budget which starts July 1, 2024 or when approved. View complete overview, CLICK HERE.
Community Local Aid Transfers Ashburnham $960,002 Unrestricted General Government Aid Ashburnham $15,928,887 Chapter 70 Gardner $5,116,463 Unrestricted General Government Aid Gardner $29,677,210 Chapter 70 Templeton $1,683,719 Unrestricted General Government Aid Templeton $12,479,169 Chapter 70 Winchendon $960,002 Unrestricted General Government Aid Winchendon $14,135,502 Chapter 70 Other Local Funding Highlights
- $150,000 to support civic engagement and community service activities at Mount Wachusett Community College
- $1,500,000 for On-Site Academy, located in Westminster, to provide post traumatic incident stress counseling to first responders and corrections officers
- $125,000 for the Operation of “Cathy’s House” in Winchendon by Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center for female veteran’s housing
- $25,000 for GAAMHA in Gardner to support capital improvements to their residential substance use disorder facilities
- $100,000 for the operation of the Gardner CAC
- $50,000 for the operation of the Wachusett Business Incubator
- $100,000 for Growing Places for the Operation of the North Central Food Processing Center
- Ashburnham Election 2024
Winning election were: Moderator: Richard Cook Jr., Select Board 3 year: Phil Papoojian, Select Board 1 year: Leo Janssens, Planning Board 3 year: Marshall Dennis, Board of Health 3 year: Thomas Flanagan. Complete List of all results, CLICK HERE.
- Ashburnham Survey
Ashburnham is conducting a Downtown Inititiative: Wayfinding and Branding Survey
The Town of Ashburnham with the assistance of the Massachusetts Downtown Initiative (MDI), is working on branding the Downtown and creating a distinct visual identity for Main Street and the Village Center. These design elements will be incorporated into a revamped wayfinding system throughout Downtown. For this project we have joined forces with two consulting teams, Innes Associates and LANDAU Design+Technology..
The Town sponsored a workshop on March 26, 2024 to discuss options for updating wayfinding signage throughout the Downtown. This survey is designed to get your input on these 5 types of wayfinding signage: Town Recognition, Downtown Recreational, Town Destination, Downtown Recognition, and Destination Directional. For much more information and to take the survey, CLICK HERE.
- Ashburnham Sidewalks
Ashburnham Police Department posted on Sunday March 17, 2024: “Just a reminder that construction will begin tomorrow, 3/18 from 7a-3p for the sidewalk renovation project in the downtown Main St area. Please use caution and seek alternative routes if possible. Thank you!”
- Ashburnham Master Plan
Ashburnham MA Working on Master Plan
As shown by these photos we took on February 15, 2024, the town of Ashburnham is a beautiful community. However, it is planning for its future in a big way. The Town of Ashburnham MA is working on its Master Plan. It has published a worksheet which asks interested citizens to “Please list any important needs, goals, or objectives that will define the future you want for Ashburnham (for each chapter of the Master Plan) PRINTABLE PDF.
Categories are: Services & Facilities, Circulation (Roadways and Transportation), Economic Development, Natural & Cultural Resources, Housing & Housing Production Plan, Land Use, and Open Space & Recreation.
The Town of Ashburnham Released the 2022 Raw Data in a 147 page pdf, CLICK HERE.
Here are pdfs of chapters being considered: Transportation —- Economic Development —- Services and Facilities —- Historical and Cultural —- Natural Resources —- Land Use — Master Plan Strategy
- Change Workshop
Ashburnham Holding Climate Change Workshop
The town of Ashburnham is holding a Climate Change Action Workshop on Wednesday, January 31, 2024 – 5:30pm at Town Hall Auditorium. The Nashua River Watershed Association is working with the cities of Leominster and Fitchburg, and the towns of Ashburnham, Groton, and Pepperell to create a watershed-wide climate action plan using Nature-based Solutions.
According to the association, predictions in this area include extreme weather, rising temperatures, flooding, drought, and others. “These effects impact many areas in our community such as human health, water and air quality, infrastructure, and ecological systems.”
Examples given of nature-based solutions include rain gardens, bioswales, biofilters, green roofs, greenways, permeable pavement, pavement removal, wetland restoration etc. The workshop will get citizen input. “We want your input, help us understand your climate change concerns!” Register for any of the area workshops at this website:
For more on Green Infrastructure including more graphics visit the this website from Louisiana, CLICK HERE.
- Storefronts Improve
The Town of Ashburnham MA has launched a Facade and Storefront Improvement program. It runs now through September 2026. According to the town of Ashburnham, “All Ashburnham businesses with a storefront visible from the street or another public way are eligible to apply. Applicants must be either the property owner or a commercial tenant with written permission from the property owner. …. The grants may support either assistance with the design of the project, installation costs, or both. Recipients will be required to match 25% of the grant with their own funds (in other words, the Town will provide 75% of the costs and the recipient will provide 25% of the cost). 2 Grants are on a first-come, first-served basis and will be awarded in amounts ranging from $1,000-$5,000 depending on the scope of the project.” Contact information; “Feel free to reach out to Jenn Gibbons, program coordinator, via email or phone: or 978-827-4100 x109′
Around the Community of Ashburnham MA
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Community Facts
Ashburnham MA is located in Worcester County Massachusetts and has around 6400 people It is home to Cushing Academy, several beautiful lakes, and Mount Watatic. Ashburnham was settled in 1736 and incorporated in 1765. From Winchendon, Ashburnham is accessed via Route 12, from Gardner via Route 101, and from Fitchburg via Route 12.
Ashburnham Westminster Regional School District: (978) 827-1434 John R. Briggs Elementary: (978) 827-5750 Overlook Middle School: (978) 827-1425 Oakmont Regional High School: (978) 827-5907
Town Administrator: (978) 827-4100 ext. 0 Select Board Fire Department: (978) 827-4021 Library: (978) 827-4115 Municipal Light Plant: (978) 827-4423 Police Department: (978) 827-4413 Police Dept. Community Resources Public Works: (978) 827-4120 Town Clerk: (978) 827-4100 ext. 3 Town Reports
Council on Aging: (978) 827-5500 Ashburnham American Legion Post #142: (978) 827-9966 Naukeag Lake Club: (978) 827-5751 Winnekeag Camp & Retreat Center: (978) 827-4455
Interactive Map of Ashburnham MA
Town of Ashburnham MA Photos
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