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Gardner MA City Council Meets on February 5, 2024
The Gardner City Council paid tribute to long-time Councilor Ronald F. Cormier who recently had passed away. At the beginning of the meeting. some firefighters were sworn in and it was noted that the Fire Department was now at full capacity. Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
The City Council approved taking the first step towards the possible grant for a 4 story West Street Parking Garage. The first grant request includes additional funding for the Rear Main Street Project. It also approved the first step towards the replacement of the roof of Gardner Middle School – a resolution in support of a State grant. Decision on funding for the Salt Shed, $625k, was referred to the Council as a Committee of the whole for further study and discussion.
With respect to the Open Meeting Law Complaint regarding Executive Session minutes, it was noted that the minutes are currently available.
The two Zoning articles were given more time as the final recommendation of the Planning Board will not be received until they meet on the issue.
Gardner Five Star Auto Sales got its license approval conditioned upon submitting a requested plan to the Building Department within 120 days.