Loan Order Rescission Requests – Mayor is asking to clean up the books on loan orders which could have been rescinded a while ago in some cases. Elm Street School Repairs, Pall Filter at Crystal Lake Water Treatment Facility, Watkins Field Renovations, DPW Storage Building Construction, Waterford Street School Feasibility Study, Snake Pond Well Repairs, Acquisition of the Omealia Property, Various Capital Expenditures, Water Infrastructure Paving Work, Omealia Property off Leo Drive, Downtown Improvement Project, GHS Lab and Boiler Upgrades, Water Treatment Facility Upgrades, Water Infrastructure Improvement Project, Water Storage Tank Repairs, Sewer Main Installation and Pump Station Upgrades, and Gardner Middle School Improvements. ALL OF THESE REQUESTS APPROVED.
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Gardner MA City Council with Busy Meeting on March 6, 2023
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The Gardner City Council once again took up the request of the Mayor for $60,000 to help in securing grants. This was taken up at the last meeting and referred back to the Finance Committee where it was once again recommended. Complete 526 page Meeting Agenda and packet. And the City Council has a busy meeting here. Revised 539 page Meeting Agenda and Packet – UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED
Public Hearings held on various requests by utility companies. A citizen asked questions regarding the moving of poles and they were answered by a National Grid spokesman. Another citizen had concerns about the poles and wires. City Council members expressed unhappiness with the National Grid spokesman’s ability to provide answers. |
Money Order Requests – Just over $33,000 for Health Dept. vehicle – Judy Mack researched item, Lauren Saunders researched and got a $5,000 lower price – APPROVED , just under $3700 for City Clerk professional services account (Dog license software) APPROVED – , and $8,900 towards FAA Airport Master Plan –APPROVED. |
Authorizations: To allow Mayor to enter into 5 year contracts for School Food Services, School Custodial Services, and Golf Cart Rentals. Usually the Mayor may enter only into 3 year contracts, but feels this will save City money. ALL 3 APPROVED. |
Notifications: City to receive various funds from Opioid Lawsuit Settlement. Here is a listing of the amounts to be received over a period of time from the various companies: Teva: $101,632.12 …. Walmart: $76,128.90 … Walgreens: $146,184.84 …. CVS: $134,435.79 …. Allegran: $60,547.58. |
Request to Elect: John Richard to City Auditor for a term expiring February 23, 2026. — ELECTED. Request to Confirm Appointment: Robert Charland to the position of Assistant City Solicitor for a term expiring January 1, 2024 – CONFIRMED. |
Ordinances: To Amend Zoning for certain parcels of land around Route 140, allowing commercial and prohibiting residential to avoid potential unsafe traffic issues in the future. .. A request to amend Zoning to add “Sports Betting” to Zoning Table of uses. – And a request to increase quota of marijuana establishments effectively to 4. MORE TIME GIVEN, Planning Board to meet on a 3 items. |
City Code: To Make Regan Street a One-Way street – WILL WAIT and approach Chief of Police to do 60 day trial. Add a new section regulating Mobile Food operations – APPROVED. |
Salary Increases for Mayor, City Council, and School Committee – Take effect in 2024 – APPROVED. |