Two years from now, it is expected the replacement of these structures will be well underway. They will not be taken down until new structures are put up to avoid any disruption in electric service.
Gardner MA Transmission Lines Await Replacement – Electrical Grid to be Upgraded
It’s hard to tell from the photos, but these structures are more than a century old. In fact, the electric grid across the United States is badly in need of upgrades because of age and the need for increased capacity to meet this century’s needs.
As we wrote in August 2023, “In 1909, the 69 kilovolt transmission lines were constructed and materials were brought in at the time by horse and buggy. Today, modern equipment will be used to bring this part of the grid up to date before there are problems due to the aging system.” Previous article, CLICK HERE.
Public Comment hearings were held in April 2024: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board hosted three hybrid public comment hearings for the A1/B2 Asset Condition Refurbishment Project. The hearings were held on different dates at the Athol Public Library, Mount Wachusett Community College, and Fitchburg State University.
Project progress: The A1/B2 ACR project team is continuing the permitting process and preparation for forestry work was done over the winter. Tree work began in March 2024 on the New Hampshire portion with Vermont and Massachusetts tree work and access road work to be done later. Massachusetts construction is expected to begin next Fall pending permit approvals. Actual line work is expected to begin in 2026. Bottom Line: This will take some time to complete. For updates about the project at any time, here’s the website, CLICK HERE.
This 61 mile project originates in Vernon, Vermont, travels through Hinsdale and Winchester, New Hampshire then continues through a number of towns within Northern Massachusetts including, Warwick, Royalston, Winchendon, Gardner, Westminster, Fitchburg, Leominster, and Sterling.
Coming off the mainline, this project also includes the Athol Tap and the Crystal Lake Tap. The Athol Tap runs from Royalston Substation to Chestnut Hill Ave Substation in Athol, Massachusetts. The Crystal Lake Tap runs from Gardner Switching Station to Crystal Lake Substation in Gardner, Massachusetts.