Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE. – The discussions within this meeting are very informative. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Gardner MA City Council Makes Decisions in Informal and Regular Meeting
The Gardner MA City Council held an Informal meeting on: (1) Increasing room occupancy tax from 4 to 6 percent (2) adding Local .75% sales tax on meals and (3) resolving to review the Zoning Map. Listen to the combined AUDIO of both meetings on any device, CLICK PLAY.
It was noted that Leominster increased its room tax to 6% in 2017 and Fitchburg did so last month. Here’s how Gardner voted: At the regular City Council meeting, the room occupancy tax increase to 6% was approved unanimously. It is estimated this will bring in about $50k per year. The Sales Tax on meals at the rate of .75% was approved on a vote of 10 to 1. It is estimated this will bring in $500k per year. A resolution was adopted to review the Zoning Map. Mayor Nicholson earlier in the meeting had told the Council that grant funding was being sought as cost could be around $150,000 and given the time involved the State recommends an outside firm do the job.
In other matters, the Open Meeting Law finding was placed on file. Other items including the big budget items were referred to either subcommittees or the Council as a Committee of the whole.
Open Meeting Law Matter – Inaccurate Statements by Paul DeMeo
Listen to what was actually stated by Councilor Alek Dernalowicz at the City Council Meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY
Councilor Alek Dernalowicz actually stated, “I just wanted to quickly point out that the complaints, the items listed in the complaint were not found to be in violation. There was a finding that we failed to review the minutes in a reasonable interval, which is how it’s stated in the Mass General Laws. Even the Attorney General has difficulty, it seems, defining what a reasonable interval is in their ruling. At one point, they say it’s a certain set of months, and at another point, they say a different amount. I think, in reality, it could possibly turn on what the executive session was about, but that being said, we will follow the guidance from the Attorney General and do this as they prescribe going forward.” While Councilor Dernalowicz clearly states (words in bold) that the City Council will follow guidance of the Attorney General, Paul DeMeo in a post inaccurately states “he should have cautioned the city council to comply with the law.” – an inaccurate statement because that is exactly what he did do. Publisher’s Editorial Note: DeMeo also makes other disparaging remarks which we won’t dignify by repeating here. As Paul DeMeo had made the original complaint, we can understand why he reacted negatively, but that is no excuse for making inaccurate statements simply to disparage an effective, honest, and hard-working City Councilor. Once again, Pauly Potato is simply wrong and the AUDIO above proves it. Further comment regarding DeMeo: Gardner is not a dystopia. Gardner’s officials and employees are hard-working, honest people leading the Chair City on an effective trajectory of success. When a City like Gardner is held in high esteem by other municipalities often as the “Gold Standard” of how things should be done (including its transparency), it is very odd when negative comments often appear out of nowhere with no foundation in fact.