Greater Gardner MA Local News April 2024
- Relay Interview (4/30/2024)
Details on the Gardner Relay for Life – Interview with Sandra Long
Gardner Magazine had the honor of speaking with Relay for Life Committee member Sandra Long on April 30, 2024 about the upcoming June event. Listen on any Device, CLICK PLAY.
Sandra Long Interview 4-30-24 Sandra Long gave us a brief history of the Relay for Life and told us that this year’s goal is $185,000. Teams have already raised over $40,000. In our interview, Long explained what the Relay for Life is all about. For the 2024 Gardner Relay for Life official event page with all information, CLICK HERE.
Previous articles: Cancer Research —- First Lap 2024. —- 2023 Event —– 2022 Event
Relay for Life is June 7-8, 2024 at Mount Wachusett Community College, Gardner MA
- Yard 2024 (4/29/2024)
Spring Yard Sale in Gardner MA
The date for the Spring City-Wide Yard Sale in Gardner MA has been announced as Saturday, June 1, 2024. More details as they become available.
- Disc Golf (4/29/2024)
Disc Golf Growing in Popularity Throughout the Commonwealth of MA – now at Bailey Brook Park
Gardner’s Bailey Brook Disc Golf Course is under construction and is described on as eventually having 8(9) holes. Gardner Firefighter Benjamin Tucker has uploaded photos of his projected design layout The complete layout is profiled here:
As the map in the graphic shows, Disc Golf is growing in popularity throughout the entire state. Darker pushpins are existing and lighter pushpins are courses under construction. So how do you play Disc Golf and what are the rules? DGA which claims to be the first in Disc Golf has a list of game Objectives and Disc Golf Rules. CLICK HERE.
There are some course protocols to know about such as remaining quiet while others are throwing and standing behind the player who is throwing. And just like regular golf, you should sometimes allow faster groups to play through. The course at Bailey Brook Park should be completed in plenty of time for many to enjoy it this Summer and Fall.
- Gardens 2024 (4/28/2024)
Community Garden at St. Paul’s in Gardner MA Now has 27 Beds
Originally established 2 years ago with a $3000 grant from the Diocese, the Community Garden located at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church on Cross Street in Gardner almost doubled its capacity in 2023 and now has more than 2 dozen beds. Mayor Michael Nicholson posted on April 28th,”Big shout out to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Gardner MA for starting up their community gardens again this year to support the Gardner CAC! They are adding even more raised beds to bring the total to 27! Thanks for all you do for the City and it’s residents! “. Fresh produce grown on the property is distributed to area families by the CAC.
The sign states “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat” – Matthew 25:35. Distribution of food grown will occur through the Food Pantry of the Community Action Committee. The CAC serves disadvantaged individuals in Gardner, Ashburnham, Baldwinville, Hubbardston, Otter River, Templeton, and Westminster. Gardner CAC website, CLICK HERE. To donate to the CAC securely click here. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church website, CLICK HERE.
According to the Church, “”Many faces, one faith. We are a diverse group of believers – bankers, musicians, social workers, teachers, public servants, business owners, parents – united by our shared faith in a loving God.” Sunday services are at 10am
- PACC 2024 (4/28/2024)
PACC Friday Cruise Nights – Bands for 2024
The PACC Cruise Nights on Fridays precede the 4 hour concerts which occur from 7pm to 11pm. Upcoming this season beginning on May 24th are Danny Leblanc, Whiskey Johnson, the Wingmen, The Big RanDom, Mr. Strickland, Gale County, Plead the Fifth, Ben Cote, Drama Queen, Barbwire Lace, a Night of Zeppelin, Dave Malouin, Mid Life Crisis, Boogie Brown Band, and more. Admission is FREE.
The Gardner Polish American Citizens Club is located at 171 Kendall Pond Road in Gardner. These FREE Concerts are open to the public.
The Lithuanian Outing Association will also have some FREE Concerts in 2024. We have a preliminary schedule which was posted in February 2024 and will update with the official schedule when it is available.
- Editorial – Facebook (4/28/2024)
Facebook Postings Can Lead to Huge Damage Awards – Even Loss of House
The hypothetical situation: A local Facebook Group makes egregious false statements suggesting falsely that individuals have committed crimes, even repeating similar false statements over a period of months in an attempt to make false claims sound legit. When confronted, it doubles down on the postings which only provides further evidence of actionable malice.
HUGE Awards for damages: The law does not look fondly on actions like this. The offense is Facebook defamation and it can lead to some huge jury awards or large settlements. A post made about a woman got her a settlement of $500,000. Details here: In another case, “venting” on Facebook led to a $65,000 defamation judgment and liability for 3rd party comments. Details Here: A $75,000 defamation award for false allegations against a female prison officer: Details Here. Many more examples are out there. It is not an amusing situation at all as unfortunately there are some who believe false accusations. However, it is clear, in the end it could cost a Facebook Admin his/her house and those who chime in might have to shell out thousands.
Bottom Line: Unless someone has actually been arrested for a crime and you have an official law enforcement Press Release to prove it, it’s never a good idea to use Facebook to accuse anyone of anything illegal. Gardner Magazine, for example, does not customarily publish the names of those arrested, the names of crime victims, or the names of accident victims. That way, for example, an innocent person is not victimized by an internet article which never goes away and a family does not have to relive a tragedy which keeps coming up with an internet search. We will publish an official Press Release as appropriate. Maintaining the dignity of individuals is important. Unfortunately today, many people are victimized by those getting a thrill out of getting the reactions of others by simply making things up. Fortunately, that thrill eventually costs them – big time!
- Fire 4-27-24 (4/28/2024)
Gardner MA Fire Department Responds to Multi-acre Brush Fire
The Gardner Fire Department assisted with a 9+ acre brush fire in Ashburnham and a smaller brush fire on Acadia Road in Gardner, posting, “Group 3 Recall Off Route 12 in Ashburnham. Engine 3 and 11C1 responded to assist with a 9+ acre brush fire. Gardner Firefighters worked to contain the perimeter of the fire. While at this fire, other Gardner crews responded to a 1/2 acre brush fire on Acadia Rd. A full department recall was sounded for that fire.”
Readers please note: The Open Burn Season in the State of Massachusetts will end on April 30th.
- Purple Paws 4-27-24 (4/28/2024)
Important Contact Information Telephone: (978) 699-0203 Website: Facebook Page, CLICK HERE Purple Paws Event Sheds Light on Domestic Violence
The Purple Paw Walk Held on April 27, 2024 was held to raise funds to support victims of domestic violence and their pets. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson read a Proclamation at the beginning of the event.
The Gardner Community Action Team posted, “We take great pride in supporting many local organizations that provide crucial services to Gardner residents. Voices of Truth, The Gardner Domestic Violence Taskforce, The Gardner Community Action Team and the City of Gardner worked together on putting this fundraiser on.”
Area residents brought their dogs and some were outfitted with costumes. The Gardner Police Department made a strong showing of support. K-9 Rocky was on hand. Various vendors displayed their wares. GCAT also posted, “We are happy that we had more participants than last year and hoping to grow this event next year.”
Bernice Richard previously stated The Purple Paws event is intended “to bring the understanding that we have a foster program called Purple Paws that we have developed in ways that we can help a victim when she is leaving her unsafe environment and she has pets.” Previous interview article with resource information, CLICK HERE.
- Gardner Music (4/27/2024)
2024 Gardner Summer Concert Series at Monument Park
The Season of music starts on Saturday June 22nd with Holdin’ Back and continues through August 24th. Admission is FREE for all concerts. Donations are accepted and sponsors are welcomed to help fund the fun.
All concerts are at Monument Park except for July 13th which will be at the Food Truck Festival near Gardner City Hall.
More information on the scheduled bands – Facebook or website links: Holdin’ Back (The 60’s) —- Mr. Strickland (Classic Rock) —- The Boothill Express Band (Country That Rocks!) —- Dave Malouin (Country, Oldies, Rock) —- Ashbrook Haynes (American Roots) —- Gold Dust Refugee (Tom Petty/Fleetwood Mac) —- The Remedy (“Music Cures All”) —- 4EverFab (Beatles) —- Jumpin’ Juba (Blues & Roots – Rock) —- The BIG RanDom (Classic Rock)
- Update 4-26-24 (4/26/2024)
With May fast approaching Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City of Gardner
Mayor Nicholson spoke of amenities, construction, reminders, and events. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Gardner’s Outdoor Amenities: Mayor Nicholson spoke of the Bike Trail, Dunn Park, different parks and playgrounds, and walking trails. He announced that the disc golf at Bailey Brook Park has a couple pins in. The Mayor let everyone know that an insurance claim was filed after a tree fell on $75,000 worth of new playground equipment at Ovila Case. “It is something that’s on our radar to try to fix as quickly as those claims go through…”
Construction Begins: Beginning Monday April 29th construction resumes at Uptown Rotary. “Right now, it looks like traffic will be diverted down Cherry Street from Pearl Street into Central Street.“
Reminders: Downtown Banner and flower pot sponsorships still available. —- National Small Business Week is April 28th through May 4th, “Please be sure to support your local businesses.” — Registrations are now open for the Summer Recreation Program. —- Gardner Municipal Golf Course is now open. “Daily rates for weekdays for nine holes is $20, and 18 holes $37. Weekend rates for nine holes are $24, and 18 holes $42. Rates are for walking, and carts require an additional charge on top of that. Memberships are also open at this time for applications.”
Events: May 2nd at noon is the National Day of Prayer event over at Higher Ground Ministries —Keep Gardner Beautiful Saturday May 4th. —- Introduction to Beekeeping at Levi Heywood Memorial Library on May 4th —-AED Foundation Recovery Comedy Night May 16th at 7pm at Perry Auditorium, Gardner City Hall —- Greater Gardner Community Choir Spring Concert Sunday May 19th at 3pm at Bethany Baptist Church —- Greater Gardner Relay for Life June 7th and June 8th. —- Light the Town Purple Event is May 6th at 6:30pm
- Health 4-22-24 (4/26/2024)
Board of Health Receives Updates and Discusses Local Health Issues
Health Director Micah Blondeau updated the Gardner Board of Health on April 22, 2024. Board of Health consists of Susan Avalone, RN, Chair and members Michele C. Parker, MD and Attorney Geoffrey Tobia. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Board of Health 4-22-24 The Gardner Health and Wellness Fair had hundreds of attendees with about 70 participating vendors. The Purple Paw Walk is taking place on Saturday April 27th.
Health Director Micah Blondeau stated that areas needing repair at the transfer station will cost more than expected. “Looks like it’s going to be a lot more than what I requested in the budget….And there’s actually one area that wasn’t included in the report to repair, but it is going to be a problem down the line.” The Keep Gardner Beautiful Trash Cleanup and Nip Hunt is May 4th “So they have a little area up there now with a container of their supplies, and we’re going to have an extra container delivered for any trash items that they find. We’re going to have a way to take care of that without causing any problems with the normal transfer operation.” Blondeau also stated that “We will be applying for some small grants to add some structures to the transfer station. They’re mainly for increasing recycling capacity.”
Housing and Nuisance complaints are coming in a a pretty increasing rate, “We’ve had 20 of those complaints since the last Board of Health meeting.” Blondeau had some specifics: “We do have some cases that are pretty difficult to resolve and aren’t really going away. Nobody specific is working on any particular repeat problems. We are working on that along with any kind of property that has a lot of junk and trash. So we’re going to start hitting those harder and trying to get more traction on those.“
The Health Department has a new food inspector and inspections will increase.” He’s still in the training process, but we’ve gone out and taken him on several food inspections. He’s been doing a lot of online training. Pretty soon we’re going to transition him to where he takes the lead on the inspection that we observe, and if that goes well, we’ll cut him loose and put him on his own routine. So we are actually currently inspecting food establishments on a minimal scale, which is twice a year, and we’re going to be moving towards more of a risk-based category. So every place will be inspected two, three, or four times a year, depending on past performance, population surge, complexity of menu, all that kind of stuff. So there will be some places that will be getting four or more inspections a year, depending on how they do, and we’ll adjust that as we move along.”
Regarding regulations on paint: “So the goal is that they can get more municipalities to support it. And we hope we can get more attention in the legislature, just because there’s so many bills they’re looking at. o they’re just looking to get more support for basically a program that’s going to charge a fee, $25 a piece, less than $1 a gallon, and then that money would be used to set up a system to recycle the paint or at least collect the paint and recycle what can be recycled and dispose of the rest kind of on a universal level, kind of like the topics we were talking about. They were at the Household Hazardous Waste Day last fall, I think.” It was explained further, ” So I know that there’s a communication here from here about recycling the paint right now with what it’s costing the municipality. So my understanding from reading it is that passed in this legislation, the municipality will have to have different types of recycling processes for the paint, and that’s going to be costly. And so by having that deposit or stewardship amount attached to it, increasing it when it’s at sale would supplement some of those costs.” By collecting paint and recycling it, other states have saved taxpayers money, “So you have a lot less trucking and everything, and you have a lot less, hopefully, disposal in landfills and places where it should be going. So they’re doing it in Maine, Vermont, New York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island, and it’s saving taxpayers nearly $300 million to date. So it saves the town a lot of money because they’re paying them to buy the paint and not paying it for the disposal.”
- Monument Park 24 (4/24/2024)
Monument Park Summer Concert Series Back for 2024
The Gardner Bandstand Committee met at 3pm on April 25, 2024 to finalize the 2024 Gardner Summer Concert Series at Monument Park. Gardner Magazine has received a preliminary list which was released prior to the meeting. However, with the first concert slated to be on June 22nd, we will wait to publish the list until it is finalized and confirmed.
We can tell you that Viva Las Elvis is being removed from the calendar as the artist has asked for more money than what is feasible. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY
The 2023 Concert Series was successful due to the positive reception to the quality of the performances and to the cooperation of Mother Nature who provided good weather on some occasions. We will also be publishing the schedule of the Lithuanian Outing Association and the PACC.
Meeting of April 25, 2024 Details
Gardner Magazine got an inside look at the hard work put in by the Bandstand Committee. For those attending the fabulous Summer Concerts, its a FREE concert. For the Bandstand Committee, the reality is a juggling of funds and the search for sponsors and donations to make each year’s series of concerts happen. Sponsors are always welcome. Donations are always welcome. The deadline to get sponsor info to the printer is sometime in May so there’s still time to come on board. Contact Marry Rojas, the DPW Administrator Coordinator at (978) 630-8195 or email: And note there are 2r’s in her first name just like we have it here.
The meeting opened with a discussion of the artist, Mr. Fontaine who was asking for more money. First year was 800, last year was 1200, and the request was for 3500 for this year. The committee decided to go with Holdin’ Back the 60’s which has offered to do the same date for $599. Members of the committee discussed the status of various sponsors. It is very clear that sponsor support and donations are crucial. As one of the committee members stated, “I think what people don’t realize is, you know, the city doesn’t…Well, no. The city doesn’t supply any money. The city doesn’t give us anything. We have to do this on sponsors.” Donations and sponsorships are critical as bands keep raising prices.
- Winchendon Project (4/24/2024)
Winchendon Receives Low Interest Loan for Water Main Project
Winchendon Town Manager Bill McKinney told us the State of Massachusetts has approved a low interest loan so that the Town of Winchendon can proceed with the $9.5 million water main project. Interest rate is low at about 2 percent and 17-19 percent of the loan is subject to forgiveness. (It is not a complete grant as a report published in another local publication suggests.) Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Wyndonshire Renaissance Fair is this weekend Saturday April 27th and Sunday April 28th. Bill McKinney says a big crowd is expected. More information from the town of Winchendon website on the Wyndonshire Renaissance Fair
In other Winchendon News: In our last interview with Bill McKinney, he told us that the Carriage House Restaurant property had been sold and another restaurant was coming in. That restaurant will be El Toro, currently located in Fitchburg. Rather than adding Winchendon, they are actually moving their restaurant to Winchendon.
- Empire Purchase (4/24/2024)
Empire Management Starts Next 30 Years with Purchase of Iconic Gardner Building
Gardner Magazine spoke with both Operations Manager Gabrielle Surette and Empire President Jenna Hartman regarding the purchase of the Bank of America Building at 29 Parker Street, Gardner. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Empire Management 4-24-24 Empire Management was founded in 1994 and has been in the building at 14-24 Parker Street for over a decade, purchasing the building last year. This new acquisition is right across the street. Surette spoke of plans for the building. “So the first floor, we are looking to have a family upscale restaurant.” Surette confirmed a lease has been signed with a tenant. Jenna Hartman said the restaurant itself would make an announcement in Spring or Summer this year. With respect to the other floors, Surette stated, “We are looking for medical arts offices is what we’re planning.”
Planned updates may include windows purchased locally stated Surette, “We’re at Maki’s almost every other day picking up supplies for any of the things that we need to do, so we’ll definitely reach out to them and see what they have in stock.” And Jenna Hartman said they may even restore the clock on the front and they did just put the flag back up which people have noticed.
What would Jenna Hartman like to see in the restaurant and invite everybody down to eat? “You know, I got to say steak. That would be my favorite thing.” Does that mean Gardner is getting a steakhouse? Ah, the mystery… Empire Website, CLICK HERE.
- Nearby Towns (4/24/2024)
Gardner Magazine has articles about interviews with Westminster Town Administrator Stephanie Lahtinen, Hubbardston Town Administrator Nathan Boudreau, Templeton Town Administrator Adam Lamontagne, and Winchendon Town Manager Bill McKinney. Complete AUDIO included. Jump to Nearby Communities section below.
- Maki Rentals (4/23/2024)
To find out more about this 75 year old Gardner company, please visit the MAKI website, CLICK HERE.
Locations: 513 Betty Spring Rd • Gardner,160 Mass. Ave (Rt. 2A) • Lunenburg, and 36 Worcester Rd (Rt. 12) • Sterling —- (978) 632-5354
They Make A lot – Now They’ll Rent A lot – New Rental Business is Born at MAKI.
Host of the Hit Hotline Radio Show on WGAW, Steve Wendell and Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel spoke with Jim Leblanc, COO of Gardner MA Maki Corp. and the Rental Team of MAKI veteran Jeff Cossette and the addition of Greg Tardiff who worked for Taylor Rental for 37 years. It was a fascinating conversation with some great people with a few surprises. The wind you hear is because we were outside near this new $65,000 piece of equipment they’ll be renting. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
MAKI is taking over the various equipment rentals where Taylor Rental left off. Should you have any questions about what they rent, just call the store at (978) 632-5354. MAKI has experience in rentals having operated a location in Lunenburg for many years. They chose not to compete with Taylor while they were in business. We also spoke about many of the things MAKI makes in Gardner including windows, doors, trusses, steel fabrication etc. – Many of the windows recently put in at Downtown Gardner buildings came from MAKI. Jim says they make it local and cut out the middleman, “go above and beyond because we’re a smaller company.” Speaking of which while we were there we snuck a picture of the MAKI built picnic tables. Direct price only $179.99. Looks like they might have one in stock for you.
- Gardner Rainbow (4/22/2024)
Mother Nature’s Rainbow captured in Gardner MA
There was no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but there was beauty in the sky on April 18, 2024 in Gardner MA as a beautiful rainbow was observed by many from different vantage points. Marion Knoll captured an image in South Gardner. Jezrielle Grace captured a photo near Aldi. And a photo captured by a member of the Lehoux Family showed the rainbow over houses. It was a gift from Mother Nature – a beautiful rainbow. And it happened on one day in Gardner MA.
- Homeless – Nicholson (4/22/2024)
Taking the lead is something Mayor Nicholson does by meeting with the private sector and encouraging housing development, by meeting with officials and agencies to help with affordable housing, by being at the forefront of the homeless crisis, and by being proactive with respect to needed parking.
How Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Has Taken the Lead on Housing & Homeless Issues
Himself a Staunch Housing for the Homeless Advocate, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson recently highlighted a meeting of the Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance. The 29th Annual meeting held earlier in April brought many together and the Mayor posted, “Congratulations to the Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance on a great annual meeting earlier this month. Great to hear about the work they’re doing to combat issues of homelessness across Worcester County.”
Nicholson has created a “People are Policy” initiative since he took over as Mayor and often gets in the trenches himself. He has help hand out food at the CAC Food Pantry, supported grant funding for the Gardner Emergency Housing Mission, and he previously expressed a desire to take the lead against homelessness, even being open to the idea of a Tiny House Village for the homeless in Gardner to be a model for helping others in the State and the country. We spoke with the Mayor last month and he detailed his thoughts about housing and needed parking in Gardner. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor Nicholson on Housing and Parking The Mayor said he would be in favor of Gardner being the first city to come up with a tiny housing village or something similar for the homeless, but he didn’t stop there focusing also on the general housing crisis in the state, “I think anything we can do to help one, the homeless situation that we have right now,but also just the general housing crisis that we have, not only in Gardner, not only in Worcester County, but in Massachusetts. The housing production report from the state let us know that we’re short about 250,000 housing units in Massachusetts right now to meet the population we currently have. If we can set that example and move forward with that, I think it’s all for the better. Whether it’s tiny houses, which I think would be great to start that example.”
Mayor Nicholson indicated he would be in favor of looking at whether multi-family units should be allowed by right in Gardner instead of needing a special permit – as a way to add more needed housing.” The only thing we can do here on the city’s end is try to find ways to increase our housing stock so that demand goes up, prices tend to go down. Find ways for all people to live here. Seniors need to find a place to go, and if that means they need to downsize instead of mothballing floors in their houses, as I’ve said in several of our interviews before, that’s something that we need to find ways to make more senior housing available, more housing available for people who are my age and younger who are just getting out of college, looking to start something new, get on their own two feet, and a single-family home may not be the right fit for that type of a person. It may be an apartment. It may be sharing a multifamily unit with someone else, just things like that. One of the things that the state and I have also been talking about is do we need to look at ways to make accessory dwelling units easier, so in-law apartments, so that if seniors are looking to downsize, maybe they put an addition onto their home and have an in-law apartment there while their younger generation of their family moves into the regular house, and you keep things in the family and you keep the family close together. Housing is something that we’ve been working on consistently since I got sworn in on July 14, 2020, and it’s something we will consistently work on.”
We spoke with Mayor Nicholson about a grant application for a four story parking garage in Gardner. Initially, the grant would fund a study to see what would be appropriate but the Mayor does have his eye on one particular location stating, “Right now, the current location that’s theorized is the West Street parking lot.” He explained what a feasibility study would help determine, “This is the first feasibility study to see, can that parking garage go there? If so, what does it need to look like? What features does it have to have? Does it have to have an elevator? Does it have to have so many spots reserved for bicycles? And if it does, how many spots? Does it have to have motorcycle parking? Does it have to have electric vehicle parking? All of this stuff goes into studies like this when you work with the federal government. And it may seem over the top, but that’s just the requirements there to make sure you have the fullest picture that’s there. And then if we get that study done this year, we can apply next year for construction of that parking garage.”
- Update 4-19-24 (4/19/2024)
Events: Book Sale at library is Friday and Saturday —- Keep Gardner Beautiful Cleanup event is May 4th — AED Comedy Night is May 18th at Perry Auditorium —-Kindergarten registration has started for Fall 2024
Mayor Speaks of Gardner PD Fraud Alert in Weekly Update
Due to an increase in reported scam activity, the Gardner Police Department has issued a fraud alert. Mayor Nicholson speaks about it along with his usual update. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
The Mayor spoke of available Flower Pot and Banner sponsorships. Flower pots are actually being handled by City Councilor Judy Mack and a crew this year. The Mayor stated, “We are using a different vendor this year, so I know some people had concerns with the size of the flowers that were in the pots last year“. —- The Monument Park Concert Series has been announced (Gardner Magazine will publish the list once we have confirmed accuracy) first concert is on June 22nd —- Uptown Rotary construction starting soon with paving to be completed sometime in November and streets ancillary will be paved next year. —- Mayor Nicholson gave a special thank you to City Dispatches and Animal Control officers. —- The Mayor spoke of the recent survey regarding transportation to the Wachusett train station. There were 257 responses and the Mayor detailed some facts and figures.
from the Gardner PD: ***FRAUD ALERT***
“The Gardner Police Department wants to inform everyone that we have seen an increase in reported scam activity. As technology grows, so must our knowledge of how scammers operate. Here are four signs of a scam and ways to avoid it. For more information and resources see the FBI and Federal Trade Commission listed below:” From the FBI CLICK HERE. From the Federal Trade Commission, CLICK HERE.
- Zoning 4-16-24 (4/19/2024)
The Farmer’s Market is planned at the site of the former Waterford Street School which is slated to become Gardner’s Community Center. Gardner Farmer’s Market website, CLICK HERE.
The Doucets get their chickens, the Fosters have some work to do, and the Farmer’s Market needs some planning in Gardner MA.
This was the result of a lengthy Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on April 16, 2024 held in Perry Auditorium because the City Council meeting was delayed by a day due to the Patriot’s Day holiday. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Complete ZBA Meeting 4-16-24 Oscar & Joshua Doucet – 185 South Main Street – Chickens – Approval given to have 4 hens, but no roosters. Donald S. Foster – 0 Talcott Avenue – Single Family Dwelling – more work needed before approval. — Flicker Hill Homestead, LLC – 62 Waterford Street – Outside Farmer’s Market will appear in May again with the complete plan requested by the Board. They must do this and get approval so the first Farmer’s Market can be held as proposed on June 15, 2024 with up to 30 total vendors. A number of people showed up in support. Here are their comments, CLICK PLAY.
Comments re Farmer’s Market The Farmers Market is to be run by Flicker Hill Homestead, LLC whose Manager is Erica Faughnan Bosse of 435 Partridge Street, Gardner where the Bosse’s have a flower and veggie farm. Their annual report for 2023 was timely filed the day after this meeting on April 17, 2024. Report, CLICK HERE.
- Trout Released (4/18/2024)
State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik Snapped a Fishy Picture in Gardner MA
Gardner Magazine grabbed a screenshot from Zlotnik’s short video to show the trout flowing into Kendall Pond. Zlotnik stated, “After a few year hiatus, it only took about 15 seconds for 300 trout to move into Kendall Pond. Thanks to Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife for working with us to make this happen. Special thanks to Lizzy Kazinskas for her work to get the public dock for the City that allows for greater access and also gave me the perfect angle for this video!”
The State of Massachusetts has a website with details on where and when it stocks trout. Many areas of note on the list include Middle and West Branch of the Swift River in New Salem, Otter River in Gardner and Templeton, East Branch Ware River in Hubbardston, Princeton and Rutland, Stillwater River in Princeton, Dunn Pond in Gardner, Ware and Prince River in Barre, Parkers Brook in Oakham, at least 5 locations in Ashby, Asnacomet Pond in Hubbardston, Long Pond in Rutland, and the list goes on. MassWildlife will stock about 455,000 trout this spring.
- Health Fair 4-17-24 (4/18/2024)
Health and Wellness Fair in Gardner Draws Hundreds
In a radio interview with Steve Wendell of WGAW, Veronica Patty confirmed that the turnout to the 2nd Annual Health and Wellness Fair held April 17th was double that in 2023. Hundreds were able to interact with more than 70 vendors. There was no charge for each of the vendor spaces, but each was asked to provide something for the FREE raffles which were held every half hour during the event.
We spoke with Veronica Patty before the event. COMPLETE ARTICLE, CLICK HERE. There were resources for adults and young people on the subjects of mental health, substance use, healthy relationships, wellness, nutrition, services, and programs. Veronica Patty is already thinking about next year.
- Inside Books (4/17/2024)
Inside Look at the Levi Heywood Memorial Library Book Sale
Gardner Magazine was granted access to take photos the day before the Big Sale. What an incredible array of books there are! Prices are very low! LOCATION: Levi Heywood Memorial Library, 55 W. Lynde Street, Gardner (978) 632-5298 PARKING IS FREE.
Preview Sale Thursday 4-18 4-7pm
Friday 4-19 9am to 4:30pm
Saturday 4-20 9am to 4pm
Click on any image for a larger view.
- City Council 4-16-24 (4/17/2024)
Gardner City Council Chamber Unnamed for Now as Judy Mack Requests More Time
The City Council meeting got a little clunky as Councilor Judy Mack requested more time on her resolution to name the Chamber, “Ronald F. Cormier Council Chamber”. Councilor Karen Hardern moved to have a Straw vote to gauge level of support on the item. After proceedings were paused for two separate short recesses, it was determined by Council President Kazinskas that a straw vote was not in order. Council simply moved on to the next item. Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
City Council 4-16-24 The rest of the meeting is noted for its overall smoothness such as when City Clerk Titi Siriphan was reelected unanimously by all 11 Councilors, some choosing to comment positively on her work.
In other actions, Gardner Police Department will get its police cars and may have an easier time filling positions as the City Council voted to opt out of civil service. This negates a vote taken 112 years ago when Gardner, then a town, joined Civil Service by a City Council vote.
- WGAW Listen (4/16/2024)
WGAW Announces Its Listener of the Month for April 2024
James Kraskouskas has been awarded the honor of WGAW Listener of the month. WGAW reports that Kraskouskas has been a listener of the station for many years. WGAW has allowed us to make this AUDIO announcement available here: Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
WGAW Listener of the Month A Consequence of Unprecedented Listener Growth
Kraskouskas is just one of many thousands of area residents who have been listening to WGAW more in recent months as the station is now heard on AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and streaming to anywhere in the world, CLICK HERE. We will inform you if and when other WGAW listeners are honored.
WGAW Features 8 of the Top Talk Show Hosts in America has released its list of the Top 100 Talk Show Hosts in America. WGAW Hosts to appear on the list include: Mark Levin at #6, Mike Gallagher at #10, Kim Komando at #19, Dennis Prager at #49, Chris Plante #50, Sebastian Gorka #52, Bill Cunningham #53, and Gordon Deal #76 Full List, CLICK HERE.
- Book Therapist (4/14/2024)
Find out more about the April Vacation programs at the Levi Heywood Memorial Library, CLICK HERE.
Editorial: In search of a “Book Sale Therapist”
Hey everybody, I heard the Levi Heywood Memorial Library Book Sale (Friday April 19th and Saturday April 20th) is going to be a big deal. Preview sale in on Thursday the 18th. Problem is: I can’t stop thinking about it. All those almost new bargain books and so much more. I’ll share a vision with you from my dream. The books keep saying, buy me, buy me, I’m only 50 cents or a dollar! Should I get immediate “Book Sale” counseling or should I just go and pick up some bargains? I’m hoping I haven’t gone “Book Bonkers” For more about the Book Sale and all of the April Vacation Programs, visit their website, CLICK HERE. APRIL FLYER, CLICK HERE.
- Council 4-16-24 (4/14/2024)
Capital Improvement Report will be received: Separate Article
City Council Meets on Tuesday April 16, 2024 in Gardner MA
The Gardner City Council meets a day later due to the Patriot’s Day Holiday. Complete Agenda and packet, click here.
Agenda items include: Councilor Mack resolution to rename Chamber “Ronald F. Cormier Council Chamber”, City Clerk election, various money items, rescission of Civil Service vote of 1912, various appointments, decision on adding agricultural commission, resolution re zoning map accuracy, resolution to adopt local options sales tax on meals and occupancy excise rate increase.
- Capital FY25 (4/14/2024)
Gardner MA Capital Improvement Committee Report Is a BIG LIST.
The Gardner City Council meeting on Tuesday April 16, 2024 includes an agenda item to receive the Capital Improvement Plan. The Capital Improvement Committee includes George Tyros, Robert Oliva, Trevor Beauregard, Jennifer Dymek, Dane Arnold, Joshua Cormier, John Richard, and Mark Hawke. The Committee had met in March to discuss and comment on the list.
Items generally stay on the list until completed. Some items end up being treated as repairs and come out of the budget. Some items may not end up being funded. However, there is a requirement in the law that items be on the list in order to receive certain funding. Some are of lower priority and are on the list with the hope of receiving grant funding.
- Culture Festival (4/13/2024)
A Spotlight on Gardner High School in April 2024
Culture Festival at Gardner High School Celebrates Cultures and Resources
On Wednesday, April 10th from 5-7pm, students at the building shaped like a pentagon, Gardner High School at 200 Catherine Street in Gardner, hosted a Community and Culture Festival in the High School gym. Gardner Public Schools commented, “This event is always a fun way for the students and community to come together!…” Gardner High School commented, “Successful Community and Cultural Festival at GHS. We love celebrating our different cultural backgrounds and bringing community organizations together. Thank you to Ms. Ottino for all your hard work organizing this event.”
38 GHS Seniors Admitted to MWCC
Gardner High School Students recently met with Admissions staff at Mount Wachusett Community College. According to Gardner High School, “We had 38 seniors meet with admissions staff from the college and they were all accepted into different programs and majors of their choosing. We are very proud of these students as they begin making their post-secondary plans.” 1/3 of the Senior Graduating Class in 2023 also had a College Associates Degree.
Learning Real Life Skills
In addition to academics and culture, GHS students are exposed to real life skills. For example, the Reality Fair for juniors and seniors on April 3rd “gave them the opportunity to learn about real life experiences around budgeting, rental costs, insurance costs…”
Active in the Community
GHS students are active in the community and GHS recently posted, “Congratulations to Lia Montes de Oca and Norah Brun for being awarded $300 through Youth Venture to begin their Stray Cat Project. They did an amazing job presenting their project and were very excited to be rewarded with money to get started. Excellent job by them both!”
In just a few days, Gardner High School students show a maturity in appreciating the various cultures around them, show a love for learning in applying for college, apply real life skills in their daily experiences, and give back to their community. Is it fair to say we should all be very proud?
- Patriot’s Day (4/12/2024)
Patriot’s Day is Monday, April 15, 2024
Gardner City Hall and various area Town Halls are closed in celebration. The 128th Boston Marathon takes place as 100 years of the Start Line in Hopkinton is celebrated. Boston Marathon website, CLICK HERE
- Update 4-12-24 (4/12/2024)
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City with Congratulations and Event Reminders
Listen to the Update on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 4-12-24 Congratulations and thanks: Levi Heywood Memorial Library Eclipse viewing party had over 400 people show up. Holy Family Academy had annual Wisdom, Strength, and Grace Gala and formed new charitable fund named after the late Ronald Cormier. Local Elks Lodge had kids Safety Day and honored the Mayor as their Citizen of the Year.
Event Reminders: City Hall closed Monday April 15th for Patriots Day. — Health and Wellness Fair April 17th from 5 to 7pm. It is FREE with now over 70 vendors and resource tables. COMPLETE ARTICLE CLICK HERE. —- Book Sale at Levi Heywood Memorial Library April 19th and 20th with preview sale on April 18th. —- Keep Gardner Beautiful Nip Hunt and Litter Clean Up Saturday May 4th —- AED Foundation Comedy Night at Gardner City Hall May 18th. —-
- Scales of Justice (4/12/2024)
Commentary – Scales of Justice by Werner Poegel
This commentary is also posted on our national AUDIO site, Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Scales of Justice – Werner Poegel Poegel speaks about Asset Forfeiture, Pretrial detention, Speeding tickets in Foreign Countries, Justice Delayed, Court of Public Opinion, Unfair targeting of law enforcement, weaponization of justice, and the balance of public safety and individual rights.
- Planning 4-9-24 (4/11/2024)
Planning Board Meets Regarding 52 Unit Multi-Family Development – Applicant to Revise Plan
PrivateOversight LLC has proposed a 52 Unit Multi-Family Development on West Broadway in Gardner at the Gardner- Templeton line. Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Planning Board April 9, 2024 Considerable discussion revolved around whether or not it is a good idea for parking spaces to be located in the front or the rear of each building. City Planner Trevor Beauregard advised the Board that in his opinion having parking spaces in front presented a safety issue. Board members voiced similar opinions. Attorney Christine Tree for applicant PrivateOversight LLC argued that the parking spaces should be in front. An abutter voiced an opinion that the plan for the development is congested and not in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. Other abutters voiced safety concerns with potential traffic. Applicant requested continuance in view of Board members opinions re parking. Planning Board voted to continue the Public Meeting until June while applicant submits plan revision, presumably with parking in the rear..
- Finance Committee 4-10-24 (4/11/2024)
Gardner MA Finance Committee Has Busy Meeting
Building Commissioner Tom Zuppa, Deputy Chief Nick Maroni, and Police Chief Eric McAvene came before the Finance Committee on April 10, 2024.
Discussed were: The Capital Improvement Plan, the Federal Audit Report, new vehicles for the Police Department, the City’s share regarding the transmission main project, money regarding chemical costs to treat sewage, the option for Gardner to vote itself out of Civil Service, using roofs of city buildings for solar, and various other items detailed in the 163 page comprehensive Complete Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE.
To listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Finance Committee 4-10-24 Towards the end of the meeting, Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas spoke favorably on supporting City Clerk Titi Siriphan for another term. Fellow Finance Committee members Judy Mack and Alek Dernalowicz also expressed support.
- School Committee 4-8-24 (4/10/2024)
Gardner Magazine downloaded the Budget Hearing notice and Meeting Agenda last night about 10:30pm. At that hour, the complete packet had not been posted. We thank Gardner Mayor Nicholson for getting the packet posted today. We post the complete agendas and packets as a public service to keep you better informed.
Screenshot of download Publisher’s Editorial Opinion: As the public did not have access to complete budget materials in advance of the hearing and the vote is in limbo until confirmed anyway, we have suggested that another Budget Hearing be scheduled so that public input could be heard. Yes, a do over. Note, however, that the budget gap is at $0 with this budget and no override has been contemplated.
Gardner MA School Committee passes Budget, but vote in doubt
UPDATE 5-7-24: City Solicitor John Flick has determined voice vote OK and Mayor Michael Nicholson has provided clarification, CLICK HERE. Bottom line: School Committee acted properly, vote was valid.
Gardner Magazine was waiting to publish an article with regard to this meeting until we had a complete packet with budget information to share with the public. Here is the complete Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE. Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
School Committee 4-8-24 The School Committee passed the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget, but only with a voice vote. We asked Mayor Nicholson if the vote was valid because a roll call vote was not taken and he responded “I will be checking the video of the meeting today. I believe the vote required a roll call, however, the open meeting law has a remedy for this when things like this happens. At the next meeting, the Committee will have to vote to confirm the vote taken at the 4/8 meeting. This has happened before on a few occasions with the City Council as well. It does not invalidate the vote, but puts the vote in limbo until the confirmation is completed. I’ll reach out to the school department about the packet materials as well.” Note: The Mayor had to view the video as he was absent from the meeting.
School Committee member Anne Hurst went on a self described rant about the public not showing up at the meeting, “I wanted to thank Dr. Pellegrino and Mark Hawke for their presentation tonight on the budget. It’s kind of a sad state of affairs throughout the Commonwealth. I do find it a little disappointing when no one shows up to listen to it but everybody seems to have an opinion on social media about how things should be run. You know, it’s so important to be involved and to understand how big of a budget this is, how it works. People should be here at this meeting advocating or at City Council, you know, I don’t know, that’s my rant. Listen yourself on any device, CLICK PLAY
Anne Hurst rant 4-8-24 Mark Hawke commented on the migrant influx stating, “Because of the migrant influx, there’s a $104 a day per student, I guess we call it a grant. It’s funding from the state. So we’re budgeting $160,000. We anticipated to be higher than that, but that’s a safe number to budget.” Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mark Hawke 4-8-24
- Health 2024 (4/10/2024)
Health and Wellness Fair – April 17, 2024 from 5-7pm at Perry Auditorium, Gardner City Hall
We spoke with Veronika Patty about the event in a short interview. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Over 70 vendor and resource tables are anticipated and admission is FREE! There will be FREE raffle drawings at 5:30, 6:00, and 6:30pm, FREE refreshments, and various family activities. Prestige Hair Salon is providing free hair cuts for kids on a first-come, first served basis.
Veronica Patty stated, “We have a lot of resources around mental health, recovery centers, any other substance use issues, resources for adults and young people. We have organizations that are going to have information about healthy relationships and domestic violence, wellness coaching, nutrition, a lot of youth services and programs that are offered to the community. We have things like art therapy and self-defense.
- School 4-8-24 (4/10/2024)
Note to Readers: Gardner Magazine is awaiting further information regarding the Gardner School Committee Meeting of April 8, 2024 prior to publishing an article and AUDIO of the meeting. We apologize for the delay. However, in this case, we believe accuracy to be more important than expediency.
- Sheriff Promotes (4/8/2024)
Shawn Mullaney (left) and Tammy Bennett (right) are shown with Sheriff Lew Evangelidis. With promotions to Lieutenant, both will assume administrative responsibilities at the Worcester County Jail and House of Correction.
The Worcester County Jail and House of Correction is responsible for pre-trial detainees and inmates sentenced to 2.5 years or less. The facility can house over 1,000 inmates and is in West Boylston, MA. The sheriff’s office also operates community centers in Fitchburg, Worcester, and Webster.
Worcester County Sheriff Lew Evangelidis Promotes Two from area to Lieutenant
For the first time in 3 years, the Sheriff has promoted officers to the rank of Lieutenant. Among those honored: Ashburnham’s Shawn Mullaney and Baldwinville’s Tammy Bennett.
Shawn Mullaney, a 20-year WCSO veteran, began his career in 2004 and was promoted to sergeant in 2022. Before his promotion to lieutenant, Mullaney worked under the Maintenance Department and assisted with the WCSO Organic Farm Program. Mullaney will build upon this role and assist with the maintenance of department vehicles.
Tammy Bennett, an 11-year WCSO veteran, began her career in 2012 and was promoted to sergeant in 2022. Before her promotion to lieutenant, Bennett worked as both a line staff and in the Transportation Department. She also served on the WCSO Shake Down team. Bennett will now assist with advanced operations in the Main Jail area of the Worcester County Jail and House of Correction.
“At the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office, promotions are granted to those who have earned them through exceptional merit, unwavering work ethic, and steadfast dedication to duty,” commented Sheriff Evangelidis. “This group has proven themselves as leaders during their tenure with the sheriff’s office. I look forward to seeing the lieutenants settle into their roles, mentor newer staff, and execute the mission of the sheriff’s office for the residents of Worcester County.”
- R.I.P. Tree (4/8/2024)
Gardner’s Christmas Tree is Gone as City Mourns
On April 8, 2024, the iconic tree which served Gardner for decades was taken away as damaged caused by a recent storm caused fatal injury to the tree. In its lifetime, Gardner’s Christmas Tree at Lafayette Square provided a wonderful view for those who passed by. It’s smiling branches never disappointed. The tree tirelessly and with devotion to its community removed harmful gases like carbon dioxide making the air Gardner’s residents breathed healthier. It is estimated that this large tree provided a day’s supply of oxygen for up to four people.
While this tree is gone, knowledge that a replacement may be in the offing at some point provides some comfort at a time of mourning for the loss of Tree and all of its contributions.
A reminder about the wonder of all of God’s creations for which we give thanks.
Read “The Power of One Tree” by the U.S. Forest Service on pdf, CLICK HERE.
- April Events (4/8/2024)
For a complete listing of 2024 Events, visit our 2024 Greater Gardner MA Events page, CLICK HERE.
As the weather gets better, the number of Greater Gardner MA events grows every day. Make sure your event gets maximum exposure to our 20,000+ unique circulation. Send us details.
Have an event coming up? Email details to and we’ll post details about your event including date, time, description, and location with a link to a flyer and/or a website if you have one.
Some April 2024 Events in Greater Gardner MA
April 10, 2024 Events – 7pm Comedy Fundraiser to benefit Central Mass Flag Football at Gardner PACC, 171 Kendall Pond Road, Gardner MA 01440 FLYER CLICK HERE. and from 5-7pm Community and Culture Festival, Gardner High School, 200 Catherine Street, Gardner – in the High School Gym. FLYER CLICK HERE. —- Saturday, April 13, 2024 – 59th Annual Athol River Rat Race. Flyer Website —- Wednesday April 17, 2024 – Health and Wellness Fair – 5pm to 7:00pm – Perry Auditorium at Gardner City Hall, 9 Pleasant Street Gardner —- Over 50 vendor and resource tables. Free raffles drawn every 30 minutes. Fun activities for the whole family. Free refreshments. FREE transportation in Gardner via MART buses. —– April 19 and 20, 2024 – Book Sale at Levi Heywood Memorial Library Hours: Friday 9am to 4:30pm and Saturday 9am to 4pm. Special Preview sale is Thursday, April 18th from 4 to 7pm FLYER, CLICK HERE. —- April 19, 2024 – Friday Night Band at Polish American Citizens Club in Gardner – A Night of Zeppelin – FLYER CLICK HERE. —- April 20, 2024 Events – Townsend’s Earth Day 10am to 3pm at North Middlesex Regional School Parking lots FLYER, CLICK HERE. AND, Winchendon Earth Day Cleanup – 10am – Winchendon Community Park, 86 Ingleside Road, Winchendon. Trail clean up and park clean up. Help us clean our Park. (from Winchendon Parks and Recreation) AND, at 8pm Fresh Ground Coffeehouse inside Unitarian Universalist Church, 66 Elm Street, Gardner. Featuring Creques Alley. Doors open at 7pm. Admission is $10 per person —- April 27, 2024 – Purple Paw Walk Fundraising Event – 9:30am, 2 Charbonneau Street, Gardner (Pulaski Park, Dog Park) FLYER, CLICK HERE. Article, CLICK HERE.
- Solar Eclipse (4/8/2024)
Solar Eclipse Begins just after 2pm and ends just after 4:30pm in Greater Gardner MA
Never look directly at the Sun because you can seriously hurt your eyes, and even go blind from damage to the retina. Eclipse glasses or a special solar filter are the only safe options for proper eye protection. Sunglasses DO NOT offer protection. Damage can occur if your eyes are exposed to direct sunlight for just a few seconds.
- Marion on Aldi (4/7/2024)
Marion Knoll – Coordinator at the Gardner Museum Gardner Museum Website, CLICK HERE.
Aldi in the Timpany Plaza, Gardner Gardner MA Museum Coordinator Has Experience with Aldi
Marion Knoll wrote a very good and illuminating piece on Social Media regarding her experience with Aldi. It is presented here with her permission.
Marion Knoll writes: With all the hype about the new store in town, let me tell you what I like about it. I have been shopping at ALDI already when still living in Germany.
Saving money is a driving factor. They keep prices low by MINIMIZING AIR IN PACKAGING (in bags of chips or cereal) = smaller boxes and bags for the same amount of product, also leading to less transport; you RETURN YOUR OWN CART (and get the quarter back you initially had to insert to unlock it from the chain) = saves labor costs since employees don’t have to do it; they LIMIT THEIR STOCK and so get bulk discounts (example: a huge quantity of one or two kinds of ketchup instead of small quantities of 20 different types); they LIMIT THE SELECTION OF PRODUCE AND PERISHABLE ITEMS = minimizes waste; their products are typically SHIPPED IN THE SAME BOXES that are going to be put on the shelves, some still on the pallet = cuts back on labor costs for stocking shelves; Aldi staff fills a variety of roles which keeps STAFFING TO A MINIMUM = reduces labor costs.
Of course, not everything there is a great buy but cost saving is not the only reason I like Aldi. Although a discount store, you can find QUALITY PRODUCTS at very reasonable prices: Aldi has removed synthetic colors, partially hydrogenated oils and added monosodium glutamate (MSG) from their private label goods. And that makes a huge impact since more than 90 percent of the items on their shelves are a part of their own private label. Aldi’s Simply Nature line is organic or non-GMO verified. You also won’t find any added artificial ingredients and preservatives, including artificial flavors#, artificial colors, high fructose corn syrup as well as hydrogenated oils & partially hydrogenated oils. They also offer a gluten-free line called LifeGfree.
Another aspect important to me is that there it’s possible to shop responsibly. They are becoming the first U.S. retailer to eliminate plastic bags entirely: they have tote bags available to purchase, and empty boxes you can use, but mainly YOU SIMPLY BRING YOUR OWN BAGS/BASKETS. (And you bag or box your items yourself). Not buying plastic bags for their customers worldwide also means huge savings they’re passing on to customers. And the planet. Plus, they are also working to make 100% of ALDI own-brand product packaging reusable, recyclable, or compostable by 2025. They work with their suppliers on sustainable packaging innovations, and are committed to respecting human rights and improving living and working conditions throughout their supply chains in several international projects. Aldi stores are designed and outfitted to be as environmentally friendly as possible (a complete energy management system, LED lighting, natural lighting), and the company is transitioning to a more sustainable refrigerator system by 2035 with the goal of lowering carbon emissions by 60% each year.
Gardner Magazine thanks Marion Knoll for her informative insight. It is very much appreciated.
- Gardner’s Tree (4/6/2024)
April Storm Topples Tree – Mayor Nicholson – “We’re Looking to See What We Can Do“
Gardner’s Christmas Tree was there when Mayor Michael Nicholson was born and when he attended what is now Holy Family Academy as a child. In his weekly update of April 5th, Nicholson stated, “And I do want to alleviate the biggest concern that I got in my office before we’re filming this video on Friday. We are looking to seeing what we can do about the Christmas tree over in Lafayette Square that blew over as a result of the windstorm. If anyone has seen any of these updates in the past four years, you all know Christmas is my favorite holiday, so I’m sure we’re going to have something in place there too. It is sad to see that giant Christmas tree fall as a result of the wind that we had during the storm and the ice, but we’ll come up with some type of plan to move forward with that. We don’t have a plan yet because it just happened, but when we do, I’ll be sure to let you all know. I was shocked to have over 50 calls yesterday and today about that Christmas tree, but it means a lot to people. But we’ll see what we can do with that.”
- 3 Grocery Stores (4/6/2024)
Grocery Store Business in Gardner MA Saturday, April 6, 2024
With the new Aldi store located at the Timpany Plaza in Gardner, the remaining Gardner grocery stores are getting some competition.
Photos taken within a few minutes of each other about 11am on Saturday, April 6, 2024 show that the new Aldi store was busy. At the same time, the Hannaford parking lot was reasonably full. The Price Chopper lot had some empty spaces. We did not visit the Walmart site.
Aldi had its grand opening and ribbon cutting on Thursday, April 4, 2024. A grocery store has been in operation at the Hannaford location for many years. The Gardner Price Chopper opened in Fall 2012. Walmart originally opened as just a Department Store and then added the food store section at a later date.
- Walgreens Fixtures (4/6/2024)
Fixtures Being Liquidated at Gardner Plaza former Walgreen’s location
A liquidator staffing the former Walgreen’s location at Gardner Plaza told us on Saturday, April 6, 2024 that he was selling everything and he still had lots of it.
We asked how long he planned to be at the store and he stated that his last day might be on Tuesday, April 9th.
Need some of this stuff? Stop by the Gardner Plaza in Gardner MA.
- Quake 4-5-24 (4/5/2024)
The Quake Was Felt In Massachusetts on April 5, 2024
The epicenter was in New Jersey miles underneath the earth, but the quake was felt in the State of MA. The USGS has more interesting info, CLICK HERE.
There is a strong likelihood of aftershocks, but only a small chance of them being very strong. Click image for larger view.
According to the USGS, New York City was damaged in 1737 and 1884 from earthquakes. Moderately damaging earthquakes can be expected twice a century. Typically a magnitude 4.0 earthquake in the Eastern U.S. can be felt about 60 miles away. Step that up to a 5.5, and people will feel it about 300 miles from where it occurred with a possible 25 mile radius of damage.
- Heywood 4-5-24 (4/5/2024)
The event was attended by legislators Senator Jo Comerford, Senator Peter Durrant, and Susan Templeton representing Senator John Cronin, and Representatives Jon Zlotnik, Susannah Whipps, Natalie Higgins, and Kimberly Ferguson, city officials Mayor Michael Nicholson, Shaun Suhoski, and Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas, former and current members of the Board of Trustees, and community stakeholders.
COMPLETE Press Release on pdf, CLICK HERE.
Gathering at Heywood Hospital Attended by City – State Officials and Community Stakeholders
According to its Press Release, Heywood Healthcare celebrated Milestones and Community Commitment. CEO Rozanna Penney spoke for about 10 minutes with an update on Heywood. Other officials and community members spoke and there was a roundtable discussion. State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik gives a short introduction followed by CEO Rozanna Penney, other speakers, and an open discussion. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Heywood Healthcare Event and News Conference 4-5-24 Penney now CEO: “In June, Heywood Healthcare initiated a reorganization effort, appointing Rozanna Penney and Tom Sullivan as co-CEOs and subsequently transitioned Ms. Penney to the singular CEO, entrusted with navigating the system through challenges towards stability. Sullivan transitioned to the role of Chief Transformation and Restructuring Officer.”
Heywood Took a Strategic Approach for the best outcome: “In October 2023, the Heywood system filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code. This deliberate and strategic approach allowed the system to address numerous historic and problematic contractual agreements, reorganize its finances, and focus on service optimization.”
In a Press Release, Heywood Healthcare was specific about positive benchmarks which have been reached. “Significant progress has been made through the optimization of service lines, expense reductions, and revenue enhancements. Achievements over the past 10 months include an increase in in-patient and out-patient system-wide volumes, citing diagnostic imaging (+ 1.2%), surgical services (+14%), and newborn deliveries (+16%), in addition to expanding behavioral health services by reopening its inpatient Mental Health Unit in January. The inpatient Mental Health Unit is currently capped at nine beds, with plans to return to a full 12-bed license in May.“
Heywood Employees are staying. “In addition to the growing volumes, Penney touted the retention and expansion of the Medical Staff and Heywood’s ongoing commitment to the community.”
Heywood Healthcare exists for the community: “At the event, Heywood Healthcare reaffirmed its commitment to meeting the needs of its community, as evidenced by its many program and service investments in mental health, maternity care, transportation, and palliative care, further citing the re-initiation of the Doula Program to support maternal care, the launch of the transportation partnership with Woods Ambulance (Woods Plus) which has provided 95 patient rides from September to February, ensuring access to essential medical services, and the expansion of Palliative Care to include Chronic Disease Palliative Care, providing additional support to patients.”
Heywood Healthcare has been proactive with regard to safety: “Penney also noted significant enhancements in security over the last six months, including metal detectors, wand screening, staff training in MOAB (management of aggressive behaviors) and collaboration with local law enforcement agencies, and city and state leadership to provide the safest environment possible for staff and patients.”
Heywood Healthcare is active in the community and the Press Release addressed this as well. “Additionally, Penney spoke to the successes of a myriad of community programs taking place. The system provides school-based acute care, telemedicine, behavioral health, substance use disorder treatment, and trauma support to hundreds of youth within the five districts of Heywood’s primary service area. In closing, Penney stated “Heywood Healthcare remains steadfast in its commitment to exceptional patient-centered care and local access to essential health services. We are grateful to our medical staff, employees, Board, community stakeholders, legislators, and city and state officials for their unwavering support.”
- Update 4-5-24 (4/5/2024)
Gardner’s Decades-old tree was damaged during the storm. Mayor Nicholson stated, “If anyone has seen any of these updates in the past four years, you all know Christmas is my favorite holiday, so I’m sure we’re going to have something in place there too. It is sad to see that giant Christmas tree fall as a result of the wind that we had during the storm and the ice, but we’ll come up with some type of plan to move forward with that.”
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City After April Storm
In his April 5, 2024 Update, Mayor Nicholson stated, “We definitely had a quite exciting week this past week with the late April snowstorm that we had but that’s what you get when you live in New England.” Listen to the update on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 4-5-24 Nicholson thanked the DPW crews for work in clearing the streets and for work on water main breaks. “The DPW crew that we have in Gardner has always been very dedicated and gets the job done in a very effective manner.” —–
Events: Chamber of Commerce Annual Economic Forecast Breakfast Friday April 12th, 7:30am at Great Wolf Lodge. —– Wachusett Business Incubator Open House Thursday, April 18th at 5pm —- Book Sale at Levi-Heywood Memorial Library Friday April 19th and Saturday April 20th. —-Councilor David Thibeault-Munoz Ward 1 Discussion Group Monday April 29th , 5:30pm at the Gardner Museum.
On Aldi Opening, “Aldi had their ribbon-cutting this past week despite the snowstorm. It was a very successful event. Over 300 people showed up before the doors opened and the line was down by Dollar Tree in the movie theater. So I want to thank everyone who braved the storm to come out for that event and thank Aldi for investing in the city.”
- Bernice Richard (4/4/2024)
Valuable Resource: 23 page Survivor e-book on pdf, CLICK HERE.
An Interview with Bernice Richard regarding an important subject and upcoming event….
Bernice Richard is the Coordinator of the Domestic Violence Task Force. Our interview with Richard provides valuable information for those in a difficult situation, educates all on the issues, and promotes an upcoming event. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Important Contact Information Telephone: (978) 699-0203 Website: Facebook Page, CLICK HERE Purple Paw Walk is Saturday, April 27, 2024 from 9:30 to noon at the Dog Park located at Pulaski Park off Charbonneau and Wright Street in Gardner. Event Details, CLICK HERE.
April is Pet Abuse Awareness Month
Gardner Mayor Nicholson will sign a proclamation at the April 27th event. The Purple Paws event is intended as Richard states “to bring the understanding that we have a foster program called Purple Paws that we have developed in ways that we can help a victim when she is leaving her unsafe environment and she has pets.”
Bernice Richard explains the various resources which are available, how the program works for those willing to foster pets for victims, and the Task Force service area which includes Gardner, Ashburnham, Westminster, and Hubbardston. Richard explains the mechanisms and dynamics at work in Domestic Violence situations and why many victims don’t seek help until there is an emergency event. If you are in a situation and need help, call the above phone number and ask questions. They will help you.
- Aldi 4-4-24 (4/4/2024)
Aldi Opens in Gardner – Mayor Michael Nicholson Shares Photos
Despite stormy weather, Grocery store Aldi opened in Gardner’s Timpany Plaza to an enthusiastic public on April 4, 2024. Mayor Nicholson congratulated the store on its official grand opening and ribbon cutting stating, “Even with the weather, the line was down to Big Lots…”
This is the newest area store for Aldi which also has locations in Leominster MA and Keene NH. Aldi has a website, CLICK HERE. For seven years running, ALDI has been recognized by the dunnhumby Retailer Preference Index as #1 in Everyday Low Price. See this external article, CLICK HERE. The company plans to add 800 stores nationwide by the end of 2028 through a combination of new openings and store conversions.
Aldi thanked customers for coming out, “Aldi is officially open for business! Thank you to the people of Gardner for coming out in the storm to meet us and see what we’re all about!.”
- Power 4-4-24 (4/4/2024)
Power Outages Appear to be due to Downed Trees Limbs in Greater Gardner MA
There were just under 18 thousand customers in Massachusetts without power at about 11:30am on April 4, 2024. Zooming in to the outages reveals that they are scattered presumably due to downed trees in the affected neighborhoods. Whether the number of outages will increase or decrease during the day will depend on the nature of the continuing storm and the strength of wind gusts..
- Fictional 12 (4/3/2024)
Fictional Theater Episode 12 – Joe and Don Meet the Aliens
The ship approaches Earth. A cabinet meeting is called. Joe calls on his best friend Don to talk to the Aliens. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Joe and Don Meet the Aliens In this fictional episode, we introduce VP Kamala, Secretary Pete, Secretary Janet, and of course, the Alien.
No politicians were actually speaking to aliens and no aliens actually visited earth. For the complete series so far, Episodes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11, and 12, CLICK HERE.
- Parking 4-3 to 4-5 (4/3/2024)
Parking Ban in Gardner MA Through 7am on Friday April 5th
Mayor Michael Nicholson issued this statement “After discussion with the Department of Public Works and Police Department, the City has issued an on street parking ban beginning at 11pm this evening (Wednesday, April 3, 2024) and expiring at 7am on Friday, April 5, 2024. Snow is supposed to start around midnight this evening and is expected to continue straight through tomorrow into Friday morning, based on the information we are receiving from the National Weather Service. The length of this storm, coupled with the current staffing levels of the DPW, have lead to us to call a full day parking ban tomorrow to ensure there is adequate time to clear the roads with the weather at hand and the amount of equipment we have on the roads to remove that snow.”
Mayor Nicholson “If the weather clears up earlier tomorrow, we will evaluate the possibility of ending the ban earlier, as we have done in the past.”
Mayor Nicholson explains further: “The City currently stands by with 30 pieces of equipment ready to be deployed for both salting and plowing purposes. This includes both DPW staff members and contractors. During the warmer weeks we had last month, the City ordered enough salt to re-fill the current salt shed to keep enough on hand in the event of a late storm (like we are seeing now) and to give us a head start in the winter. As such, we currently have 1,200 tons of salt on hand ready to go. This amount usually lasts us 4 to 5 days of consistent precipitation.”
“Due to the current reading of the parking ban ordinance, an additional ban will be called tomorrow, specifically for the City owned parking lots. Under the former parking ban system, the City owned parking lots had a ban from 7am to 9 am, after parking was allowed back on the streets. However, when the ordinance was amended in 2015 to allow for a ban to be called as needed with hours depending on the length of the storm, this was not changed with it. As such, we could have a situation in which an on-street parking ban goes all day (as we have tomorrow) coupled with a parking lot parking ban that runs from 7am to 9am during the same time, leaving no place for people to park. To alleviate this issue until the ordinance is changed, a parking lot parking ban will be called on Friday, April 5 from 7am to 9am and will be issued via CodeRED tomorrow. This was not put out this evening in order to avoid confusion incase people thought this was taking place tomorrow and not Friday.”
- Closings 4-4-24 (4/3/2024)
Bad Weather Forecast Causing School Closings for Thursday, April 4, 2024
Area Schools closed on Thursday April 4, 2024 as of 11:30pm on 4/3 include: Ashburnham-Westminster, Gardner, Narragansett Regional, and Athol-Royalston. As of 5:28am on April 4th, Winchendon is also closed.
Also closed in the region: Fitchburg, Leominster, North Middlesex, Wachusett Regional,
For the updated list visit CBS TV Boston, CLICK HERE
Mount Wachusett Community College made a separate Facebook post at 6pm on 4/3/24 that all campuses would be closed on Thursday April 4, 2024.
Fitchburg State has posed a 1 hour 30 minute delay.
- Break 4-3-24 (4/3/2024)
Gardner City Hall posted about a Water Main Break at noon on April 3, 2024: “The Water Department is starting work to repair a break on Stuart Street. They have the water shut down from Allen Street to Nadeau Street. They’re anticipating the work to take 8-12 hours; however the weather could slow them down.”
- Warren 4-2-24 (4/3/2024)
Community Health Connections Highlighted in visit by U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren
The Community Health facility on Route 68 near Walmart in Gardner got a high profile visitor on Tuesday April 2, 2024 when U.S. Senator Warren toured the facility and sat down for a roundtable discussion regarding the many challenges of providing patient care.
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson posted, “Thank you U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren for visiting Gardner today to discuss access to healthcare in the region and the great work being done by Community Health Connections.”
The South Gardner facility added dozens of jobs and opened in June 2023. See previous article, CLICK HERE. – For more about the facility including what services are offered, CLICK HERE.
Urgent Care Center is open to the public, 7 days a week. Monday – Friday, 7:30am – 7:30pm, Saturday & Sunday, 9:00am – 5:00pm. Urgent Care Phone: 978-410-6111
- City Council 4-1-24 (4/2/2024)
Gardner City Council Gets New Council President For 1 Meeting
Alek Dernalowicz was elected unanimously to serve as Council President Pro Tem for the April 1, 2024 meeting as Council President Kazinskas was absent from the meeting. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
City Council 4-1-24 While many items were referred to committees there were some big wins on items put forth by Mayor Michael Nicholson affecting Waterford, Cyber Security, and future grants.
A measure to formally change the status of the usage of the Waterford Street School was approved. The lead up to this has been an ongoing process of properly surveying the land and dividing it so that Wilder Field can continue and the Waterford Street School building can be used as a Community Center. Without the formal designation, any tenants such as Growing Places have month to month licensing agreements. Once status changes, long-term lease agreements can be entered into with the various tenants. This is the last step in a process which began in the fall of 2022 when the School Committee formally voted for the change in use.
The Cyber Security request of $77,000 passed. This buys a storage appliance and a 3 year service agreement designed to keep the City of Gardner more secure.
Also approved: $49,000 for a 7 month grant writing contract with another 3rd party who will work on securing Federal grants. City of Gardner has obtained $2.7 million thus far on an investment of $25,000 out of $60,000 allocated for a 3rd party grant writer.
A Finance Committee Meeting preceded the City Council Meeting. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Finance Committee 4-1-24
- GEHM 4-16-24 (4/1/2024)
Gardner Emergency Housing Mission with Another Event to Help Homeless Families
An event in March raised several hundred dollars. This event on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 is being held at William’s Restaurant from 4pm to 8pm. Just show up, pay your check, and 20% goes to GEHM. Dine in or take out. And, get a discount of 50% off your appetizer with your entree.
GEHM is grateful for your support as they continue their mission to end homelessness, one family at a time. Their needs are great. Their mission is great. Gardner Magazine urges every one of our 20,000 readers to make a donation in whatever amount you can afford through this secure link from their website, CLICK HERE. Our goal: Get just 100 people to donate $10 or more and GEHM will raise an extra $1000+. Have you had a successful business year? Consider a donation larger than $10. For more information on GEHM, visit their website, CLICK HERE.
- Purple Reaction (4/1/2024)
Joe and Don React to April Fool’s Joke at 25 Main Street
Fictional Presidents Joe and Don have reacted to the photo displayed by Jon Bombaci of Candor Realty on April Fool’s Day. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Joe and Don – April Fool’s There are now 11 released regular episodes of the Joe and Don Series. CLICK HERE for the page.
If you’d like to reach Jon Bombaci, here’s the Candor Realty website, CLICK HERE.
Other News from Area Towns and the Region
- Westminster 4-28-24 (4/28/2024)
From the Town of Westminster, “Water Main Break on Bathrick Road
The Westminster Department of Public Works is currently working to repair a water main break on Bathrick Road today – Sunday, April 28, 2024.The water main break is impacting water service on the following roads: Bathrick Road, Crestview Lane, Rebanna Road, South Ashburnham Road, State Road East
Theodore Drive, Warner Lane, West Hill Drive, Woodland Drive
Water service will be temporarily interrupted to allow the Town to repair the broken water main and return water service as soon as possible. The duration of the interruption of service will depend on the conditions encountered. Once the work has been performed, your water service will be restored. Please note that the water may contain air or be discolored after the water service is restored but should clear up after running the cold water tap for a short time period of time.Crews are working diligently to have the main repaired and water service returned as soon as possible, we appreciate your patience and cooperation and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
- Winchendon Project (4/24/2024)
Winchendon Receives Low Interest Loan for Water Main Project
Winchendon Town Manager Bill McKinney told us the State of Massachusetts has approved a low interest loan so that the Town of Winchendon can proceed with the $9.5 million water main project. Interest rate is low at about 2 percent and 17-19 percent of the loan is subject to forgiveness. (It is not a complete grant as a report published in another local publication suggests.) Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Wyndonshire Renaissance Fair is this weekend Saturday April 27th and Sunday April 28th. Bill McKinney says a big crowd is expected. More information from the town of Winchendon website on the Wyndonshire Renaissance Fair
In other Winchendon News: In our last interview with Bill McKinney, he told us that the Carriage House Restaurant property had been sold and another restaurant was coming in. That restaurant will be El Toro, currently located in Fitchburg. Rather than adding Winchendon, they are actually moving their restaurant to Winchendon.
- Lahtinen 4-23-24 (4/24/2024)
Documents in pdf format: May 4, 2024 Town Meeting Warrant – Special Town Meeting Warrant. Town of Westminster website, CLICK HERE.
Westminster Town Administrator Speaks on Various Matters Concerning the Town
Gardner Magazine had the honor of speaking with Westminster Town Administrator Stephanie Lahtinen on April 23, 22024. Lahtinen spoke about the annual Town Meeting taking place on May 4, 2024 at 10am. “This year it will be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday due to a by-law change last year. …budget is about 52% town, 48% school for this year.”
Listen to the entire interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Stephanie Lahtinen 4-23-24 Town Administrator Lahtinen spoke about a 5% increase in health insurance premiums this year after having no increases in premiums since 2019. Lahtinen attributes this to a history of low claims. Westminster Town Hall employees work a 40 hour week over 4 days. (Hours are Monday 7am to 7pm and Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7:30am to 4:30pm. Town Hall is closed on Fridays.)
With respect to the well issue in town, “That was definitely a challenge at the outset. So, everyone became an expert in PFAS very, very quickly here and for the residents. And we built a very strong relationship with the Department of Environmental Protection that we hadn’t previously had. But it was very difficult at first, and it was a very challenging situation. But where we are now, I think, is from a much greater understanding what the origin point was.”
Lahtinen spoke of grants: “We’re at the end of a $27,000 community compact grant to do a compensation and classification plan study for all of our employees, which hasn’t been done since 2015. So those are good to update to make sure that you’re competitive and that your job descriptions match your duties, especially in a post-COVID world where a lot of things may have shifted and changed, and also to make sure that your salaries are competitive.” Other grants also impact the future of the community, “We also got $155,000 to update our master plan, which was completed in 2015. So we are currently seeking volunteers to serve on the master plan committee to update that master plan and set another 10-year vision for the town of Westminster. So that was another grant-funded item. We were actually very fortunate to receive an earmark from Kim Ferguson for $200,000 in economic development to improve our downtown area. We will actually have a new full-time town planner on staff within the next two weeks, so that will be one of their first undertakings is, you know, these master plan grant funding, this downtown revitalization earmark. We’ve got money to spend, and I can’t wait to have full-time staff to spend it.”
Lahtinen spoke of Westminster’s amenities. “Westminster has a lot to offer its residents and we are always trying to let people know all the different things that are going on the town of Westminster. .. a free summer recreation program for elementary aged children that we run this year I believe it’ll be it’s either five or six weeks through July and part of August so over at the Westminster Elementary School all morning five days a week it’s just a drop-off center for your kids and we run it for free for Westminster residents. We have a town beach we have with it has not only the town beach but you can fish and bring your kayak and dock your kayak there. There’s limitless hiking trails with Hager Park and at Crocker Pond. We’re lucky to abut the mountains so we’ve got that. It’s nice to be in the foothills of Wachusett. And then also all of the other outdoor activities we have to offer. the most popular Farmers Market in North Central Mass which is one of our our pride and joys that kicks off this Friday’s in May.”
- April – Winchendon (4/16/2024)
Recent Public Meetings in Winchendon MA include the Board of Selectmen of April 8th, Winchendon School Committee on April 11th and Hearing of April 2nd, and Winchendon Finance Committee of April 9th.
- Rietta Open (4/14/2024)
With almost 6 decades being open Sundays from April to November, Rietta Flea market opened for the season on Sunday April 14, 2024.
Hundreds of vendors treated thousands of bargain hunters to a huge vista of merchandise. The popular snack bar was open for reasonably priced delicious food and beverages. Smiles were abundant. Admission is FREE. Parking is FREE. And next Sunday (weather permitting) they do it all again.
For more information about Rietta Flea Market visit CLICK HERE.
- Boudreau 4-11-24 (4/11/2024)
Nate Boudreau Speaks About Budget, Town Meeting Review, and Upcoming Town Meeting.
We spoke with Hubbardston Town Administrator Nate Boudreau on April 11, 2024, regarding the 2024 Hybrid Annual Town Meeting Review and Public Hearing April 16, 2024 at 6:30pm and the upcoming Town Meeting which will occur on June 4, 2024. We went over all of the items on the draft Town Meeting warrant and Boudreau spoke about this year’s budget challenges and challenges coming for the next fiscal year. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Nate Boudreau 4-11-24 View Working Draft of Town Meeting Warrant. Get more information on the Town of Hubbardston website, CLICK HERE. There is also a special Town Meeting information page, CLICK HERE.
- McKinney 4-9-24 (4/9/2024)
Visit the Town of Winchendon Website, CLICK HERE
Amphitheater in Winchendon MA More on the Winchendon Community Park and the Renaissance Fair spoken of in the interview, CLICK HERE.
An Interview with Winchendon Town Manager Bill McKinney – Budget, Business, and the Basics about the Toytown.
We had the honor of speaking with Winchendon Town Manager Bill McKinney on April 9, 2024. Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
McKinney spoke of the challenges Winchendon is having with its budget of about $35 million. “I put in the budget message that we’re able to cobble together some free cash and some remaining ARPA funds to get through Fiscal 25, but Fiscal 26 will require an override, which is why I want to let people know about it now….It’s always a tough ask trying to get more money, but it’s something that hopefully the town will go along with because obviously people enjoy the services that the town offers. They want the roads plowed. They want the roads paved. They want somebody to come if they need an emergency. They want someone to pick up the phone when they call town hall, or they want someone here if they come in with questions. We want to be able to provide all those services.”
McKinney spoke of opportunities for businesses interested in coming to Winchendon. “We’re working with our state partners as far as economic development. They’ve got some ideas. There are some different grants available.”
The Town Manager told us about the opportunities for local recreation including the Winchendon Amphitheater and the two day Renaissance Fair coming up at the end of April. And there’s a great season ahead: “We have several concerts coming up over the summer. We’ve got some movie nights, so we’ve got a lot of activities and a lot of reasons for people to come out and check out the amphitheater, and hopefully get something to eat while they’re in town.” There will also be a new restaurant opening up where the Carriage House was.
- Rietta Opening (4/4/2024)
Visit the Rietta Flea Market website, CLICK HERE.
Rietta Flea Market Opening delayed due to storm
Due to the early April storm, Rietta Flea Market has announced that the first day of the 2024 season will be Sunday, April 14, 2024.
Rietta Flea Market is located off Route 68 in Hubbardston, Massachusetts where it has operated successfully for many decades, celebrating a 50th anniversary in 2016.
Visit the Rietta Flea Market website, CLICK HERE.
- Lamontagne 4-2-24 (4/2/2024)
Complete Roundabout Rendering, CLICK HERE.
Town Administrator Adam Lamontagne urges residents, both current and prospective, to email him via or via phone at (978) 894-2778 Town of Templeton Website
“Moving Mountains In Templeton” – An Interview with Adam Lamontagne
We spoke with Templeton Town Administrator Adam Lamontagne on April 2, 2024 sitting at a conference table in his office. Listen to the interview on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Adam Lamontagne 4-2-24 The Town of Templeton is juggling a number of complex projects at one time, many heading towards final completion. From demolishing buildings, repaving roads, creating a new roundabout, to focusing on a possible major bridge project, Adam speaks of the town’s efforts with pride and appreciation for the Templeton team.
We spoke extensively about budget issues. There’s currently a projected shortfall of about a half million dollars which will need to be addressed at Town Meeting.
If you’re interested in listening to the Templeton Select Board meeting of March 27, 2024, you can listen to it here on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Templeton Select Board 3-27-24 Ongoing projects discussed included: 10 Pleasant Street – “We have a demolition revolving account that had to go through a special act of the legislature. Once we created that, we put in enough free cash into that revolving account where we’ve taken down, demolished 10 Pleasant Street. We actually have that out to bid right now. It should be coming in April 17th.” Scout Hall Project – going to completion. Other construction: “The State’s finished up the Rotary project, and we also have multiple bridges the state’s going to be working on.” Templeton was awarded over a million dollars in CDBG funds. “We’re going out to bid for School, Vernon, and Cottage Street in the Baldwinville section of town” Lamontagne spoke of working on a master plan for the Houghton Park project.
We spoke about the number of restaurants in Templeton: “A lot of these places are wonderful places to sit down, have a meal, talk with folks ”
Lamontagne spoke of the challenges of the Main Street Bridge Project: “The town voted to support all the design, and that’s getting completed. It’s going to take us all the way up to 100% design, state review, as well as getting bid-phase services to go out to bid. The challenge is, we don’t have the construction funding at this moment. So the people in town will have a question in front of them for whether or not to go above Proposition 2.5, it’s a debt exclusion, to repair the Main Street Bridge Project, Main Street Bridge for this project. And a lot of people say, well, what’s going to happen? What is it that’s going to take place? And they unlikely think, oh, well, let’s just use the number of bids came in, 3.7 million it comes to, roughly.” With 350k in debt payments dropping off in Fiscal Year 2025, Lamontagne is hoping that the Main Street Bridge Project could fit in after that. Lamontagne’s strategy is to used State Aid to decrease what is needed for the bond.
Lamontagne explained the strategy of replacing water mains proactively before the rest of the East Templeton Roundabout Project was done, “Because the last thing you want to do is have a beautiful rotary and then not have the infrastructure underneath.”
Outlook and Goals for 2024 include: “I would like to see this project completed, when I say this project, the Maple and School Street Neighborhood Improvements project completed, I would like to see the Baldwinville School Apartments get revitalized in that section and provide 54 units to folks in Baldwinville over there. I would like to see the Main Street Bridge repaired and then continue with our Chapter 90 projects.”
Thinking of relocating to Templeton? Because of Templeton Municipal Light, Templeton residents pay about half what others pay for electric.
Around the Towns – News

In the Community