In Packet Released to Public, Gardner School Committee Reveals Compelling Evidence of Superior Gardner MA Education
Read the Entire packet, CLICK HERE. It’s apparent when reading this packet that Gardner Public Schools is trying to be the best at what they do, with so many educational alternatives offered to students. Publishers note: Parents who have any doubt of this should read the packet. Listen to the meeting on any device. Click Play
Important Items from the School Committee Meeting of February 13, 2023:
Heard from Student Advisory Board – Junior Amber Cameron with an update. |
The School Committee voted to participate in School Choice, voted to limit Virtual school to a 1% cap, set its meetings to begin at 6:30pm for the rest of this year and the next fiscal year. |
School Calendar 2023 to 2024 was adopted with school to start the Tuesday after Labor Day. Printable PDF |
Discussion of Stop Arm Cameras on Buses to catch drivers who don’t stop, other updates on various topics. The State Legislature has discussed it in Committee, but it never made it any further. The School Committee voted to ask the State Delegation to advocate for a similar bill once again. |

Academic Items: The School Committee heard about various academic items including a presentation from Principal Peter McMorrow of the Gardner Academy who spoke of schedule adjustments, making headway on academics, the “standards based, competency program utilizing project-based learning as our driver,” and the importance of partnering with parents in students’ education. Superintendent Mark Pellegrino spoke on the “After Dark” program which would allow Juniors and Seniors to go to Monty Tech for a few career paths while remaining Gardner Students. He wants to continue to explore the possibility – doesn’t know yet how funding would exactly work.