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Free Cash History 2015 to 2022

Certified at $2.6 million for fiscal year 2023 on 10-17-22. New growth certification will be coming.
Properties and Finances Topics at Gardner MA City Council Meeting of October 17, 2022
The Gardner City Council reviewed communications from the Finance Committee relating to the declaration of 14 Leamy Street and 177 West Street as surplus for the purpose of disposal of land and buildings. In a letter to the City Council, Mayor Nicholson stated, “Over the past two years, the City has undertaken substantial work to revitalize neighborhoods, remove vacant and abandoned buildings, prevent blight, and get problem properties back on the tax rolls.” Minimum price requested for Leamy Street was $51,000, and a revision to the minimum price for 177 West Street to $20,000 as so far there have been no takers at $43,200. Council approved both.
Mayor Nicholson communicated to the City Council regarding Municipal Finances and Free Cash Regulations. It’s in the packet, but here’s the single page. CLICK HERE. And here’s the guidance on Free Cash from the State Department of Local Services, CLICK HERE. Mayor Nicholson appeared in the meeting and reported that Free Cash for Fiscal Year 2023 has been certified at $2.6 million. Within the packet, there’s a complete description of the upcoming election including various ballot questions. Complete packet, CLICK HERE.
Election officers were approved. Review appointments including another 3 year term for Joshua Cormier as the Director of Purchasing/Civil Enforcement and Tax Title Custodian.
Zoning Matter: In an item granted more time during the meeting of October 3, 2022, the Council took up the petition of PrivateOversight, LLC, for an Ordinance to Amend the Code of the City of Gardner regarding zoning. The Planning Board voted on October 11, 2022 to recommend the City Council consider approving the proposed zoning map amendment, moving 20 parcels from Commercial 2 to General Residential 3. Most are already residential and approval would allow residential uses by the petitioner. Council voted to have a joint public hearing with the Planning Board on the matter.
Councilor Comments: Councilor Boone spoke about an email he sent to the Mayor’s office and DPW Director regarding the bridge on South Main Street and asked for clarification on what’s going on. He also spoke about the electric rate postcard received in which rates went up to 23 cents. He also commented on various charges on electric bills. Councilor Boudreau recommended anyone at home check DPU website regarding rates and commended Mayor Nicholson for choosing to go with a 1 year rate rather than locking the City in for 3 years.
Complete packet, CLICK HERE
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK Play.