Gardner MA City Council Monday October 3, 2022
Informal Meeting 6:45pm – To consider “An Act Relative to Establish a Special Act Charter Drafting Committee” Agenda and Packet The Gardner City Council met informally to discuss the proposal by Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson to create the Charter Committee.
Councilor Walsh expressed his opinion that he felt the Charter Committee was not needed. Councilor Ronald F. Cormier suggested the City investigate whether there was another process to clean up the process rather than proceed with the Charter Committee. Councilor Hardern stated that change was good, but change just for the sake of changing, “I don’t understand that.” Councilor Boudreau expressed concerns about the scope of the Committee. Mayor Nicholson explained that changes would be voted on by City Council prior to anything being sent to the ballot. Councilor Mack expressed her support for review of the City Charter because “there are aspects of the City Charter which needs to be changed with the times.” She explained further than 2 acting mayors in 2020 did not receive any compensation because the charter does not provide for it. “This needs to be updated.” Councilor Boone had concerns about having a short period of time to consider the proposal, but he was not opposed. Councilor Tyros said he was wondering why this was such a contentious thing. Mayor Nicholson explained that the minimum size of the committee was 3 members. Councilor Dana Heath said that he believed the Charter should be looked at. Councilor Dernalowicz said “maybe it’s time we made some amendments to ours.” Councilor Nathan Boudreau stated that if any group of councilors needs more time, they should be granted that. Would be interested in seeing the makeup of the committee. Suggested 5 people appointed by a couple appointing authorities. Council President Kazinskas stated that the Council would be voting on whether to establish a committee. Wants to do it in a thoughtful way. Mayor Nicholson said his main goal was collaboration and that means having the time to fully understand. Watch on our City Council page or play AUDIO on any device. CLICK PLAY
Regular Meeting 7:00pm – Various communications, appointment confirmations, whether or not to establish a Committee to review the City Charter, and a zoning amendment. Agenda and Packet – The Council voted to table the City Charter proposal to the 2nd meeting in November. City Council will keep Zoning item on calendar to give Planning Board time to review.
Watch on our City Council page or play AUDIO on any device. CLICK PLAY.
New Business: In the new business section of the Regular meeting, Councilor Boone expressed concern over whether funds would be available to take care of potential pump costs at the landfill which could total up to $200,000. He was assured by Mayor Nicholson there would be sufficient funding once FREE CASH was certified later in the year. Councilor Boudreau complimented everyone on the Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest.