Gardner MA Positive Covid Cases down 91 percent from the last report one month ago. View report from last month
The State of Massachusetts also does Covid-19 Response Reporting. Information was just updated as of 5:30pm 2/14/22. Chart below. Here’s the link if you want to view more data. CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Covid School Cases Down, Wide Participation in Covid Testing
The Gardner Public School Covid-19 Bi-Weekly DASHBOARD was updated just before 11am on February 14, 2022. Total Current Positive Cases are 10, down from 114 reported one month ago, a decrease of over 91 percent. A new statistic is being reported: 324 staff in home testing program and 638 students in home testing program. The Massachusetts Mask Mandate for schools goes away February 28, 2022. Gardner has not yet announced whether the mask mandate will be lifted locally.
Note: The Gardner MA School Committee meets Monday, February 14, 2022 at 7pm in the City Council Chamber. We’ll bring you information from this meeting as soon as it becomes available. Here is the posted agenda: CLICK HERE
Data from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Interactive Covid Response
The Covid Cases rates per 100,000 people have also fallen. For example, on the last report Gardner was at 200.2. In this recent report covering the past 2 weeks. the number has dropped to 119.3, a drop of more than 40%. With this trend, the overall current number of Covid cases in the Gardner MA population is likely much lower as the data reporting covers a rolling past two-week period.
CLICK on the image at left for a large view showing Covid Case Counts/100,000 covering past 2 weeks for all towns of Worcester County.