Where is Gardner Massachusetts?
Gardner MA is a small city with a population of just under 21 thousand people in North Central Massachusetts. Gardner’s zip code is 01440. While the “Gardner” in this site, Gardner Magazine refers to the City of Gardner, Gardner Magazine also serves an additional population of 100,000 people from 18 more communities, and of course, anyone interested in the Greater Gardner area.
Gardner MA is a great place to Live, Work, and Play.
Gardner MA to Worcester MA
Gardner, MA is 27 to 37 miles from Worcester, MA (depending on the route taken) Interactive Google Map.

Gardner MA to Springfield MA
Gardner, MA is 57 to 63 miles from Springfield, MA (depending on the route taken) Interactive Google Map

Gardner MA to Boston MA
Gardner, MA is 57 to 67 miles from Boston, MA (depending on the route taken) Interactive Google Map

Gardner MA to Manchester NH
Gardner, MA is 51 to 70 miles to Manchester, New Hampshire (depending on route taken) Fastest route is actually the longest in miles, shortest route covers many rural roads. Interactive Google Map