Basic Station Facts
Type of radio station: AM at 1340 on the dial with a construction permit to add an FM frequency at 98.1 FM.
Date Established: Constructed and on-air 1946, officially licensed early 1947
Owner: Steven Wendell
Coverage Area: Gardner and Surrounding Communities. The coverage map image below is from the station’s published website.

The radio station also has a live stream available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Access it here.
The following image of a programming schedule is from the station’s published website at

Station Demographics
What are the demographics of the station? The image below from the station’s website shows WGAW Listeners by Age Bracket.

How to reach WGAW.
Call (978) 632-1340 or visit the website at and use the contact form.
WGAW Radio – What are the Facts and Who Listens?
Gardner Magazine recently did a deep dive into the specifics of the audience of this iconic local station which is celebrating 75 years of service to the region. We used a recent RAB/MRI – Simmons report about News/Talk listeners. The report lists how likely listeners to the WGAW format are to engage in certain behaviors, do certain things etc. compared to the overall population. Some very interesting information was revealed. 100% is equal to the overall population. Higher than 100% means a greater likelihood. View the complete 31 page News/Talk report.
Relating to Government:
Member of local government: 242%, worked for political party 235%, held or ran for public office 230%, wrote or called any politician: 222%, obtained latest news/current events online past 30 days: 138%
Finding: WGAW’s audience is much more likely than the general population to be interested in local government – from simply being involved as a concerned citizen or as a candidate for public office.
Relating to community:
Served as an officer for some club or organization: 201%, wrote something that has been published: 193%, charitable organization member: 168%, civic club member 160%, attended a public meeting on town or school affairs: 157%, vote in federal/state/local election: 155%, union member: 146%
Finding: WGAW’s audience is much more likely to be involved with local affairs including membership in organizations and clubs, and more likely to vote in elections.
Relating to finances:
Own $150k in stocks: 234%, investments in gold or other preciousmetals/gems: 188%, own any stock: 181%, have business checking account: 151%, used Edward Jones past 12 months: 150%, has a home mortgage (1st): 134%, used Liberty Tax (on-site) 131%
Finding: WGAW’s audience is much more likely to have investments, and more likely to have a small business.
Relating to purchases:
Owned downhill ski boots: 196%, ordered anything from L.L. Bean catalog or website last 12 months: 184%, own full size van: 181%, bought history book: 177%, owns 5 door hatchback/station wagon: 173%, attend art galleries or shows: 157%, had home computer professionally serviced or upgraded past 12 months: 152%, own rifle: 151%,used professional carpet cleaning service last 12 months: 151%, spent any money at flower shop in past 6months: 149%, obtained information about real estate online past 30 days 148%, ordered anything from last 12 months: 141%, owns digital SLR camera: 141%., owns home fire extinguisher: 139%, spent $301+ at restaurants last 6 months: 139%, rented a car for personal use: 135%, bought or leased imported vehicle: 135%, owns luxury size car: 131%, did any home improvements in the last 12 months: 131%, consume champagne and sparkling wines: 130%, decision maker for new/leased vehicle: 130%, belong to auto club/roadside assistance program: 127%, bought wall to wall carpet 126%, shopped la-z-boy furniture gallery last 12 months: 126%, ordered anything from Lowe’s last 12 months: 123%,
Finding: WGAW’s audience is much more likely to buy things than the public in general, making it attractive to local business advertisers. When you look at the complete report, you’ll see that the audience is comprised of better than average consumers.
Relating to recreation:
Participate in golf: 169%, go to museums: 147%, own baseball gloves: 144%, own bowling balls: 144%, participate in walking for exercise: 140%, went camping last 12 months: 131%, participate in snowmobiling 131%, collects art: 123%
Finding: WGAW’s audience is more likely to participate in recreational activities.
Television Viewing:
Watched Fox News channel past 7 days: 158%, watched MSNBC past 7 days: 146%
Finding: WGAW’s audience watches various TV News Channels
Collect stamps: 155%, collects coins: 132%, outdoor gardening past 12 months: 132%, photography 131%, collects antiques: 125%
Finding: WGAW’s audience spends more disposable income on hobbies.
Political Outlook:
Very conservative: 153%, political affiliation/ideology Republican: 148%, very liberal 136%
Finding: WGAW’s audience does not just appeal to those with only one political ideology, but rather, and more accurately, those who are more interested in politics. This is confirmed by the data above regarding participation in government. It is sometimes erroneously called a “right wing” station. It would be more accurately described as a station featuring political issues in its talk programming which attracts Republicans, Independents, and Democrats who enjoy listening to such information. The station is also well known to carry the voices of local newsmakers throughout the day and on special weekend long-form programming, the majority of those elected happen to be Democrats and may project left-leaning views. While the majority of the talk hosts are themselves conservatives, they keep listeners of all ideologies interested by taking live calls from people who are right, left, and in-between. In addition, hourly newscasts originate from ABC News – which certainly does not advertise itself as being conservative news.
Used desktop computer to use internet in last 30 days: 134%. Use a laptop/notebook at work 133%, total time yesterday using the internet 1-2 hours: 123%
Finding: WGAW’s audience is more likely to use the internet. Some local advertisers have already capitalized on this by including web addresses in their radio advertising.
Look at all the data in the 31 page report on the News/Talk Radio Format