Top 100 Gardner MA News Headlines
- Conservation 3-24-25 - Conservation Commission Speaks About the Sludge Discussion at the Conservation Commission meeting of March 24, 2025 revolved around the problems at the Gardner Sludge Landfill. Chairman Greg Dumas asked questions of DPW Director Dane Arnold and City Engineer Rob Oliva regarding options at the site. Dumas stated that he wouldContinue Reading
- Health 3-24-25 - At the end of the meeting, 2 citizens spoke to the Board of the Health regarding the Sludge Landfill. At the beginning of the segment, Chair Avallone was seen looking at her phone rather than at the residents. Alan Rousseau and Paul DeMeo made extensive comments. The Gardner Board ofContinue Reading
- Bridge Hit - Quick Action by Gardner Fire Department Averts Contamination The railroad bridge on Lower Parker Street in Gardner with a clearance of 12 feet 6 inches was hit on March 24, 2025 by a flat bed truck which was carrying a fork lift. Hydraulic oil spilled but was handled before itContinue Reading
- Fire Risk 3-23-25 - Special Weather Advisory for Sunday, March 23, 2025 The National Weather Service has issued a Weather Advisory due to Elevated Fire Concerns in effect until 7pm on Sunday March 23rd. “The combination of low relative humidity values near 20 percent and northwest winds gusting 20 to 30 mph in theContinue Reading
- Deep – Biosolids - Deep Dive with the Chair Man and Chair Lady – Landfilling Biosolids In this episode of our “Deep Dive” series, Gardner Magazine covers an EPA report on Landfilling Biosolids, featuring the Pros and Cons as laid out by the EPA. With all of the discussion and public comment on theContinue Reading
- Hotline 3-22-25 - Projects – Events – Veterans – Budgets – Pets Focus of WGAW Hotline Radio Show The WGAW Hotline Radio Show of March 22, 2025 was filled with great interviews. Listen to the entire show on any device, CLICK PLAY. 1st Hour: Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson on projects in Gardner includingContinue Reading
- Deep Charter - Deep Dive with the Chair Man and Chair Lady – Gardner City Charter In this episode of our “Deep Dive” series, Gardner Magazine covers the Gardner City Charter as updated as of January 2, 2025. The discussion lays out the Chair City’s operating system and explains how things work underContinue Reading
- CDBG 3-21-25 - Members of the CDBG Committee include Chair Evan Cudmore who is the Assistant Director of Community Development, Council President George Tyros, Jason Stevens who is Director of Community Development, Micah Blondeau who is Director of Public Health, Thomas Zuppa who is Building Commissioner, Shawn Hayden who is CEO of GAAMHA,Continue Reading
- Blake 2025 - The City of Gardner has 6 Councilors at Large. To be elected, a person needs to be in the top 6 of vote getters for the position. Nomination papers are available starting April 1st. Gardner Political Machine to Face Kimberly Blake Once Again Gardner resident Kimberly Blake has announced thatContinue Reading
- This Week 3-21-25 - This Week in the Chair City – March 21, 2025 The Gardner Magazine update can be heard on any device. CLICK PLAY. This Week: Various Local issues including Sewage Sludge, Budget Process, Drought, Election Dates, Projects and Progress, Various Events, Various Meetings, and a list of Songs. Email any eventsContinue Reading
- ZBA 3-18-25 - Zoning Board of Appeals Hears Options at Interactive Meeting Attorney Christine Tree represented Jonathan Bombaci regarding 163-165 Pine Street and the effort to resolve parking issues. Several options were presented including a potential plan to designate dedicated parking spaces at another property down the street with an easement. The BoardContinue Reading
- Election Apology - Editorial: Gardner Magazine Publisher to be Publicly Flogged for Election Story Screwup (no flogging please) Gardner Magazine published an incorrect date in an Election story. The correct date to obtain nomination papers in Gardner is beginning April 1st. We regret the error so much we have released an official apologyContinue Reading
- Drought 3-19-25 - Find out factual DROUGHT CONDITIONS anytime by visiting, CLICK HERE. Drought Conditions Improving – NOT CRITICAL – as reported elsewhere. Gardner Magazine has alerted another local publication that its article re the Drought is incorrect. Actual conditions in this area are predicted to improve with areas just East ofContinue Reading
- Rockin’ Springtime - Gardner Magazine Releases 50’s Rockabilly song “Rockin’ in the Springtime” This original song is designed to capture the joy of Spring in a classic 50’s Rock style. It’s a fun, feel-good number. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY. From the song: “Animals wake from hibernation, creatures increase their population. BloomsContinue Reading
- Council 3-17-25 - Top: City Council 3-17-25 2nd row: Economic Development Director Stevens, Assistant Clerk Kumar and City Council President Tyros. 3rd row: Tyros, Kazinskas, and Nicholson 4th row: Swearing in of Rob Oliva and Cory Hasselmann Council President George Tyros commented on the Budget Process, Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. GardnerContinue Reading
- Templeton 3-15-25 - View the proposed Templeton Budget, CLICK HERE. Templeton Holds Budget Hearings – a Select Board member steps down. The Town of Templeton held its budget hearings on March 15, 2025. While the entire budget hearing is available on You Tube, Part 1 view here, – Part 2 view here, GardnerContinue Reading
- Elections 2025 - Official Election Dates in the City of Gardner MA Up for election this year are several offices including Mayor, ward councilors, councilors at large and 3 of the 6 School Committee members. Subject to the approval of the City Solicitor the dates are as follows: Obtain nomination papers beginning AprilContinue Reading
- Dogs 3-17-25 - Fido Says “Please” Renew My Dog License Before March 31, 2025 Gardner City Hall on March 17, 2025 reports that about 1/3 of Dog Owners still have not renewed or obtained Dog Licensees for the new year. The Deadline is March 31st. A group of dogs got together and hadContinue Reading
- Drought 3-17-25 - Graphic shows drought conditions in the United States (top) and the 3 month outlook showing improving drought conditions in Northern Worcester County. Greater Gardner MA Still in Moderate Drought – Fires Discouraged The U.S. Drought Monitor shows Gardner in a moderate drought as of 3-11-25. While the seasonal forecast isContinue Reading
- Luck of the Irish - Gardner Magazine Releases “Luck of the Irish” for St. Patrick’s Day. Our original Irish Folk Song for St. Patrick’s Day is “Luck of the Irish”. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. From the song’s chorus, “The Luck of the Irish, will grant your wish, the Luck of the Irish, onContinue Reading
- Hotline 3-15-25 - Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates City with Hotline Radio Interview First up on the show, Gardner Mayor Nicholson, discussing the Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Process already started with Department Heads “I always ask for two numbers. I ask for their wish list, and I ask for a more realistic budget,Continue Reading
- Sludge Facts - Top: Land Application. Middle: Landfill Bottom: Incineration. For additional EPA technical resources, visit the website, CLICK HERE. Some Sludge Facts for Greater Gardner MA It just so happens that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has produced some very interesting Fact Sheets on the basics of sewage sludge and biosolids. 3Continue Reading
- Burger King 3-14-25 - Update 3-14-25: Article in another publication alleges ongoing issues at Gardner Burger King. Our previous article showed food prep areas clean with other issues, CLICK HERE. Gardner Magazine will publish a new inspection report when it is made available to us from the Board of Health so our readers canContinue Reading
- 25 Main 3-14-25 - The building shown 4 years ago before Jon Bombaci embarked on the transformation. Soon to be home to Brilla Coffee. Other plans for the building await a transformer. Recent work done was to prepare for National Grid. 25 Main Street Gardner – Progress and the Wait for Electricity Gardner MagazineContinue Reading
- This Week 3-14-25 - This Week in the Chair City – March 14, 2025 The Gardner Magazine update can be heard on any device. CLICK PLAY. This Week: Various Local issues including the Sludge Landfill — School Committee – Assessors —- Gardner Museum — Events Coming Up – Around the Chair City — UpcomingContinue Reading
- Assessors 3-12-25 - Board of Assessors consists of Assessor Christine Kumar, Chair Charles “Chuck” Leblanc, and member Paulette Burns. Gardner Board of Assessors meets with Charles in Charge The Board met on March 12, 2025. Listen to the exciting 5 minute meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY. Assessor Christine Kumar stated that “asContinue Reading
- Conservation 3-10-25 - The Gardner Board of Health sent Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson a letter regarding concerns about the Gardner Landfill, CLICK HERE. Conservation Commission Discusses Problems with Sludge Landfill Residents Alan Rousseau and Paul DeMeo spoke about alleged ongoing issues at the Gardner Sludge Landfill. Members discussed the possibility of modifying itsContinue Reading
- Sludge 3-13-25 - Gardner Magazine Releases “We’ve Got the Sludge” – A Funky Environmental Song Debate and comments regarding the proposed Sludge Landfill Expansion in Gardner Massachusetts continue on almost a daily basis at Gardner Committee meetings and even at the Templeton Select Board Meeting of March 12th. Supporters cite economics and theContinue Reading
- Templeton Select 3-12-25 - A number of topics and some resolutions at nearly 4 hour Templeton Select Board Meeting. Summary: During the lengthy (nearly 4 hour) Select Board Meeting, the following occurred: Citizen comment was heard, Selectman Tim Toth criticized the media including Mass Live and Gardner Magazine for our inquires into the AdamContinue Reading
- Health Hiring 3-12-25 - Local Healthcare Providers Are Hiring – What Positions are available… Community Health Connections is located right next to Walmart off Route 68 in Gardner. Here are some of the positions: LICSW/LMHC – $3000 sign on bonus, Family Physician with a $20,000 sign on bonus, RN or LPN for Substance UseContinue Reading
- Templeton 3-12-25 - Update: 3-12-25 8:56pm: During the Templeton Select Board Meeting. a motion to remove Board Chair Michael Currie was discussed and Currie resigned as Chair prior to a vote. Vice Chair Mathew Rivard will serve as Chair until a reorganization of the board at the next meeting March 26th. The resignationContinue Reading
- School 3-10-25 - Gardner School Committee Meets on March 10, 2025 Teacher Joseph Lillie received recognition regarding his efforts in teaching English and life skills to those seeking to learn English. The Committee approved the Consent Agenda. Several members discussed progress on the Auditorium. Finance discussion included mention of the deficit due toContinue Reading
- Hotline Hive - Contact Gardner Magazine To add events to Gardner Magazine or to give us a news story lead, email Our voicemail line is (978) 632-6324 Contact WGAW To contact WGAW Radio and Hotline Host Steve Wendell email or call (978) 632-1340. Local officials, organizations etc. should contact ahead ofContinue Reading
- Election Countdown - One Week Countdown for Winchendon Nomination Papers Nomination Papers are available in Winchendon Town Clerk’s office for Annual Town Election to be held on May 5, 2025, BUT, they must be obtained and turned in on or before Monday, March 17, 2025 at 5pm. Available Terms: ONE-3-year term for Moderator,Continue Reading
- Westminster 3-10-25 - Westminster Town Administrator Stephanie Lahtinen Launches Podcast The Town of Westminster has launched an informative podcast to keep “Westminster residents informed one episode at a time.” Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. Lahtinen states the podcast will be released every couple of weeks. From the town of Westminster, “Welcome toContinue Reading
- Parks 3-9-25 - Parks Await Visitors in Gardner MA Park Street Park is shown accessible with no snow after warm temperatures this week. It boasts a beautiful view of Crystal Lake. The Monument Park Bandstand is shown empty. Soon, it will be home to a band during one of the Summer Band Concerts.Continue Reading
- Projects 3-9-25 - Progress on 2 Different Projects in the Chair City Hazardous material remediation has started at the building located at Willow and Main. When done, the building will be demolished. Work on the Gardner Fire Department roof continues. CLICK IMAGE for larger view.Continue Reading
- Maki Park 3-12-25 - Maki Park has been mentioned in dozens of articles on Gardner Magazine. CLICK HERE for list. Mayor Nicholson previous December statement regarding this issue, CLICK HERE. Council President George Tyros statement to City Council, CLICK HERE Investigation Launched September 2024, CLICK HERE. COMPLETE INVESTIGATION REPORT, CLICK HERE. Publisher’s Note: TheContinue Reading
- Welcome Back Birds - Gardner Magazine Releases “Welcome Back Birds” – Inspirational Pop Song An inspirational song about much more than these beautiful creatures. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. From the song “To learn from a bird and its song, to listen now and live ever strong, to participate in every experience, fullyContinue Reading
- Hotline 3-8-25 - Hotline Radio Daylight Savings Eve Show On the last day before Daylight Savings Time on March 8, 2025, WGAW Hotline Radio host Steve Wendell had various interviews, reports, segments, and commentary. Listen to the program on any device, CLICK PLAY Gardner Mayor Nicholson explained the Williams Rockwell Grant Announcement, andContinue Reading
- Templeton Resignation - Read Actual Resignation Letter – CLICK IMAGE for larger view Templeton Town Administrator Adam Lamontagne Resigns In his weekly memorandum to the Select Board, Lamontagne wrote: “I appreciate the kind words and support I received from town employees, residents, and the community as a whole since I submitted my resignation.Continue Reading
- Rockwell 2025 - Grants this year were more than double what was awarded last year and covered submissions from Gardner Elementary, Gardner Middle, Gardner High, and Gardner Academy. Williams-Rockwell 2025 Grants Total over $208k The Williams-Rockwell Educational Gift Fund Committee awarded $208,855.75 to 35 different projects this year compared to $82,831.60 to 15Continue Reading
- This Week 3-7-25 - JAM-PACKED Update: This Week in the Chair City – March 7, 2025 The Gardner Magazine updated can be heard on any device. CLICK PLAY. Covered: Gardner City Council with a statement by Council President George Tyros. Council on Aging with a statement by Director Mike Ellis. Events in the ChairContinue Reading
- Expanded Rides - MART schedules and maps, CLICK HERE. MART Expands Evening Ride Service The MART Evening Ride Service has been expanded to 7 days a week between the hours of 7pm and 12AM. Cost of the service is $2 per ride. Normal daytime service is still FREE through June 2025. MART’s EveningContinue Reading
- Black Balloon Day - Remembering the Lost with Black Balloon Day Black Balloon Day is March 6, 2025. Black Balloon Day honors those lost to drug overdose and stands with families affected by substance use disorder. Overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in the United States and Americans can create positive changeContinue Reading
- Daylight Savings Song - Gardner Magazine Releases “Daylight Savings” Listen to the soon to be hit “Daylight Savings” Funky tune on any device. CLICK PLAY. Gain an hour, now lose an hour,Why give clocks so much power,It all comes out about the same,It’s Daylight Savings Time Again. After a week or so I kindaContinue Reading
- Council 3-3-25 - Gardner City Council Has Short 7 minute Meeting On the Zoning Amendment proposed by Chair City Church, the Council voted to submit the item to the Planning Board for a recommendation. The easements item was granted more time. Council President George Tyros spoke about citizen interaction with departments. Listen toContinue Reading
- Aging 3-3-25 - Council on Aging – Good Financial Footing – Ukulele Problem Solved Listen to the Council on Aging meeting of March 3, 2025 on any device. CLICK PLAY. Various programs, projects, grants, and budget items were discussed during the meeting. Senior Director Mike Ellis stated, “I feel like we’ve never beenContinue Reading
- Trump Address 3-4-25 - President Donald Trump Delivers Address to Congress Listen to the Address to Congress of President Donald Trump on March 4, 2025 on any device, CLICK PLAY. The speech began about a ¼ hr. later than scheduled and after a few minutes was delayed for a short time when certain membersContinue Reading
- Daylight 2025 - Daylight Savings Time Once Again in Greater Gardner MA It’s an annual event. Daylight Savings Time. This year it occurs on Sunday, March 9, 2025. All clocks including even the young ones should be set one hour ahead. While area residents will lose an hour of sleep, we all willContinue Reading
- Museum 2025 - Gardner Museum Opens for the Season in Gardner MA The Gardner Museum on Pearl Street in Gardner opens for the Season on March 5, 2025 with a Spring Exhibit featuring the Gardner Fire Department. From the museum “We start our museum year with a display of photos and items pertainingContinue Reading
- Threshold of 3 - Renting a storefront, putting up a sign, and doing Social Media posts is not a recipe for success. We’ve seen too many local businesses fail because they don’t understand the need for REAL ADVERTISING whether it’s here, WGAW Radio, TV, Direct Mail, flyers, or shouting from the rooftops. Investopedia hasContinue Reading
- Hotline 3-1-25 - News from WGAW Hotline Radio Show of March 1, 2025 Listen to this episode of Greater Gardner’s Hit Interview show on any device, CLICK PLAY. 1st Hour: Gardner Mayor Nicholson: Budget and State aid and various projects —-Mayor Dean Mazzarella of Leominster on various projects and status of BayState RacingContinue Reading
- Energy Letter - Gardner Mayor Nicholson using new role to Advocate for Greater Gardner area residents Gardner residents have expressed frustration with high electricity and gas bills and Mayor Michael Nicholson is taking the fight to Boston. As President of the Massachusetts Mayors Association, Nicholson signed a letter on February 28, 2025 whichContinue Reading
- Talking TV - Gardner Magazine Releases “My Talking TV” – Everybody should have a friendly appliance From the song “My TV has a life of its own, Taking me to the Twilight Zone, One Day I was watching a show, and my TV had a coffee to go.” Listen to the flop ofContinue Reading
- Address 2-28-25 - Gardner Mayor Nicholson with a Monthly Address and Update Gardner Mayor Nicholson released an address and update to the City on Friday, February 28, 2025. The address recaps the past month, covers some current and future items, and features a special guest at the end. Listen to the Monthly AddressContinue Reading
- This Week 2-28-25 - This Week in the Chair City – an Update by Gardner Magazine Gardner Magazine reports on some of what is going on in Gardner. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. Some of what is in this jam-packed program: Local Restaurant targeted —- Gardner Board of Health — Gardner CAC —Continue Reading
- New Patients - Heywood Healthcare Releases List of Physicians Accepting New Patients If you’re looking for a physician for any reason, the list in the graphic might be of help. Just click the image for a larger view. Heywood Healthcare publicized this list of physicians in the region who are accepting new patients.Continue Reading
- The Sandwich - Gardner Magazine Releases Ridiculous Song “The Sandwich“ Ever had a discussion in your house about the perfect sandwich? Ever had some of that really delicious homemade bread and put on some fresh ingredients for that perfect sandwich? Then maybe this crazy song is just for you. Listen on any device.Continue Reading
- Finance 2-26-25 - Gardner’s LA19 in Order – Easements Ready – Salary Study – Health Insurance The Gardner Finance Committee took up varied topics at a February 26, 2025 meeting. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY. MA Department of Revenue certified the City’s Form LA-19 – percentage City Valuations areContinue Reading
- Burger King - ACTUAL INSPECTION REPORT with photos showing a clean establishment with few issues. CLICK HERE. Fact-Based Account of Actual Clean Conditions at Gardner Burger King The Gardner Burger King has been a victim of some cruel attacks on Social Media. So Gardner Magazine reached out to the Gardner Board of HealthContinue Reading
- Pantry Needs - Gardner CAC Running Low on Food Pantry Staples – Donations Needed The Gardner Community Action Committee put out a message to the community on February 26, 2025 stating, “We are running low on some food pantry staples. If you’re heading to the store, would you grab an extra jar ofContinue Reading
- Treasurer Theft - Crooked Treasurer Escapes Jail Time for Stealing from Town of Winchendon The Town of Winchendon published this Press Release: “Update on Treasurer theft of Town funds. In September of 2024, the Town Treasurer was investigated for stealing from the Town. He was terminated and charged with Larceny over $1,200 andContinue Reading
- Who Listens…WGAW - “Who Listens to WGAW Radio” is the subject of a song. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. For Lyrics and other versions, CLICK FOR song page. Gardner’s WGAW Radio Expands Audience and Appeal with Wide Range of Shows On the air since 1946, Gardner’s WGAW has been around longer thanContinue Reading
- Safety FY25 - The State of Massachusetts has a number of grant programs for Fire Departments for various purposes. A complete explanation can be found at this website, CLICK HERE. Greater Gardner MA Fire Departments Receive FY25 Firefighter Safety Equipment Awards In the region, here are the communities and the amount of theContinue Reading
- BOH 2-24-25 - Gardner Board of Health Has Dispute on Minutes – Has Presentation re 1,4 Dioxane Attorney Tobia questioned the accuracy of the meeting minutes concerning a recent hearing. Upon discussion, Chair Susan Avalone acknowledged that changes should be made to accurately reflect the reason for the Board’s decision at that hearing.Continue Reading
- Conservation 2-24-25 - Conservation Commission Meets Regarding Various Properties and Various Concerns The Sludge Landfill issue was discussed very briefly with Chair Greg Dumas allowing only “new” material from the public. Considerable time was spent on 36 Nicole Terrace. The Homeowner allegedly cut down trees on an adjacent property which he did notContinue Reading
- MWCC Village Project - MWCC Launching MWCC Village Project In an effort to support the basic needs of students, Mount Wachusett Community College is launching the MWCC Village Project funded by a Federal Grant in the amount of $874,420. View complete Press Release, CLICK HERE. The program is designed to provide basic needs resourcesContinue Reading
- Kindness 2025 - From the sheriff’s office, “With its motto, ‘Make Kindness the Norm,’ the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation was founded during a mid-1990s summer when violence was at an all-time high on the West Coast. The idea to start the organization came from a television reporter who pointed out that peopleContinue Reading
- Sully Big E 2025 - Gardner’s Comfort Dog Sully Appears at the Big E Once Again An Ordinary Dog at Home, but a Comfort Dog Hero when working in public. This is Gardner Fire Department’s Comfort and Therapy Dog Sully appearing at the Big E in Springfield, Massachusetts. Top of graphic shows Sully hanging outContinue Reading
- Composing a Song - Unique Release – Song Epic about Composing a Song Gardner Magazine is releasing “Composing a Song, Musical Tour Through Time”. The original song itself is about composing a song and choosing the right genre and the right words. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY. The fun genre song tours Broadway,Continue Reading
- Opioid Funds - Gardner and 3 towns Lead Opioid Funds Commitment Opioid Distributors, Manufacturers, and Retailers had reached a settlement a few years ago which allowed funds to be distributed to Massachusetts cities and towns. The only problem: Most communities haven’t spent the funds, with Gardner and 3 local communities being notable exceptions.Continue Reading
- Volunteer - Gardner Magazine Releases the hit duet “Volunteer” original song This is the tale of the volunteer who has a big heart of care. It is a unique Male-Female Duet about the positive impact of being a volunteer in the community. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. A volunteer strengthens theContinue Reading
- This Week 2-21-25 - This Week in the Chair City – an Update by Gardner Magazine Gardner Magazine reports on some of what is going on in Gardner. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. Snow Removal Timing — Local Club Activities — Upcoming Spring and Summer Events — $8 Million Project — Horse RacingContinue Reading
- Snow Bankings 2-24-25 - Gardner Plans Parking Ban on Certain Streets to Clear Snow Bankings From the City of Gardner: “There will be a Downtown Parking Ban on Monday, February 24th from 7:00am to 3:30pm to allow DPW Crews to clear the snow bankings from the edges of the sidewalk. The City Code requiresContinue Reading
- Assessors 2-20-25 - Futuristic Gardner Assessor Gets new 3 year Battery? What? A 3 year battery? Actually, Gardner Assessor Christine Kumar publicly spoke about being thrilled to be reappointed for another 3 year term. The positive vibes are contagious. Listen yourself to the recent 5 minute, exciting, Board of Assessors meeting with KumarContinue Reading
- Development 2-18-25 - Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson announced at this meeting that he is insisting that future meetings of the Community Development Block Grant Steering Committee and meetings of the Gardner Redevelopment Authority be recorded to provide transparency to the public. Publisher’s Note: Highly recommend you listen to this meeting as Director StevensContinue Reading
- ZBA 2-18-25 - Lengthy ZBA Meeting Held on February 18, 2025 The Gardner Zoning Board of Appeals met on February 18, 2025 for a lengthy 3+hour meeting. 9 Cases in meeting packet, CLICK HERE. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.Continue Reading
- Appointments 2-18-25 - Candidates for Reappointment Face Appreciative Group at Gardner Appointments Committee The Gardner City Council Appointments Committee met on February 18, 2025 and heard from and about the following candidates for reappointment: Assessor Christine Kumar, Police Chief Eric McAvene, Deputy Chief Nicholas Maroni, and Animal Control Officers Autumn Brown, Alana Meserve,Continue Reading
- Throne of Shame - Musical Editorial – “Throne of Shame” Released by Gardner Magazine With so much talk about the proposed Sludge Landfill Expansion, we’re releasing a musical editorial. The subject is the “Throne of Shame”. We all sit there and do our business with little thought of the consequences. As the song says,Continue Reading
- Council 2-18-25 - Listen to the entire City Council meeting of February 18, 2025 on any device. CLICK PLAY. Complete agenda and packet, CLICK HERE. City Council Meeting of Tuesday, February 18th to Have Impact for Years and Decades The City Council waited about 10 minutes and then voted Councilor Elizabeth Kazinskas toContinue Reading
- Leominster Racing - Horse Racing Proposal Back – This Time in Leominster Baystate Racing LLC is proposing a Horse Racing Track at the former landfill on Mechanic Street in Leominster. According to Leominster Mayor Dean Mazzarella, entry to the facility would be made via the interstate highway and not via Mechanic Street. AContinue Reading
- Plow Guy - A Salute to DPW Men and Women who work as “Plow Guy” The Plow Guy clears paths one flake at a time and we all rely on our local DPW men and women to keep our roads clear from snow so we can get around. The Jazzy Song is calledContinue Reading
- Council 2-18-25 - View complete agenda and packet, CLICK HERE. Publisher’s Note: It’s all about the MONEY FLOW – Keeping the Health Insurance Account in the black – Sensibly Funding Badly Needed Projects – Going after millions in available grant funding. – Gardner is doing it. Money Flow of Progress – City CouncilContinue Reading
- Waiting in Line - Gardner Magazine Releases “Waiting in Line” about what none of us likes to do, wait… Anyone who has ever waited in a never-ending line will identify with the song. But sometimes, you meet someone in that line who can change your life forever. Listen to the BLUES version on anyContinue Reading
- Freezing Rain - Gardner Magazine Releases Complaint Song “Freezing Rain” Ever wish you could write a letter to Mother Nature complaining about that pesky freezing rain? Well, this original song is a quirky complaint song about Freezing Rain. First song is a unique Male-Female Pop Duet and the second is a Pop versionContinue Reading
- Hotline 2-15-25 - The WGAW Hotline Radio show hosted by Steve Wendell airs every Saturday from noon to 2pm. The station live stream is available 24/7. This extended show features the entire Sludge Landfill Expansion session with public comments. WGAW Extended Hotline “Washington’s Birthday Weekend” show topics include Gardner Government, Templeton Recreation, PresidentsContinue Reading
- Storm 2-15-25 - PARKING BAN: Due to the weather forecast, the City of Gardner will have a parking ban from 5pm on Saturday February 15, 2025 until 8pm on Sunday February 16, 2025. Here’s Gardner Mayor Nicholson speaking on the parking ban with additional details. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAYContinue Reading
- Historical 2-18-25 - Gardner Historical Commission Working Towards Proposed Historic Preservation Zoning Amendment The Gardner Historical Commission will be meeting 6pm February 18, 2025 at the Gardner Museum at 28 Pearl Street. The commission has been taking a much more active role in the City recently. The packed agenda includes a review ofContinue Reading
- Flu 2-14-25 - MA Respiratory Dashboard Shows Spike in Influenza According to the State of Massachusetts Respiratory Dashboard, CLICK HERE, the current estimated severity of influenza is VERY HIGH as reported for the week of 2/2/25 to 2/8/25. Data is updated weekly for the prior week. MA reports 139 influenza deaths so farContinue Reading
- Finance 2-12-25 - $8 Million Project Gets Closer to Approval with Finance Committee Recommendation The City of Gardner took out a 30 year loan to pay for its portion of the Gardner Elementary School which opened in the Fall of 2022. Recently, the project was deemed completed and went through an audit confirmingContinue Reading
- Week 2-14-25 - This Week in the Chair City – an Update by Gardner Magazine Gardner Magazine on some of what is going on in Gardner. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. Some activities for School Vacation Week – Employment opportunities – Chamber of Commerce Super Raffle – Recognizing Signs of a StrokeContinue Reading
- City Hall - Gardner Magazine Releases “City Hall (I’ve Got a Lucky Job)“ If you’ve been to Gardner City Hall, you can describe it as the “Problem Solver” Mall with many offices and departments there to assist with various needs. This is a salute to the service providers at Gardner City Hall. AContinue Reading
- Planning 2-11-25 - Gardner Planning Board Approves Compass Lane Subdivision While other state agencies might still weigh in regarding traffic concerns the public has expressed, the Gardner Planning Board approved the Compass Lane Subdivision project at its meeting of February 11, 2025. The subdivision would be located at the Gardner-Templeton line. Robert SwartzContinue Reading
- Freezing 2-13-25 - Freezing Rain Shutters Schools, Businesses, and Makes Travel Dangerous Snow turned to freezing rain on February 13, 2025. Many area schools and businesses have chosen to close. Travel on the morning of February 13th was deemed dangerous. Complete list of closings from WCVB, CLICK HERE. In the local area, closingsContinue Reading
- Song – Presidents - The Long song versions took many, many hours of work to research the historical fact and edit about a dozen or so individual parts into the final songs. HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY! An Ambitious Release in Honor of Presidents Day Presidents Day is Monday February 17, 2025. Most City Halls andContinue Reading
- $8 Million Project - Gardner Mayor Proposes School Surplus Fund $8 Million Dollar Project Construction of the new Gardner Elementary School came in $8 Million under budget. The result is an $8 million surplus sitting in Gardner’s bank account. Gardner has 3 choices: (1) Put the amount towards principal which wouldn’t reduce current monthlyContinue Reading
- Sludge 2-10-25 - Sludge Landfill Presentation and Public Input in Gardner MA On February 10, 2025, a presentation was made to the public by a representative from the firm working for the City of Gardner. Links to various documents are below for your reference. Following the presentation, there was about an hour ofContinue Reading
- School 2-10-25 - “Kids who need more get more” – Elementary School Principal Earl Martin. Just one of the memorable statements from this informative School Committee meeting. Gardner School Committee Holds Informative Meeting At the Gardner MA School Committee Meeting of February 10, 2025, Behavioral and Academic presentations from various individuals took upContinue Reading
- Ride-Along 2025 - Gardner Mayor Works Late Shift in Annual Snow Storm Ride-along Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson has created a tradition of riding with the DPW during a plowing event each year. In the last snow storm, the Mayor did the late shift. Gardner Mayor Nicholson posted the photos used in our collageContinue Reading