Symphony Song of the Presidents
The Symphony Song of the Presidents is an original song written by Werner Poegel. The Music and Vocals were generated by very sophisticated AI. The production of the song had to be split into various segments and then edited together. The project took many hours.

Lyrics of the Short Song of the Presidents:
{Instrumental Introduction}
This is the song of the Presidents, A symphony song of the Presidents, The song of the Presidents, A Symphony of history.
{Verse 1}
To honor United States of America Chief Executives,
This is the epic song of American Presidents.
One after the other each have chosen to serve,
All natural born and age thirty-five have achieved.
{Verse 2}
Let’s start with the first and proceed to the last.
To understand the future we must know the past.
All varied in background, ideas, and talent.
Affecting our nation’s people and every event.
Less than fifty have ever served,
Their history is here preserved,
This is the Song of the Presidents,
{Verse 3}
George Washington was the first to serve us,
John Adams was the second with our trust,
Thomas Jefferson the third for our nation.
With 44 more to follow since its creation..
{Verse 4}
From numerous wars to our nation’s expansion,
Our Presidents have served our great Union.
Some have been cut down in their prime,
Some like F D R served a long time.
Less than fifty have ever served,
Their history is here preserved,
This is the Song of the Presidents,
{Verse 5}
Who will be our next President and Commander in Chief?
The future’s unwritten, the challenges beyond belief.
Campaigns will occur and we’ll make selections.
When the President is picked during national elections.
{Verse 6}
A Song to the Presidents, to all who have served us,
No matter the party, ideas, skills, or the resources.
Thank you for preserving, protecting, and defending,
Our Constitution for American generations never ending.
This is the Song of the Presidents, The Song of all the Presidents,
Serving as Commander in Chief
Keeping our nation safe. Keeping our nation safe (Keeping it safe), keeping it safe….
{Instrumental Introduction} This is the song of the Presidents, A symphony song of the Presidents, The song of the Presidents, A Symphony of history. |
{Verse 1} To honor United States of America Chief Executives, This is the epic song of American Presidents. One after the other each have chosen to serve, All natural born and age thirty-five have achieved. |
{Verse 2} Let’s start with the first and proceed to the last. To understand the future we must know the past. All varied in background, ideas, and talent. Affecting our nation’s people and every event. |
{Chorus} Less than fifty have ever served, Their history is here preserved, This is the Song of the Presidents, This is the SONG OF THE PRESIDENTS! |
{Verse 3} Oh, George Washington the Nation’s Father was, Right after the success of our revolutionary cause. He was first in war and then first in peace, In our American Hearts George will never cease. |
{Verse 4} John Adams from the second in command, To now second President of the new Land. Was part of the Declaration’s risky designing, Only to leave us fifty years after its signing. |
{Chorus} Less than fifty have ever served, Their history is here preserved, This is the Song of the Presidents, This is the SONG OF THE PRESIDENTS! |
{Verse 5} Thomas Jefferson was third of the Presidents, And doubled the vast land for our residents. Corresponding on matters along with Adams, So close they left this life the same day as friends. |
{Verse 6} James Madison became President Four, At the height of only five feet four. Father of the U.S. Constitution so created, He saw the War of Eighteen Twelve ended. |
{Chorus} Less than fifty have ever served, Their history is here preserved, This is the Song of the Presidents, This is the SONG OF THE PRESIDENTS! |
{Verse 7} The Fifth President of the United States Also on July Fourth went to the Pearly Gates. James Monroe issued a noted Doctrine. And oversaw five new states to the Union. |
{Verse 8} Son of our President Number Two, John Quincy Adams, the diplomat, it’s true. Prez Number six served but a single term, Then 17 years in the U.S. House we learn. |
{Verse 9} Man of many roles, Congress, Senate, Judiciary, Also a Famous General in the U.S. Army, Our Seventh President was Andrew Jackson, Known for seeking the rights of the common man. |
{Verse 10} Martin Van Buren became number eight, Buren was on the Democratic Party slate. He was an important anti-slavery leader, And also Credited as the two party seeder. |
{Verse 11} Sloganed Tippecanoe and Tyler Too, His serving 31 days was too few. William Henry Harrison as President Nine, Was fated to die well before his time. |
{Verse 12} John Tyler, President Tenth by succession, Vetoes overridden his major constriction. Signed Treaty of Peace, Commerce, with the Chinese Empire, Bold Manifest Destiny, and adding Texas, was Tyler’s major desire. |
{Verse 12a} Former House Speaker and Governor James Polk, President Eleven of Jacksonian democracy spoke. Extended the Country through the Mexican War, Even Oregon Territory stretched the nation so far. |
{Verse 13} Military hero was 12th President Zachary Taylor, Died 16 months later from digestive failure. Preserving the Union his priority longing, Secession he stated was not nation prolonging. |
{Verse 14} Our 13th President was Millard Fillmore, To him the nation’s Slavery was an evil sore. Fillmore helped to pass Compromise of Eighteen Fifty Leading to truce over the expansion of slavery. |
{Verse 15} Franklin Pierce enforced the Fugitive Slave Act. Considered among worst for his pro-slavery tract, Yes the 14th President Pierce some did despise, As Kansas-Nebraska Act nullified the Missouri Compromise. |
{Verse 16} The Noteable agenda of 15th President James Buchanan, Was advocating States rights, particularly slavery again. At end of his term while as a lame duck in a question, Of ignoring demands of the South to stop the secession. |
{Verse 17} Leading a divided nation through the American Civil War Was the great Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth to be sure, Admired for preserving the union and abolishing slavery, Was Cut down early by a bullet while watching a play. |
{Verse 18} Our 17th President Andrew Johnson, Succeeded statesman Abraham Lincoln. Opposed guaranteed equality for the races, By one vote escaped impeachment’s disgraces. |
{Verse 19} Showing ability with horses and leading Union to Victory, 18th President Ulysses S. Grant promoted civil liberty. Created Justice Department and helped restore the Union. And protected African Americans during Reconstruction. |
{Verse 20} After wages were cut and Railroad Workers in Seventy-seven struck, 19th President Rutherford B. Hayes used the army for luck. This staunch abolitionist praised for reforming civil service. Criticized for Southern state leniency and voting rights course. |
{Verse 21} Serving Five months 20th President James A. Garfield, Had great aptitude in the geometric mathematical field. Pro education, agricultural tech, civil rights action. Died from assassin’s gunshot progressing to infection. |
{Verse 22} He retired respected by political friend and foe, 21st President Chester A. Arthur did show Civil service reform and rebirth of the U.S. Navy. Served without scandal or a project too wavy. |
{Verse 23} Serving two terms just not after each other 22nd Grover Cleveland and 24th yet another. Known for honesty and adhering to his morals Defying party boundaries and not sitting on his laurels. |
{Verse 24} Grandson of the ninth, 23rd President Benjamin Harrison, Hallmarked Sherman Antitrust and McKinley Tariff legislation. Lost the popular vote but got more electoral than Cleveland. Harrison saw six western states added to the National brand. |
{Verse 25} Spanish-American War was under 25th President William McKinley. Gained Puerto Rico, Guam, Phillippines and added Hawaii territory. Pro business and industry growth marked his presidency, Until this innovator was killed by assassin intent on anarchy. |
{Verse 26} 26th President Theodore Roosevelt was busy and youngest at forty-two. Conserving national parks, forests, monuments among projects anew. Square Deal of citizen fairness, regulating railroads, food, and drugs. Expanded the Navy, began Panama Canal, and broke trusts from thugs. |
{Verse 27} Twenty seventh President William Howard Taft served in many capacities for us. As solicitor, judge, governor, secretary of war, later Chief Justice, Groomed for the office by President Teddy before conflict aroused, Over differences conservative and progressive views each espoused. |
{Verse 28} Credit 28th President Woodrow Wilson for Federal Reserve and modern income tax, Led the nation into World War One after Germany’s American merchant ship attacks. Signed Federal Trade Commission Act promoting competition and limiting power. Helped form League of Nations to maintain world peace with one another. |
{Verse 29} Along comes the 29th President Warren G. Harding, Who after death 2 years into his term received a scolding, For a number of scandals exposed including Teapot Dome, And even an extramarital affair beyond the family home. |
{Verse 30} 30th President Calvin Coolidge born on Independence Day, Received nickname Silent Cal because he had very little to say. Small government conservative oversaw rapid and expansive growth, Known as Roaring Twenties and maybe onset of Depression so loathed. |
{Verse 31} Holding office during the start of our country’s Great Depression, Was 31st President Herbert Hoover an engineer and politician. Influenced the development of air travel and modern radio. Lost reelection and lived to age ninety before letting go. |
{Verse 32} 32nd President Franklin Delano Roosevelt won 4 Presidential elections, Implemented New Deal agenda responding to economic afflictions. F D R held fireside chats, got televised, dealt with World War 2 missions, Oversaw Pentagon construction, and world’s first atomic bomb inventions. |
{Verse 33} From first selling clothes to 33rd President of the nation, Harry S. Truman, took over and then won his own station. Had to drop first atomic bombs to help end World War Two Oversaw Berlin Airlift, Marshall Plan, and economic challenges anew. |
{Verse 34} Five Star General Dwight D. Eisenhower became President thirty four, Wished to contain communism spread, considered nukes to end Korean War. Authorized forming NASA which lead to the Space Race, His interstate highway system program was put in place. |
{Verse 35} Catholic John F. Kennedy debated on tv and became 35th President, Served at height of cold war including Cuban Missile Crisis incident. Presided over starting Peace Corps and continuing Apollo program, In Dallas near end of his 3rd year in office and died from assassination. |
{Verse 36} Former teacher, Congressman, and Senator became 36th President Lyndon Baines Johnson Domestic policy included civil rights, public broadcasting, and aid to arts and education. Great Society of Medicare, Medicaid, public service and signing Civil Rights Act of 1964, Known for development urban and rural, along with escalated involvement in Vietnam War. |
{Verse 37} 37th President Richard Nixon had first manned moon landings, Noted for visit to China improving diplomatic standings. Ended U.S. involvement in Vietnam War and used détente for peace, Established E P A, but due to Watergate scandal resigned office in disgrace. |
{Verse 38} Never elected but became 38th President Gerald R. Ford, Noted for signing special education and Helsinki accords, Presided over growing inflation and worsening economy, Remembered for Pardoning Nixon creating controversy. |
{Verse 39} 39th President Jimmy Carter pardoned Vietnam evaders on day two, Camp David Accords, returning the Panama Canal would ensue. Plus stagflation, energy and hostage crises, Three Mile calamity, After, he retired, wrote 30 books, and was a key figure in Habitat for Humanity. |
{Verse 40} Sports commentator, Hollywood Actor and fortieth President Ronald Reagan, Was fiscal conservative advocating for less taxes, spending, and regulation. Reaganomics helped secure second term win with five twenty five electoral landslide, Survived an attempt on his life and challenged Soviets to open the Berlin Wall wide. |
{Verse 41} Forty first President George H.W. Bush helped end Cold War and reunify Germany, Presided over invasion of Panama and Gulf War with foreign policy driving Presidency. Renegged on campaign promise not to raise taxes and lost reelection, Worked alongside opponent Bill Clinton for humanity upon reflection. |
{Verse 42} Forty second President Bill Clinton had longest period of peacetime economic expansion, First time in 40 years lost Congress to Republicans while winning landslide in own election. Impeachment for obstruction and perjury in scandal ended in a Senate acquittal result. Left office with high approval and budget surplus last 3 years of office by account. |
{Verse 43} Forty Third President George W. Bush was shaped by a single tragic event, Because of September 11th, war in Afghanistan and later to Iraq we went. Co-owned Texas Rangers, flew planes, was governor, and oilman as a profession. Signed No Child Left Behind and Patriot Act before nation entered Great Recession. |
{Verse 44} From state to U.S. Senate, Forty forth President was African American lawyer Barack Obama. Challenged by economic woes, signed bills to create, relieve, and recover from that dilemma. Known for bills such as the Affordable Care Act and drone strikes in foreign lands. Filed briefs urging Supreme Court to strike down same-sex marriage bans. |
{Verse 45} First office held by businessman Donald J. Trump was 45th President, With campaign slogan Make America Great Again, America First was evident. Authorized oil pipelines, reinforced border security, began the Big Wall, Reduced regulation, appointed lots of Federal judges, and said it all, yeah, he said it all. |
{Verse 46} After 50 years in politics, the 46th President was Joe Biden, After one year in office, saw his public approval slidin’. Withdrew the last of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, And was dealing with economic challenges again and again. |
{Verse 47} After the Presidential election of twenty twenty-four, Donald J. Trump would be President once more, With a mandate to change many policies of his predecessor, Trump Number 47 was destined to be a change successor. |
{Verse 48} Who will be our next President and Commander in Chief? The future’s unwritten, the challenges beyond belief. The campaigns will occur and we’ll make our selections. Until the President is picked during our national elections. |
{Verse 49} A Song to the Presidents, all who have served us, No matter the party, ideas, skills, or resources. Thank you for preserving, protecting, and defending, Our Constitution for American generations never ending. |
{Verse 50} This is the Song of the Presidents, The Song of all the Presidents, Serving as Commander in Chief Keeping our nation safe. Keeping our nation safe (Keeping our nation safe), keeping our nation safe |
Short Song: Song of the Presidents in Baroque Pop and Classic Rock Versions
The Long Versions are below
There are 2 versions – Official version is the Symphony Song of the Presidents and we have a Classic Rock version. Listen to the Symphony song of the Presidents on any device. CLICK PLAY.