Watch the meeting on Gardner’s YouTube channel or on our School Committee page. CLICK HERE.
School Committee members were asked for their comments at the end of the meeting. Shannon- Ward Leighton “thanking the teachers…very excited to see the musical events coming back.” Anne Hurst “Got to see 5th grade band last week and they were absolutely amazing.” Jennifer Pelavin, “I was going to talk about the musical at the high school and then the middle school band and chorus, but also Elm Street school is having their musical.” Robert Swartz, “I hope to go to the Middle School grade 5th, 6th, and 7th musical, looking forward to the high school.” John Lafrieniere, “Congratulations to Dan Forte, well deserved.” Rachael Cormier, “Budget presentation is a reminder of how our community backs up these schools, and I really appreciate that.” Mayor Nicholson, “A couple meetings ago I mentioned that the High School wood shop is going to be making our chairs that we give out, and they made them,….added a laser engraving of the City Seal”

Gardner MA School Committee Adopts Budget
During its meeting on March 14, 2022, the Gardner MA School Committee adopted its 2022/2023 School Budget following a presentation by Superintendent Mark Pellegrino. The presentation was detailed and the financial details can be watched if you wish to look at the meeting video. As far as the new Gardner Elementary School, Dr. Pellegrino stated, “Right now it’s still on time and on budget.”

There was considerable discussion about the various ongoing work to improve learning in Gardner Public Schools. Evidence of the success of the effort is demonstrated by the substantial decline in students who choose to leave the District, dropping by almost a third between fiscal year 2019 and fiscal year 2022.

Staff Members Recognized