New Salem MA
NEW SALEM WEATHERTown of New Salem MA on Gardner Magazine
New Salem MA Local News and Community Information

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- New Salem Meeting
A Special Town Meeting will be held on Thursday, February 1, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall Annex, 24 S. Main St. to approve a new five-year bus contract for Swift River School and to pay prior years’ bill. Here is a link to the town of New Salem website, CLICK HERE.
Here is information on the 2024 New Salem Town Election, CLICK HERE.
- Electricity 23
Electric Bill High in Greater Gardner MA? There may be something cheaper… allows you to shop for an electric supplier for your home or business. You put in your zip code and a list of suppliers and rates pops out.
Electric Angst in the Toytown of Winchendon
For example, the basic service rate in Winchendon MA may be as high as 34 cents. However, at the site there’s a supplier under 17 cents (saving 50%) and several others in the 17 to 20 cent per kilowatt hour range. Click here.
Electric Frustration in the Chair City of Gardner MA
In Gardner, basic service has a supply rate of about 34 cents. The City of Gardner negotiated rate is just under 24 cents. However, there’s a supplier for 17 cents and a number well under 20 cents per kilowatt hour. Click here. For example IGS Energy offers a 16.99 cents per kilowatt hour with a 12 month contract or a 17.99 cents per kilowatt hour rate with a 36 month contract. Click here.
For your community, go to, select Home or Business, put in the zip code, and get the results instantly. CLICK HERE.
- Mosquitos
Mosquito Control Team Back Again to Greater Gardner MA
The Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control Project is sending its team to the area on August 4, 11, 18, 25, and September 1. Dates are tentative and weather permitting. Requests for service may be recorded by calling the CMMCP office at (508) 393-3055 between 7am and 3:30pm weekdays. For more info visit the website. CLICK HERE.
- 988 Lifeline
Nation including Greater Gardner MA has new number for National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
The new number, 988, is easy to remember and is designed to save lives. The number is accessible across the United States and will connect callers with a trained counselor at any time. You can even text the number and get a response.
Gardner Magazine found it difficult to find a high quality image, so we’re making it available here in a pdf you can print for the office or workplace. CLICK HERE. — Note: even if you have only a B/W laser printer, print and display this and you may just save a life.
Note: To avoid confusion, we are not publishing the old longer number which is still working for now.
- New Salem update
View Meeting Minutes and Agendas on this page. CLICK HERE.
- Covid 4-1-22
- School Closings
- Saturday Blizzard
Is Greater Gardner MA in for a Saturday Blizzard?
We’re ready at the Greater Gardner Weather Center. CLICK HERE We have several forecast services plus Interactive Maps which show you the various forecast models.
PARKING BANS: Many communities will have parking bans in various areas. Times will vary, but the intent is the same, KEEP CARS OFF THE ROAD so plows can clear the snow.
- New Salem Store
Unique General Store in New Salem MA
The Reynolds family operates a very unique general store located within this community of around 1000 people. The New Salem General Store says, “Featuring a little bit of everything that you might need with a focus on local fresh products from the Quabbin area. Basic Staples are always available as on-site freshly baked items, fresh vegetables, honey, maple syrup, Dean’s Beans coffee, local and favorite craft brews, your favorite wines and more.”
The store has a kitchen and deli, sells beer and wine, features the wares of local artisans, and even offers lunch or dinner for takeout. For additional information, visit their website. CLICK HERE.
- Test Reimbursement
UPDATE: Free Covid-19 Test Kits and Reimbursement for Greater Gardner MA
The Federal Government has a website in effect NOW from which Americans can order free COVID-19 tests. This began on January 19th. For the site CLICK HERE. These kits are absolutely free (limited to 4 tests per address) and don’t require any payment upfront.
In addition, private insurers must cover the cost of up to eight at-home Covid-19 tests per month. (This started January 15, 2022.) Consumers pay for the tests up front and get reimbursed by insurance. Previous purchases don’t count and tests must be on approved government list: Rapid Antigen —- Molecular (PCR).
The Biden Administration has also announced that FREE masks will soon be available through your local pharmacy. Ask your pharmacy for details.
Additional suggestion: With many venues requiring proof of vaccination, we suggest the purchase of an inexpensive all-in-one printer (less than $70 from any major retailer) so you can scan your vax card. Back up any documents and keep a file on your phone. Now an even easier suggestion: Get a digital Vax Card through the State of Massachusetts. To visit the portal, CLICK HERE.
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Around the Community of New Salem MA
Community Facts
New Salem is a town in Franklin County Massachusetts with a population of about 1000 people
Town Clerk: (978) 544-2731
Selectboard: (978) 544-6437
Town Coordinator: (978) 544-6437
Animal Control: (978) 544-7530
Veteran Services: (978) 772-1571
Council on Aging: (978) 544-6437
Historical Commission: (978) 544-6437
Interactive Map of New Salem MA
Town of New Salem MA Photos
Gardner Magazine Service Pages and Outside Links for New Salem MA
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