Mayor Magic Mike Nicholson of Gardner MA
As various mandates have been lifted and case counts are lower, area residents are hoping that we are reaching the end of the Covid 19 pandemic. For the past two years, the insidious scourge of this infectious virus has affected all of our lives.
“Magic Mike Nicholson” was born
Adversity often brings out the strengths in people, and we believe it has with Gardner Mayor Michael J. Nicholson. Dubbed “Magic Mike Nicholson” by Gardner Magazine, this young Mayor came in to office during one of the most challenging times. He helped lead the Chair City through the pandemic, championed vaccine clinics, worked with other area government, business, and community leaders, and even handed out Covid 19 test kits himself. Throughout it all, his weekly updates were a reassuring message every week, that somehow everything was going to be OK.
Informed us of Progress
Mike Nicholson informed us of progress occurring in so many different areas simultaneously. This Magic Mike Photo Gallery captures Mike Nicholson in action during his Weekly Updates, as he highlighted various attributes of the Chair City in his varied attire, and demonstrated his support of the Chair City’s heritage, its people, its health care, public safety workers, and Small Businesses simply by the props he used behind and around his weekly messages.
A Big Thank You
Thank you Mayor “Magic Mike” Nicholson for a job well done! Thank you for your much needed leadership behind the “Magic Mike.” Gardner Magazine promises to help keep you on top of your game by criticizing whenever we can, however difficult it might be to point out and/or find faults in what you do!
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To view the Mayor’s updates and other videos from Gardner’s YouTube channel, CLICK HERE.
Mayor Nicholson Behind the Magic Mike in Weekly Updates
A Mayor About the City
As Leader and Cheerleader
The Changing Wardrobe

Thank you Gardner Mayor Michael J. Nicholson for your efforts in comforting, guiding, leading, and managing the Chair City and for your words behind the “Magic Mike”.