Greater Gardner MA Local News December 2024
- New Year ’25 (12/30/2024)
A Happy New Year Wish from Gardner Magazine
To our readers: We wish you all the best in 2025. If you’re making New Year’s resolutions, try this on for size: “Gettin’ Ready for the New Year”. Play on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Gettin’ Ready for the New Year Don’t forget: We love to hear about the activities of your non-profit, church, School Group, class, Police Department, Fire Department, you name it. Just email
- Those Condiments (12/29/2024)
Gardner Magazine Releases “Don’t Like Those Condiments” in advance of New Year’s Eve
The song definitely sounds better when you’ve had a beer or two. Listen to the ridiculous goofy song on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Don’t Like Those Condiments More silly graphics, Rock, Country-Rock, and Jazz versions, and complete lyrics on the “Don’t Like Those Condiments” song page, CLICK HERE.
We apologize if any lovers of various condiments are offended….well not really.
- Space Heaters (12/28/2024)
DANGER of Space Heaters in Greater Gardner MA
Space Heaters can be a problem. reported on problems which may have caused a 3 alarm fire in Fitchburg. CLICK HERE.
The Gardner Board of Health posted, “Several recent area fires have been attributed to the use of space heaters. Please use an abundance of caution when using these supplemental heaters. Also, if the heating system in your rental unit isn’t functioning correctly, please contact the BOH office for assistance.”
Space Heaters are prone to problems. Some of the problems can be deadly, so be careful. Some advice includes: Make sure the heater is properly plugged in directly to an outlet without the use of an extension cord. Blocked vents or debris could trigger overheating. Always inspect the power cord for fraying or damage. Make sure the space heater has a recognized safety label such as from U.L. Laboratories. If you’re unsure about the safety of the heater, stop using it and contact a qualified professional. Do not leave a space heater unattended.
- Hotline 12-28-24 (12/28/2024)
WGAW Broadcasts End of Year Hotline Radio Show
On December 28, 2024, WGAW Host Steve Wendell featured Gardner Mayor Nicholson in an interview recapping 2024 in Gardner. The Mayor spoke about various projects which have been completed and which are ongoing. Nicholson gives some projections for 2025. —-MVOC Director Stephanie Marchetti speaks about Veterans Resources including housing. —-Werner Poegel speaks about the Year Ahead, 2025. The 2nd hour features songs of the season from the community as Hotline presents “Caroling with the Mayor 2024” Listen to the entire program on any device. CLICK PLAY.
WGAW Hotline Radio 12-28-24
- Year Ahead 2025 (12/26/2024)
Gardner Magazine Previews the Year Ahead in the Chair CityGardner Magazine Looks Ahead to 2025: Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Ahead to 2025 2025 in the City of Gardner including City Projects, Waterford Community Center, Personnel, Private Projects, Businesses, Policies and Procedures, Opportunities for Citizens, Recreation, Budget, Water Settlement, Public Safety, Grants, Elections, Industrial Park, Golf Course, Healthcare, Festivities and Festivals, School Goals, Gardner Museum, Transportation, and Education.
We also have 2 earlier interviews for you (on the Year Ahead) from Gardner Mayor Nicholson and State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik:
Nicholson on the Year Ahead Zlotnik on the Year Ahead
- Christmas 2024 (12/24/2024)
Merry Christmas in Original Song from Gardner Magazine
Gardner Magazine has released a number of Christmas songs this season. “A Christmas Memory” was released on Christmas Day. Merry Christmas to You.
Christmas Song Releases
A Christmas Memory – released Christmas Day 2024 – lyrics click here BALLAD – A Chair City Christmas more versions click here… Christmas Wish for Peace – more versions click here A Gardner Christmas Wish Lyrics, CLICK HERE The Gift of Christmas – Song page and lyrics, click here Officially Christmas in Gardner, lyrics click here Feel Good Songs About Gardner
Heroes of Gardner are Everywhere, lyrics CLICK HERE For the New Year
Gettin’ Ready for the New Year, lyrics CLICK HERE Thank you to our First Responders
Please visit our Complete Odyssey of First Responders Page, CLICK HERE
Complete Odyssey of First Responders The Odyssey incorporates various musical genres including the Blues for the Men and Women in Blue, Jazz for Firefighters with Pizzazz, Rock for the EMT’s who Rock, Country for DPW – Public Works, K-Pop for Lifeguards, and Patriotic for the Military. Individual songs available on the page, CLICK HERE. Merry Christmas and a big THANK YOU!
- City of Grace (12/23/2024)
Editorial Christmas Message – Gardner is a City of Grace
And let me say one more thing especially to those rare individuals who criticize the Mayor and the City Council. Have you seen the Caroling with the Mayor 2024 video? Mayor Michael Nicholson opens with a beautiful Christmas song and ends with a very moving Spanish song as a dedication to his late aunt.
Your mayor is a man of faith and approaches his daily job with the same passion for doing good. Mike Nicholson has been a go getter working his tail off. Some have criticized him for not calling out individual employees who may not work to expectations – what you don’t know is Catholics are taught to show others grace and let others save face. It’s easy to cast blame – it’s much harder to show grace, and I admire Mayor Nicholson for his practice of doing so. The Mayor also shows grace and respect to other religions. People who work for the City of Gardner leave with their dignity intact and I think it is a quality to celebrate especially at Christmas.
And with respect to the City Council
Ever notice earlier this year when there were disruptions? City Council President Kazinskas was polite, said a few words, but took a recess to say stronger words off camera. Elizabeth Kazinskas is respectful to all who come to the City Council Chamber and this is also something to celebrate at Christmas. The City of Gardner was founded as a community of faith so many years ago. I find it very nice to know that the officials in Gardner are people of faith who do the work of the City in the context of kindness. It is not an unfair bias to recognize the good in people when it genuinely exists, as it does in Gardner. From the 11 hard working members of the Gardner City Council, to those who work for the City and the Schools, a business community which for the most part gets very good Google reviews, and the unsung heroes of the non-profits who do so much every single day for those who really need them. Thank you. God Bless You. And Merry Christmas!
Werner Poegel – Publisher
- Caroling 2024 (12/23/2024)
Gardner Releases Caroling with the Mayor Video
Gardner has released the 2024 Caroling with the Mayor Video. You’ll hear Mayor Nicholson singing and various participants from throughout Gardner including Bands and Choirs from the Schools, Churches, and area organizations. Mayor Nicholson even plays the trumpet at the end of the program in a song tribute. The video is worth watching and we’ve have embedded it here, but there’s also AUDIO for any device. CLICK PLAY.
Caroling with the Mayor 2024
- Nicholson 12-23-24 (12/23/2024)
Michael Nicholson on “The Year Ahead”
We spoke with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson about “The Year Ahead.” Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Nicholson 12-23-24 Mayor Nicholson discussed what’s upcoming in 2025. Upcoming projects include Revitalization Projects at the Greenwood Pool area, Rome Square, and work in the Downtown. The Mayor is working on revamping policies and procedures, something he has been working on all year after having announced it during his Inaugural Address in January 2024. Nicholson is also working on revamping some antiquated ordinances and discussed some of them in our interview.
Mayor Nicholson discussed interactions with the Mass Municipal Association, his membership on the local government advisory commission and his involvement in transportation issues. The South Main Street Bridge situation is still a Federal issue with the railroads still subject to an order limiting railroad crossings.
Nicholson says he’s always looking for feedback “on what we have going on”.
- Listen to Scrooge (12/21/2024)
Gardner Magazine Presents “Scrooge”
We have two presentations, one is a rather long version of Scrooge from a 1935 movie. The other is a radio play entitled “A Christmas Carol” done in 1939 featuring Lionel Barrymore. Listen to either or both on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Scrooge AUDIO of 1935 Movie:
Scrooge 1935 A Christmas Carol, 1939:
A Christmas Carol 1939 Ebenezer Scrooge is a fictional character in Charles Dickens’s 1843 novel, A Christmas Carol. Scrooge starts out as a cold-hearted miser who despises Christmas. The story is about his redemption after he gets visits from the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future.
- Hotline 12-21-24 (12/21/2024)
Hotline Radio with a Show Full of Resources, Happenings, and Opportunities for the New Year
Listen to the entire program on any device. CLICK PLAY.
WGAW Host Steve Wendell presented a show full of resources. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke about what’s happening in Gardner, the tax workoff program for seniors and veterans, and interacting with City Departments. —-State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik spoke about initiatives, challenges, and topics for the New Year. Werner Poegel with Homeless Resources. Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center announcement including Nicholson, Director Marchetti, and Jonathan Zlotnik on Veterans. Domestic Violence Resources with Bernie Richards and the Domestic Violence Coordinator.
- Gift of Christmas (12/20/2024)
Gardner Magazine Releases “The Gift of Christmas”
This Christmas song was written by Werner Poegel. Music and Vocals by sophisticated AI. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
The Gift of Christmas Christmas is a special time of year with glowing lights and Christmas sights. Celebrations are held around the world. Christmas sounds are all around and family parties certainly abound. Stores are packed and sell their wares. But Christmas hopes someone cares about the most important gift of Christmas. the Salvation through Jesus Christ. This song is intended to revere the true meaning of Christmas as the package of salvation is unsealed. Remember Christ’s love never ends. Merry Christmas to all of you. Song page and lyrics, CLICK HERE.
Werner Poegel, Publisher.
- Zlotnik 12-20-24 (12/20/2024)
In an interview with Gardner Magazine, State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik once again expressed his desire to lower the sale tax and get rid of the inventory tax. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Jonathan Zlotnik 12-20-24 Jonathan Zlotnik on the Year Ahead
We spoke with State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik about “The Year Ahead.” Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Jonathan Zlotnik 12-20-24 Representative Zlotnik spoke about getting ready for the next fiscal year budget cycle. Zlotnik also spoke about his opposition to certain taxes which impact his constituents, “Yeah, so my record on this I think is pretty clear. I’ve voted against raising the income tax. I’ve voted to lower the sales tax. I, of course, voted for the tax cut package that was passed this last session, but I also voted for a tax cut package. The previous session that didn’t pass, I think in general what the state should be looking to do, especially as our economy continues to grow, is use that new growth to offset and be able to do more of that kind of targeted relief. Two of the things that I’ve prioritized that I think would help this part of the state and have continuously supported over the last decade is rolling back the sales tax and eliminating the inventory tax for manufacturers. The sales tax, I think, is obvious, especially because of our proximity to New Hampshire, which does not have a sales tax. I think our region is especially impacted by that. But before, for most of my life, the sales tax was 5%, and then just before I joined the legislature, it was raised to the 6.25% where it remains. At the same time, we have rolled back the general state income tax, but I think that we should be looking to do the same with the sales tax as well.“
Zlotnik spoke about certain projects of this year and of continuing a lot of the work in the new year. Jonathan Zlotnik also spoke about the importance of bipartisanship and the importance of cooperation.
- Update 12-20-24 (12/20/2024)
Gardner Mayor Nicholson in last weekly update of 2024
Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 12-20-24 Thanks: Library Staff and Gardner PD for coordinating Santa at the Library —- Staff at City Hall who participated Spirit Week and decorations —- E.L. Harvey, the trash collection company, for donating 20 bikes, half went to Gardner CAC and the other half to Alyssa’s Place.
Reminder: People who have live trees – make sure they stay watered. Dry trees are a fire hazard.
Non-Profits highlighted: Growing Places which is in the Waterford Community Center (See article on lease signing) and the Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center. (See separate article, CLICK HERE)
- Veterans Workoff (12/20/2024)
Veterans Tax Workoff Program Announcement
For over 10 years, Senior Citizens have been able to work money off their taxes. Now, veterans of any age are able to participate in the program announced formally at the Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center in Gardner. Speakers included Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik, and Veterans Agent Corey Hasselmann. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Veterans Tax Workoff Announcement 12-20-24 Application available in Gardner Human Resources Department and on the City of Gardner website. Application period is January 1st to February 1st.
Last year, Gardner fully waived all Real Estate taxes for Goldstar families.
- Chipotle Open (12/20/2024)
Chipotle Opens in Gardner MA
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson was on hand to welcome Chipotle on their opening day in the Chair City.
Chipotle is located in the Timpany Plaza. During the past year, the plaza has seen various openings including Aldi which is a small supermarket, Five Below which sells a variety of merchandise. and Lovewell Beauty Supply.
There are a few open spots left in the Timpany Plaza and there may soon be one large one as Big Lots has announced that it is preparing to have a “Going Out of Business Sale” at remaining stores in the United States. However, Big Lots simultaneously announced that while a pending sale to Nexus Capital Management is falling through, negotiations with other possible buyers are underway in an effort to avoid the store closings.
- Homeless Commentary (12/19/2024)
Editorial: Shedding A Light on Greater Gardner Homeless Resources
The homeless are not forgotten in Gardner. In fact, there are a number of excellent, highly vetted resources in the Chair City and the region who provide help to those who need it. This commentary sheds some light on these organizations. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Homeless Resources 12-19-24 For our previous article listing all the names and website links, please CLICK HERE.
Sometimes the desired resources to help those less fortunate are right in front of you. Consider making a donation to any of these organizations who help so many throughout the year.
For those who have asked how to donate to the Gardner C.A.C. here is the secure donation link, CLICK HERE.
- Patti Conducts (12/18/2024)
Patti Bergstrom Conducts
Here’s Patti Bergstrom conducting “Glory to Gardner”. She looks like a natural.
- Growing Places 12-18-24 (12/18/2024)
Growing Places latest to Sign Lease for space at Waterford Community Center
Growing Places signed a lease on December 18, 2024 for use of the kitchen and space at Waterford Community Center. Various officials were on hand plus staff from Growing Places and even 2 area farmers. Speakers included Gardner Mayor Nicholson, State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik, and Growing Places Executive Director Ann Yeagle . Two farmers also spoke about the need for nutritious food and their excitement for Growing Places. Listen to this event on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Growing Places 12-18-24 Growing Places has been doing food access work in the region since 2001, purchasing food from farms and after processing, delivering food to individuals. Growing Places home delivers produce to over 300 households each month.
For information email
- Safety 12-16-24 (12/18/2024)
Public Safety Meeting Lasts 1 Minute and 5 seconds
Listen to the exciting December 16, 2024 meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Public Safety 12-16-24 The Committee sent a positive recommendation to the full City Council for a license renewal. Police Chief Eric McAvene stated “In fact, all of them, all the renewals are up to standard with the plot plans and everything, the concerns we had last year, so we’ve come a long way, actually.”
Sometimes important things don’t take long. Sometimes they do.
- Paper Purchase (12/17/2024)
Gardner’s Seaman Paper Acquires German Specialty Paper Company
Seaman Paper posted, “We are excited to announce that Seaman Paper has acquired Julius Glatz GmbH, a pioneer in specialty papers based in Neidenfels, Germany. This acquisition marks a significant milestone for both companies as we join forces to enhance our global expertise and technological capabilities in the production and converting of specialty paper and packaging solutions. We welcome the entire Glatz team to the Seaman Paper family of companies. Together, we will strengthen our capabilities in fine and specialty papers, positioning ourselves for long-term success. This partnership is a natural next step to deepen our collaboration and begin an exciting new chapter together.” Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.
Seaman Paper maintains its Corporate Headquarters at 35 Wilkins Road in Gardner. Website, CLICK HERE.
- Changes 12-17-24 (12/17/2024)
This is the complete Press Release of Mayor Nicholson on 12-17-24. See separate article re George Tyros report to the City Council, CLICK HERE.
Gardner Mayor Nicholson Makes Changes in Light of Maki Park Issue
In a Press Release of December 17, 2024, Mayor Michael Nicholson stated the following:
I would like to thank Councilor Tyros and the City Council for their thorough review of the processes related to the Maki Park Project. I was disappointed and surprised when the issues arose with relation to this project, and I believe the review that was conducted brought to light various breakdowns in departmental communications that need to be addressed in order to ensure our departments and employees are operating as efficiently and effectively as possible. Put simply, there are policies and procedures that need to change. In a modern working environment, it is important to give individual departments a certain degree of autonomy to do the work they were hired to do. We hire our staff based on the education, training, and experience they bring to the table without being micromanaged in the projects they undertake. However, when issues arise and significant errors occur, such as in this instance, it is my job as mayor to ensure that these issues get corrected to prevent this from happening again- both in the immediate short term and in the longer term.
To that end I have made, or will soon be taking the following actions.- I have appointed Katharine Jablonski, my executive aide, to the CDBG Steering Committee. This will give my office direct oversight of the CDBG program allowing me to keep a closer eye on their projects.
- The CDBG Steering Committee will meet monthly.
- I am changing the departmental report policy. When I took office, I instituted a policy whereby City department would submit to my office bi-annual (6-month) reports of current and pending projects. Going forward, this will be done quarterly.
- Full department head meetings will also be increased to quarterly to coincide with quarterly reports. This will synchronize communication and updates between departments so department heads are aware of work being done elsewhere in the City that may impact their department, or that their department should have a role in.
- I will require and conduct weekly staff meetings for the Department of Community Development and Planning until all current and pending projects reach completion.
Our role in local government is to work together to ensure that we work together to move the City forward and provide our residents with the quality services they deserve. This is an example of how that collaboration works. I appreciate the work of Councilor Tyros in bringing these issues to light, but also in working to come up with a plan to make sure things simply get better.
As I continue to review this situation, and the Department of Community Development and Planning in general, I will submit a full proposal to the City Council for longer term responses to these issues in early 2025 to include operational adjustments, ordinance proposals, and updated internal procedures.
Michael J. Nicholson, Mayor of the City of Gardner.
- Council 12-16-24 (12/17/2024)
Varied Topics at City Council Meeting of December 16, 2024
Listen to the entire City Council meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
City Council 12-16-24 The Gardner City Council approved $800k from sewer retained earnings to sewer leachate project and $150k from water retained earnings for the valves project. City has 1000 water valves and this is the first phase of multi-year project in a proactive approach to prevent future breakage issues
Councilor George Tyros reported on Maki Park. See separate article, CLICK HERE. Item was referred to the Finance Committee for possible further action.
Councilor Calvin Brooks made 3 different amendments to Administrative legislation. All were defeated on divided votes.
During Councilor remarks, Councilor Dana Heath asked the Mayor when Chipotle was opening and the Mayor responded, “Chipotle’s open day is Friday.”
- Maki Park 12-16-24 (12/17/2024)
Councilor Tyros Finds Fault with Development and Planning Department in Report to Council
Councilor Tyros concluded an almost 3 month investigation into why Maki Park ended up not being ADA compliant. In a short, special meeting of the Gardner City Council on September 9, 2024, Councilor Tyros stated, “Is this an unsalvageable problem? Of course not. But state and city resources were spent, and it’s now apparent that the final product is not what was originally presented to the council. We were also not talking about aesthetic choices or minor tweaks. We’re talking about differences that go against the core basis this project was submitted and the information we used to make our decision to support it.” The Council appointed Tyros to investigate the matter Original article, special meeting, CLICK HERE.
At the December 16, 2024 meeting of the Gardner City Council, George Tyros presented his findings. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Next Steps: Finance Committee will take up the matter.
Key Statements in the George Tyros Presentation to the Gardner City Council 12-16-24
George Tyros stated, “The design of the park changed from initial concept to bid award. The conceptual layout created by Ty and Bond and presented to the City Council in June of 2022 showed three terraces with individual ramp accesses to each level. The Mayor’s letter supporting the project cited, quote, the terraces would correct grading issues, bring the slopes to a level that is compliant with ADA standards, and allow us to utilize the area in a productive manner. However, in May of 2023, the bid set drawings utilized during the public bidding process for the project clearly showed ramp entrances to the bottom and top terraces with stairs connecting each to the middle. The second key finding was that the Department of Community Development and Planning did not apply for or obtain a building permit for Maki Park prior to its completion. This issue was confirmed by both the Building Commissioner and Director of Community Development and Planning. In the notice of violation by the Building Commissioner, he stated, quote, Mackey Park does not meet the accessibility requirements as outlined in section 19 of 529 CMR, Massachusetts Accessibility Code, as the middle tier of the park is not accessible to persons with disabilities.”
Development Department Had Policy of Not Following Requirements
“Building Commissioner, in a span of a few hours, was able to articulate the issues and violations with this project. The trouble is, the Building Commissioner wasn’t brought into the project until complaints were made by the public after its completion. This happened in this order because, despite there being a requirement to do so, the Department of Community Development and Planning did not apply for a building permit for this project. The Director informed me that his department had never applied for a building permit for any project they had done of a similar scope. This appears to have been a long-standing practice in his department since before this administration. This approach to internal policies is what I see as the first domino.”
Department Member Didn’t Know Where Maki Park Was
“In another instance, the member of the department responsible for the project inquired with the engineering firm where Maki Park site was located. Let that sink in. Nearly two years after the council appropriated funds for this project, the department was asking outside engineers for the specific location of the project, which is visible from this building. In general, it seemed like there was not a lot of policies or standard operating procedures guiding this project.“
Levels of Cooperation Varied
“Overall, I think this investigation went smoothly, but as you can probably tell by reading this report, there were varying levels of cooperation and resistance. But one point I want to make sure is clear, the Mayor was very cooperative and stepped in where necessary to support my work.”
Recommendations Going Forward
“My first recommendation is the creation of an economic development subcommittee. The council should consider establishing a new subcommittee to cover economic development. It would also allow the committee more focused attention on the topic and the department, enabling better and stronger council oversight….. The second is progress reports. The council should stipulate as a condition when large appropriations like this are made, that regular and thorough progress reports are made until the project or goal is accomplished….Finally is a new ordinance proposal that earlier today I submitted to the city clerk, a proposal for the finance committee to review. That proposal is that this community development block grant steering committee shall meet monthly, and I would suggest for a period of 18 months.”
Our previous articles: Construction fencing going up in May 2024 — Lack of ADA Compliance August 2024 —- Mayor placed fault on design engineers August 2024 — Mayor spoke about fixes September 2024 —- City Council meeting September 2024
- One Day (12/16/2024)
Gardner Magazine Releases “One Day in Gardner”
One Day in Gardner: the scenery changed, the leadership changed, the attitude changed, the finances changed, opportunities changed, connections grew stronger, public spaces grew, excellence became normal, and as a result: The Gardner Stars are brighter, everyday worries are lighter, the future holds the promise, of the Chair City’s success. Listen to the complete song on any device, CLICK PLAY
POP COUNTRY DUET – One Day in Gardner For the complete lyrics and 3 other versions of the song, please visit the One Day in Gardner song page, CLICK HERE.
DREAM POP version – One Day in Gardner 80’s POP version – One Day in Gardner
- Kumar 12-15-24 (12/15/2024)
Gardner’s Assessor Christine Kumar is part of the great Finance Team in the City of Gardner. Mayor Michael Nicholson and various City Councilors frequently compliment the team on its transparency, efficiency, and competence. Gardner does very well on objective State and Federal audits.
Gardner has an online checkbook which anyone can view at anytime, CLICK HERE. Search for anything. The books are open to you.
Assessor Christine Kumar at Work in the Chair City
Gardner’s Assessor Christine Kumar allowed us to take a good picture as we use a screenshot from the Board of Assessors meetings. Christine Kumar stated, “We have a great Finance Team here.” Kumar prides herself on being very understanding. The meetings may be short but the tasks are important to the City. Here’s a link to the Assessor’s page.Just what does an assessor do? Classify and determine “full and fair cash value” of all real and personal property according to Massachusetts General Law (Chapter 59), Review and act upon all real and personal property abatement applications, Process all motor vehicle abatement requests, Review and process all exemption applications for qualifying elderly, widowed, blind, or disabled veteran citizens, Review all applications for accuracy regarding tax incentives for land used for recreational, forestry, or agricultural purposes, Implement a revaluation of the Town’s real and personal property every 5 years. Gardner Magazine publishes the Board of Assessors meetings which are frequently about 5 minutes long. Meetings frequently go in to Executive Session to discuss certain items and applications privately. It’s easy to look up any property record card CLICK HERE
- Dump the Grump (12/14/2024)
Gardner Magazine Releases “Dump the Grump”
You’ll find the complete lyrics to this original song on this page, CLICK HERE.
Have you ever had a grump put a grumpy thump in your day? Then this song is for you.
Dump the Grump Alternate Versions
- Hotline 12-14-24 (12/14/2024)
News from WGAW Hotline Radio Show on December 14, 2024
Hotline featured: The weekly update of Mayor Nicholson – an ABC Report on Biden Pardons – Various speakers at the One-Stop Grant Announcements – City Council President Kazinskas about the upcoming Monday December 16th meeting – Wreaths Across America speakers – Dump the Grump Commentary with Werner Poegel. Listen to the entire show on any device, CLICK PLAY
Hotline Radio 12-14-24
- Maki Park Investigation (12/14/2024)
Gardner City Council to Hear Results of Maki Park Investigation
Gardner City Councilor George Tyros was tasked by the City Council with investigating the Maki Park Project. Once built, it was immediately apparent that Maki Park was not ADA compliant. The City Council will hear a presentation by Tyros at its Monday, December 16th meeting. View the complete report, CLICK HERE.
Key Findings in Report
Conceptual layout presented to the City Council in June 2022 showed 3 terraces with individual ramp entrances to each level. However, Director of Planning and Development Trevor Beauregard could not explain to George Tyros why drawings changed and why those used during the bidding process did not reflect ADA compliance. In addition, Department of Community Planning and Development did not apply for or obtain a required building permit for construction of Maki Park. The complete report goes in to much more detail, CLICK HERE. —— For the complete agenda and packet for the December 16th City Council meeting, CLICK HERE.
- Listens 12-14-24 (12/14/2024)
Publisher’s Note: It gives me great joy to report on the good people of Gardner whether it’s elected officials, business owners, non-profit leaders, or individuals. The 3 councilors mentioned here are part of a group of 11 really good people. Send any article ideas to The local hero may be the person standing right next to you.
Gardner Public Service Committee Compassion Strikes a Chord with our ReadersThe Gardner Public Service Committee is composed of City Councilors: Chair Paul Tassone, George Tyros, and David Thibeault-Munoz, Gardner Magazine reported on an example of compassion shown to someone who spoke to the Public Service Committee about a water bill. Here’s the original article with the AUDIO. The AUDIO of that interaction has had 5,478 listens in December 2024 up to December 13th. Add the listens in November of 1656 and the total is 7134. The kindness shown in that interaction apparently struck a chord with our readers.
The next most popular AUDIO items this month so far have been the Gardner City Council meeting of November 18th with 3,019 listens and the Nicholson “Road Ahead” interview with 2,914 listens. (1604 listens in November, total 4518) Rounding out the top 10: the entire Public Service Committee meeting – 2,901, ZBA meeting 2,857, First Responder Odyssey 26 min. song – 2,614, City Council Informal Meeting 2,613, Nov Finance Committee Meeting – 1,943, Nov. Public Welfare meeting – 1906, Planning Board Nov. – 1899, and School Committee Nov. – 1802. The GAAMHA Christmas Tree song – 1760, Mike the Champion Dream-Pop- 1674, Officially Christmas in Gardner 1558, Trump Dance only 430. Songs page. These stats are for December listens only up to 12-13-24.
- One Stop 12-13-24 (12/13/2024)
State Chooses City of Gardner as Location to Announce Grants
State and local officials including Secretary Yvonne Hao of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Economic Development were on hand for an awards ceremony held at Gardner’s Perry Auditorium on December 13, 2024. According to Mayor Michael Nicholson, “Gardner did not apply for or receive this award this year, but they chose our City for this event to highlight the successes we’ve been able to achieve through this program in the awards we have received in the past.”
37 grant awards through the Underutilized Properties Program totaled .$18,704,674. “Through Community One Stop for Growth, we’re building stronger communities throughout Massachusetts,” said Secretary of Economic Development Yvonne Hao. “By redeveloping blighted and vacant properties, we are fostering an equitable economy for future generations and ensuring that every community has the right resources to succeed.”
Complete List of grants is contained in this Press Release from the Healey-Driscoll Administration, CLICK HERE.
- Update 12-13-24 (12/13/2024)
A Holiday Season Update with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson
Listen to the December 13, 2024 update on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 12-13-24 EVENTS – Saturday December 14th: Good Earth Farm and Garden Center on West Broadway hosts Santa Claus from 10am to 2pm. —- Sun. December 15th: Winter Carnival with Elsa and Anna at the Black Dove Art Studio from 3pm to 5pm. — Tues. Dec. 17th is Senior Center Christmas Caroling Sing Along from 1:30 to 3pm. —- Weds. December 18th: Library has Pajama Story Time with Santa Claus at 6pm —- Weds. December 18th: Gardner High School Winter Concert being held at the gym at 7pm. —- December 19th: Annual Christmas Lights Tour on horse-drawn carriage from 4pm to 6pm, ride is FREE and leaves from Gardner City Hall.
Food/Clothing/Toy Drive in Gardner City Hall Rotunda going on now to benefit the Gardner CAC. Please bring in donations by December 23rd.
Looking Ahead: House of Peace and Education hosts a night of games on Friday, January 3rd from 6:30 to 8:30pm.
- Welfare 12-12-24 (12/13/2024)
Gardner Public Welfare Committee Hears Update from Various Departments in a lengthy meeting on December 12, 2024
Veterans: Veterans Agent and Director Cory Hasselmann provided an update. Nolan Buck is the assistant veterans agent. To reach the office call (978) 630-4017.
Historical: Charles LaHaye spoke on behalf of the Historical Commission and the ongoing work to document City’s artifacts. Helen Mae Sauter roof is leading on to 3rd floor, causing damage. Items from the former School Street School will be going to the Gardner Museum before demolition.
Airport: Airport Director Isabelle Davis re Airport Commission. Airport is now open to the public Davis spoke about getting rid of the “dead wood” on the Airport Commission and was advised by Chair Judy Mack that it was inappropriate to discuss the names of individual members. MIT has done testing at the Gardner Airport to test drones. Airport Commission Chair also spoke. Airport was discussed at length.
Senior Center/Council on Aging: Mike Ellis said about 2000 people participated in various programs. Volunteers performed about 15,000 hours of volunteer work. Ellis spoke extensively about the activities at the senior center.
Disability Commission: Amanda Morse reported that the Chair of the Disability Commission resigned. Currently there are 3 members. A minimum of 5 are needed. Greenwood Pool: Councilor Mack expressed that she would like the Greenwood Pool open on Sunday if possible. Director Morse was favorable to the idea. Morse also stated that the Spray Park will be open this year.
- Finance 12-11-24 (12/13/2024)
Finance Committee Hears About Gardner Fire Department Budget and DPW Improvements
Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Finance Committee 12-11-24 A report and discussion regarding the Fire Department budget took up most of the meeting. Fire Chief Gregory Lagoy informed the members about staffing levels, overtime expenses, and the possible future request for FREE CASH. Cost of responding to fall brush fires impacted the budget. The Fire Department will be close to full staffing again in January, even after 2 departing members.
DPW Director Dane Arnold and DPW Business Manager Chris Coughlin reported on a request to transfer $800k in sewer retained earnings to sewer lechate pump station improvements. Another request for $150k from water retained earnings would go for water repairs needed for valve replacements. Director Arnold reported that there are over 1000 valves in the system. Plan is to exercise the valves and replace the defective ones. New water main which was grant funded has been installed – it was covered by a $1 million grant.
- Empire 12-13-24 (12/13/2024)
“M” and “BOA” Building Owners Praised for the Look
There’s heaps of praise online for the owners of Empire Management who have spruced up the building housing their company, decorate the BOA building they purchased and will rent out at some point, and who have announced plans to repair the large clock.
If you only saw the picture at lower right, you’d think it was a small display. Turns out, it’s rather tall when you look at the photo above.
- Winter Concert 2024 (12/11/2024)
Gardner High Winter Concert Having Several Performing Groups
The gym at Gardner High School will be the venue for the Winter Concert on Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 7:00pm. Concert goers are asked to please use the doors near the cafeteria entrance. (Auditorium is under renovation.)
For the admission charge of $4 for adults and $3 for students and seniors, the audience will hear music and song from the talents of a number of performing groups.
Performing groups include the Jazz Band, 8th Grade Chorus, 8th Grade Band, Select Choir, Color Guard, High School Chorus, and High School Band.
- Water Settled (12/10/2024)
PRESS RELEASE re Water Lawsuit SETTLEMENT from Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson on December 10, 2024:
Mayor Nicholson wrote “Please be advised that the class action lawsuit filed by Janice Magliacane in 2017 alleging various claims against the City of Gardner and Suez Water Environmental Services, Inc., the City’s previous water treatment contractor, in relation to the City’s public water supply has been settled. The full terms of the settlement agreement remain subject to negotiation between the parties and final Court approval. The City will provide more information once the final terms of the settlement have been approved by the Court. No additional information is currently available at this time.”
Gardner Magazine will update you as the settlement is finalized, receives court approval, and further information and details are released. View recent documents and original lawsuit filing below.The lawsuit had been scheduled for trial in October 2025. One of the allegations was that Gardner water caused copper heating system coils to fail prematurely. In recent years, local heating oil companies have utilized coils made with alloys other than copper to avoid any potential problem with Gardner water. Gardner water reports show that the City’s water meets all applicable standards prescribed by law. Here is the most recent report, CLICK HERE.
Court Documents in the Case
Settlement Filing Awaiting Final Court Approval, CLICK HERE. —– Progression of the case from its filing in December 2017, CLICK HERE —- To see the entire history of this case from its filing to date, you can access case number 1785CV02005 on this site, CLICK HERE. This is the actual case filing of the 29 page original lawsuit, CLICK HERE.
- Health 12-9-24 (12/10/2024)
Board of Health to Coordinate Joint Meeting Regarding Landfill
Director Micah Blondeau stated he will be scheduling a meeting between Health, DPW, and Conservation departments to compare notes on the landfill. He also stated that mitigating the landfill erosion is projected to cost over $173k with the work to be done in the Spring. Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Board of Health 12-9-24 In other matters, Chipotle has been inspected and will be opening soon with both dine-in and take out service. The former Crown Chicken location in Downtown is being taken over by Tata’s who will be serving Puerto Rican Food. Tata’s has had a mobile location.
- Trump Dance (12/9/2024)
Gardner Magazine Releases “The Trump Dance” for a little bit of fun…
Whether you’re a Trump fan or not, Donald Trump’s goofy dance moves to the Village People’s YMCA are being replicated by young or old. This is a new song called “The Trump Dance” and asks you to “Angle the ankles, leverage the legs, hug those hips, turn those heads…Do the Trump Dance” This version is in the style of a 70s Disco Hit. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
The Trump Dance More versions are on our Original music page, CLICK HERE.
Other recent releases include: Officially Christmas in Gardner, Christmas Wish for Peace, WGAW Hotline Barbershop Quartet, Heroes of Gardner are Everywhere, and Gettin’ Ready for the New Year.
- Homeless 12-9-24 (12/9/2024)
This article provides links to State of MA Guidance to Municipalities regarding Homeless Shelters and a list of some local resources and website links.
Homeless Crisis Forefront of Local Concerns in Gardner MA
A group of local residents in Gardner got together in the past week and managed to get about a half dozen homeless people off the street out of the cold weather. Hundreds of positive responses were received on Social Media. Any naysayers pointed to concerns about adhering to State or Local regulations. Gardner Magazine researched the issue and found some guidance from the State, but homeless shelters do not even appear to be mentioned in the City Code. More below and also a list of local resources with helpful links.
Guidance: State of MA
According Guidance from the State of MA to municipalities, Homeless Shelters fall under 105 CMR 410.000 (Housing Code). Municipalities are allowed to enact stricter requirements as long as they don’t conflict with the laws of the commonwealth or provisions of the code. “Since Massachusetts law gives homeless families a right to shelter, any regulations enacted at the local level which would have the effect of limiting the siting of homeless shelters could be interpreted as violating the state law regarding the right to shelter.” Complete Document, CLICK HERE. Any questions may be directed to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s Community Sanitation Program at (617) 624-5757 or via email:
Local Homeless Resources Do Exist
In the local area, the Gardner Emergency Housing Mission, GEHM provides resources for homeless families. According to GEHM “The focus of the Gardner Emergency Housing Mission is providing short-term (3 months), transitional housing for families with children in the Gardner schools system. The structure is unique because it eliminates families being relocated or split up to receive shelter. This keeps families in their established, local community and near schools, while maintaining work-life consistency in their time of need “. CLICK HERE for website. ==== MOC Inc. provides some housing services. According to MOC, ” MOC provides supportive services and case management to eligible families placed in family shelter facilities. Re-housing services focus on assisting families in shelter to find permanent housing and include: developing a housing search & budget plan; providing referrals to appropriate housing services and credit counselors; ongoing case management and short- and medium-term rental subsidies when funds are available.” Website CLICK HERE. ==== The Gardner Community Action Committee provides a limited amount of emergency funds for the homeless and of course operates a Food Bank stating, “focused on serving the needs of economically disadvantaged individuals throughout the Greater Gardner community.” Website, CLICK HERE. ==== MVOC, the Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center has some housing resources. stating, “MVOC offers a variety of housing options- independent apartments, permanent supportive housing, and transitional supportive housing.” Website, CLICK HERE. ====The Gardner Housing Authority provides a list of resources. Website, CLICK HERE. ====UPDATE 12-11-24: North Star Family Services, Inc. President and CEO Jon Hogue contacted Gardner Magazine stating they routinely serve Gardner residents. Here’s a link to their website, CLICK HERE. ==== GAAMHA “GAAMHA is an organization dedicated to providing a wide range of services to individuals throughout Massachusetts and New Hampshire” link to their website, CLICK HERE. – Local code enforcement regarding housing is described on this page on the City of Gardner website, CLICK HERE.
- Heroes 12-7-24 (12/7/2024)
In Gardner, Heroes are Everywhere – Gardner PD Honors 2 of them
Gardner PD posted, “Detective Starzynski, Officer Webb, and Officer Neufell had the pleasure to meet Chase and Ryder. These two worked hard, raised money, and decided to put their money together to make bags for the homeless and those in need. The bags consisted of snacks, toiletries, clothes, and other items to help get people through this cold holiday season. The Gardner Police Department can’t thank Chase and Ryder enough for their hard work and thoughtfulness.”
In honor of these and other Gardner Heroes, “Gardner Heroes are Everywhere”, CLICK HERE.
Active Gardner PD Community Involvement
The Gardner Police Department is actively and positively involved and engaged in the community. This link is to 7 pages of articles we have done over the past few years in which the Gardner PD shows up in news stories. CLICK HERE. You can do your own custom search as well at the top of the home page.
- Hotline 12-7-24 (12/7/2024)
WGAW Has Busy Hotline Radio Show on December 7, 2024
Host Steve Wendell spoke with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson about some Holiday events. Mayor Nicholson confirmed that the City does not know of a specific location of a new homeless shelter, but has heard of Facebook posts. The Mayor explained the role of the Commonwealth of MA and the City of Gardner with respect to homeless shelters. Listen to the entire program on any device, CLICK PLAY.
WGAW Hotline 12-7-24 Other segments included: Gardner Museum Festival of Trees with Scott Huntoon — Werner Poegel Commentary on Pearl Harbor 12-7-41 and “Peace Through Strength” — Wendell Warning re possible Homeless Shelter scam —- Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas and the work of subcommittees —- ABC Report on Pearl Harbor — clip of FDR speech to Congress regarding attack —- Highlights of Gardner Tree Lighting Ceremony featuring Patti Bergstrom, Santa Claus, song “Oh Christmas Tree” and Santa reciting “Twas the Night Before Christmas”, and highlights of Templeton Town Meeting on Waste Plastics Incineration Moratorium.
- Templeton 12-5-24 (12/6/2024)
Templeton Citizens Act on 3 articles – Waste Plastics – Senior Center Project – Solid Waste
The Town of Templeton held a Special Town Meeting on December 5, 2024 that was attended by hundreds of residents. Concerns over possible Waste Plastics Incineration were discussed during the first part of the meeting. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Town Meeting 12-5-24 View the Special Town Meeting Warrant, CLICK HERE.
Meeting Results: Article 1: Enact a 1 year Moratorium on Waste Plastics Incineration within Templeton – YES, passed unanimously. Article 2: Transfer $175,000 from Capital Stabilization Account for Senior Center Project – YES, APPROVED. Article 3: Bylaw Amendment to Solid Waste Management – YES, and will take effect after approval from Massachusetts Attorney General’s office.
- Update 12-6-24 (12/6/2024)
Holiday Season Underway in Gardner and the Mayor has plenty to say in Update to City
Gardner Mayor Nicholson provided an uplifting look at Holiday themes and events in Gardner during the update of December 6, 2024. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 12-6-24 Invitation to view decorations: As he did his update from the Gardner City Hall Rotunda, the Mayor invited all to stop by and check it out at City Hall, the Rotunda, and Perry Auditorium. The Gardner Domestic Violence Task Force has been setting up white and purple Christmas Trees to raise awareness of resources. Another tree in the Rotunda is dedicated to all veterans stationed at various places around the globe.
View the numerous events mentioned in the update in the list below.
Numerous Events: Gardner Square Two 23rd Annual Memorial Lights campaign continues and helps pay for the Christmas lights decorating the various trees at Monument Park, Lafayette Square, and even the wreaths put on the Victorian light posts. —- The Mayor thanked those who participated in the recent Tree Lighting —- The Sound of Music is currently running at the Mount — Final day of the Gardner Museum Festival of Trees is December 7th. —- The Senior Center Christmas Party and Christmas Concert will take place on Monday, December 9th from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. —-Escort for the Wreaths Across America on their stop here in Gardner on their way to Arlington Cemetery. 5:30pm, Monday December 9th at MWCC. —- The Gardner Middle School Band Concert is going to be taking place on Tuesday, December 10th at 6 p.m. —- The Gardner Middle School Chorus Concert is going to take place on Thursday, December 12th at 6 p.m. —- Gardner Elementary School PTO a showing of the Polar Express at Gardner Cinemas. Tuesday, December 17th at 6 p.m. —- Gardner High School Winter Concert Wednesday, December 18th at 7 p.m. —-Library is doing a Pajama Storytime with Santa Claus Wednesday, December 18th from 6 to 6 45 p.m. —- Gardner CAC accepting donations of unwrapped Christmas gifts for children, non-perishable food donations, and clothing items with a special need for winter coats.
- Wreaths 12-13-24 (12/6/2024)
Wreaths Across America Honoring Veterans at Cemetery in Winchendon
On Friday, December 13, 2024 at 9am, the laying of Remembrance wreaths will occur at the Massachusetts Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Winchendon. The ceremony includes saying the name of each and every veteran aloud.
Parking Changes This Year
According to the website, “For the safety of volunteers and staff, there will be no parking available at the cemetery on Friday, December 13th. All volunteers are welcome and encouraged to park at the Winchendon Community Park located at 88 Ingleside Rd. in Winchendon as well as the American Legion Post 193 located at 295 School St. in Winchendon. Shuttle buses will be available to transport volunteers to and from the cemetery. Handicap accessible transportation will be provided as well. Thank you for your support of this great program.”
Convoy Stop in Gardner
A large convoy of over 50 vehicles has been traveling from Maine to Arlington National Cemetery and has a planned stop at Mount Wachusett Community College on Monday, December 9th with a ceremony beginning at 5:30pm. Some wreaths will be dropped off to be used at the laying of the wreaths December 13th in Winchendon.
Convoy Stop in Gardner December 9, 2024
- Public Safety 12-6-24 (12/6/2024)
Public Safety Meeting Reveals Number of Auto Dealers in Gardner
Gardner may only have one dealer in NEW vehicles, but it has over a dozen businesses who sell vehicles in the City to include: (Website Link is included where available) AC Auto Clinic, 411 Parker Street —- Brian’s Auto Sales, 549 West Broadway —- Blake Motors, 412 Main Street —- Gardner Auto Mart Inc., 182 West Street —- Gardner Motors, LLC, 119 Pearson Boulevard —- JPJ Automotive, LLC, 78 East Broadway —- Mike’s Auto, 251 East Broadway —- Osagi Enterprise, LLC, 43 Tobey Street —- Ric’s Radiator Repair Used Car Sales, 800 West Broadway —- Riverside Auto, 65 Riverside Road —- Salvadore Chevrolet, 421 West Broadway and 249 Timpany Boulevard —- TJ & Sons Auto Sales, 537 West Broadway —- J. Wood Inc. 361 West Street. Others: Gardner Five Star Motor Sales
Some of the dealers sell numerous vehicles. Others sell a small number. All have their licenses reviewed on an annual basis. Deputy Chief Nicholas Maroni was on hand at this particular meeting to answer any questions and to report on any issues with any of the establishments. If we inadvertently left anyone out, please let us know and we’ll add to this article. Listen to the Public Safety meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Public Safety 12-6-24
- WGAW 12-7 (12/5/2024)
WGAW Plans Excellent Show for Saturday December 7, 2024
Gardner’s WGAW Radio is the home of the HIT interview show, “Hotline Radio” which airs every Saturday beginning at noon. Show runs until 2pm. It is heard on AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and is streamed to anywhere in the world. 24/7 stream, CLICK HERE.
Hotline Radio has been hosted by Steve Wendell for years and features local newsmakers such as Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas, candidates for office, non-profit representatives, public safety officials, and other exciting guests on many subjects. WGAW maintains an archive of Hotline shows, CLICK HERE.
Our original song page features the WGAW Hotline Radio Barbershop Quartet song, CLICK HERE to go directly to the song.
- Wish for Peace (12/4/2024)
Christmas Wish for Peace Song Released
18 versions available at our original songs page. We hope one version moves you, captures your heart, and inspires you to share the quest for peace with others. Visit this song, CLICK HERE.
May you find Peace this Christmas season and throughout the year…
- Council 12-2-24 (12/3/2024)
Publisher’s Note: In this meeting, taxpayers learn about a loan paid off in full 3 years early, a crane which lasted 53 years, lease agreements coming to fruition at Waterford, a Mayor spending the time to update ordinances, a Council President spending the time to update Council rules, and confirmation that Gardner’s beloved Rachael Roberts will be around another couple years at least. A day to be proud of the Chair City.
Agendas and Packet: Finance City Council
City Finances, Ordinances, and Rules Subject of Finance Committee and City Council Meeting
The Finance Committee of the Gardner City Council met prior to the regular December 2, 2024 meeting. Good news from Mayor Nicholson: More FREE cash available. Lease agreement ready with Growing Places at Waterford Community Center. Lease agreement ready with Gardner CAC for Waterford Community Center. Parking meter fees proposed to be waived for month of December.
Fiscal Responsibility Showcased
Great Fiscal news: Mayor proactively asking City Council to completely pay off the remaining $356k principal of original $550k loan for Waterford and proactively asking City Council to set up a revolving account for Waterford to easily track money in and out.
Bad news from DPW: They need $100k for a new $129k crane. However, the current one is 53 years old so the City of Gardner got it’s money’s worth. Dane Arnold explains further and states DPW found $29 k from another account to go towards the tab.Listen to the Finance Committee Meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Finance Committee 12-2-24 The Finance Committee recommended approval by the full City Council.
Gardner City Council met and approved the Finance Committee recommendations. So, parking at the meters is FREE in Downtown for the month of December. Waterford loan is to be paid off 3 years early. Dane Arnold DPW gets its badly needed crane. Updated ordinances which the Mayor spent so much time revising and revising again were approved. Updated rules of the City Council credited to hard work by Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas were approved. (City Councilors had helped too on both) Listen to the City Council meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY
City Council 12-2-24
Other good news: Mayor Nicholson communicated that Gardner favorite Rachel Roberts has been appointed again to serve as Executive Secretary until January 1, 2026
- Mobile Home Fire (12/2/2024)
Gardner Fire Department Battles Mobile Home Fire
While no injuries were reported, the RV sustained tens of thousands of dollars in damage and is a total loss.
Gardner Firefighters responded to a fuel fed fire in a motor home across from 164 Manca Drive on December 1, 2024. Group 4 was the on-duty shift.
The owners and their pet dog were not in the RV at the time of the fire and reportedly obtained temporary housing through the American Red Cross.
- Lighting 2024 (12/1/2024)
Gardner Kicks off Christmas Season with Music, Merriment, and Lights
Gardner Magazine’s Collage of Photos is due to the picture and video taking efforts of Gardner’s Queen of Fun Patti Bergstrom and Merry Mayor Michael Nicholson who were both on hand with scores of people on Sunday, December, 2024.
Mayor Nicholson posted, “It’s officially Christmas Time in the City – with the lights all on in Monument Park, Lafayette Square, Downtown, City Hall, and in South Gardner.” Listen to the song “Officially Christmas in Gardner” on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Officially Christmas in Gardner – Lyrics by Werner Poegel, Music and Vocals via AI Festivities began at 4pm at Gardner City Hall with Music and Caroling. A parade brought event goers to Monument Park where there was more music and Santa Claus recited “The Night Before Christmas”. Triple T Family Farm provided FREE carriage rides to those attending. Gardner High Band and Gardner Middle School Chorus delighted the crowd.
Mayor Nicholson posted that carriage rides will be back during a horse drawn carriage Christmas Light Tour of the Downtown on December 19th from 4-6pm. Cost: FREE.
Gardner Magazine has a special “A Chair City Christmas” page with 31 versions of an original tune. CLICK HERE.
Around the Towns – News

In the Community