Genuine Gardner MA Police Department

Gardner MA PD Featured in Genuine Gardner
For the first 100 years of its existence, the Gardner Police Department was actually just two people, the chief and an assistant. A department was established in the late 1880s. Over time, a gradually growing force occupied various buildings until 2015, when the current Police Headquarters opened. Today the staff including a Chief, Deputy Chief, and members of all 4 unions has recently totaled 43.
Genuine Gardner PD
There’s nothing more Genuine Gardner than the dedicated officers of the Gardner Police Department. They truly do serve and protect and do so “with Pride and Integrity.” They do so much in the community. A Genuine Gardner asset. And we have volumes of photographic evidence to prove it.
Oh, the things they do caught on camera!
Fighting crime, helping victims of domestic violence, reaching out to students at school, reaching out to the community, running safety programs, putting out safety advisories, rescuing animals, taking drugs off the street. Active participants in community events with direct evidence of continually supporting Chair City organizations. They are not Supermen and SuperWomen, but they are Good people kids can look up to, that’s the Gardner PD.
The Luckiest Guy has yet to find out…
You know who’s the luckiest guy in Gardner? We don’t know yet, but it’ll be the new Chief of Police who has the awesome privilege of leading an outstanding group of people who are Genuine Gardner.
The Mission Statement of the Gardner Police Department – from the Gardner PD
“With Pride and Integrity”
It is the mission of the Gardner Police Department to first and foremost, protect all citizens who live or visit this community. The men and women of this department train year round, are well equipped, and are dedicated to “serve and protect.”
“Over twenty years ago we carefully chose to live and serve by the four words of our “motto” that was selected out of many carefully thought out mottos’, written proudly by one of our former officers, “With Pride and Integrity.” We serve with great pride in striving each day to protect all from harm from these endless angles of evil. Pride in providing the comfort and safety that each should come to enjoy in this community. We serve with pride in educating in the education of our community so they can live a safe, healthy, and secure life. With pride we train and educate ourselves daily in order to detect crimes, apprehend criminals, prosecute, and incarcerate offenders that jeopardize and bring harm to our community. We serve each day with integrity. Integrity involves the “quality of being fair.” We train our police officers from day one of the police academy, and reinforce daily that our citizens deserve a fair, honest and professional police force. The law and police work allow for officers to use a great deal of judgement that is both fair and professional in resolving the issues within our community. We are committed to serving our community each and every day with professionalism, honestly, and fairness in every encounter. It is our mission to build and maintain strong partnerships within both residential and business communities in the City of Gardner.”
The Photo Gallery of Evidence
The Proof Is in the Actions
As you can clearly see from the photos presented as documentary evidence, the Gardner Police Department consistently reaches out to, and participates in, the Gardner MA community.
True to Mission Statement
The Gardner PD Mission Statement of “With Pride and Integrity” has been taken seriously by the members of the Department. And the pride is evident in the smiles on the faces of the officers shown in these pictures. Truly genuine Gardner, the members of the Gardner PD.
Throughout History
From the beginnings of Gardner over 200 years ago to the present day, the men and women of the Gardner Police Force have acted with ‘pride and integrity” as they do their jobs every day of the year.

Keeping Us Safe Through Action and Education

Thank you Gardner PD!
You are Genuine Gardner. You are Gardner Genuine.