Gardner Magazine Circulation Data July 2023
Gardner Magazine Circulation Report – August 2, 2023 up to July 2023
Dear Readers:
As unique monthly circulation consistently exceeds 20,000+, we are reporting it as such. (average last 10 months is 22,300) Keep in mind that whether a household has 1 reader or 10, it gets reported as 1 in the data we receive. Similarly, if all people at a business or school read our publication but there is 1 external ip address, it gets reported as 1. Conversely, 1 person could show up as 2 if they read us on a smartphone and a computer at home.
For the past year, Gardner Magazine has published AUDIO and we will continue to do so. We thought you’d find it interesting to learn what your fellow readers find most interesting so here’s stats from the month of July 2023:
Most listened to interview: Jon Zlotnik with 3,267
2nd place: Mayor Nicholson’s weekly update of 7-7-23 with 3.174
3rd place: 3 years: Mayor Nicholson: 3,114
4th place: Budget: Mayor Nicholson 2,663
5. Plead the 5th Mike Culver: 1,709
6. JBC- DJ: 1,694
7. Accomplish in Gardner, Nicholson 1,641
8. Farmers Market Nadine Smith: 1,571
9. Summer Centennial PSA: 1,558
10. Brandon Furtado Interview: 1,539
Have something to share with the community? Please email or leave a voicemail at (978) 632-6324

Over 1000 Listens
Other AUDIO receiving over 1000 listens in order of popularity were: Dramatic Reading of the Declaration of Independence, 7 Day Weekend Promo, Gardner Magazine 6-30-23 Update, Greenwood Pool Closure, Nathan Boudreau interview, Gardner Planning Board of July 18th, Gardner City Council of July 3rd, Hubbardston Headlines of July 2023, Bristles on the Backside Fictional Play, Gardner Finance July 3rd, Mayors Update of July 14th, Board of Assessors of June 27th, Colin Smith Food Truck Festival, July 6th Summer Kickoff Concert, Colin Smith Food Truck Festival June 14th, Gardner Magazine Regional Update of July 7th, Theresa Thompson July 11th, Mayors Update of July 21st, Zoning June 20th, 30 sec. Mayor Nicholson on July 22nd, Mayors Update of June 23rd, Press Conference at Heywood Hospital June 19th, Gardner informal Council June 20th, Public Service Committee June 15th, City Council June 20th.
Over 500 Listens
Receiving over 500 listens in order of popularity were: Gardner Finance June 20th, Ferbie the Bird, Brandon Hughey, Tracy Hutchinson, Julie Meehan, Make First Bible, Gardner Magazine Update revised June16th, Sheriff of Light, Gardner Planning June 13th, The Remedy Sampler, Gardner Conservation June 12th, Theresa Thompson July 11th revision,
200 to 497 Listens
Receiving 200 – 497 listens were: Mayors Update July 28th, School Committee June 12th, Winchendon School Committee July 13th, Lessons About Gardner History, Yard Sale Talk, Gardner Museum, Mayors Update June 9th revised, Chief McAvene Great Hands, Mayors Update October 7 2022, Public Safety May 26th, Projects and Progress 2-28-23, Gregory Lagoy Top of the Ladder, What’s Next with Nicholson, Charter Committee Meeting. Colin Smith Have a Heart
In the Month of July 2023, more than 75,000 AUDIO files were listened to on
What pages were the most popular?
Our home page is the top first page for many of our readers. In July the other top pages were the Summer Centennial Celebration, The Farmers Market, The Food Truck Festival, Local News, Gardner MA Centennial page,, Aldis, Public Safety, Greenwood Update, History of the Big Chair, Wincnendon, Kimberly Blake, Monument Park, After Centennial, Business Growth, July 2022 news, City Council May 16th, Templeton, Independence Day, Mart Geyser, Armed Robbery, Westminster, Government, Noise Complaints, Mosquitos, Mayor Update Audio page, Attractions, Flood Warning, Life and Living, Food and Music, Terrapinfest, Genuine Franklin, National Night Out, Flood Scenario, Arts and Entertainment, Lessons About Gardner History Nicholson Interview, News July 2023, Future 2073, Canine Friends, Rutland, Gardner Food Trucks, Chair City Dinner, Sully the Dog, Orange,, Barre, Ashby, Ina Name, Jobs, History of Gardner MA, Athol, Election Update, Bird Arrives, Newsmax, Health, Gardner Museum, Windy Knoll Farm, Two Buildings Sold, Ashburnham, Slocum, 100 Years of Song, Alert 7-10-23, Summer Eats, Gardnerverse, Top of Class, Gas prices, DPW Openings, Hubbardston, Finance 7-3-23, city Council 3-20-23, Food Truck Festival, Editorials, Beaches Unsafe, News Archive, Still More Local News, Mr. Strickland, Gardner Goes Barbie Photo Gallery, Vintage Radio, Vehicle Accident, Schools, Massachusetts News, Gardner MA Centennial, Visit Downtown Gardner, Music July, Lithuanian 2023, plus hundreds more…
Future Coverage
In the future, Gardner Magazine would like to interview more people of interest including community leaders and those from non-profit organizations and churches. We would also like to cover more local news topics of interest in general. If you have suggestions, comments, news tips, or event information, please email Gardner Magazine was established in August 2000 so we are entering our 24th year.
Werner Poegel, Publisher.