Greater Gardner MA News March 2022
- Time for Golf (3/31/2022)
Spring Brings Greater Gardner MA Golfers to the Greens
There are more than 8 golf courses in the immediate area: Gardner Municipal Golf Course, 152 Eaton Street, Gardner Website: Rates: Facebook – Templewood Golf Course, 160 Brooks Rd., Templeton, MA Website: Rates: Facebook: – Westminster Golf & Country Club, 51 Ellis Rd., Westminster MA Website: Rates: Facebook: – The Woods of Westminster, Woods of Westminster Course, 23 Rock Maple Lane., Westminster MA Website: Rates: Facebook: – Ellinwood Country Club, 1928 Pleasant St., Athol MA Website: Rates: Facebook: – Camp Coldbrook RV Resort, Camp Coldbrook Course, 864 Old Coldbrook Rd., Barre MA Website: Facebook: – Quail Hollow Golf & Country Club, Quail Hollow Course, 1822 Old Turnpike Rd., Oakham MA Website: Rates: Facebook: – Bedrock Golf Club, Bed Rock Course, 87 Barre Paxton Rd., Rutland MA Website: Rates: Facebook:
Can golf really be “Out of This World”. It’s already happened. Astronaut Alan Shepard put golf on the moon more than 50 years ago and 2 golf balls he hit in 1971 are probably still there.
- Spring Art Show (3/30/2022)
33rd Annual Spring Art Show in Gardner MA April 22-23-24, 2022
The Greater Gardner Artists Association holds its annual main event, an art exhibit at the Boland Room, located at Heywood Place at 65 Lake Street, Gardner. The organization expects almost 200 pieces to be on display in oil, water, pastel, bookmaking, pencil, photography, and other art. Special Awards, Live Music, and Refreshments. Friday opening reception is 7-9pm, Saturday and Sunday noon to 4pm Directions.
- Muscleworks (3/30/2022)
Muscleworks Gym Gardner MA in new location
A ribbon cutting was held at the new location of Muscleworks Gym, now located at a larger facility at 34 Sanborn Street, Gardner behind CubeSmart. Directions.
- Graham St. Fire (3/30/2022)
Fire on Graham Street, Gardner MA Displaces 8 people
3 families including 6 adults and 2 kids were reportedly displaced on the morning of Tuesday 3-29-22 as fire struck 20 Graham Street in Gardner MA. Firefighters from 10 communities fought the blaze until late afternoon. Cause is under investigation. No injuries were reported.
- Pothole Portal (3/29/2022)
Gardner MA has an active Pothole Portal
The City of Gardner makes it easy to report that pesky pothole with an online form CLICK HERE.
Just tell them where the pothole is and provide some contact information. You can even provide a photo of the pothole.
Report a pothole in another town: Winchendon – Westminster – Templeton – Phillipston – or contact your town’s highway department.
- Monument Park 2022 (3/29/2022)
Gardner MA Announces Monument Park Summer 2022 Music Schedule
More info on City website: CLICK HERE - Yard Waste (3/27/2022)
The City of Gardner states, “If your yard waste is not removed by the end of your scheduled day, please call EL Harvey Call Center within 48 hours to report at 1-800-321-3002.”
Gardner MA Residents to Enjoy Unlimited Yard Waste Pickup Buffet
During the week of April 5 -8, 2022, Gardner residents can put out an unlimited amount of yard waste for pickup on their regular trash pickup day. That is, if you follow the simple rules: Grass clippings and leaves may be placed in paper yard waste bags, loose in open barrels with no lid, or in open cardboard boxes. Sticks less than 2 inches thick and up to 3 feet long may be placed in bundles. All bundles and containers must weigh less than 50 pounds each. The NO NO’s: Don’t put the stuff in plastic bags. Don’t include rocks, gravel, or dirt. Don’t procrastinate, how often do you hear the word “unlimited”?
2022 Yard Waste Dates: Yard Waste is picked up the first full week of each month during the months of April-October. In November, there are two weeks of yard waste pickup, the first full week and the third week of the month.
- FREE TV (3/26/2022)
FREE TV options in Greater Gardner MA
Want to save on TV? Our article explores the varied options available to residents of the Greater Gardner MA area, including FREE! CLICK HERE
If 5000 households just in Gardner MA saved $25-$40 per month, that would add up to $1.5 million to $2.4 million dollars per year.
- Last March Mayor’s Update 2022 (3/25/2022)
Watch the Gardner MA Mayor’s Update on the City’s Youtube channel or on our Mayor’s Update page. CLICK HERE.
Bird Scooters Visit website Paving, Property, and Pedaling Posited in Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson’s Update
Paving: Downtown areas will start to be paved during third week of May. State of MA will start paving near William’s Restaurant on May 1st. Also, State DOT investing over 9 million dollars from June 2022 to June 2023 in paving project going from Pearson Boulevard, Gardner through last Leominster exit. This will necessitate detours through City of Gardner as work progresses.
Property: The Mayor stated Ryan Corcoran is under agreement to purchase Gauthier building that housed the old Cruiser’s Malt Shoppe ( now Gardner Thrift Shop) all the way down to Hometown Barbers. Tony Molina has fully purchased the old Wheelen Supply Buildings and the Old Gardner News Building. The Mayor stated these purchasers and Castor Realty who bought the Garbose Building and Flat Iron Building are looking for citizen ideas.
Pedaling: City is planning to partner with a company known as Bird Scooters, they also do bicycles as well, to become one of the three Massachusetts pilot programs to have these automated scooters in the City. They are like the old Razor scooters some of us may have had as kids, however they have a motor on them and can go up to 15 miles per hour. Gardner will be need to develop a city specific ordinance for those vehicles in order for the plan to officially move forward.
- Home Improvement (3/24/2022)
Know whether you need to carry Workmen’s Compensation Insurance. Fill out the Workers Comp Affadavit. CLICK HERE
Considering Home Improvements in Gardner MA for 2022?
There are a couple ways you can go. You can hire a General Contractor who will take care of everything including permits and Workmen’s Comp. Or you can apply for a building permit as a homeowner and assume the responsibilities and liabilities.
The City of Gardner is now using online permit and license tracking via Viewpoint Cloud for all building, electrical, plumbing, gas, and vacant/abandoned property permits. CLICK HERE. For Viewpoint cloud, click here. Other Links: Zoning Regulations – Zoning Map – MA State Building Code – Building Department page
The majority of citizens signing the Homeowner’s Exemption Form are not aware of the responsibilities that go along with assuming the construction responsibilities. You are now personally responsible for all work on this project. You are responsible to see that all work meets the Massachusetts Building Codes. You must supervise all work. You must call the Building Department to schedule all required inspections. You have waived all rights to the Massachusetts Guaranty Fund. You are the General Contractor of the project and a court of law will view you as such if you are sued, or if you should have the need to sue another party. Your subcontractors may lien your property. Any worker injured on your project may sue you if you do not carry Workmen’s Compensation Insurance. – Failure to carry Workmen’s Compensation insurance may result in criminal penalties, i.e. fines and/or imprisonment.
- Gas Line Struck (3/24/2022)
While evacuations of patients or staff were not necessary, ambulances had to transport patients to other hospitals during the incident. Engine companies from Westminster and Ashburnham assisted at scene, while Hubbardston and Templeton covered Gardner Fire station.
Gardner MA Fire Department Dispatched to Heywood Hospital for Broken Gas Line
A Construction Crew working at Heywood Hospital on the morning of 3-23-22 apparently damaged a 1 ½ inch high pressure line that services the kitchen. The rear of the Hospital campus was evacuated due to a strong odor of gas. Subsequent testing of entire building by Firefighter teams showed no dangerous levels. More from the Gardner Fire Department on Facebook, CLICK HERE.
- Awaiting Report (3/23/2022)
The Report on the Gardner MA Police Department is expected at any time. Details as soon as they are available.
Gardner MA Police Report Soon To Be Released
The Gardner MA Community is eagerly awaiting the report on the Gardner Police Department Investigation and Review which could be released at almost any time. Police Chief Richard Braks and Deputy Chief James Trifiro have been out on paid Administative leave for about two months. Gardner utilized Acting Chief Vincent Alfano until March 11th when two Gardner Police Lieutenants were then tasked to temporarily run the Department.
Retired State Police Detective Paul L’Italien conducted an external review, including interviewing all members of the Gardner Police Department. According to previous statements by Mayor Michael Nicholson, these interviews were completed weeks ago. Procedure would be for a report to be reviewed by the City Solicitor prior to being released to the public. It is unknown whether the released report will contain any redactions. However, once it is public record it will answer many of the public’s questions including Who’s the Chief?
Braks and Trifiro were placed on leave following votes of no confidence by four Gardner Police Unions who voted no confidence 41-1. Gardner Dispatch Director Jennifer Law who was also the subject of the no-confidence vote left her job voluntarily following the vote. At this time, no information has been released indicating the reason for the overwhelming vote of no confidence.
- Rabies Clinic (3/23/2022)
Rabies Vaccine Clinic for all Dogs and Cats in Greater Gardner Area
The Gardner Rabies Clinic will take place Sunday April 3, 2022 from 10am to 1pm outside at the Gardner Animal Shelter, 899 West Broadway, Gardner DIRECTIONS. Fee is $20, exact change only. Micro chipping is free. Open to residents and non-residents. You must pre-register ahead of time by filling out a form and dropping it in a lock box at the animal shelter or you can scan the form and email it to Form is available at: CLICK HERE.
Dogs must be leashed, Cats must be in sturdy carriers. In order to receive 3 yr. rabies certificate, you must bring your old rabies certificate. (even if expired.) For questions please contact the Gardner Animal Shelter at (978) 630-4950.
- City Council 03-21-22 (3/22/2022)
Meeting on 3-21-22 was routine with various items unanimously approved for second printing. Watch the meeting on YouTube or on our City Council meeting page. CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Council President Kazinskas Rescues Meeting Timing with cellular phone
There was a prolonged delay at the beginning of the Gardner MA City Council video. The Council President advised that the clock in the City Council Chambers needed its battery replaced. Phone used as timekeeper.
And Compliments Were Made
Under new business, Councilors made compliments: Dana Heath complimented the Mayor on the sale of various buildings downtown. “that’s huge.” James Boone echoed Dana Health’s comments “about us being able to hopefully improve downtown by getting some responsible owners….that’s just absolutely wonderful, congratulations on that.” Previous story, CLICK HERE.
Nathan Boudreau,,”incredibly impressed with Public Welfare Committee’s tour of the Senior Center a couple of weeks ago….It’s a great place for the Senior community,..there’s a lot going on.”
- Spring Has Sprung (3/21/2022)
Many Gardner Project Listings have this message.
Pageholder on Gardner MA projects without information. The Map of Gardner MA projects is listed here.
Gardner MA Projects
With Spring here, Gardner is eagerly awaiting more information on various projects currently showing “Information on Project Coming Soon!” including: Sampled 175 Stormwater Outfalls, Keyes Road Culvert Replacement, 2020-2022 Water Main Replacement and Paving Project, Downtown Table and Chairs, Rome Square Development, Seaman Paper/Garlock Commercial Expansion, Chelsea Summer Bridge, Wayside Pond Dam Design, and others…. It’s going to be a busy Spring in Gardner MA!
Other Projects in the works include:
New Community Health Center
For more details, CLICK HERE
Park St. Park and Parking Lot
For more details, CLICK HERE
Timpany Crossroads
The Timpany Crossroads Construction project has already produced the new 99 Restaurant and the new Starbucks, with more storefronts coming soon. For more details, CLICK HERE.
- Covid Story (3/19/2022)
Publisher’s Covid Story Gardner MA
I’m sharing my story to encourage folks to test quickly after symptoms and to get immediate proactive treatment if appropriate to hopefully save lives. Complete Article, CLICK HERE.
- Mayor’s Update 3-18-22 (3/18/2022)
Watch Gardner MA Mayor’s Update on YouTube or visit our update page. CLICK HERE Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson update on 4 Furry Legs
While not bringing up the pending Gardner PD investigation, the Mayor reported that the Gardner Police Department welcomed a new member, police dog “Rocky”, who will be assisting in patrol efforts, drug assignments, and tracking missing people.
Office Willis and Rocky will be attending an 18 week canine training course. Cost of Rocky and associated expenses are being covered by the Stanton Foundation.
Downtown paving will begin during the third week of May. Unitil will also be digging up Central Street to repair and replace gas lines. The Mayor assures residents that the utility will be paying to repave the area from curb to curb as this is City policy when work was recently done.
Other paving projects are in the works before the end of the fiscal year. Mayor wants to get as much done as possible to take advantage of the lower rates contracted before recent oil price increases.
- Covid Rate (3/18/2022)
Gardner MA Covid Rate just under State Average
The Covid 19 Incidence Rate in Gardner for the past 2 weeks is 9.3/100,000, or about 2 cases for a City of just over 21 thousand people. (State average is 9.7) Some communities in the region have rates as low as zero, while others in Massachusetts have higher rates such as Boston at 12.9, Amherst at 37.6, and Cambridge at 53.3.
- Blue Moon (3/17/2022)
Blue Moon Diner Gardner MA Meals are still being served every day at this Gardner MA Historic Landmark.
Blue Moon Diner News in Gardner MA
Blue Moon under agreement: The Blue Moon Diner property was listed for sale at a price of $300,000 in October 2021 by owner Jamie Brouillet who has owned it since buying it on July 13, 2000 from Dennis P. Scipione for $100,000.
In an announcement of the sale of two other properties, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson related that the Blue Moon was “under agreement.” It was also stated that it was expected the diner would continue operations. This is especially likely considering the Blue Moon’s listing on the National Register of Historic Places as “Miss Toy Town Diner.”
Blue Moon Facts
The Blue Moon Diner was built in 1949 by the Worcester Lunch Car Company. Originally located in Winchendon and called the Miss Toy Town Diner, it was moved to Gardner in 1954 and became known as the Blue Moon.
The Blue Moon Diner has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 2003, with the historic names of Miss Toy Town Diner – Blue Moon Diner and the common names of Bernier’s Diner – Skip’s Blue Moon Diner. Map to Diner. Here is the link to the historical building detail from the Massachusetts Historical Commission. CLICK HERE. Gardner Property Record Card. CLICK HERE. Wikipedia Article, CLICK HERE. Google search including customer reviews, CLICK HERE.
Historic Places in Gardner MA and the Nation
Historic Places listed in Gardner include: Miss Toy Town Diner, First Minister’s House, Gardner News Building, Levi Heywood Memorial Library Building, Jabez Partridge Homestead, F.W. Smith Silver Company, Lake Street Fire Station, Elm Street Fire Station, Garbose Building, Heywood-Wakefield Company Complex, West Gardner Square Historic District, and Gardner Uptown Historic District. We have obtained a complete list of the almost 100,000 historic places on the list in the entire country and you can download it. CLICK HERE
- K-9 Rocky (3/17/2022)
Gardner MA Police Department gets K-9
From Gardner PD: “The Gardner Police Department would like to introduce the newest member of the department K9 Rocky. The last K9 for the GPD was back in 2008-2009. The GPD was able to bring back the K9 program through the Stanton Foundation K9 Grant that covers costs to implement the program.
K9 Rocky’s Handler is Officer Josh Willis who was selected by an interview panel. K9 Rocky’s name has a very special meaning to the GPD as he is named after the late Deputy Chief Rock Barrieau. Officer Willis and K9 Rocky start their 14 week training at Boston Police Academy starting March 28th. The GPD will post periodic updates on the team throughout the 14 weeks. Pictured is, Mayor Nicholson, Officer Willis, Rocky and Lynn Barrieau.”
- Saint Patrick’s Day (3/17/2022)
Saint Patrick’s Day in the Greater Gardner MA area was Thursday March 17, 2022
For more information on St. Patrick’s Day, CLICK HERE.
- Budget Approved (3/15/2022)
Gardner MA School Committee Approves Budget
We have all the details on the meeting. For the complete article, CLICK HERE.
- Triple Play (3/15/2022)
Triple Play Win for Downtown Gardner MA
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson has announced that Candor Realty has purchased 2 properties in Downtown Gardner MA and is under agreement for a third, a Triple Play Win for Downtown Gardner.
The Garbose Building and The Flat Iron Building have been purchased with intentions to renovate and the Blue Moon Diner building is under agreement. The business itself has not been sold and plans to stay open as the Blue Moon Diner after the sale of the building. Mayor Nicholson has a stated mission of improving Downtown Gardner and has had a number of noteworthy successes since assuming the office.
- Oil and Gas (3/15/2022)
Greater Gardner MA Oil and Gas Prices still up there
Home Heating Oil and Gas prices are still up there. Gas price map: CLICK HERE. Fuel Oil prices: CLICK HERE.
- Who’s the Chief (3/15/2022)
Gardner is waiting to hear the results of an Investigation into the Gardner Police Department which started with the suspension of both Chief Richard Braks and Deputy Chief James Trifiro following a no-confidence vote of 4 Police Unions. Report is expected as early as the end of this week.
Who’s the Police Chief in Gardner MA?
Update 3-15-22: The Mayor’s office has informed us that Lieutenants Eric McAvene Jr. and Nicholas Maroni are sharing the duties of Chief of Police in Gardner. They have been doing so since the departure of the Acting Chief last Friday 3-11-22. The Police Department Investigation Report is anticipated any day now (The Mayor has said possibly by the end of this week). It is anticipated that further developments regarding the future of WHO’S THE CHIEF? will be made public at that time.
Previous story: Mayor Nicholson previously announced that the Acting Chief’s last day was to be Friday March 11, 2022. So our question is: Is the Acting Chief staying on? Or is the Chief back? Or is someone else the Chief? We’ve reached out via fax to the Gardner Police Department and are awaiting the answer to WHO’S THE CHIEF?
- Gardner Yard Sale (3/13/2022)
We will promote the City of Gardner City-Wide Yard Sale with the new website AND with banner ads here. With our circulation of more than 10,000 households, we hope to increase attendance and encourage households to participate. In Gardner, Yard Sale permits are FREE.
Gardner MA Spring City-Wide Yard Sale has registered and is donating web space to promote the Spring City-Wide Gardner Yard Sale taking place Saturday May 21, 2022 from 8am to 2pm. Visit site. CLICK HERE – On the site, we will also be listing links to Public and Private Facebook Marketplace pages and Craigslist listings.
- Gardner on the Move (3/12/2022)
Spread the Word – Greater Gardner MA
Gardner Magazine is interested to know what your company, business, or group is doing so we can spread the word to the region and the rest of the nation. Many great products are produced, many great businesses are found, and many groups do good. The growing Chair City has Industry on the Move, Progress in Business, A Community Working Together and Growing Together, with a Formula for Success. A Mayor with the courage to challenge the status quo, a City Council open to change, a Healthcare system meeting today’s challenges, and a Community of Thinkers.
- Mayor- Chair (3/12/2022)
Mayor Nicholson brought the “Magic Mike” to Landry Auditorium at Gardner High School for his 3-11-22 Weekly Update. He is showing one of the chairs now made at Gardner High School. Watch the Mayor’s Updates on YouTube or on our Mayor’s Update page. CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Shares the Chair, Highlights Gardner Manufacturing, Focuses on Improvements, and Channels Gardner Culture.
Mayor Nicholson reported on a visit to Vivitide in the Suffolk Industrial Park on the Gardner/Ashburnham line. (previous name: New England Peptide).
Vivitide – Gardner MA Website: CLICK HERE Notable Gardner Industry
The Mayor reports that the company is notably currently working on targeted chemotherapy for cancer treatments. Gardner might do a manufacturing month during the month of May to highlight Gardner manufacturers.
Mayor Nicholson reminded the Chair City that soon construction will be underway again in Gardner. Map of Gardner projects, CLICK HERE.
There’s various roadway improvements, development starting at Parker and Connors Street, the rear Main Street corridor, and other existing buildings. There will be contractor bids requested for 14 Leamy Street, and a City-owned land sale on April 13th. Should be a busy Spring in Gardner MA.
Ordinances of Note
Mayor Nicholson reviewed the various ordinances passed by the Gardner City Council at its last meeting including an increase in fees for the Fire and Building Departments, updates to Animal Control, options for Blighted Buildings, Restaurant Outdoor seating, and getting rid of an archaic arcades code.
He reminded citizens that ordinances are only FINAL after the second printing, which is simply the term for a second vote. The Mayor thanked Acting Chief Alfano, says the investigation is wrapping up, “should have public resolution to everything that’s happening at the Police Department by the end of next week.”
Channeling Gardner MA Culture
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson channeled Gardner culture, remarking that the first musical will be held at Gardner High School in 3 years. He mentioned the Community and Culture Festival coming up on March 16th and other events. To view the complete Gardner High School Calendar with details of upcoming events, CLICK HERE.
You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown
The Gardner High School Spring Musical “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” will be held Thurs. March 17, Fri. March 18, and Saturday March 19, all shows start at 7pm at Landry Auditorium. Tickets at the door: Adults $10, Students and Seniors $8. Advanced tickets: Adults $8, Students and Seniors $5.
- Gas Prices (3/11/2022)
- Daylight Savings (3/10/2022)
Daylight Savings Time in the Greater Gardner MA area began on Sunday March 13, 2022
Daylight Savings time will end on the first Sunday in November.
For more on Daylight Savings Time. CLICK HERE
- Covid Cases Down (3/9/2022)
Gardner MA Covid Cases are down
Gardner MA Covid Cases are down more than 90% from one month ago. UPDATE 3/12/22: The current incidence rate per 100,000 is 10.8, (just a few days ago is was reported as 17.3) as reported by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Rate was 119.3 just over a month ago. Click Image at left for larger view. For the current MA Covid Dashboard, CLICK HERE.
- Oil Prices (3/8/2022)
Local Oil Prices Hit the Roof Topping $5 per gallon!
Wow! We just got these screenshots from local oil company websites in the Greater Gardner area. Lowest price just over 5 bucks per gallon. UPDATE 3/12/22 – Local home heating oil prices have dropped a bit to around $4.50 per gallon.
- City Council Meeting 3-7-22 (3/8/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson makes his case to Gardner City Council for increase in fees for Fire and Building Departments at informal session 3-7-22 Gardner City Council 3-7-22 To watch the two City Council meetings of 3-7-22, watch on YouTube or please visit our City Council meetings page, CLICK HERE.
Complete Meeting Packet, CLICK HERE
Gardner MA Fire and Building Department Fee Hikes Approved Unanimously
Mayor Michael Nicholson stated, “I do not believe that this is going to have a substantial impact on the marketability of the City.” The mayor made a lengthy presentation in an effort to demonstrate that fees used to cover 90% of expenses in 2009, but by 2018 only covered about 60% of expenses, and stated that the State Division of Local Standards recommends 90% as the standard.
Not only did the Mayor recommend the fee increases to make up for lost time during the past 15 years where fees have not been reviewed, but also he emphasized he believed sound fiscal policy suggests ongoing reviews every 5 years are in order. Nicholson stated, “Not making a commitment to make increases every 5 years, but just constantly review to make sure we are being as fiscally responsible as we need to be based on the best practices.”
The Mayor acknowledged citizen concerns about the fee increases stating, “My office did receive some questions about these proposals that I thought it was worth sharing…from our constituents about the impact that this may have on any potential economic growth, or growth that the City may see, are we doing our part to make sure that we’re still marketing the City in a good way even if we are increasing our fees. And that’s something I think that’s keeping in line with what the area is, but you’re still going to get a lot more in Gardner than you’re going to get in a place like Worcester, or Fitchburg, or Leominster, for that matter….”
Other Items Approved
Outdoor Restaurant Seating and Services had strong support from City officials and restaurants who submitted the above signatures in support. CLICK IMAGE for larger view. Approved: Order appropriating $121,905.00 from Free Cash to the School Department Athletic Field Improvement Account and balance of funding to come from School Choice Reserve Fund as total project cost will exceed $600k. Approved first printing: An ordinance to amend the Code of the City of Gardner, Section 44 of Chapter 171, entitled, “Compensation in Lieu of Paid Holidays” Approved: Amends various and adds a new chapter 500 to be entitled, “Blighted, Nuisance, Vacant, and Abandoned Properties”. Approved first printing: Amend Code of City of Gardner by adding new chapter 501 entitled, “Outdoor Restaurant Seating and Services” Approved first printing: Amend Chapter 312 entitled “Animals.” Approved first printing: Ordinance deleting Chapter 318, entitled “Arcades”
- Gas Price Tool (3/8/2022)
Looking for cheap gas in Greater Gardner MA?
Try this tool from Gas Buddy to find some of the lowest prices in the area. CLICK HERE
- Firefighter Fundraiser (3/7/2022)
Gardner MA Firefighter Benefit at Wachusett Brew Yard
The Benefit features music by Jared Moore, raffle baskets, and a 50/50 raffle. Open to the public, Thursday, March 24th from 6pm to 10pm at the Wachusett Brew Yard, 175 State Road East, Westminster, MA. Directions, CLICK HERE.
- Council Tonight 3-7 (3/7/2022)
Gardner City Council at last meeting in February, 2022 Read the packet for the informal 6:30pm meeting provided on the City of Gardner website. CLICK HERE.
Read the packet for the formal 7:30pm meeting provided on the City of Gardner website. CLICK HERE.
City Council Debates Wiseness of Raising Fire and Building Department Fees
The Gardner MA City Council meets Monday, March 7, 2022 and once again will take up the issue of whether to raise Building Department and Fire Department Fees as requested by Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson. We wrote a previous lengthy article on this. CLICK HERE. Fees are lower than what is charged in area communities with many unchanged for more than a decade. While the packet shows other fee examples, it does not address the issue of whether higher fees in other communities have slowed growth in those towns to the benefit of Gardner with the lower fees.
- Magic Mike (3/5/2022)
“Magic Mike” Mayor Nicholson of Gardner MA Honored in special Gardner Magazine section.
He was reelected with 80% of the vote. Nevertheless, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson is criticized just like every leader, but today we bestow a special accolade, that of “Magic Mike” Nicholson for his work as a Communicator to the Chair City during recent challenges and a thank you for his efforts in helping to keep us all together during the pandemic. For the special section, CLICK HERE
- Quick Update (3/4/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson 3-4-22 update Watch the Mayor’s update on YouTube or on our Mayor’s Update page. CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson provides unusually short weekly update
In the face of huge citizen interest as to who will be Gardner Police Chief on March 12, 2022 and with the Gardner City Council taking up Fire and Building fee increases at next Monday’s meeting, the Mayor addressed neither of these issues in an under 6 minute update.
Mayor Nicholson did note that Dog licenses and Excise taxes were due, all mask mandates have been lifted, and that a Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Service will take place on March 29th on the front lawn of Gardner City Hall.
- Police Update (3/3/2022)
Gardner Finance Committee 3-2-22 – That is Council President Kazinskas in front of Judy Mack’s placard. Watch the entire meeting on YouTube. CLICK HERE
Gardner Magazine had to use extraordinary amplification to hear the audio. The Council President even has the microphone turned away from her.
Acting Gardner MA Police Chief Alfano is done on March 11th – Report may be out in 2 weeks.
When asked about the vacant Police Dispatch Director position, Mayor Michael Nicholson responded, “we are waiting to hire for that position and search for that position until everything’s ironed out with the Chief and Deputy Chief because they are the appointing authority for the position.” Who will be Gardner Chief of PD on March 12th was not announced.
Councilor Kazinskas asked if there was someone in the Acting Chief position. The Mayor responded that Chief Alfonzo was still the “Acting Chief while the investigation continues.” Councilor Dernalowicz then said he thought the Acting Chief was a 30 day appointment. Mayor Nicholson responded, “It was a 30 day appointment that expires tomorrow. He will continue on through March 11th.” Dernalowicz then asked, “Do we have a target date for the report?” Nicholson responded. “Potentially two weeks. The interviews are concluding tomorrow, and it’s just compiling the report based on the interviews.” The Mayor did not say who will be the Police Chief on March 12th.
The Finance Committee heard from Athletic Director Dan Forte and voted to recommend the $120K athletic fields proposal to the full council.
Athletic Fields
The first item regarded the proposed appropriation of just over $120,000 to bring the Gardner Athletic Fields up to par in concordance with current uses. Athletic Director Dan Forte spent several minutes going over details regarding the large number of individuals using the fields for the various sports including football, soccer, baseball, and field hockey. Plus 300 kids spend summer camp on the fields. Youth football programs use all corners of the field. Forte said, “It really does become a destination for kids 5 years old til the day they graduate. Councilor Dernalowicz praised Forte’s statement.
- Spring Projects (3/3/2022)
Spring’s Coming for Projects in Greater Gardner MA
With Spring just a couple weeks away on Sunday March 20, 2022, construction companies are once again getting ready to work on Chair City projects. Just what are those upcoming projects? The City of Gardner’s interactive Map of City Projects (which won a Municipal Award recently, CLICK HERE) is very helpful in this regard.
A Number of Interactive Maps
Gardner has a number of highly useful map resources including the Assessor Parcel Viewer, Map of City Projects; Parks, Open Space & Trails, Playgrounds & Recreation, and Zoning Map.
Assessor Parcel Viewer, CLICK HERE Assessor Parcels
Zoom in or out, look up a particular address. Explore advanced functions. CLICK HERE.
Parks, Open Space & Trails, CLICK HERE Parks, Open Space, & Trails
This section welcomes you to an overview of the City of Gardner’s open space areas including hiking trails and scenic picnic areas.
Described in detail are the Alisauskas Conservaton Area off Howard Street, Baily Brook Conservation Area & Park, Cowee Pond Open Space, Crystal Lake Park, Dunn Pond State Park, High Ridge Wildlife Area, Lake Wampanoag Wildlife Sanctuary, Monument Park, North Central Pathway, Perley Brook Reservoir, and Rome Conservation Area. CLICK HERE
Playgrounds & Recreation, CLICK HERE Playgrounds and Recreation
This section welcomes you to an overview of the City of Gardner’s playground features and recreation area.
Described in detail are Jackson Playground and Skatepark, Bickford Playground, Pulaski Playground and Dog Park, Greenwood Park and Playground, Ovila Case Playground, Greenwood Outdoor Pool & Spray Park, Muncipal Golf Course and Driving Range, DCR Gardner Veterans Skating Rink, North Central Pathway, Dunn Pond State Park, and Monument Park. CLICK HERE
Zoning Map, CLICK HERE Zoning Map
The Zoning Map shows the various Commercial, Industrial, and Residential areas in the City of Gardner MA.
The Map is Interactive and has a number of overlay options. CLICK HERE
- Atlantic Fog (3/3/2022)
Atlantic Fog Release Party Sun. March 6, 2022 at Gardner Ale House For complete information on Massachusetts Beer Week and participating breweries, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Gardner Ale House Celebrates Massachusetts Beer Week
Known for its original beers under the Moon Hill Brewery brand, Gardner Ale House is introducing a new beer this Sunday at noon. Atlantic Fog is described as, “a hazy New England IPA” Food customers from noon to 2pm on Sunday March 6, 2022 have a chance to win Moon Hill Swag, Baseball Hats, and gift cards.
- Family Dollar (3/3/2022)
Family Dollar on West Street, Gardner is closed temporarily while a broken sewer system is repaired. Gardner MA Family Dollar Closed for Sewer Repair
Speculation was prevalent on Social Media 3-3-22 as Family Dollar on West Street closed. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson responded by stating, “Their sewage system in their building broke and was backing up into both Family Dollar and O’Riley’s, so the Board of Health was required to shut them down until it’s repaired- per the state sanitary code.”
- Gardner 100th (3/2/2022)
Page Added for Gardner MA 100 Years A City Birthday Bash
Incorporated as a town in 1785, Gardner will celebrate 100 Years A City on January 1, 2023. We have added a page to share news throughout the year about upcoming celebrations. CLICK HERE.
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