How Gardner City Government Works
The City of Gardner Executive Department is headed by the Mayor, who is elected by the voters every two years. The Mayor proposes budgets and various expenditures which are then approved or rejected by the City Council.
The Mayor has an Executive Aide and an Executive Assistant to help him, and of course has Department Heads overseeing the various City Departments.
The Gardner City Council is composed of 11 City Councilors. One of the Councilors is elected by the other Councilors to be City Council President. The City Council President presides over the meetings and participates in debate, but only when temporarily relinquishing the Chair. In practice, the City Council President rarely does this as with 10 other Councilors, both sides of the issue are usually represented adequately. The Gardner City Clerk actually reports to the City Council and calls the roll during votes of the Council.
As an elected position, the Mayor of the City of Gardner receives an annual salary exceeding $90,000 and works weekdays, but often in the evenings and on weekends as well on City business. Members of the City Council each receive a annual salary of about $7,000 per year with the City Council President getting about $3000 more. For this they work at City Council meetings, various committees, and often spend considerable time with constituents.
Executive Department

When you call the Mayor’s office, generally either Colin Smith or Rachael Roberts will answer the phone.
Visit the City of Gardner MA website, CLICK HERE.
Committees of the City Council 2022

Financial matters which come under the purview of the Finance Committee include the Board of Assessors, the City Budget, City Auditor, City Clerk, City Collector/Treasurer, City Hall, Civil Code Enforcement, Claims, Community Development and Planning, Contributory Retirement Board, Human Resources, Information Technology, Law Department, Purchasing, Redevelopment Authority, Registrars of Voters, Rules, Salaries, and Vacancies. However, due to the larger than normal number of appointments anticipated, a separate Appointments Committee was created. When the Mayor wants to spend money, items are often first referred to the Finance Committee for a recommendation.

Matters which come under the purview of the Public Service Committee include the Cemetery Commission, Conservation Commission, Engineering and Survey, Flood Plain, Muniicipal Grounds Commission, and the Public Works Department. If you dispute a water/sewer bill, you will appear before the Public Service Committee who will adjudicate it.

Matters which come under the purview of the Public Safety Committee including Animal Control, Automobile Dealers, The Board of Health, Bowling Alley/Billiard Table Licensing, Building and Inspectional Services, Constables, Fire Department, Flammable Storage Licensing, Fruits/Vegetable Peddler Licensing, Junk & Second Hand Article Dealers, License Commission, Office of Emergency Management, Police Department, Sealer of Weights and Measures, Traffic Commission, and Transportation. The Police and Fire Chiefs often appear before the Public Safety Committee to discuss their departments.

Matters which come under the purview of the Public Welfare Committee include the Airport Commission, Cable TV Commission, Council on Aging, Cultural Council, Disability Commission, Gardner Public Schools, Golf Course Commission, Greenwood Memorial Pool Trustees, Historical Commission, Housing Authority, Industrial Development, Library Board of Trustees, Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School, Planning Board, Recreation, Severy School Trustees?, Veterans Agent, Youth Commission, Zoning, and the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Appointments made by the Mayor are now referred first to the Appointments Committee. Applicants for various positions often appear and are asked questions.

For more information, visit the City of Gardner website, CLICK HERE.