Gardner City Hall is a great place to start for any aspiring business. Various departments may be of assistance. For those with space not yet suitable for tenants – Please reach out to the City of Gardner to find out what solutions are available to renovate existing properties with empty storefronts into highly desirable locations.
City of Gardner Business Wish List
We know from social media posts that Gardner MA citizens would like more businesses in Downtown Gardner and the rest of the Chair City. The question is, what is your Business Wish List? What types of businesses would you like to see. To do your own brainstorming, you could download our spreadsheet of over 2000 business categories. CLICK HERE to download.
Business Brainstorming
So here is the task. You want to fill up empty storefronts in Downtown Gardner and bring in more business to the rest of the City. You want the businesses to survive and thrive long-term, so the idea needs to resonate with people and immediately attract interest. It would also be a plus if the new business would complement existing ones so that everyone can grow together.
Our Fantasy List
We’ve taken the liberty of coming up with our own wish list. Perhaps it’ll give some of you some great ideas. Feel free to contact us to add to this list. Printable pdf of this page.

Our Fantasy Business List
Downtown Gardner
Fun for Kids – a fun place for kids where they can play, draw, and learn. Could also offer child care while parents shop Downtown.
Downtown Buffet – This Downtown Gardner buffet restaurant would attract customers from throughout the region and encourage shoppers to walk around to other stores to work off a few calories.
Paper Pushers – A great stationery and card store which also sells historical reproductions of Gardner maps and more.
Amanda’s Lingerie and Costume Shop – Everything a lingerie store should have plus costumes for every occasion.
Chair City Toys – Nothing wins the hearts of shoppers better than a great toy store. With so many gifted craftsmen in the city from Gardner’s furniture manufacturing heyday, we could see a huge tourist attraction with a section of toys made in Gardner.
Gardner Gifts – This Gift Shop would focus on unusual gifts from New England and could potentially attract a large fan base.
The Perfect Fit – A Downtown Shoe store would attract families, men, women, and children and would be a “perfect fit.”
The Love Shop – Would take the Downtown theme to the next level with a store featuring everything about LOVE. Possibilities are endless.
The CoffeeBook Sub – a place where you can go and grab a coffee or sandwich sub and buy and read a book. –
North Central Art Gallery – We know that Gardner has a talented pool of local artists as evidenced by the Murals painted during downtown construction, the murals at the Gardner Municipal Parking Lot, and the local Gardner Area league of Artists.
North Central Antiques – This store of vintage and antique merchandise would feature great historical finds from this section of Massachusetts and would become a giant tourist attraction.
Grab a Cab – This new taxi company would offer affordable transportation to residents needing local rides for many purposes.
Hometown Hobby – this exciting store would offer everything the enthusiast could wish for in a hobby shop including model railroads and such.
Chair City Bank – This new financial institution would offer an additional choice for area consumers.
Bountiful Bagel – a bakery featuring delicious bagels along with donuts, cakes, pastries, and whatever customers might like.
Happy Hardware – a traditional hardware store offering local advice and unique, quality tools for craftspeople of all ages.
Real Estate Agency – There’s no shortage of real estate agents in the area. Downtown Gardner would make a great office location. Perhaps the office could also serve as a Tourist Trap with local postcards and local business guides.
Scoopers – an ice cream shop making its own ice cream with dozens of flavors and all types of ice cream cones.
City of Gardner
Chair City YMCA – YMCA with a heated pool which offers water aerobics and community sports and activities for all age groups!
L.I.S.T.S. – Lists In Search of the Startup – a data company specializing in startup companies. Why not locate it in Gardner?
Work Space – a place to work from home away from home. Concept is shared office space for people who can work remotely, but want some separation from family life.
Department of Donuts – A unique donut shop with booths crafted to represent different departments of the City. Great coffee too!
Go Green – This business would sell environmentally friendly products including solar panels, lithium ion generators, and more.
Gardner Doggie Daycare – This establishment would be a business dedicated solely to the care of dogs while owners are at work. Very successful businesses at some locations.
Colonel Gardner Academy – A new school in Gardner dedicated to the entrepreneurial spirit. Could be a private secondary school or a college.
Chair City New Car Dealership – With only one new car business in Gardner, there’s room for more. With many of Gardner’s over 21 thousand residents driving, this effort would be destined for success.
Modern Clothing – a great new clothing store featuring apparel for men, women and children so Gardnerites don’t have to go out of town for some of their clothes shopping.
Plausible Pipes – This plumbing company would be successful as we’ve have seen many Facebook posts by folks looking for a good plumber. Apparently, there’s a greater need than there are plumbers.
Gardner Electronics Mart – This business would fill a void created when Radio Shack left the city. It would also keep more dollars in town rather than going to online giants like Amazon.
Amazing Appliance – There is an opening for an additional appliance store in Gardner in an effort to keep more of the business in the local area.
Encourage Addiction Treatment Center – (E.A.T.) With substance abuse a major problem across the nation, this business would bring an already successful concept to a Gardner location.
Sense Services – a business structured on improving all of the senses. A Hearing Center, An Optical Center, and a Mobility Center. ALL IN ONE!
Fix Your Car – Even with a number of auto repair shops throughout the city, consumers on social media are still asking for mechanics, so there’s an opening for someone to open up another place.

Momma’s Mattress – a new bedding store also featuring bedroom decor
Mexican Unlimited – a Mexican restaurant similar to some of the big chains, but locally owned and operated.
The Lucky Fish – a fish and chips restaurant serving seafood favorites in a family-friendly location.
Best Seafood – Specializing in seafood, this restaurant would be noted for its delicious lobster dishes.
Industry, Manufacturing, and Attractions.
Chair City Chips – This new manufacturer would make chips for computers and new cars. With the recent chip shortage, we know they’d do very well.
Electric New England – This new manufacturer of electric vehicles would make them right in Gardner and ship them to all corners of the globe.
Chair City Amusement Park – An original theme park built upon unique ideas and drawing customers from near and afar.
Family Recreation Center – would feature a miniature golf course, a traditional arcade establishment, batting cages, and more!
Chair City American Furniture – a new furniture company making furniture in the City of Gardner and shipping to every part of the United States. And of course, they’d have a factory outlet.
North Central Firearms Academy – This new school would teach firearm safety and usage to regular consumers and law enforcement from all areas of New England
Chair City Studios – With the occasional flick being made in the region, why not locate a major motion picture studio right here in Gardner.
Gardner Observatory – NASA has made a point of saying we need to spend more effort in tracking objects capable of hitting earth. Why not locate a new observatory right in Gardner?
Medical Billing U.S.A. – The local hospital outsources some of its billing to another city in the state. Why not do it right here in the Chair City and make it a Gardner industry.
Chair City Animal Preserve – would feature animals from all over the world in fantastically designed natural habitats. Not like a zoo, more like a great home for nature’s creatures.
Chair City Ceramics – a Gardner-based manufacturer of quality plates, cups, saucers, and serving dishes.

The Next Step
Have a great idea for your own business in Gardner? Ready to make it a reality? Contact the appropriate departments at Gardner City Hall. You’ll find them welcoming, supportive, and helpful. Here’s a link to the business page on the City of Gardner website. CLICK HERE.
Business List to Help Businesses
Would you like to have a spreadsheet of all of the businesses in Massachusetts? We bought this which is supposed to be from 2017/2018, but it might also contain some older data and inaccuracies. We furnish it as a public service as an 90 MB excel file sorted by city/town. To download it, click here

Wish List Gallery – Just Some Possibilities….
What’s your idea? Every new Gardner Business starts with a simple thought.
This page is meant to stimulate brainstorming and the realization that so much is possible in the City of Gardner’s future. It is truly an exceptional place, worthy of excellence and optimism. The proof is in the inspiring entrepreneurial spirit already displayed by some current business owners.