Future Path – The Next Term

The initial work has begun, and in the next couple of years, substantial progress will likely occur in the following areas:
Additional progress will be made on the Mayor’s priority to help address the issues of the economically disadvantaged in Gardner. He will likely be in favor of continuing free lunches whether required by law or not. He will likely be in favor of continuing to eliminate user fees for those wishing to participate in school sports. Additional grants will be pursued to help fund programs for the poor, homeless, addicted, and victimized. Nicholson’s “People are Policy’ doctrine will be further accepted in Gardner government culture and additional positive gains will be made.
The Mayor’s efforts on transparency will continue. Additional electronic options will be available for residents on the City of Gardner website so that many needs can be addressed via a simple laptop.

Future Path – The Music Program
The music program at Gardner Public Schools will continue to grow and it is likely some very nice concerts, musicals, and theater productions will be held. For past articles, CLICK HERE.

Gardner Public Schools
Gardner Public Schools consists of a brand-new Gardner Elementary School, the Gardner Middle School, and Gardner High School. Gardner Academy is located at what is known as the Elm Street School. It is also home to the Gardner Boys and Girls Club and District offices.
For ongoing news stories about Gardner Schools, click here for our Schools page.
Gardner Magazine publishes an article about each School Committee meeting including an information packet and AUDIO of the meeting.
Education in Gardner – The Path Forward
Gardner Public Schools will continue to build upon current successes, will continue to monitor student progress in reading and math, and make adjustments to the curriculum as needed. It is likely the School Committee will continue to be supportive of various programs which provide students of all interests and abilities the best path forward.

Downtown Projects – The Path Forward
Construction on the Rear Main Street project will likely begin in Spring 2024. The eventual result will be a multi-floor apartment building, commercial space, food truck parking, and an additional music venue.
Maki Park construction will occur and a 3 tier, useful venue will be the result, including a permanent bandstand. Residents will be seen enjoying the new corn hole availability.
During the next couple of years, it is likely many of the other Downtown projects will be completed. New residents will move in to Downtown. More new businesses will open.

Industry in the Chair City – The Path Forward
A study regarding the feasibility of a new Industrial Park in the Matthews Street area will be completed and if positive, plans will go forward to determine funding for the project which could bring additional industry and jobs to Gardner.
In recent years, the existing Industrial Parks in Gardner have filled up.

Cooperative Problem Solving – The Path Forward
A solution will be found to settle the issue of the Gardner Landfill Expansion. Various proposals have been made. Some however, are not financially feasible as they would severely impact ratepayers if approved. Further discussions will be held and a solution will be agreed upon.
The City of Gardner will continue deploying cameras throughout the City in order to catch those individuals who choose to dispose of large items of trash improperly. Individuals will be fined and the word will get out that illegal dumping is not tolerated in Gardner.
Working Together: Just as the Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest officially became a combined event this year, a new synergy is expected to develop where even more cooperative efforts will occur as events are planned in the Chair City.

Finances – the Forward Path
The City of Gardner will continue its sound Fiscal Management Policy. It will continue to add to its Rainy Day Fund. It will likely continue to have conservative budgets submitted by Mayor Nicholson.
Staffing: The results of a Salary Survey will be revealed. As a result, changes may be made to the pay structure of certain City employees to make Gardner more competitive. DPW will benefit because it will finally be able to hire staff for all of its slots. Staff shortages have plagued the department in recent years.

The City of Gardner is pursuing grants for many of its projects. A third party grant writer was commissioned to go after as many as possible. It is likely results from that effort will be announced soon.
Public Safety – the Path Forward
New fire equipment which was previously ordered will arrive and the Gardner Fire Department will deploy the new equipment and trucks. A determination will be made as to how best to go forward with solving repair issues at the current Gardner Fire headquarters.
The Gardner Police Department will continue with its overall Public Safety upgrades including its ability to effectively combat crime.

The Gardner Airport will continue its expansion project. It now has Satellite internet through Starlink and an Airport Coffee Shoppe may be in its future.
Healthcare in Gardner – The Path Forward
Heywood Healthcare will continue to move forward with its reorganization. At some point, court decisions will allow for the construction of the new Surgical Pavilion to continue.
Community Health Connections will continue to grow operations for patients at its new Gardner facility.
Other Gardner facilities will expand such as the planned GAAMHA expansion when current services move to the Community Center on Waterford Street.

Gardner Massachusetts is on an upward trajectory of success and progress. It is highly likely this will continue in the next couple of years.
Instruments of Success – the Path Forward
Waterford renovation will be completed and the relocation of Growing Places, GAAMHA, the Gardner CAC, and the Gardner Senior Center will be completed. Gardner’s Community Center will officially be dedicated.
The Greenwood Indoor Pool Building will be demolished. In its place will be built a brand-new pavilion to be enjoyed by residents. The resulting visual vista of Crystal Lake will be praised by residents and visitors alike.
The Massachusetts Legislature will likely act in favor of the City of Gardner with regard to Elm Street School and Helen Mae Sauter School to allow for greater flexibility for the City and a possible Chair City Arts and Music Center at the Helen Mae Sauter School Site.
Renovation of various buildings in Downtown Gardner will be completed. Open houses will be held to showcase some beautiful apartments. Gardner’s various departments will get the word out about the new, modern storefronts available. Various new, popular businesses will open.
In Timpany Plaza, the new Aldi Grocery Store will open and Gardner residents will have another alternative place to shop.
Additional businesses will open at Timpany Crossroads.
A study will likely be done to determine the feasibility of a new parking garage at the site of the current West Street parking lot. Challenges include a large amount of ledge.
Additional blighted properties will be identified and an effort will be made to get them back on the tax rolls.
Using funding from a grant award, the main water line serving the lion’s share of the City will be replaced, putting the City in a much better position
City Hall Improvements: A proposal will come forward to fund needed renovations to bring Gardner City Hall in to the 21st Century.