Fundraiser at Salvadore to benefit family of Dan D’Angelo.
On Friday, Oct. 22 & Saturday, Oct. 23 Salvadore Auto Group will host a Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular! Halloween enthusiasts of all ages are invited to enter a Jack-O-Lantern (or two, or three!) to help make this year’s display SPECTACULAR!
Prizes will be awarded to Winners in multiple categories-Funniest, Scariest, Most Original and Judges Choice for Under 12, and 12 and up. There is no admission for spectators and just a $5 donation for each Jack-O-Lantern entry. All Jack-O-Lantern entries will be displayed Friday & Saturday night from 6:30 – 8:00pm. All are welcome to view and enjoy. Judging will take place on Friday night.
All proceeds from the event will be donated to The D’Angelo Family Fund benefiting the family of Dan D’Angelo. Dan was a Father, Husband, Coach and beloved member of the Narragansett Youth Baseball Community who recently passed away.
People can visit salvadoreauto.com for more information and to reserve their display space. Jack-O-Lantern entries must be dropped off at Salvadore Chevrolet between 9am and 6pm Thursday, October 21. Donation is due at drop off. For more information call 978-630-5918.