Fantasy Animal Page
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So what if you could interview animals from throughout the world about the Greater Gardner area? What would they say? This is a page of interesting musings in that whimsical lane… (Click any animal for a larger view in a new window) And click the suggested link for more info.

Pair of Giraffes
Q: What attraction draws you to Greater Gardner?
A: Well, we like the very tall big Gardner Chair seen on the Historical Photos of Gardner page
Bear in Tree
Q: What town interests you in the region?
A: As a bear, I love the rural character of Oakham and if I can raid some trash all the better… Town of Oakham page
Horse with Mouth Open
Q: You are a talkative and knowledgeable horse. What do you suggest area visitors do?
A: Well, that’s funny. Of course I’d pick the Toytown Horse in Winchendon MA. It’s very classy.
Playful Chimpanzee
Q: Where would you go for fun at this Website?
A: I’d check out the very cool videos from every community on the Regional Videos page.
Extinct Dinosaur (We won’t hold that against you!)
Q: What section on this site do you find most interesting?
A: It should be obvious. As all dinosaurs love history, I’d check out the Historical Photos.
Dolphin Out of Water
Q: Looks like you’re excited about something. What is it?
A: The Moving to the Area page has so much to offer for new and current residents of the area.
Comfy Birds in Nest
Q: Not sure if I should ask you this as you’re so comfy in that nest, but what page would you visit?
A; I’d check out the lodging page because we love a great place to sleep.
Confident Lizard

Q: As a lizard of record you’re obviously in favor of sports.
A: You got it. Visit the sports page or the All Sports page for all the action.
Majestic Eagle
Q: If you’re looking for a place to worship this Sunday, where would you look:
A; The Churches page covers houses of worship in each town with telephone numbers, website and Facebook listings
Slow Moving Turtle
Q: No offense, but sometimes you don’t move that fast. Where do you get all the info you need in one spot?
A; I use the Interactive Map page because I get a link to each town page plus all the great featured pages.
Yellow and Black Butterfly
Q: So you’re a butterfly and appreciate beauty. What pages do you peruse?
A: The Area Photos page is my delight.
Scavenging Chipmunk

Q: As you’re scavenging for info., where do you look?
Two Elephants in a Trivia Dispute
Q: Suppose you can’t agree on a world fact. Do you lock horns or look it up.
A: We check out the World Factbook
Majestic Whale
Q: OK, so you an expert at navigation. What do you use?
A; I like the satellite view to find just the right location
Bobcat in Tree posing for camera
Q: What town do you think of in the region?
A: I like the amount of land in Royalston.
Dog Thinking about something
Q; What community feature do you think about:
A: I like the upper common in Athol
Fun-loving dog
Q: Where do you like to be?
A: I’m a fun-loving dog and I love Templeton.
Handsome Gorilla
Q: What do gorillas think about?
A: We like Phillipston, just because
Tiger thinking about what to do next
Q: What town best represents you?
A: That’s easy. I’m orange, so I have to go with Orange.
Ostrich looking in the distance
Q: If you were learning about yourself, where would you go?
A; I’d check out the library in Hubbardston.
Zebras gathered to do striped things
Q: What feature do zebras like on the website?
Cat on comfortable blanket
Deer having lunch
Excited Enthusiastic Owl
Q: What are you so excited about?
A: The Games area. I like playing Battleships, Chess, Classic Pac, and Zuma Ball. Check out all the games for yourself!
Resting Racoon
Peaceful Bear
Orange you cute Fish
Outraged Ape
Q: What are you so outraged?
A: I don’t like what’s going on. What I do is watch the Live Videos page.
Relaxing Rabbitt
Q: I see you are relaxing. When you browse Gardner Magazine, what do you enjoy?
A: The Virtual Animal Park is just right for me.
Musing Moose
Q: As a Musing Moose, what do you have your eyes on?
A: I am a Moose of Culture so I like to view Famous Art on that page.
Pair of Dogs
Q: What do you recommend for a great dog activity?
A: No question. We love the Dog Park at Pulaski Park. See more on the Attractions page.
Pair of Seals
Q: What page on gets your seal of approval?
A: We both believe in togetherness and Greater Gardner has some super Clubs and Organizations.
Wise Owl
Q: As a very wise owl, you must have some recommendations, don’t you?
A: Of course, I would check out the Levi Heywood Memorial Library and Mount Wachusett Community College for learning.
Faithful Fish
Q; What would you check out?
A: It’s easy to read the Holy Bible right here.
Happy Goose
Q: As the goose who laid the golden egg, what feature would you recommend?
A: Check out the Financial page for valuable information
Journeying Camels
Q: We thought we’d ask a group of journeying camels what drew you to this site?
A: The Greater Gardner Driving Tour really gets us over the hump.
Healthy Cat
Q: Looks like you’re a healthy cat. Any recommendations?
A: I wasn’t always a healthy cat, but a shelter took me in and nursed me back to health. Adopt a pet. Visit the Petfinder page for a lifelong friend.
Beautiful Bird
Q: If you’re looking for news to spread around, what do you do?
A: There’s news from Around the World right here.
Ducks in a Row
Q: So you have to enroll the kids in elementary, middle, or high school. How do you make sure you have your ducks in a row.
A: The Schools page right here gives you information on area schools with website information.
Curious Bird
Q: How would you handle various problems?
A: I’d use the How to.. to watch excellent How to videos.
Bird with Beautiful Colors
Q: I see you’re enjoying yourself. Where do you get extra knowledge:
A: I use the Dictionary to look up information.
Momma Elephant and Cub
Q: If you’re using the luck of the Elephant, what page on this site do you frequent?
A: Lottery Numbers for the latest results
Wolf on the prowl
Q: If you are trying to find a location in the area, what do you use?
A: The Road Map is very useful.
Bird Looking Right
Q: If you are thinking of property along the water, what do you think of?
A: The town of Ashburnham
Cows in the Country
Q: Are there any towns in the region which strike your fancy?
A: Hardwick is cool with its covered bridge.
A fish at home
Q: What town is best for fish?
A: Goofy question, but I like Barre because the common goes in all directions like a fish.
Goat with Gumption
Q: What feature do you most like in the region?
A: I like the forests on Mount Grace in Warwick.
Hopping Kangaroos
Q: As a kangaroo, you know all about geography down under.
A: That’s why I like the Geo Center of MA, Rutland
Lion wondering what’s over there
Q: What town do you think of?
A: I think of the majestic town hall in Ashby.
Polar bear happy in the water
Q: As a polar bear, do you have a favorite town in the region?
A: Can’t help loving Princeton with the ski area.
3 Swans not quite a swimming
Q: As a group of swans, what recommendations can you give visitors?
A: We like the Old Mill in Westminster.
Cardinal on Blue Sky

Elephant showing off his trunk

Q: Why are you so confident you know the answer.
A: Because I browse the Information Resources page with hundreds of information resources.
Fish knowing he’s cute

Cute Puppy

Q: What do you like looking at, cute puppy?
A: I enjoy browsing Scenic Photos on that page.
Leaping Dolphin
Q: Any suggestions on what to see on Gardner Magazine?
A: Don’t miss the Virtual Aquarium.
Fish who sees all
Q: You seem like a fish who knows what’s going on. Where do you get your weather?
A: I use the comprehensive Greater Gardner Weather page.