City of Gardner Website Explained
An important component of a City’s interaction with the public and business is the website. We’ve taken a look and encourage you to do the same. We’ve done a screenshot of the various sections and have some commentary. The analysis is done in the spirit of The City of Gardner putting its best foot forward as it builds upon recent huge accomplishments. Browse the City of Gardner website yourself, ClICK HERE.
Covid 19

This section stood out to us as one needing immediate attention, as it appears some areas have not been updated since Summer 2020. For example, the video updates section has updates from March 2020 to June 2020 with nothing after that. Most of the other tabs in this section need significant updates such as easy-to-find information on vaccines, boosters etc.
City of Gardner home page
The home page has a fairly useless photo at the top of the screen which is actually an annoyance to visitors. However, the quick links below it and the display of public meetings and calendar is quite useful. We would place the News section at the top of the page where the large photo is. We would also incorporate the latest youtube videos of the Mayor’s update and City Council meetings so views of those important videos could be increased.

Community Section
The various sections are flyout menus. The Community section needs to be checked for updates. For example, under demographics, the latest population from the 2020 census should be shown instead of estimates. We recommend the entire Community section be reviewed, page by page. It’s especially important to keep this section updated.

Business Section
The Business section has useful links, but it is not as welcoming as it could be. The section could specific suggest businesses go to the Building Department before businesses buy property for example. The section should be reviewed to make sure it contains all the desired and pertinent information to further the interests of the City of Gardner.

City Services
The City Services section contains various useful links, but should include some of the excellent services not shown here to maximize promotion of the excellent job the city is already doing.

City Hall section
This section is the most useful and completed with the most thought as compared to the other sections.

How Do I…
This section, white incredibly useful, should be reviewed to determine if it contains all the desired material. Gardner Magazine’s own Moving to the Area page is much more inclusive.

Visit the City of Gardner website at Gardner-MA.gov