Watch on our Mayor’s Update page or listen here on any device. CLICK Play. Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Reports on “Crazy Week Here in Gardner” in Weekly Update In an update jam-packed with valuable information, the Chair City Mayor thanked the first responders who skillfully handled the small electricalContinue Reading

World Smile Day is Friday October 7, 2022 in Greater Gardner MA Smiling is contagious. When you smile, other people smile. People can hear you smile over the phone. Smiling is naturally cheaper and more attractive than any make-up you can put on. And, smiling boosts your immune system andContinue Reading

Dianne “Neon” Leblanc in TV Interview with Gardner Magazine on Successful Event October 1, 2022 Dianne Leblanc and many volunteers helped Keep Gardner MA Beautiful on October 1, 2022. Weather cooperated for the annual event which once again attracted civic-minded individuals to do their part in cleaning up the ChairContinue Reading

Gardner MA Fabulous Fall Festival – Oktoberfest Success in Photos Hundreds upon hundreds of people attended the September 24, 2022 event in Gardner Massachusetts. Complete Gallery of over 110 photos, CLICK HERE. The Chair Luge Gardner Ale House Owner Rick Walton stated that the Chair Luge crowd was the largestContinue Reading

Gardner MA City Council Meets Twice on September 19, 2022 Informal Meeting of 9/19/22 – The City Council met to hear a presentation on the Gardner Fire Department Audit. Scope of the audio included 4 major items: Emergency Medical System Review, Overview of Facility Needs, Civil Service Pros and Cons,Continue Reading

Chairs a Big Part of Gardner MA Gardner’s Big Chair is certainly part of the Chair City’s history of the past 100 years. The latest version was made in 1976 and refurbished by Maki Corp in 2011. The Big Chair is a tourist attraction for those visiting Gardner. Gardner MagazineContinue Reading

Community Health Connections on track to open new facility in December The new 20,000 square foot Community Health Connections building on Route 68 in Gardner MA is on schedule to open in December. The current facility at 175 Connors Street, Gardner was in need of expansion due to community need.Continue Reading

Watch the Mayor’s Update on the City of Gardner’s YouTube page or on our Mayor’s Update page. CLICK HERE. Listen on any device by clicking Play. AUDIO and articles of earlier Mayor’s Updates, CLICK HERE. Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson speaks of Moving On, Moving In, and Moving Forward inContinue Reading

Watch the Gardner City Council Meetings on the City of Gardner YouTube page or on our City Council page CLICK HERE. Or listen on any device by clicking Play. (Our recording eliminated the silence before meeting starts and while in recess to do swearing in.) Gardner MA City Council MetContinue Reading

Popular Gardner MA Eatery Dazzles with New Signage and Awning Taco Rey Coliman is a Downtown Gardner restaurant offering dine-in, pickup, or delivery. Visit their Facebook page, CLICK HERE. Gardner Square Two posted, “Look at the new sign and awning for Taco Rey Coliman! They went through the City’s sign andContinue Reading

A thoughtful Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates Chair City 9-2-22 Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson’s Update for September 2, 2022: Just CLICK PLAY. Mayor Nicholson spoke about Substance Abuse Awareness Night, the need for ongoing efforts, and praised those involved. The Mayor welcomed back students, thanked teachers and spoke aboutContinue Reading

The Gardner MA Alive with Promise 4 Minute Video Tour Gardner MA is a dynamic community with a welcome mat extended to business, industry, development, and incoming residents. Our 4 minute video tours several dozen Gardner features. Gardner will be a Century as a City in 2023 and is aContinue Reading

Plenty of Fun to be had this weekend in Greater Gardner MA Friday, September 2, 2022 – Cruise Night at the PACC features a Car Show followed by FREE entertainment by Mad Hatter. Food trucks are available. The P.A.C.C. is located at 171 Kendall Pond Road West, Gardner MA Saturday/Sunday/MondayContinue Reading

Gardner MA Teachers Happy to Move in to NEW Gardner Elementary School on August 29, 2022 Gardner Public Schools released the Moving photos on Social Media, showing an enthusiastic group of educators Movin’ on in. Elementary School students return on September 12th with Kindergarteners starting on September 15th. CLICK onContinue Reading