Last Year’s Awards Awards in fiscal year 2023 included for Gardner – Business Incubator Network $17,500, six parklets in downtown parking spaces $30,000, Downtown Wayfinding $25,000,, Real Estate Services Technical Assistance $40,000, Site Readiness for planning etc. regarding new 106 acre business park $150,500. Ashburnham had received 2 grants totalingContinue Reading

Just Who has Endorsed Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson? – We Got Access to the Big List Mayor Nicholson posted, “I’m honored to receive the endorsement of so many of our local and state officials and partners in the work we are doing in Gardner. We have accomplished a lotContinue Reading

Work Begins on Uptown Rotary Project in Gardner MA Cost of the project was projected at $2.6 million in 2020 when proposed and is being covered by grants. EH Perkins Construction is the Massachusetts Department of Transportation contractor handling the up to 18 month project with a completion goal ofContinue Reading

Gardner MA City Hall Announces Paving Updates Gardner City Hall announced, “Lot of work being done in Ward 3 in the next few weeks. If you travel on any of these roads, please be sure to remember this when planning your commute. Beginning on Monday, October 30, crews will beContinue Reading

Candidates Night held in Gardner MA Candidates Night was 6-8pm on October 26, 2023 in Perry Auditorium at Gardner City Hall and was sponsored by the Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce. Mayoral Candidate Michael Nicholson was there on time. Candidate Kimberly Blake arrived at around 6:41pm. When we were thereContinue Reading

The Other Side of the Tower: One view is the view of Gardner City Hall on Pleasant Street in Gardner with a majestic American Flag flying in the sky. The other view is Orpheum Park with its beautiful fountain and flowers and the same City Hall tower in the background.Continue Reading

UPDATE – 10-23-23 9:55pm – CODE RED MESSAGE The Kelton Street Shelter in Place has been lifted. Police deem the area to be safe. However, out of an abundance of caution, there will be a police presence in the area throughout the night and tomorrow. Gardner Mayor Nicholson also sentContinue Reading

National Chamber of Commerce Day Celebrated by Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce According to “ Each year on the third Wednesday in October, we celebrate National Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce Day and thank local chambers across the country for all they do to help entrepreneurs and businessesContinue Reading

Complete Gallery including Park Street Park and views from across Crystal Lake, CLICK HERE One Gardner Picture Says It All Taken from across Crystal Lake, photo shows Park Street Park, Monument Park with wide sidewalks, upgraded lighting, Street signs, Street safety, Faith-based building showcasing American Flag, and people out forContinue Reading

Gardner MA Planning Board Considers Plan For 52 Unit Multi-Family Development The Initial portion of the meeting was a continuation of the Definitive Plan for All Purpose Storage Gardner, LLC to expand existing self-storage. The Planning Board met for a Public Meeting to hear the Definitive Plan for a proposedContinue Reading

Candidate Self-Profile – Jim Hunt for Councilor at Large – Gardner MA Jim Hunt is a candidate for the upcoming Gardner election on November 7th. He furnished us with the following self-profile. We will run submissions from any candidate. Simply email to Jim Hunt Submission “My name is JimContinue Reading

Members of the School Committee heard from Dr. Catherine Goguen and from GES Principal Earl Martin regarding the much higher reading scores which once again are higher than before. They detailed achievements and future goals. Pictures were shown of the play area at the rear of Gardner Elementary School. NurseContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine has the entire election results available on our Election Results page. Every result from every precinct in Gardner. Incumbent Mayor Michael Nicholson and Kimberly Blake will face off in the November Election. Here is the pdf received at 8:49pm from the Gardner City Clerk’s office. CLICK HERE. TheContinue Reading

Listen to the Press Conference on any device. CLICK PLAY. Complete details on each item are in the Press Release from Governor’s Office, CLICK HERE. MA Governor Maura Healey visits Gardner MA to Highlight Tax Cuts Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey was at Gardner Elementary School on October 5, 2023 toContinue Reading

Heywood Healthcare of Gardner MA Takes Major Step to Ensure Operational Stability Heywood Healthcare has sought the protection of Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code to address financial challenges and regain stability. This comes as good news to the many patients of Heywood Hospital, Athol Hospital, and Heywood MedicalContinue Reading

FEMA and FCC Nationwide Test to be Broadcast to Greater Gardner MA via various methods On Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 2pm (or 1 week later if there is a significant real event), FEMA, in conjunction with the Federal Communications Commission will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency AlertContinue Reading

Gardner MA Holds Festival and Oktoberfest For Hundreds of Partying People Amidst cloudy skies but no rain, the Gardner Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest drew hundreds from Gardner and surrounding communities on Saturday, September 30, 2023. Attendees enjoyed merchandise displays, vendor booths, food, beer, and a number of bands. TheContinue Reading

Ronald Cormier – Candidate for Councilor at Large in Upcoming Gardner MA Election Ronald F. Cormier, of 55 Wickman Drive, announced that he is a candidate for re-election as a City Councilor at Large in the upcoming City of Gardner election. Mr. Cormier has had the honor of serving tenContinue Reading