Gardner City Council Has Short 7 minute Meeting On the Zoning Amendment proposed by Chair City Church, the Council voted to submit the item to the Planning Board for a recommendation. The easements item was granted more time. Council President George Tyros spoke about citizen interaction with departments. Listen toContinue Reading

President Donald Trump Delivers Address to Congress Listen to the Address to Congress of President Donald Trump on March 4, 2025 on any device, CLICK PLAY. The speech began about a ¼ hr. later than scheduled and after a few minutes was delayed for a short time when certain membersContinue Reading

Daylight Savings Time Once Again in Greater Gardner MA It’s an annual event. Daylight Savings Time. This year it occurs on Sunday, March 9, 2025. All clocks including even the young ones should be set one hour ahead. While area residents will lose an hour of sleep, we all willContinue Reading

Gardner Museum Opens for the Season in Gardner MA The Gardner Museum on Pearl Street in Gardner opens for the Season on March 5, 2025 with a Spring Exhibit featuring the Gardner Fire Department. From the museum “We start our museum year with a display of photos and items pertainingContinue Reading

News from WGAW Hotline Radio Show of March 1, 2025 Listen to this episode of Greater Gardner’s Hit Interview show on any device, CLICK PLAY. 1st Hour: Gardner Mayor Nicholson: Budget and State aid and various projects —-Mayor Dean Mazzarella of Leominster on various projects and status of BayState RacingContinue Reading

Gardner Mayor Nicholson with a Monthly Address and Update Gardner Mayor Nicholson released an address and update to the City on Friday, February 28, 2025. The address recaps the past month, covers some current and future items, and features a special guest at the end. Listen to the Monthly AddressContinue Reading

Gardner’s Comfort Dog Sully Appears at the Big E Once Again An Ordinary Dog at Home, but a Comfort Dog Hero when working in public. This is Gardner Fire Department’s Comfort and Therapy Dog Sully appearing at the Big E in Springfield, Massachusetts. Top of graphic shows Sully hanging outContinue Reading

This Week in the Chair City – an Update by Gardner Magazine Gardner Magazine reports on some of what is going on in Gardner. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. Snow Removal Timing — Local Club Activities — Upcoming Spring and Summer Events — $8 Million Project — Horse RacingContinue Reading

Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson announced at this meeting that he is insisting that future meetings of the Community Development Block Grant Steering Committee and meetings of the Gardner Redevelopment Authority be recorded to provide transparency to the public. Publisher’s Note: Highly recommend you listen to this meeting as Director StevensContinue Reading

Horse Racing Proposal Back – This Time in Leominster Baystate Racing LLC is proposing a Horse Racing Track at the former landfill on Mechanic Street in Leominster. According to Leominster Mayor Dean Mazzarella, entry to the facility would be made via the interstate highway and not via Mechanic Street. AContinue Reading

The WGAW Hotline Radio show hosted by Steve Wendell airs every Saturday from noon to 2pm. The station live stream is available 24/7. This extended show features the entire Sludge Landfill Expansion session with public comments. WGAW Extended Hotline “Washington’s Birthday Weekend” show topics include Gardner Government, Templeton Recreation, PresidentsContinue Reading

Gardner Historical Commission Working Towards Proposed Historic Preservation Zoning Amendment The Gardner Historical Commission will be meeting 6pm February 18, 2025 at the Gardner Museum at 28 Pearl Street. The commission has been taking a much more active role in the City recently. The packed agenda includes a review ofContinue Reading

“Kids who need more get more” – Elementary School Principal Earl Martin. Just one of the memorable statements from this informative School Committee meeting. Gardner School Committee Holds Informative Meeting At the Gardner MA School Committee Meeting of February 10, 2025, Behavioral and Academic presentations from various individuals took upContinue Reading

“Tell Your Valentine ( I Love You)” and “The Red Charger” 2 Songs Released for Valentine’s Day A Valentine’s Day Song called “Tell Your Valentine (I Love You) For the song page with complete lyrics and another version, CLICK HERE. Another Red song called “The Red Charger” – a classicContinue Reading

Planning – Resources – Funding – Legislation – Policy Focus of WGAW Hotline Radio Program Hotline Radio Program on WGAW aired Saturday February 8, 2025 from noon to 2pm. Here are some of the highlights: Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke with host Steve Wendell on various topics including Project PlanningContinue Reading

Editorial: Being Critical Part of Media Role Gardner Magazine is often criticized for being overly positive about the Chair City. We agree. This publication has a “cup is half full” approach. It’s often easy to be positive as current Mayor Nicholson has been instrumental in turning things around. But inContinue Reading

A Touch of Goofiness to Break Up the Week – Comedy One-Liners Gardner Magazine presents various voices with Comedy One-Liners, a little bit of goofiness and silliness sprinkled with a bit of funny. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY. A sample of the dozens of one-liners portrayed in the AUDIO.Continue Reading

The Massachusetts Mayors Association was established in 1945. Mayor Nicholson was elected President of the MMA on January 25, 2025. Michael Nicholson elected President – of MMA Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson was unanimously elected President of the Massachusetts Mayors’ Association on January 25, 2025. Official Press Release, CLICK HERE. —Continue Reading

This Week in the Chair City – An Update by Gardner Magazine Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel with an Update on some of what is going on in Gardner. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. Business News including closings, openings, and progress. —- City Demolition projects — Events at theContinue Reading

Firm Selected to Handle Gardner’s 3rd Party Grants Gardner Mayor Nicholson utilized a review committee to come up with a recommendation for the up to $100,000 expenditure approved in October by the City Council. The result: Keller Partners Company was chosen out of 7 firms competing for Gardner’s business. WhileContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine Releases “Golden Age of America” President Trump stated in his Inaugural Speech that America is entering another Golden Age. This is an original song about the “Golden Age of America” in various versions. Listen on any device.Continue Reading